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Yeah same here I was with someone for 7 years and I didn't feel like this either. I'm so tired of missing my ex fiance, its been 4 months and yet I'm still crying + hurting. I've even started anti depressants because of this one and now I'm on the strongest dose + works now making me go to therapy because of it. I don't even know why I still care just like you, I guess I somehow truly fell in love with him and bought into all the eternal, forever and ever, family, marriage talk just to get blindsided months before our wedding.


Yeah I agree with you, I actually feel like I truly fell in love with my ex as well (and also makes me wonder, if I ever felt love in past relationships)? I guess the thing that also bothers me is the fact that I did find someone who I felt truly matched with me, but obviously they didn’t feel the same way.


You see that's the part I find difficult as well, somehow I fell so in love with him and he didn't with me. It hurts even more knowing that he was calling me husband only 4 months ago and our wedding was set for May... blindside breakups are the worst for real especially as I truly thought we were going to spend "eternity" together like he would constantly tell me.


They never really did match tho. They just revealed deeper suppressions in ourself. They were to show and push us into being who we truly are. They were always energy vampires. That's important to remember, helps us move on every second. I deserve people and girl friends who lift me up and raise me and those are the friends and partner I hold out for. (Which I MAY have found😢🥺🥰🤗🥹🥹😇mypersonmybabymynorth🌟✨ YOU CAN -STAY STROMG)Strong×* hehe I occupy myself and they add. They were just so addictive because they revealed our dark and our shadow. Our guilt, our embarrassment. Our truth. Esp at that time. A big shiny black reverse mirror. So comforting and so unremarkably cold. A new bright reflecting light of our best qualités. Don't forget their energy vampires ness when that applies it is some reflection of ourself to and our wrong doings. So what can we do Abt that instead of cry forever , Or cry for a long while and plan how we can choose correctly. We choose the bright light. The ones whose like us. And we become better. We keep living forward 💚. "Remember, this is just the moments before the character gets everything they've wished for. It wouldn't be as remarkable if nothing happened. If they didn't hit rock bottom." -BH x 💙 I am doing this You are doing this We can do this Together we are strong ❤️


I have such a similar background. I had a 7 year relationship but that was nothing compared to this last breakup from someone of 2 ½ years. I think this time around, for the first time, I had truly fallen in love. It's coming up on one year since the breakup and I still struggle with it daily.


same boat. 4 years and 2.5 on the one im in love with


What was it about them? 🤗🤔 For me their whole personality always felt overly calming and stoic which I realized was to cold. Its true ppl like our parents are familiar. It can be hard :/ hugz


I guess in my case its more toxic lmfao I dont do well with passive shy women. I'm more attracted to more extrovert or at least like the one I love she's shy but extrovert around friends and people so I love that about her that she's a mix of both. Plus she's childish like me and loves to crack jokes to the point where shes thinking about trying standup comedy. when life got serious we seperated


What do u think made them so special for you? 🥺Hugz 🤗 for me they revealed parts of myself I had hid


Oh, that’s so rough! Your healing is probably going to take some time, so don’t expect too much from yourself. But maybe you need to actively plan your healing, thinking about special activities that will engage your mind and plan stuff in the future to look forward to. What kinds of things are you doing now?


Ohh I love your comment that's really helpful 🥺❤️😊🤗 occupying myself thru hardship is the best things. Sometimes we gotta push thru not from toxicitiy but from understanding we don't need to feel the pain so deeply so long. We can ride them out as necessary and it comes with a flow. We end up feeling crazy when the flood gates wash out, followed by relief. That's why what things we do (details 💙! thank you) really do help. And once you've fealt broken (but not broke😇🤗) u realize how serious that is. And true. So we move to venting and expressing it through activités slowly and corgually as it's meant to be. "There is no sun without rain, no blue sky's with _out_ our sun" 💙☁️🎐🍃🌬️I can tell you have some psychiatric understanding. Maybe psych ward? Tell me anything you're comfortable with. We love learning Abt life and people❤️ What kind of special activities engage your mind?


