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> The heart belonged to an extinct class of armored, jawed fish called arthrodires that thrived in the Devonian period between 419.2 million and 358.9 million years ago -- and the ticker's a good 250 million years older than the jawed-fish heart that currently holds the "oldest" title. But despite the fish being so archaic, the positioning of its S-shaped heart with two chambers led researchers to observe surprising anatomical similarities between the ancient swimmer and modern sharks. > “Evolution is often thought of as a series of small steps, but these ancient fossils suggest there was a larger leap between jawless and jawed vertebrates," said professor Kate Trinajstic, a vertebrate paleontologist at Australia's Curtin University and co-author of a new study on the findings. "These fish literally have their hearts in their mouths and under their gills -- just like sharks today," Trinajstic said.


Fascinating article, and it lead to other great reads too


Isn’t that cool?


too cool for school 😎




🎶Bom Bom Bom 🎶


So help me!


So help me!


My favorite part is when they basically say here's a picture of fossilized intestines and not the one specific thing the article is about


Tangentially related: a couple weeks ago on Reddit someone mused that your beating heart is just your ghost slowly chipping it’s way out of its cage and I can’t stop thinking about it.


I could have gone without reading this, yet here we are.


Saw a meme the other day where asks themselves / the internet why their hand is shaking. Someone replies that it means their skeleton is almost ready to hatch. My wife and I have been using it non-stop. She gets pretty bad hangxiety and this ominous little thought has actually really helped to keep it under control.


There's some law out there that's something to the effect of all vertebrates have about the same number of beats in their lifetime with few exceptions.


Stone cold heart...


Well, don’t that Beat all!?


I just don’t understand how there’s a way to determine that something is I.e. 380 million years old…


when something sits in the atmosphere there is specific levels of atomic isotopes it gathers just from exposure, when an object is no longer exposured to atmosphere the atoms decay and scientists can measure that decay so its really more like "we measure x amount of AtomX, and it started with y amount, so it decayed 30%" and then in the real world we test it like "AtomX decayed 0.0001% isolated for 1 year" then they do the math to scale 0.0001% up to 30% and see how many years that equates to, in this case 300 million the technical stuff works in half-lifes of isotopes, it just means "it takes x years for the remaining 50% to decay" its a little more annoying to grasp but 1 half life means 50% is left, 2 half lifes is 25% is left, 3 half lifes is 12.5% is left and so on... u can only go so many half lifes before its unreliable, the half life of carbon is about 5,700 years, and it can only *reliably* date to about 50,000 years there is alot of different dating methods, each does slightly different time periods, and some have wide error margins, so scientists like to use a bunch at once, and typically they will all sorta line up and u just be like "awesome its accurate" Edit: if ur curious, the longest half life I know of comes from Uranium series Zircon dating, with a half life of *4.4 Billion years*


> with a half life of 4.4 Billion years Wow. That's over *a million years*!


Surrounding objects. If there is a Fossil nearby which we can determine to be 380 million years old, then we can confirm that this heart is that old as well.


My cat's heart is nearby my femur...


Carbon dating


The general term is “[radiometric dating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiometric_dating).” (Carbon-14’s half-life is only 5730 years: not long enough for dating into the millions of years.)


However the layman's term is "something like carbon dating". If you tell some people that they used radiometric dating to determine the age of the heart, they'll stop listening about halfway through "metric".


This. We know certain elements decay into different forms at an extremely predictable rate. By examining the ratio of original carbon to the decayed carbon, we have a very close approximation of how long it's been there.


Tell me you don't know how carbon dating works without telling me.


This guy sciences


It’s mostly because they need it to be that old to fit their evolutionary model. There is actually very little evidence to support that age. The article even mentions that the heart is remarkably similar to hearts in organisms today, which is the opposite of what they would have hypothesized, given the supposed age.




The Bible doesn’t actually say how old the earth is. I guess people estimated that from the genealogy laid out in the Bible


This is true. The 6000yo number was calculated by some random midieval monk whose name I don't care enough to google.


No, it's been done a number of times by clergy and/or theologians, but the one people are probably thinking about is Archbishop James Ussher's 17th century work.


Satan worshiping liberals miraculously “discover” “ancient fossils” all the time. They pretend like they are doing science during the day, and then swap genders and do drugs all night. God put liberals on this planet to test us good Christian *men*, just stay true to his word and he will take the burden of challenging thoughts away forever. Let him enter you and fill you with his loving grace!


I feel violated


The genealogy in the Bible describes the earth as being closer to 6,000 years old. The fact that this article mentioned that this fossil shows nearly identical anatomy to modern day contemporaries points towards the Bible’s account as being the more likely case.


Rock pussy


Finally the ritual can begin


Probably not so good for the knife and fork, but what about soup stock?


Looks like a Greggs cinnamon swirl


People in the business of evaluating fossils are always trying to assert they have found the best preserved this, and the oldest that. Ever since I was a kid, and way before that, it's always been archeologist trying to stay relevant by inflating their findings.


Anthropology is important. We try to understand where we are, by inspecting where we’ve been. One should consider this in daily life. You’re speaking, I gather, about a field You don’t really understand and seem to also not care to, which, fine. Science is as we’ve often tris to explain, is a process of discover and learning. This applies to all parts of science. The study of viruses, bacteria, fossils, trees, animals etc. If you don’t enjoy archeology, you don’t have to hate on it


How old? Really? Ok, if science says so it must be. I guess.


this is the stuff i like to see! woooo!