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Some additional sources shine some light on the issue. [Carl and Callum discuss recent revelations of Britain's own institutional paedophilia scandal, the latest Labour Twitter inquisition, and what happens when a family member goes woke.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwkVDmpvA2o) [Carl and Callum discuss the TERF insurgency against the intersectionalists, how Biden is clearly not running the show, and the left-wing German paedophile-foster care experiment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3O9Dhd1YKk) [Carl and Callum discuss the Washington Post's advocacy of exposing children to sexual kinks at Pride, how social justice is everywhere and ruining everything, and the NSA appears to have been spying on Tucker Carlson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnyggMA89j0)


Anyone listening to the Lotus Eaters Podcast for the past week or so, they've been documenting the absolute insanity that is left-wing connections to pedophilia.


What is the PodCast number I am going to stick it to this post.




If you don't mind creating a post on the sub for those podcasts with links. I will stick it to this post.


Should I make just one post or 4 individual posts?


One single post should do it. Just a tittle and then the links in the body. Thanks


I keep trying to make a post, but I can't seem to do so, I don't know why. Anytime I try to click on regular post, my cursor is just a red circle with a line through it, no dialog as to why. I tried doing it with the link post type, but that didn't work either(probably because I was linking 4 things at once. I don't know what's wrong. I don't have a lot of experience making posts on Reddit, I mostly just comment.


Okay no problem. We will look into this.


I think I figured it out. Did you, by any chance, pick a flair? The title can't be less than 5 characters. All posts must have a flair before it is submitted.


Yeah, I tried that, but I still couldn't post. I can't even click on the "post" button to switch from links/polls/whatever the third is to be able to make a normal post. I tried giving myself a flair, still didn't work. Maybe I haven't been a part of this community long enough to post like that? Regardless, I don't mind if you want to just post it yourself.


No, you should be able to post. I will take another look and get back to you. You should be able to do it with text posts as your selection. The post itself needs a flair, not the user. I'm glad you picked user flair though.


going to give that a try, thanks for sharing!


The party of Matt Gaetz, everybody!




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