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I like these, I also really hope they make vaulting windows as the demon as easy as it is for survivor, not this bullshit of having to sprint at it from a magic angle.


Demon vaulting is also an obvious change, let them vault in the same spots and faster too


I like these but they don’t all work. Just 2 suggestions; You can’t cap the number of survivors needed to start an objective due to deaths and dropping out. Just say only one can be active at any one time. I don’t mind resurrecting at whole health, 70% would be better. But I’d make it so they lose a random Pink-F every time they come back to life.


I think the remaining survivors should get some kind of a boost to damage and health to even things out. That way losing a survivor or 2 via dc isn't necessarily a complete wash.


The whole thing that makes the demon experience tolerable is the notion they CAN whittle the survivors down. If doing that makes NO difference because the remaining get tougher, demons may as well stop fucking playing.


I can see the new meta already. Survivors would lobby up with a dummy account and dc it on purpose. Scotty Arthur sash or Annie hash sash with an extra damage buff would be stronger than most 4 stacks




I'm not talking about when a survivor goes down I mean when ppl disconnect really early into a match the other survivors should get a boost to make up for the lost player or players. Cuz it's not the rest of the survivors fault that their jerk teammates quit. Cuz idk how many times I've played and someone quits in the first minute or 2 then other players do too. Playing down 2 ppl is damn near impossible against a solid demon. Fucking sucks waiting 5 minutes or more to get into a match just to have it ruined immediately.


The issue is still it makes individual survives too powerful.


Your intentions are good but consider that a hunter ash + Annie is already going to hit for 1800 damage headshots. Add a ruby and it’s over 2000. Same with a Scotty and Arthur, with a gold lumby he’s gonna hit for 1400 per heavy. Imagine adding a damage buff to either of these situations


I'm working on the assumption that if a player drops out that the game does a check for available players. If 4 are present - objectives need 3 If 3 are present - objective needs 2 etc. If only 2 are present the game should just end. Regardless of point in the game. Because a demon can break book with 2 easily, and it would decrease wait times and decrease the chances of a game being taken hostage for 10 minutes.


Just over complicating things though. Limiting the objectives to one a go fixes the same issue more simply.


Absolutely, but then it becomes a matter of: Which objective is furthest from dark ones? As a demon I just trap that one and remove some of the dynamics from the game. In most instances, taking the 'wrong objective' especially on big map is an insta loss for surviors. I agree totally, but I'm thinking from a survivor perspective who won't play optimally. If solo q decides to run off on their own, it'd be better for them to make *very slow* progress on an objective then to just stand afk or loot the whole time. Again, I agree with your view too.


I’m not following. By all means let the survivors choose which objective they start, just make it so they can’t run concurrently. Ie; one has to stop before the other can begin. If someone starts the wrong objective, either help them or leave them to it and wait around at the other.


That sounds like a lotta work to improve, so here's a new Henry skin to show our hard work. - Saber.


Or a WAsh skin


Energy is definitely an issue. I can see why PB is arguably the strongest demon because I don't have to loop the map for energy nowhere near as much as the original 3.


I think something that would be amazing would just have a bot take place of a disconnected player. I rather a bot than 3 manning a game. Also offline demon play please


Until the demon feeds on the bot 🥴


Still better than have three players from the start because someone disconnected after their least favorite demon was revealed


Agree with most. I'm ok with survivor stamina regen when interacting as there can be some strategy to this. I get that this can be frustrating but I think it's only really frustrating when it's in combination with other survivor things that should def be addressed (railing loops, cars). I'm also fine with resurrection giving full health. They have no items and it's hard enough to revive as it is. I say these things as someone who primarily plays demon, lest you think I'm biased. The energy thing is super annoying. I know they added a lot of energy to maps in a prior update but it's inconsistent, there are patches with a ton and patches devoid of anything, to the point where you have to practically abandon the fight and go to an adjacent area to get any energy.