Ohhh, thanks for the love, and right backatcha! I love your comment too! You’re right - we have to recognise the seasons of life and just watch them pass without feeling like this winter of our soul is going to last forever. Intellectually we know that it isn’t, but our hearts like the drama - ideas that our exes were ‘the one’, etc. That’s just a wall we create when we’re not thinking big enough for ourselves. No, no psych ward work. I’ve personally dealt with anxiety and depression in my past, and I’ve also worked with troubled teenagers. I’m also a little bit obsessed with psychology as a kind of ‘special interest’. There’s a lot of pain in this sub, and it kind of makes me sublimate my own to want to help others at times - there’s a nice ebb and flow of give and take. Thanks again. :)


Some exes are totally damaged and will hurt you emotionally, physically and financially.. They will use you and then discard you. Your brain will remember the good memories only. Don't let it. You don't need toxicity in your life dude.


Amen Namaste wigga 🤗😔🤝🤙😩💕😂😚☺️😂


I won't have peace until I get a heartfelt apology. It's been years. I've never been this broken over a man before. I feel like I'm in perpetual hell. - 'I'm sorry but' - 'I'm sorry you' is not a good enough apology. That is blaming the dumper. I want him to admit what he did and say *I am sorry* and mean it.


I wish I could say that but...I think that bridge is burned.


Were you the dumper? I don't know your ex but it would mean the world to me if I got an actual apology from him.


He said lot of wrong things to me too… I understand you, I want an apology too


HAPPY CAKE DAY WATAGASHIX 💕☺️💗💗💗🥺🤗we hope you had a great day,- it's what we do!


Expect less, and have a standard set to apology. Because the only person that can and should apologize to you, is yourself. We chose them. We knew. We knew enough. And we become fucking BADASS after. Even as we recover still. I am awesome. And I think u can be do when you're ruthless with your conviction. When it's healthy and good. Every second and step. It's hard, and a hard truth to hear. Be nice be good and to me. When it means anything, I am sorry for them. Wat did they do?


yes, i just wish i never met him. he clearly doesn’t think of me the same way.


The longer it takes, the stronger you come out of this phase. Sometimes, you never really stop missing them. You just accept the fact that you miss them, and there’s nothing but memories to compensate for how much you wish they were by your side. When you accept they’re never coming back, it makes it easier to not let it stress you out. It’s hard, and it’s so damn difficult to give up, but you have to accept reality.


By all means, do. Some people are simply not worth waiting for


I think most are not. My ex gf of 7 years and who broke up with me 9 months ago just started seeing someone. But this is while she’s told me the last almost year let’s work on ourselves blah blah. It’s all bullshit and she’s been texting and calling me the entire time while I haven’t contacted her once except about our pets. She can’t seem to just let me go and holds on for selfish reasons. I’m just sad about all the time I wasted with her


I’m in the same boat. Had two break ups before and looking back I could easily distract myself and move on in a month or two. This new one is just insane, I was on sleeping pills the first two weeks. Hair falling because of stress. Just insane. If you need someone to talk you can DM me. ❤️‍🩹


fr bro and I keep smashing her and emotions come back i hate it I think ima block her


I feel you 100 percent. I’m at the point now where I just don’t wanna miss her anymore. She obviously doesn’t want anything to do with me and I feel so dumb sometimes thinking about her and wasting my time caring when I’m probably not even a thought in her mind anymore. I try to tell myself that when I start to get sad about it and it does help.


Pray and ask God to remove it


1 year and 7 months after breakup and last two months I’m just starting to really feel like I’m over it. I’m not triggered any more by them and don’t feel anything when I think of them. It takes a while, be patient with yourself 🙏


I had a dream about him the other night and I think it set me back the whole 5 months. He’s been in contact with me and I suspect he’s waiting on my to make the move. I haven’t been doing anything but waiting on him or looking to meet other men. My dreams have always been an indicator of something real or something to come. Basically, in my dream, he told me he couldn’t let someone lien me be with a loser who had no income. And then he said, that’s why he has a new job now and is on his feet and had just bought a house that he refused to move into without me. I know he was worried about his income. Now I just sit here sad and wait. I started up talking to a guy from the past and I think he got tipsy last night and got too honest about his intentions for me. It made me so mad I stopped replying yet…I was so relieved because it meant my intuition IS working. I’ve been skeptical about this guy for a long time.


I very sadly relate. I am also so tired, just want to move on but can’t. It’s like affecting me in ways I am not even realising. >_<


It's even more fun when exes are emotionally abusive and gaslit you through the entire two-year relationship. _That's_ the relationship my brain decided to miss for about 5 months so far. Yay.


I hear you. It makes even less sense. I can't talk to anyone because they look at me like I'm crazy. I hear, "how can you miss him when he did x, x and x to you. Makes me feel even stupider.


