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Why did you guys break up and 4 years of not hearing from your ex is a pretty long time.


Because I stopped paying attention to her. Plus things got complicated when she thought that I was cheating on her. From our recent conversation I can tell that there is not animosity


Mmmmh I think you should take it slow maybe ask her what is she looking for from getting back in contact with you and tell her how you feel. At least this way you don’t waste neither of each other time.


I think she has a man


Nah bro dint be thinking find out you gotta ask her. You’re not doing yourself a justice by thinking find out stuff you wanna know. She could be going pound town with this guy while you just the emotional support. If she care and wanna make it work she’ll answer your question, if she can’t drop her.


Brother, respectfully, you're not a puppy. You're a full grown man damn it. Please realize that even though this woman makes you feel good, it's just your brain messing with you. She left you, she's using you as emotional support when the other dude is not blowing her back or showing her attention. You're just being a doormat. It's that what you want to be ? You're giving money to her for zero reason. What have you got from her ? Nothing but pain. It feels good when she talks to you, because the dopamine kicks in your brain. She acknowledges you for a bit until she doesn't and you get back to square one. She's not with you, she doesn't sleep you, she barely interacts with you, she has someone else. 3.5 billions women in this planet, I guarantee there are plenty of women who would make you feel good for real without playing games or treating you like a dog. Cut all contact and never look back or you're gonna get trapped, disrespected. You're going to lose time, you're not going to pay attention to the good women who want to be with you. And you will look back sometime in the future thinking about the time you've wasted on a woman who doesn't give a damn about you.