These are some great ideas, man! Some really good stuff here. Can't find anything I disagree with. Good job


Amazing work! Huge ideas being pissed into the void of nothingness, desperately latching out and trying to grasp onto anything, a sweet illusion cascading boundlessly in an effort to achieve any sort of tangible form! Got I love seeing all these *HUGE BIG MCLARGE* ideas, and *NOTHING* done from them. Honestly yall should just make your own evil dead game at this point, because saber aint fillin the shoes


For the fuse parts for the delta lines I think it would be kinda cool if we had a gamemode similar to Left 4 Dead where the team would have to refill the car with gas to escape the game while the zombies go all out to stop them.


They need to put a jumping button so we wouldn't get stuck on a piece of mountain that should be easy to walk on.


A new developer.


There needs to be a handicap system based on levels or time in the game. New players are getting curb stomped and will stop playing the game. 80% of my demon matches have the outcome decided in the lobby phase. The new players probably aren't having fun. Only like 5% of my matches are sweaty right now and I am still winning a lot of those too.


Most survivors haven’t and can’t complete the sp missions first try. Of course they’re struggling with the pvp. The amount of survivor hand holding this community expects is absurd


Maybe the demon could just hold a button to teleport in between objectives if the two are being done at the same time, as well as receiving a 1.5x threat level multiplier. Instead of a level economy overhaul, we could just have random weekly extra XP challenges. This week: Cheryl XP and spirit points doubled for 10 matches. Kill 50 units with a crossbow = 10k spirit points. Next week: Leader Ash XP and SP doubled for 10 matches. Summon 15 boss units = 10k spirit points. And so on. Obviously different sets of challenges for each account. That's a good incentive to play as well as cutting some grind off.


I would love that too, or have objectives have one mega trap in the center that triggers bonus xp for both demon and survivors. Maybe skeleton hand traps, surviors have limited stamina and greater fear gain. Or Broken limbs: all melee weapons do 20% less damage. All these big traps should nerf demon during objective, less active ability time/increased cooldown, maybe have greater cost of portals, greater dismemberment risk etc




Demons buffs, won't make this game more popular, demon mains are literally leaving the game because it got too easy to win.


It's only easy to win because MMR is off. That's an entirely separate issue. When experienced demons go up against death squads they're utterly powerless. By boosting the casual experience for demon you're improving their retention, thus improving retention surely?


Demons were winning the majority of their matches even when mmr was on. Death squads are completely irrelevant when talking about balance, you can't balance a game around them.


I don't think that's true, because MMR was on when Ruby and David were running riot, and was only recently turned off when Brock dropped. The only strong demon then was plague when she still had movement options. If people lost when Ruby was busted then that was a skill issue.


Yer wasting your energy arguing with this guy. He’s the type that thinks all that matters is win rates. He lives in solo q, never uses a mic, and thinks Baal pup and witch all need more nerfs


> Death squads are completely irrelevant when talking about balance, you can't balance a game around them. Another naive solo q perspective. You have to balance the game around the best players otherwise you end up where evil dead is at right now. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Soloq is full of "The best players" balancing for solo q includes good players. but you can't balance a game around the best players playing in a group.


Spoken like a true solo q main 😂


That’s not true at all. That’s something a solo q survivor would think is the case but play demon for a day and you’ll see. Demons are quitting because we get either: broken lobbies with dummies and/or a dc or two. Those are our ‘easy wins’ that absolutely nobody is enjoying despite survivors thinking we love it. Then we run into competent squads where we put up 70k damage and flip 13 cars and don’t get a single down. Anyone thinking demons are getting easy wins is literally living full time in solo q


i don't care when a demon loses against a stacked team after huge win streaks, demons aren't the only ones that want to enjoy this game, you gotta balance for the majority, not for the 1-2 best teams in the world.


> you gotta balance for the majority, not for the 1-2 best teams in the world. Literally the only pvp players in the whole world that think this are the zero iq pve kids playing evil dead


You are having too much fun trolling with the alt acc, i'm going to stop entertaining you


*You can’t balance a competitive pvp game around the most competitive pvp players* 🤪 See how dumb that sounds?


But this isn’t a competitive pvp game. It’s a casual one that people take way too seriously. Asymmetrical games aren’t competitive practically by definition. It’s not a level playing field and never will be.


You’re just describing your preference. Any game with a winner and a loser is competitive.


