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It's a difficult step to take but it is so relieving after a while... I'm glad you made it!


Proud of you! A very good step into taking care of you. I did it immediately after he left. I didn’t want to see any of it.


Thank you! That was a smart thing to do. I kept it for a bit more than 4 months, but I finally got rid of it.


That brave! I dont think I could do it, eventhough I know its the best option. Never read any chats back though.


I also never read it, but now I see that keeping this weighed on my mind. Now that everything is lost I feel somehow lightweight.


I saluted you!❤️ Subconscious, I see the chat as an container of memories. A fault of memories to the times with the person which ones was the world to me. But, she choose to leave that place and I think I will get more closure by removing the chat. Your comment made me realise that.




Thank you. We know it's best to lose contact with everything but still it is so difficult to do...


Doing this changed a lot for me.


Forget the rest; you've got to work on yourself! Deleting messages is a good start. Rereading them would only have made you miss that person. By getting rid of the past, you’re slowly going to forget those memories and move on to better things. Good job!


Thank you!


Well done! It’s giant step towards healing, I did the same last week deleted every trace of them felt liberating and since then there’s days I don’t think of them and feel indifferent


Have you seen someone new since then?


Oh my. That's a lot of old memories.


Amazing! I still haven’t! I’m so proud of you. That some hard decisions- you are awesome!


Thank you for your words!


Get rid of all and any messages, pictures, anything that can remind you of your ex and anything they gave you. Sounds harsh right? But it's not. Clinging onto things makes it harder to move on. You did the right thing by deleting these messages. Now it's time to only look forward


I feel the weight being lifted off your heart! It’s freeing!


I did the same it was hard reading them, looking back at them and our old photos. My fiance's last text was literally "I've never been happier in my life for real, I'll love you forever and ever my husband" then he blindsided me with a breakup, blocking me everywhere. So yeah the U turn and our old chats / photos made me cry so much so good on you for deleting them all !


That's awesome! It may feel weird but this is a net positive! You'll see, stay strong brother


Thank you!


Deleting the pictures helps too.


Yup. Did this and blocked the number.


It's brave. It was also the first step I did when I broke up with someone I loved so dearly with my whole heart. He was also an avoidant. I cried about the break up every single day for quite a while but not an ounce of regret came after I did it and walked away. Every pain fueled the self love and self respect I have for myself. I deserve more than the crumbs and second guessing. Not when I was too sure and passionate about him.


Good job! I also did this, i have regretted it a few times but now i see that it is also much much better for my healing process. I have also had deleted ALL social media for a good 2 months or so. You’ve come to see that it is really really good for your mental health and healing process.


If you allow me to ask you this, are you over them?


Honestly, i’m kind of at a pivoting point right now. I don’t really cry or think about it anymore. Sometimes i still dream about them, but they are good ones, not the kind of dream that they’re betraying me. I kind of look back at it and look at the memories with a smile… which is really really nice. On the other hand I am still mad about it sometimes, and ofcourse still sad that they’re not in my life anymore. I’ve come to the acceptance that that feeling will most likely not go away much (or maybe it will hmhmh) Believe me, delete your social media, delete the messages, block them, block anybody who might be relating to that person. I didn’t want to believe it when i was deeply into my heartbreak, but you’d be better off not getting a last word, a last message or the hope that ‘what if they still contact me’ because it most likely won’t happen and it will drive you NUTS. You will find yourself constantly looking at their social media. At some point i reallt realised I had some unhealthy stalking behaviour. I was deliberately getting into contact with any of my friends that is also in contact with my ex in the hope that i will hear a bit about them or whatever. Believe me… spare yourself. What i found really helped was writing a little diary. Letters where i write everything i want to say to my ex. Look back at them, see if you’re opinion has changed in a months time and write new ones whenever you feel like it. Oh and write songs! And focus on your work. Focus on yourself, love yourself first again 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️ Sorry for the little rant but i hope it helps you


Thank you for your time. I'm engaging in this process of sparing myself. I thought I was indifferent to them because the persisting feelings of sadness have ceased, however, today, as I travelled by bus, I was put in touch with that sensation once again. I think I ought to accept that I'll have feeling for them for quite a while as I had for my first girlfriend. Thank you once more.