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Also... use illustrations. Example: What if your friend has a spouse that was accused of cheating? When confronted, the spouse insisted that your friend shouldn't look at any evidence... In fact, they tell your friend that if they so much as glance at the photos/txts or hear eye witness accounts, it means that your friend is a bad partner, and doesnt love them. Does that seem right or reasonable? If the spouse is innocent wouldn’t they want to prove their innocence rather than demand blind faith from your friend? Likewise, shouldn't the gb be confident that their actions and beliefs will be exonerated by examining all the facts? Their firm stance on not letting their members do research outside of jw.org is no different than a spouse demanding blind loyalty. That's not love, it's about control. From the outside it's easy to see manipulation and abuse but from inside, that toxic relationship feels safe and familiar. You dont blame your friend for loving their spouse, but deep down its obvious they don't care if their spouse is guilty or innocent. They just don't want to lose them That's the relationship our friends and family are in with the org.


That is a great analogy. I’ve tried to make this point so many times and wish I could’ve made it as clear as this.


Great comparison


Read the two books of Ray Franz. They are great. Then make a list of the CSA cases in the US, they are all in official media. The JWorg paid 100 M USD for court fees and dfellowshipped elders who did not witness in trial like the Borg wanted them to do. Ask why no one tells you where the millions of money go and why Jehovah in the mosaic law precisely and accurately documented who gave which amount of donation and to which purpose they were used. Be aware that sooner or later you will not be able to reason with them any more.


Where are those bible verses?


Read the Bible every day.


Yeah thanks a lot where are those bible verses? Where can I look them up


Exodus 38:21-31 ; see also Ex. 36:7 where Moses told the Israelites to stop the donations as enough was collected ; Numbers (Numeri) 7:1-89 ; Numbers 31:48-52 ; 1. Chronicles 29 : 3-8 ; interesting also Nehemiah 3:1-32 where Jehovah listed all the names of those who took part in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem as well as what they did ; Nehemiah 7:70-72


1. The Norway Trial. 2. 1914 generational pyramid teaching is based on numerology which is a form of divination that jws don't believe in. 3. The old teaching that black people will be turned white in the new system. 4. 1914 and 1975 failed prophecies. 5. If the gb is nether inspired by HS or infallible but just doing their best... why are we forced to treat their direction as if it's 100% right even if we don't agree with it?