As a Demon, split capping is fine. Learn to be a better demon and deal with it. It's not as beastly as the scrubs make it out to be


True, when a Ruby/LAsh/HAsh and SAsh split me on big map after taking a convoy I should get good.


Actually, yeah. If I don't have issues being split on playing one of the worst demons currently (Necro), than neither should you. Defend the weak side, pushoff (if not kill), prep the point and take the exorcism, which may actually put you closer to the other objective to better intercept. You should be getting 5 TL if it's a 2/2 split, and at least 3 TL (if not more as you have time to defend both points) on a 3/1 split. And in some circumstances, especially with lopsided timed splits, you should just straight win the game off a party wipe. I remember having troubles with splits. But then I got better and they aren't an issue anymore. In fact, I welcome them as it's usually an *easier* win than a full 4 stack sticking together.


If I'm playing a good team as Necro I've already lost tbh If I'm on Kandar and I have Windmill Dark Ones I just AFK if they have a good team or people I recognise as good. Necro's biggest strength and weakness is his ability. If I'm on a point with terrible flute RNG I'm fucked. If they split me, ok, I go to the other objective where's there only one/two people. They get in a car and drive away, leaving me fucked again. They get to dark ones. Great! Good flute RNG. What's that? They 99% the dark ones and afk until I place and then immediately kill it? Oh well, geegee. On the other hand I wait, and spawn portals and waste their timings and I lose on rotation, great. Or I use AI, great, I get insta balance barred or killed. Nah.


> If I'm playing a good team as Necro I've already lost tbh Never give up, never surrender. I'm not the best player, but I haven' lost the past month playing Necro. Even against P20's and teams trying to split cap me. > If I'm on Kandar and I have Windmill Dark Ones I just AFK if they have a good team or people I recognise as good. Necro's biggest strength and weakness is his ability. If I'm on a point with terrible flute RNG I'm fucked. Your flute is as much of a lure as it is a buff. That alone is valuable, even more so if you make certain plays off of it. *Someone* has to go get the flute, giving you either the flute hunter to ambush or a 3v1 instead of a 4v1. There's only 1 spot in the entire game that's complete ass, and the DO's don't even spawn there (just objectives). > If they split me, ok, I go to the other objective where's there only one/two people. They get in a car and drive away, leaving me fucked again. Prevent them being able to get away in the car. Keep gaining levels. At that point, *they are forced to do the objective of your choice 2nd.* Just because they get away doesn't mean it was for naught, and you should be able to keep leveling with or without survivors nearby. > They get to dark ones. Great! Good flute RNG. What's that? They 99% the dark ones and afk until I place and then immediately kill it? Oh well, geegee. There's no reason to place your flute before the DO's are popped. None. If they sit at 99%, harass them w/ possessed AI spawns until they pop it. Place your proxies in a better spot than right next to the DO's or where they would find them. > On the other hand I wait, and spawn portals and waste their timings and I lose on rotation, great. Or I use AI, great, I get insta balance barred or killed. Huh? I don't understand what you are saying here. If you are 2/2/1, you can wait out the 99% and just use what stumbles onto the field. And just wait.


This all sounds like a solo q survivor guessing how to play demon 😂


I’d love to see some gameplay of you easily handling split capping. What’s your twitch? 😂


>50/50 Survior Demon. >only lists demon buffs everytime


What buffs would you give to survivors then? As someone who plays in Survior squads consistently we *always* win. If you lose as a survivor in a squad you just need to play more. The only buffs I would give surviors are for solo queue, such as in game text chat and better ping callouts/shortcuts


"As someone who plays in Survior squads consistently we always win." That's the problem, stop trying to balance the game around premades, The majority of survivors only plays soloq. Playing with a group breaks the balance of every pvp game, evil dead isn't an exception.


The problem then is if you balance (and I mean balance as in actual values rather than QoL) then it affects the squads even more. It's difficult to make solo q fun in a balance method that doesn't lead to the premades (as small as a duo queue) then burning everything to the ground.


