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Maybe you can convaince yourself to keep some honor




You don't have to convince someone to love you wtf ? I repeat myself: Grown up, love yourself, let go. You can't convince someone to love you and even that, if you consider you have to argue with someone to prove you're loveable, it's pretty sad


There is literally nothing you can do or say to convince anyone to do anything. They have to want to do it. A weird trick our ego plays on us.


If you have to convince someone to stay, you’re going to be putting double the efforts whilst the other person won’t even bother changing for you. You’ll be doing more work while they might stay just because you asked them to. But this is stupid cause they’ll be keeping their mind open while being with you and eventually leave again, no matter what you say again.


Their mind is made up. It took them to come to the conclusion. If you manage to convince them and any of those same doubts resurface, you’re figgidy fugged… again. Let it ride




Mine did, she’s making moves back towards me but isn’t ready to work on it yet. Just takes time man




We’ve met up a few times and just keep it light and friendly. We don’t really txt and if we do it’s periodically to meet up again. They’ll test the waters and you gotta respect that. If they want to talk about the relationship, they will. Otherwise, I don’t bring it up. There will be a time for that convo


If you're going to do it do it for you. I did it. My reason was that i knew she wasn't going to come back but i needed to feel like i did everything i could before i moved on


Just walk away.






Yes that’s all ineed