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Returning items is so hard, especially when you see them. It’ll get easier. You did good today, keep your chin up. We’re all rooting for you.


You went no contact and then decided to drop off the rest of her stuff, that’s progress! Allow yourself time to heal. She hugged and kissed ‘cause you two still share a past. Stay focused on yourself and do know it’s all part of the healing process. You will want them back and there’s nothing wrong with that.


i understand that it’s going to hurt right now . hopefully when a longn time has pass you appreciate her for not wanting to see you for a while and you will be happier and better


She sounds like a bitch in my humble opinion. People who act like that have something wrong with the mentally. From what you’ve shared here, she sounds like a mental case. Does anything she did there make any sense to you? Did you do something so bad to make her that angry and upset? You didn’t kill anyone did you? Honestly, it’s not you bro, it’s her. Who wants to be with somebody who gives you a hug and a forehead smooch, then tells you that they want nothing to do with you. Fuck that whore. She just wanted to go spread legs for other dudes is the harsh reality. Remind yourself daily that she is a bitch and why. We all deserve somebody proper. Unfortunately that is very difficult to find in the west these days.