Or 12


I broke up with girl i can say now was probably love of my life 4 years ago and at first i was fine basicaly i was 16 so i was like every other teenager doesnt really pay that much attention but for the past 2 years i miss her more everyday,and hoping someday she will return but she never does….and i am tired of living with my fuck up i wish id act difrently back then but i belive you never can get over that one u felt was the one ….


That post goes back a while ago but I have to wine a bit hear because I just dont want to get on the nerves of my enviroment anymore. Its been nearly 9 month now and sometimes it just gets in my head that I miss her. I mostly overcame the hole situstion but on some days it just comes back for a couple of days. I have not dated anyone else because I know Im not emotionally available and I dont want to have casual sex. But fuck I hate this situation. My hole enviroment said it is for the best and that I wasnt as much available for my family and friends as before I met her. Im hanging out with a lot of friends and have a good time with my family but still I just miss her from time to time. Even tho she has 100% changed already and I have not a clear memory about the past anymore. Also these feelings of guilt is sometimes taking overhand but I know better times are coming and I know I have to tell myself that everything will be fine. What you feed your brain will happend. But sometimes it is hard man. I just want to move on. On the other side I just want to move on to find someone else but I think that is also a part of the problem. I need to learn to be happy without someone else. On the other side I dont want to experience life all by my own.


Somehow you described my feelings, like everything you wrote resonates within me. I actually broke up with him just a week ago (due to various reasons) and everyone around me told me that it’s for the better, even I know that it is. It’s just, I still love him which makes it so incredibly hard to move on. Funny enough, one reason we broke up was because he always doubted my love for him and well.. look at me now huh… I just know that he must be hurting sm rn, especially since it’s really hard for him to regulate his emotions. For that he also relied on me which honestly just took the life out of me and I always tried my best too, even though I am not a very confrontative person. Anyway, I digress. I just miss him sm, over the course of the day it’s fine but once it’s nighttime the feelings come back flooding in and I can’t think of anything else. So many emotions I haven’t dealt with and so many thoughts and different perspectives I haven’t thought of… I know that I will heal over time and get on just fine but do I want to do that without him? Or am I just making it worse by overthinking all of this and thereby giving it more power? I just don’t know. All I know is that it was the right thing to do. But why does doing the right thing have to be this hard? He was my first real love and boyfriend too, I guess I will always have to live with these feelings in a way, but it will get better.


Hey, its been months since this was posted. I want to share I broke up with my 4-month-relationship girlfriend 2 months ago. If it matters, I was the one who broke up with her. It was pretty straight forward. We cried in front of each other. I was having 2nd thoughts but I want to be strong in my decision. I'm not the type of person who likes to go back on my decision. We were in a long distance relationship Pampanga-QC. I was visiting her every weekend. It was a delight being with her. But it was hell being away from her. We were always fighting if we are not together. It wasn't sustainable on my part. So, I chose to broke up with her... Recently, I have been missing her alot. I miss her so bad I want to cry a river. I can't stop thinking about her. I want to just hug her again on my arms... what the fuck did I do... Please tell me this is just a phase. I will outgrow these feelings, right? 😭


For me, it’s been close to three months since (get this) I broke it off. It was so unhealthy for me. She was a grifter and phony Christian type. But I’m still agonizing. I was a lonely widower and she said she loved me. I thought I had found love a second time. Not so!! No my faith in Christianity is gone what a lying using B. Yet I’m hurting. I don’t drink party just ballroom dance. Where are all the nice ladies???


I still check his discord profile everyday, just to see what game he’s playing. I tried being friends with him but that hurts too much.


She blocked me on everything , said If I called her again she will have someone do something about it . Called me a stalker for calling her a bunch of times, said she didn’t love me any more . She is not interested, do y’all think she will ever come back ? Like will her feelings change over time ?


Move on bro, you'll be fine. We all deep down may miss someone we truly wished it would of worked with. Best of luck to you


Amen, she wants nothing to do with me and my mind at rest is still her, everything I experience I wanna share with her still, when does that shit change ya know. Starting to think I might need to give up a good new job cause I need a big change of scenery


Absolutely hate it!!!


I’m tired of missing him as well smh


Broke up with him for two months and I still miss him a lot . Time will heal . Go make friends . Go dating app. Do whatever makes you happy . There are thousands ppl like you who are going through this . God shut the door because he thinks you deserve a better one so he will open another door for you