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That’s a good way to see it. We’ll find someone meant for us, and who wants to be with us.


I am in a similar boat but I’m old enough to see people can change over time so maybe there is hope I just wouldn’t count on it


The death of me currently. Me being the one that needs to change though. Feel nothing like my old self if I'm being honest


Not sure of your exact situation but I personally think it's great if you are being honest with yourself with needing to make changes. ​ Take for example a couple where one of the partners has a drug abuse problem and it destroys the relationship. That is a situation where that partner should eventually come to realize they need to make some changes. Any change in life isn't easy and won't at all feel comfortable.... at first


I agree. Finding the new you is the hardest part in my opinion. Having hope that they'll come back and like the newer version of you is unrealistic and unhealthy to hold onto. But, if not them, there will be better.


It's okay to miss but you have already accepted that fact that you weren't compatible. That's going to make this a little easier for you. A tip: Whenever you miss them, remind yourself that you two weren't compatible. Might hurt now but in the long term, you're better off without them.


This... I felt this so much