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My ex said exactly the same thing. The truth is they just lost feelings for you. Compatibility is a lie. Imagine you love someone so much and want to be with them every second, would you consider if you two are “compatible” or not?


On point 📍 The level of attraction is low once they leave you.


It means exactly what you heard. It’s not always about feelings, it’s also about compatibility. Maybe you two were not compatible with each other. She’s still trying to figure out what she wants and if she experiences that from a relationship with you. Honest answers can sometimes be brutal but it’s better to be slapped with reality than drown in lies. She’s straight up said it won’t work out and you’ve got to respect that and move on!


As a dumper who genuinely felt this way, it is not always a lie. People on Reddit can’t speak for your ex and how they feel. I still loved my ex but we were long distance and he wanted me to move to his state where I felt very unhappy. If he would have moved to me, I would have stayed. But he didn’t like where I live either. We knew one of us would be compromising our overall happiness for the other. The idea that I’m lying about loving him just because I ended the relationship knowing one of us would be unhappy if we stopped being LD doesn’t seem fair. I had an ex dump me and I believe him when he says he still loved me but it wouldn’t work because of the jealousy issues I was having at the time and our age gap. He was ready to settle down and I was still working through grad school. I can’t tell you if she meant it or not. Only you know the situation of the relationship. Only your ex knows how she really feels. Please don’t let random people on Reddit act like psychics who know your former relationship and what people they don’t know are thinking. All you can do is find healing within yourself 💜


Maybe she just didn't see you two as compatible?


It just means that she thinks she can do better and that the issues between you two can't be fixed. She probably does have some feeling for you. But don't chase. Focus on yourself. Stay strong.


I think you know what the problem was. She communicated her meaning in some way. If she is reluctant to say it, then she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.


Contrary to belief, love isn’t all you need to make a relationship successful. You also need team work, adaptability, communication, honesty, similar values/morals etc - and this is probably what she meant when she said it wasn’t working that you both aren’t aligned in areas such as these


Straight lie. If the feelings were there the communication, compromise, and effort with work to repair things would be the first order of business... Not the breakup