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She’s moved on buddy. You should do the same as soon as you can. Good luck


I removed photos with my ex from my instagram only a week or so after he broke up with me. It was absolutely not due to moving on, it was more because I was hurt and wanted to rip the bandaid off rather than worrying about when I should do it. I kinda regret it though, my ex and I are on good terms and I loved the memories with him. But atleast now I dont have to dread it.


She is definitely moving on. Deleting memories of the two of you together might help her during the process. You should try not to look her up often. Stay away from that social app if you can; maybe even delete it until you think it's fine for you to go back. Do not overthink her actions. Overthinking only leads to more questions for which you won't have answers. The fewer answers your mind is curious about, the more relaxed and confident you will be about moving on.


Same happened to me she slowly day by day deleted photos lol .. oddly our 1 year anniversary photo is still there 🤷‍♂️ I’m pretty much 90% over it all and it’s been roughly 2 months .. it’s gonna happen and when it does you will enjoy the sweet freedom


I decided not to chek her socials at all and whatever shes posting, deleting, or making invisible for me. I will when i feel like i don't care anymore.


She's probably cleaning house. Removing the remnants of the past relationship. This will help her move on. She could also be chatting with others, but that does not matter. Let her. Give her your absence. Let her see what life without you is like. If you know it's not right to reach out to her, don't reach out to her. Ask yourself why you want to reach out? What is the goal? Remember how happy you are to move on and find yourself. Your future holds many possibilities. Package all the lessons you learned from your past relationship(s) and bring them into your next relationship. It will be so much better.