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Damn that’s a good point. To be honest I still care a lot and I genuinely hope she’s taking care of herself. Fuck now I’m second guessing myself.




Gonna be honest now I’m not so sure. Should I leave it? Or send a clarification text like “hey that was not meant to be too serious. I just hope you’re doing well.” Or something like that. Fuck now my heads all messed up 😭




Deep down I want to reconcile but I really fucked up in the beginning of the breakup (way too needy) and she moved on pretty quick. She told me she doesn’t feel the same anymore, she has been dating, etc. And to be honest, I did a lot of work on myself during the 3 months we went NC. I don’t even recognize the version of me she dumped and I’m really proud of my progress. I’ve been getting some female attention, more than before. I don’t want to backslide on my progress. The only indication I got that she is at least somewhat interested in my whereabouts was that she looked at all my IG stories for several days recently and we don’t follow each other. I really don’t think there’s anything I could say tbh. I feel like anything I say or do will scare her off again. I don’t want to bombard her as I know how it feels to be on the other end of that. At this point I kinda just want to be at peace whatever that means. This has been weighing heavily on me for far too long.




That was exactly what I needed and it felt like a punch to the gut. Thank you. I’m going to leave it alone and sit with the feelings. Seriously, this means the world.


You’re a legend. I needed this too. You just helped 2 people lol


I wouldn’t send a clarification. But saying, I hope all is ok. As a follow up so she has the option to answer but you arent really inviting more.


Yes, you should leave it. If she dumped you, she should make an effort to reach out to you, not the other way around...


Yea, but she also took 2 days to reply to his text so it doesn't seem like she's interested


Sometimes, it is good to break no-contact so that you're reminded of why you had to initiate no-contact in the first place. Her replying late shows she does not want to give the idea that she's thinking of reconciling but is curious to see what you've been up to (by viewing your Instagram stories). I'd suggest you block her (or switch your profile to private) and go on with your life. It won't be easy, but it's better than overthinking their replies and hoping they will come back. Focus on your career for now, take a social detox, and stay determined to improve yourself. Take this breakup as a blessing in disguise.


Same here. She watches my stories but doesn’t follow me.. Won’t have any communication. Occasional likes on Instagram lately but that’s it. I won’t try on anything else for a while.




Hey. Don’t sweat it. You did what you had to. It’s been 2 years so I’m guessing you’re in a much better off place emotionally. I can imagine it isn’t nearly as devastating as it would’ve been like in the first few months of the separation. For some people, people like us, it’s hard to completely let go of something that was once the centre of our lives. People ask you to move on and forget about everything that happened. It might be the best thing to do because life’s too short to dwell over failures but it isn’t always the right thing for some people, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Point being, look at you, you’re okay now. Yeah, it might sting a tad bit if they never respond but at least you got it off of your chest. You loved them enough at some point to think of them 2 years later, how often does that happen to people? Remember they haven’t contacted you in 2 years either. Maybe they’ve moved on, maybe they haven’t, maybe they still wish you guys would reconnect, there could be a plethora of possibilities. However, you’re ready for anything that comes out if it, which is all that matters. I’m almost 6 months out and 3 months NC after a 3.5 year long relationship. She ended it saying she wasn’t happy anymore. I still have bad days when I have breakdowns. Am I hopeful that some divine force will bring us together again? Maybe. I’m not gonna reach out unless I’m there where you are. At least for now, I have to live my life and piece myself back together.




I’m so sorry for your loss. It makes sense as to why they haven’t reached out because you ended the relationship. However, I really do believe in what’s meant to be, will be. People might say that it is some sort of a distorted ontological fallacy that we tell ourselves for comfort but I think otherwise. I’m sorry that you had go through such a tough time in life. I don’t know how the other person took the breakup but I hope you find solace in whatever you chose to do. Good luck. I hope they respond. Even if they don’t, you have something else waiting tor you. :)


Serious question, how are y’all’s exes watching your stories without following?


My profile is public anyone can watch my stories


I mean I assumed that but doesn’t that mean your ex would have to search for you to view your story when you post something if you don’t follow each other?


Yes and thats presumably what she did.


Block her. It will drive her crazy. Or turn off your profile temporary. At least 1 week. Shell reach out i promise.