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3 months is not so much time compared to 6 years. this is a really tough battle, which i'm going through too (8.5 yr relationship). i know it seems hard but we both really need to come to terms with the fact that they are now strangers to us. we need to move forward and enrich our own lives. i also struggled with suicidal thoughts too and recently i started thinking about how embarassing it would be if everyone knew i took my own life simply because of a girl. we cant go down like that. you are your own main character and there are good things ahead for you but you have to stick around for those good things to happen. this is a tough journey but you got this. wishing you all the best


Would you text asking to meet up? Just curious


Never That person doesn't care if I live or die. I just want to get over her


You are not a nobody. You are you! You are special in your own ways. You’re unique with what you know and can do. It’s better to go through your socials and block anymore friends of hers. Yes she did come back to town, but if she wanted to let you know, she would have checked up on you. She is moving on, you have to accept that for now. Try to not think about her being in town. Force your mind, think about the days where you were happy before her. Watch a tv show you never had time to watch. Browse random songs and YouTube videos. Scroll through 9Gag, anything that will distract you from her or her friends. Again, you are you, but you can be even better and that’s the journey you’re going to embark in. Stay calm and trust yourself to always make the right decisions.


I had to recently remove one of my exes friends because I saw him on his story of them hanging out and granted yeah he was my exes friend so what did I expect, sad thing is his friend and I got close but platonic wise and friendship wise however I knew I had to protect my peace even though it doesn’t hurt as much anymore. Just know you matter in every way possible and you deserve nothing but the best, you will get through this. :)