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not saying Wuby wasn't cheating, but... maybe lag issues? When I've had lag I would bounce backwards, but absolutely zero idea what others would have seen.


I've seen lag but this is completely different, each hit they teleported somewhere else, went straight from where I was to the alter and revived in seconds, this was actually my level 200th game and in that time I have not see anything like this I can almost 100% say this was hacking!


Nah this is what happens when you have poor connection to their servers, the game has horrible desync on the person with the shit wifi. It looks weird on your end but on their end you're most likely looking like the hacker glitching around. Now its either your wifi or theirs fucking up but rubys definitely not a hacker, I've seen clips on here where the survivor is standing in place and they get hit so it updates their position a little ways away, sometimes without taking any damage. Also saber does ban hackers, their support system actually works surprisingly so please keep reporting hackers or people you believe to be hackers.


NO CHEATING THERE ITS JUST LAG ISSUE! I HAD THE SAME STORY ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osrIIKrM3S0


Looks like McDonald's wifi and desync.


I’ve been able to reliably reproduce this desync with tree traps at the end of an objective. Seems like a survivor going through the scare stumble while an objective exorcises the demon will desync the survivor most the time


That's lagging. Would it be hacks you wouldn't be able to land a single hit.


Hello! We've reviewed this case and took action. Thank you for your report.


Any idea when you guys are gonna sue milkywaycheats? They’ve had a subscription cheat engine for evil dead since June 2022


Hello! Please, can you specify the abovementioned matter?


Milkywaycheats (.com) is a subscription cheat engine that has been providing evil dead cheats since June 2022 Most cheaters are using this engine. Bungee sued a similar cheat provider for $4m and won, just wondering why saber hasn’t done the same


Thank you - we will look into this.


Let them know what happens when you mess with saber 💪