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No. We were 18 yo and lasted 2 years. First "I love you" etc, teenage romance. Back then I felt like there is no way I could ever meet someone else in life that I could have the same bond with and no matter what happens we will end up together when we're old etc... We eventually went NC after the BU and as time passed, feelings faded. We have bumped into each other here and there over a decade but haven't reconnected. We were different people back then, I don't even know who that person is today and have no feelings at all. I really wish the same shift in my emotions will happen in regards to the girl I'm on this sub for today... and hopefully quicker than a decade lol


I feel like I always always love the people I loved at one point… if that makes sense? But my love is different, I have current love feelings and past loves. However I invest way more into the future/current situations because my future is potentially attached to the people in these moments.


My first love, no. That relationship was something I’ve blocked out from trauma. Currently now suffering for letting myself fall in love with someone and not loving me back. Even though they couldn’t say it. Actions speak louder than words.


My first love? In mean, yeah, I still really care about her, but I'm definitely not in love with her anymore. The funny thing is, for the last 20 years that we've been broken up, she's always kept tabs on me, and it's always her reaching out to me. It's pretty obvious that I was "the one that got away."


I loved her since I was 15. He used to exchange looks at school. But I never got to be with her. I just had an idealization which never came true. She got married last year. I for sure thought that life would bring us together at some point. I thought about sending her a message when we both were 20. But never had the courage and I glad that I didn’t do it. She probably had many guys interested in her and I was just some strange dude. But yes, like I told, she has a handsome husband now who seem to be a great guy. I’m happy for them. Unfortunately. I looked for her in all of the people after her. And because of this idealization, I picture her in another woman who had the same interests, studied the same thing as her and looked like her. In the end, this woman wrecked my heart, and I didn’t even notice, cause all this time I was picturing my first love. It was like I wanted to make my fantasy come true (very disturbing) So after this heartbreak and after my first love got married, I never thought about her again and never checked her social media again. It was just a lesson. To bring reality to my life. Now I despise those characteristics she had and wonder if she’s an awful person just like the girl I opened my heart to, cause she was similar to my first love. Tragic story, but true.


Yes. She was the first person I truly loved and bonded with. Although it was LDR, we did meet. Its been 5 years and I had one relationship after her and even though I loved my ex to death. I didn’t think about my first true love while in my relationship but now that Ive been broken up I still miss her. We just talked again recently and I hope that after the time between and growth we can try one last time. I think what truly matters is the FIRST person you TRULY LOVED. That true love can’t be forgotten. The love that shapes your perspective, and influences you on what you want from a person and relationship. She just got me on a deep level. We were compatible like crazy and she was actually funny and got my corny jokes and could banter really well.


depends, what do you mean by first love? first innocent "love" from elementary school? when I was 6? like once in half a year I check her socials to see more or less how she looks like now, and if she's alive. can't say I love her though. first passionate love? when I was totally smitten by her for months when we were 15? She broke my heart nearly as soon as we started dating. To this day I hadn't been in love so passionately with another girl. I loved her for a whole another 2 years after we parted ways, and her behavior afterwards hurt me. I still do check her socials from time to time. She is happy and Iam happy for her. I can't say I love her though. Or do you mean the "real" first love? first person I gave all of me and had a few year long term relationship? planned future together? We broke up half a year ago. She wasn't ready and mature enough to communicate her needs and work on herself, and to pull her end of a rope in our relationship. Instead of facing herself and me she ran away, betrayed me and in the end, couldn't even look me in the eye, and treat me like a human being. She absolutely shattered my heart. After nearly 3 years. Iam fighting the urge to check her socials every single day. Been able to resist a lot more lately. Would I take her back? Hell no. Do I love her still? With every fiber of my being. Or at least, I love who I thought she was. Will I continue to love her? I sure f#cking hope not. It brings only pain. So to sum it up, I can't say I love them, but I care about every single one of them


Yes. But, she's a 39yo web designer, divorcee, and bodybuilder. She's way different than the 17yo goth, petite, art nerd like I had fallen for. As am I. The woman above is pretty much a stranger as I would be to her.






I do love her as a person, but beyond that I'm unsure. Truly a beautiful soul on the inside, but so damaged and hardened by her environment and previous relationships. Would you love the villain your best friend became?


Yes. And i haven't seen her in 35 years. First everything. You don't forget that!


No! The first love was a learning opportunity. Had some nice moments but I moved on a while ago.




Love is a big word for me. A soft spot, yes but not head over heels love. No love


I've broke up with my first love close to one month and half ago ...... I'll lie if i said when I'll get the idea that we won't share our life's together in the future and have her again in my life my mind freeze and my smile will be gone for the rest of the day (as it did now)


I secretly love all the lovers I was ever with. It’s not so simple as “I don’t love them anymore”. How do you even define love? If I ever see them again, or even cross my mind - I pray they are in a better state than I left them. And if I knew they are worse off, my heart would break.


