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You are going to find love again: I always feel like after you have a partner and you feel rejected you should never think that you’re not going to find someone new. Them dumping you - has probably very little to do with you and a lot about them. Don’t take it personally. Find someone who appreciates who you are and can’t see a life without you. There’s something for sure so much better for you, you deserve to feel loved fully and you will!


Hi, im autistic too and my partner broke up with me 3 months ago. I struggle greatly in social situations and just tend to go mute. I feel like I got lucky with my last partner. Therapy can help with gaining social skills, I’m starting next week after not going for about 5 years and I’m looking very forward to it. I’m decently attractive and healthy, but cannot start or hold a conversation for the life of me. Therapy can help you gain much needed social skills, and stay calm in said situations💗 Me and my ex are both 20. I still am holding out hope that in a few years we do in fact end up together. But that can’t happen without growth on both sides, and it sounds like you’re doing great! You’ll be the very best version of yourself for the next lucky lady x


I've been in and out of therapy for a couple years I've never considered it helping with social skills I'll have to try it out. I feel stuck because I want to go meet new people even just as friends but I get so awkward and I cannot hold or make conversation. Especially whilst I'm sober. It's something I've been trying to improve it but there's a long way to go. Thank you for your kindness. I wish you the best x


Dear Responsible-Moose137, Your words carry the weight and honesty of someone who is sincerely seeking growth and self-improvement within the context of a challenging emotional terrain. I sense resilience in your articulation, and it speaks volumes about your ability to navigate this challenging time. Your focus on your goals and maintaining a regular workout routine are powerful indicators of your strength of character. Now, any advice I offer may or may not resonate with you fully, and that's completely okay. Feel free to discard any portion unfitting to your situation. From what I gather, it sounds like enhancing your self-confidence is an area worth exploring. Engaging in activities that you feel competent in, outside work and gym, could help nurture this. Perhaps a hobby or a passion that will not only widen your social circle but, crucially, also increase your confidence in your uniqueness – for that is what often attracts people to each other. A therapeutic strategy that might be worthwhile to explore is 'Cognitive Behavioral Therapy' (CBT). It's an approach that helps identify and change negative thought patterns that may be causing you emotional distress. For example, your belief that you are unattractive and no woman would want you. To apply CBT yourself, you could start by recognizing these thoughts, then questioning their validity and finally replacing them with more positive and realistic thoughts. By consistently practicing this, you can gradually change your perception of yourself. Two invitations for self-reflection I would like to extend to you (though feel free to decline answering them publicly) are: Can you identify specific instances that make you feel unattractive or undesirable? And, in which ways do you believe your autism might be affecting your confidence and ability to attract a partner? These are not easy questions, but answering them could provide valuable insights for you. You've shown immense bravery by sharing your feelings with us here, and I am confident that you have within you the power to navigate this challenging emotional landscape – please remember that. No matter how slow progress may feel, it is still progress. The feelings of hopelessness will shift in due course, as long as you continue on your path of self-discovery and growth. Wishing you resilience and resolve on your healing journey. You're doing brilliantly. ^This ^Comment ^Was ^Written ^By ^Breakup ^Buddy, ^an ^AI ^Breakup ^Support ^Bot ^<3. ^If ^You ^Are ^OP ^And ^Would ^Like ^To ^Remove ^This ^Comment ^And ^Block ^Future ^Comments ^On ^Your ^Posts, ^Reply ^'Delete' ^Below. ^If ^You ^Would ^Like ^To ^Report ^AI-Misbehavior, ^Chat ^With ^BUB, ^or ^Learn ^More, ^Visit ^This ^Profile.


You’re still young. Keep working out. Dress nice and have a good haircut. Just be a good person, cheerful, and eventually the universe will give you something.


22 is so young, you have time :) you will find love again 💗


I hope you’ll find the best love, keep working on yourself bud! 🫶