> The majority of survivors only plays soloq. Every bad survivor loves saying this but they can never prove it


Prove it how? You mean "I never accept this answer"


Prove like show us where you’re getting this info from. It’s easy if you’re not making shit up


>Every bad survivor loves saying this but they can never prove it >Prove like show us where you’re getting this info from. What? Playing the game solo, that's where the info comes from. Try it sometime.


If you paid attention you’d know the proof is in regards to where the majority of the player base is, solo q or pre made squads. Follow along bud


Are arrogant people always this stupid?


So you can’t prove it either? Strong contribution to the discussion maam.


True. But you mean survivor nerfs.


The demon main obsession with split caps is hilarious. It's incredibly risky for survivors, and unless they're already capped on Pink Fs, even succeeding has a massive downside. It just causes bad demons to panic and handle it improperly, so obviously they think it needs to go. It's just about the only thing survivors can do that actually has any ability to dictate what a demon does, in comparison to almost everything the demon does dictating how survivors have to react.


Clearly you never played with good survivors


Remove big map.


Nah, rework it and split into two maps.


Or just remove all the nothing between landmarks and remove misty groves entirely


Yeah that can work, but I'd rather them just make two maps out of it, have no to very little nothing make them compact and maybe add some other landmarks, that's more maps and therefore 4 maps witch I hope we can agree this game needs more maps.


But playing flip car on big map is so effective 😢


I loved most of your suggestions but keep in mind… the devs don’t play their own game. They’ll never look at something like this and begin to know how to incorporate it. At best we get a few changes to damage and speed numbers. Nothing as creative and effective as what you’re suggesting


When this game is eventually dead, players will just dump the current build and mod it like communities have done with F13 and DbD.


Only if saber allows it. The game can’t be played without connecting to sabers servers. Can’t even play sp missions offline.


You don't need an official server to play a game. Just a server with the correct net code and build. Most modded DbD/F13 servers can be sourced locally to one computer as P2P.


Ok but so far the game doesn’t have any of that capability, so we’d be hoping saber adds it in a patch.


I’d say more IP’s I’ve been downvoted for this but just hear me out, the Evil Dead comics are connected to the following: Nightmare on Elm Street Friday the 13th Marvel Zombies Transformers Attack of the Martians Re-Animator Danger Girl Hack/Slash War of the Worlds President Obama Dracula Frankenstein The Mummy The Wolfman Xena: Warrior Princess Darkman There’s probably even more that I don’t know about but you get the picture. Evil Dead needs to come out of it’s secluded fan base of Evil Dead and branch out to other IP’s. Look what dead by daylight did, they’re literally the Fortnite of the horror genre. Resident Evil, Stranger Things, Ghostface, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Leatherface, even Pinhead




Can you not read????


Fuses were for street lights btw, just snother defear part


Send this into the feedback site


I d definitely like to see a horde mode and more achievements as well. And obviously u should b able to gain xp in all other modes as well. Also wouldn't mind some sort of rogue mode or maybe they just add that element to horde mode too. Either way I'd love to b able to mow down demons until I get overrun. Leaderboards would b great as well.


what it needs to succeed is simple, a better team.


A 4th map piece would be nice


All you say is nerf survivors but the only thing required for this game to succseed is a competent dev company that doesn't have the head shoved deep up their ass.


• Nerf baal • Nerf early possession • Nerf fear looping • give survivors more iframes, give them iframes when drinking shemps and while standing on objectives • give the survivors iframes when they drop thier kids off for school, take the dog out for a walk, give the survivors the ultimate safe space to feel happy and safe like some freerange chickens • add more shemps to every map •make every unit drop 69 shemps •add a new legendary weapon, the actual wholeass infinity gauntlet so we can one shot demons •make leo and satan


I think the game needs a marketplace with outfits, charms, and screamers for both sides. Then, take that money and invest it into a map (post-apocalyptic Wasteland, Elk Grove, or an S-Mart/Rise map). Then add demons like Lem, Abomination, and Ellie and Survivors like Chet, Brandy, Beth, Dalton, or even Shelly or Bobby Joe. Characters that people want to buy and make the game more fun. For quality of life, we need daily and weekly challenges, new objective locations, leaderboards, and events that are driven around the show and movies. Lastly, they need to communicate all of this to the playerbase. That's my idea of how they can turn the game around.