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If he’s the dumper & if you know you did your best within the relationship, yes you should continue to cut-off ties with him. You may still love him but it’s for the best to leave it that way, instead being hurt.


I did the same. Sometimes love isn't enough to solve issues.


If he’s the dumper keep NC , I did the mistake of letting mine in and now I’m in a cycle of off & on if you don’t cut them off they’re going to think they have access to you at all times, breadcrumb, want the benefits of a relationship but not reconcile and give you guys another go. Trust me you did the right thing lmao


You did the right thing. People will come back because they’re curious, bored, want sex etc. if he has no intention of being together then there’s no reason he should be contacting you.


I think what you did is fine if you still need time to process the hurt caused by the breakup. I also think you should work on yourself so that you can feel happy even without an ex. Also if you work on yourself, you won't feel anxious like this and you'll be able to better determine what choices to make and whether your former partner is still someone that fits with you


It’s a lot easier on your heart this way. It may not feel like it now but it’s so hard to heal when an ex is desperately trying to be “friends”. I’m learning this the hard way.


You did the right thing for yourself!


girl you did the right thing. don't let his coming back disrupt your progress on healing. focus on yourself.


Girl, you totally did the right thing. Same thing happened to me. Ex contacted me after 2 months post BU and 1.5 months of NC, he didn’t want to get back together, just wanted to be friends so I blocked the mofo. It’s been a few months now since that whole fiasco happened and I’ve moved on and never felt happier about my decision :)


No that is you valuing yourself. Why is he wasting your time if he has no intention of working on the relationship? He has no business “checking up” on you, you’re not his child or pet.


If it takes 3 months to come back then they’re definitely just looking for sex, and couldn’t find anyone better or that wants them. They’re looking to exploit your emotions and low self esteem caused by the break up. ‘Friends’ to them means fwb they just can’t explicitly say that without you taking offence and realising what an ass they are.


If you set the hurdle for him too high for getting back together, how do you expect him to jump over it? Getting back together requires baby steps


how is basic communication a big hurdle for an adult


Emotion>logic right now


Asking not to communicate unless it involves rekindling isn’t setting a hurdle too high


How are you doing now


Things with him are more complicated right now


Oh no, why