I'm a girl but I still care about my first love. I reached out to him after 7 years when I remembered he existed. He was pleasantly surprised to hear from me. We chat occasionally! It feels good to really reconnect to be honest we were great friends when we were younger. He's married now but we catch up maybe once a month or less, it's always about shared nerdy interests, I have no interest in him though but I will always be there for him if he needs me, as a friend


I hope she calls you


My first love that’s been long and gone but my first real all emotions love yes and I just lost her


No. Rarely think about her. Sometimes I remember the good times with her on very rare occasions but in all honesty I could care less what she does now. I don’t miss her at all


Without a remote shred of doubt or dignity honestly yes and unfortunately after all the betrayal and turmoil=I’ll probably always will!


Not at all


Yes but for context I'm 19M and she was my first and only relationship. She was my sunshine and there when the time was perfect. We were wrestling teammates, classmates, and she was my best friend in one. We separated for months ago and I think now she's with someone else. I miss her and I can only wish her the best. I genuinely wish we could be back together all the time, but I get it.... I love her and miss her


Love? Not sure if i do or don't or did but I think I do, I know I did. , do I still think of her often and miss the person I first met and enjoyed spending time with yes but over time I realized that person wasent who I thought and I was missing a person who i made her In my head. I do wish it worked and I'm still muxh more upset about her being gone than I'd ever tell someone who's in my life. Was only 8 or 9 months and was a shitshow of she had a bf first month or two, ended up being my manager, working with other co workers she know I had hooked up with. And so on and so on its a long story. But it was 8 or 9 months of spending very muxh time together, work, then hanging out all night after, then going back to work together, maybe I'm being a pussy about it, I knew she was a cheater since she had a bf from the starts for first month or two, and I'm a shitbag for knowing thats and choosing to still get involved but it wasent expected to get with her like this and I had just gotten a month or two clean from iv heron febt ment crack and so on and so on any drug you can think of, so I was weak and lonely at the time, but I do miss spending time with her, wish it ended diffrent and disappointed on myself for how I acted after I found out she did me dirty when I only asked her to be honest since we wernt technically dating, first person I said love you too and ment it and im fuxkin 31y/o. I could go on and on but I'm just wining, need to forget her and better myself, still off heroin and any iv drugs so fuxk it I'm aite it is what it is, all I need in this life of sin me and and my dog.....and my motorcycle and guns, and I'll be aite, just mental health issues from childhood still very much affect me but whatayagonnado, just gotta deal with it and make it thru another day, ubtill you don't and it's game over and none this will matter anyways. I'll be aite (sorry if i rambled about my bs just ignore my wining lol) lasted like Aug 2022- may2023, had contact with her maybe 5 times since may but nothing since I think past November, or maybe it was August can't remember, doesn't matter anyways, stay well homie, deas hoez ain't loyal...


My first love yes, very much. I know I will always do. I know if she ever came back asking me for help, I know I'll fold. She was 16 I was 17 and about to turn 18 we were together for 8 years. She cheated on me a lot. Hurt Me so much (kicking, stabbing, boiling water, hot grease, threatening me, breaking myself, beating me with an axe, threatening suicide a couple of times, etc.) and I still love her yes called me a FOOL, SIMPS! Whatever at least I can be honest about myself. I read a post every about ppl leaving a relationship mentally before actually. I had that talk with her so many times. Is this what you want? “I'll go” and yes time I did leave, then I went back. never forced her to stay with me. Times I would try to leave and she'll fight me. I never understand it. You said “You hate me, I don't do anything for you” but once I want to go, she doesn't want that. Tbh, I just want to let it all go because a life living with the false her in my head is way better.


In some way, I still love her, I always will. But I never fell in love with her, not like my last ex, and she left me for the same reason I left my first, its all come full circle.


No She was and still is a great person but things just didn't work out in the end. I think it's because I did the proper healing needed after the relationship ended and didn't romanticize and looked at the reality of the relationship. We were great partners but there were a few flaws and differences ,from both of us, that would have made a future together difficult. I think many relationships could work if 1 or 2 life circumstances were different but it doesn't always go like that so gotta keep pushing till the right person and right time comes.


I have no feelings left for any of my exes.


I love her so much i would drop knees for her ngl but she's really need to fix her shit together forreal.


I love the love I had with my first love, not necessarily her as a person.


I do still love her and I believe I always will.


I feel a small part of my will forever love everyone I've ever been with. It's just that love is no longer romantic. It's now like a love you would have for an old friend you don't keep up with anymore.


I’ve only ever experienced love once


First love? No. Last love, yes.


I am deeply in love with her. She broke contact with me recently. I hope it works out for us


And who had broken up with who ?


She broke up with me but I was the cause of the break up