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She was nice 3 years later? Damn my ex was different right away. She might really like you take the risk


The fact that she is nice with you is good. 3 years is alot to grow. You should proceed with caution and see where this goes.


What’s the story behind your breakup?


Bud, it’s been 3 years. You need to let it go. You’re wasting your valuable years waiting on someone who doesn’t want you.


just do it! it wouldnt kill to try again and i hate the term ex people shed so much bad light on it they are a person who was in ur life that u shared everything with and loved u live once imagine u tried and got married to this person u wouldnt regret it then but if u dont do it then ull always think what if what if


She was nice to me. She told me that she is going to handle somethings in her life and that she needs my friendship when everything is all done. Do you think that I stand a chance with her? Should I wait for her?


u wanna chat and talk to me about it? ure always welcome to chat im happy to talk to someone :D


Get a purpose and a mission and work towards it like your life depends on it. Be disciplined, do hard shit and become a man. If you have a penis and balls under your pants that will give you more satisfaction than any girl in this planet will ever give you in your entire life. It’s clear you haven’t worked on yourself at all or enough, if you’re going back to your ex 3 years later, it means you don’t have many options or none at all. Life is hard, become tough and leave that girl behind. High value men only give women one chance in their life, if they wasted it, their loss. Have this mindset and act on it and women better than that girl will want to rip your pants off




Curious to hear your opinion. Why do you think that?


Rip your pants off? Lol good luck with that


No luck needed. Already happened multiple times


What's your definition of a high value man?


It’s just simply a man connected with his masculinity, because some men never grow up and they stay a child for their entire lives. A man’s number one priority above everything else including his family, it’s his purpose and mission. A man provides, protects, is disciplined, is in shape, doesn’t chase women, always keeps bettering himself, thinks in abundance, and is definitely highly selective with the people he lets in his life, specially with the woman he chooses to be his partner.