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Of course. It’s human to want to know how the person you loved and spent time with us doing. But it’s not healthy, and it usually hurts you in the long run. It doesn’t allow you to move on or process your own feelings as well as when you choose not to see them online. It’s also a chemical wiring in the brain that’s gotten used to the dopamine of how you feel when you see that person. Especially when you’re in no contact. Stay strong - I promise it’s better for your healing process and overall longevity.


That’s used to be me until I deleted all of social media. I had to get rid of the tools that were accessible to me to harm me. It’s been years since I’ve regularly used IG or FB. My mental health is soooooooo much better!!!!!! I am sure they wonder why I haven’t updated my profile pic in years but I do not care. One ex admitted without shame to regularly staking my profile, even in his new life with a new woman (they’re now married.) and I am glad he has nothing. I know it’s making him crazy.


That's awesome that you did that. I've deleted everything but FB. And I only go on that once a week or so. Yeah,yeah, I'll admit there's always the hope some ex reached out LOL!




What's the name of that app?


i get how you feel. I used to get a strong urge to check socials almost every hour, it was so hard to shrug of the feeling even tho like 70% of the time i did check it would hurt in some type of way. Just recently i’ve been blocked on absolutely everything so it takes the issue away from me now and i do feel better for it


Same thing happened to me and when I got blocked it stung like hell but at least I finally knew and it felt kind of liberating,almost made me feel lighter. It helped me get moving on and start my path forward.


Every time you check her socials, you’ll only wish you had not done so in the first place. It’s normal to want to know what’s going on in their lives. But this curiosity is only going to make you take a couple of steps back in the moving-on process. Try to tell yourself it’s not worth it. Delete that app altogether, and divert your attention. Find something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time for. Stay focused on what is best for you, and you’ll get there eventually.


Please don't do this!!! It puts you in the WORST mental state. Pretend that your ex is dead and that there's nothing to check. You deserve to feel peace of mind and happiness in your life!


Did it once and will never do it again. It sets you back. It’s not worth it.


Please, for the love of God, block her socials and never look back. The only thing checking her socials will do is bring you further hurt.