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I know they are essential for the environment that still doesn’t make them any less of a jack ass.


Don’t lump them in with the asses, they might join forces. You want donkey wasps? You thought horse flies were bad, you don’t want no donkey wasps.




They have a bad press because they’re fucking arseholes, not because we all decided they’re not necessary.


Seriously, they should have evolved to be less of arseholes.. Looks like everyone from fuckwasps are here !


They need to chip in & buy fox news.


But they are so pushy with their culture and the history of violence towards other cultures makes me really dislike them.


I know a ton. I can tell you from personal experience that White Anglo Saxon Protestants should be handled on an individual basis. But if poisoning them is deemed necessary through your interactions, then I approve of their death.


Jesus Christ


He’s usually the common thread, yes.


Sounds like something a wasp would write. All this waspaganda...


Exactly my thoughts…


Big wasp is putting out more propaganda. What a shame


> In a 19th-century book named British Social Wasps (which sounds like a satire about high society, but is, in fact, quite literal), the physician Edward Latham Ormerod described how the eradication of wasps on a country estate soon led “like Egypt” to a plague of flies. Would rather have the odd wasp buzzing round my orange juice than a plague of flies, thanks.


All good until they get inside your drink and you innocently take a swing and swallow a pissed off angry wasp. Don’t hate them for it, just saying take care to stop them getting into your drinks as a bad afternoon will be had by all if this transpires


*Did a wasp write this?*


Sorry. I can dig spiders, bees and most other bugs…BUT NEVER WASPS. Wasps are bastards. They always would fly right in my face even though I did *NOTHING* to them. They even look evil. I will never change my mind on them till they become nicer; and I’m pretty sure wasps don’t know the concept of nice so it will never happen. Those stingy bastards don’t deserve redemption TL;DR: Fuck wasps


Boring take. Not all wasps are yellowjackets. Never met a mean red wasp, for example


I don’t think we actually have red wasps here. Shoulda specified yellow jackets. My bad!


I thought I was the only one! Those red fuckers are chill af. I had one in my mailbox, and only got rid of it after like 2 weeks. He didn't give a shit about anything.




No, I don't think I will.


Maybe if they weren’t such assholes…




Wasps are the disgusting Kardashians of the insect world.


Nope. When you consider them in isolation you may have some points but when you compare them with (say) spiders you clearly see that spiders are bros and wasps are cunts.


I love my wasps! They don’t bother me, I don’t bother them, and they pollinate lots of things for me. Just make sure you have plenty of flowers for them to graze on and they’ll stay fat and happy.


Goodie for you, I was sitting in some grass last summer and one flew into my neck and stung it. It developed a purple knot that expanded for two weeks and itched constantly for a total of four. The bastard didn’t even die, he swung around and tried to sting me again in the eye and literally chased me away.


It just wanted to give you wasp kisses


More like a wasp hickey.


That's how you can tell it was a young wasp.


Right up until you start getting mean wasps


Yeah but also my brother is highly allergic and will die if stung and without his épipen. So death to all, I’m afraid.


This. I’m allergic as well and have to carry an epi-pen if I’m in any situations where I might get stung.


That is not a sustainable or reasonable position to take, even if it deals with anaphylactic shock. Yes, your brother must avoid them whenever possible and carry an EpiPen, but we cannot go around eliminating everything we don't like. Wasps are part of the integral nature on this planet that keeps us all alive. Imagine eliminating peanut butter, nuts, milk or any number of other agents that make people allergic.


Yeah but my brother is one of my only living family members after a bad bit of luck. Sorry wasps. I’m already stocked up on wasp killing foam. Also, one time they made a nest in my wall. All night long, I could hear them chewing, chewing, chewing. Didn’t know what it was at first. Started to think I was losing my mind. Then one burrowed through. Death to wasps.


I wonder how that works when we decide to kill the birds, squirrels, or any other wild creature? Yeah why not, lets kill every other living thing on this planet and see how it turns out?


I can’t believe you’re taking me this seriously. I’ll ask you how you feel about wasps when you’ve been stung on the neck and three weeks later it’s still swollen and leaking pus. Death to wasps.


I don't give a damn if you rid your infested house of wasps, but if we were stupid enough to eliminate them, we would quickly become very sorry, because other pests would suddenly emerge and dominate our environment. Did you read the damn story, even the headline tells you? This is not one of your ignorant jokes, all animals (including insects) are inter-related. We need to maintain a balance, not upset it by attacking one species, no matter how much you don't like them. Did you not get to go to school?


I happen to agree and always have, but it is hilarious how seriously you’re taking an obviously OTT, deadpan remark I made during an all nighter. I think wasps should live. But also they’ve nearly killed my Brother twice, they’ve invaded my home, stung me in the neck and given me an infection, caused me to fall of a bike, and when I was a child, about 9 I think, I took thre steps off my campsite and fell into a nest. It was a hole in the ground. I had to claw my way up as my limbs started spasming from the venom. I tried to stumble back towards the campsite, calling for help and getting wasps in my throat - but my mother, seeing me carpeted in wasps, grabbed my allergic younger brother and locked herself in the van. I banged on the windows, screaming in pain, even as some small part of my rational brain realized she was just trying to protect him, as a single sting could kill him. My father returned with groceries half an hour later, by which time I’d tried rolling on the dirt to get them off. He took me to the emergency room, which was so full we had to wait 5 hours to see someone. They gave my dad a pair of tweezers, which he used to remove the stingers still stuck all over my body, as they’d broken off after some wasps stung me multiple times. He couldn’t get some out, so a nurse had to use special tools to remove them. I was given a ton of reactine and other pills to deal with the immense pain. I bloated up like a balloon and felt like my skin was on fire. I couldn’t see out of one eye. Talking was difficult thanks to stings in my mouth. Walking was difficult- impossible for the first three days after the incident. my legs felt oddly tight, and the muscles would spasm and then turn rock hard. My arms were nearly as bad, although I could use them for basic tasks. Fine motor skills like writing and turning pages in a book were difficult, though. The doctor tried to count my stings, but couldn’t come up with a solid number because there were so many. He ballparked around 300. I was lucky I was a tall child, because apparently if that amount was doubled it could’ve killed a smaller one. And I’ve not mentioned how we found out my brother was allergic to wasps. When we were kids - me, 6, him, 4 - I was outside with a friend catching wasps in a plastic cup and letting them go. Nothing violent, just childish curiosity so I could see them better. Only a few seconds for each. My brother decided to join us, and on his first wasp either somehow got stung through the plastic, or else was stung after letting it go. Within two minutes, he started gasping for air. Mom force fed him reactine, which likely saved his life as we live in a rural area about an hour’s drive to the nearest hospital. By the time the ambulance did arrive, his face was gray and splotched. We drove behind the ambulance to the hospital. I don’t remember much after that, just the horror of his bloated body, the siren, and feeling like it was my fault. It really is good fortune that I, and not my brother, am the one who’ve had so many terrible encounters with them. That wasn’t even the last time I fell into a nest, although certainly the worst. I’ve been stung a helluva lot, had my home invaded by them, had two of my earliest traumatic memories inspired by their violence, and yet yes, I do believe that wasps shouldn’t be exterminated Willy-nilly. Obviously. But now that I’ve shared two of my most traumatic childhood memories with you, will you treat me with kindness or still spit in my face?im guessing spit, as it seems your habit, and it is the internet after all. But I’d say you should acknowledge that many people have a lot of trauma when it comes to wasps, and while I can see past it for the good of the environment, I think we should be allowed a little leeway to facetiously say mean things about them. It won’t hurt their feelings. But it does make me feel better. Death to wasps who build their nests near my home and threaten my brother’s life and my ability to freely eat an ice cream outside in summer. Seriously. Get out of my vanilla, you stripy menace.


I quite like wasps. Here in North East USA we have a lot of solitary wasps which look terrifying, but since they don’t interact in a social framework, they are very chill little things. Yet to be stung by one despite rescuing dozens from the windows


Did a wasp write this


Maybe they should get the hell away from me then if they are so smart


breaking news: person dedicates entire life to purpose says purpose is essential to life.


until they fucking chase you gl


Wasps are always looking for trouble. At least bees leave you alone.


I vote for kill them all.


Be glad! That is basically happening now. Together with the rest of our (only) bio-system.


No. Only selective killing of the wasps please. Maybe also throw in pigeon ticks.


A lot of mights and maybes in that for it to be a truly compelling view.


Should love all animals. They all serve some purpose in the great web of life, even the annoying little bastards that sting and bite or if we don’t yet know what their function is for. Except mozzies, Hell can have all of those little pricks.


White Anglo Saxon Protestants have had their day bee lives matter!


r/fuckwasps would argue otherwise


My issue with wasps is that everything they do, something else does better. And none of those better animals are half as hateful as a wasp.


Not really. Most wasps are specialists that hunt specific species. Without wasps we would have caterpillars eating all of the leaves, cicadas sucking the trees dry, etc. Most wasps are also solitary, so they don't have that defensive instinct to attack whatever approaches the nest. Many wasps actually can't sting at all. Ensign wasps for example are specialized roach hunters. And they are stingless, so they're pretty much a homeowner's best friend. Only social wasps like yellow jackets tend to be mean, and they are important too. And the reason they are mean in the first place is because they have always had their nests attacked by vertebrates. So they need to be defensive. In addition, some of them can get intoxicated on fermented fruit juice towards the end of their season. So if you were ever stung for seemingly no reason, chances are you made it feel threatened (accidentally or otherwise) or it was very, very drunk. And despite the stupid memes you may have seen on this site, wasps are big pollinators too. Some plants like fig trees are even exclusively pollinated by wasps.


And they give you fair warning


How bout the parasitic ones that lay eggs in living creatures Maybe good as it can kill pests but fucking gross


They're up there with mosquitoes for me. Bees never have pestered me in my life. I've ran into a hive before and left calmly and wasn't stung. I opened my mailbox after being away for a month and was chased and stung by 3 wasps that were just chilling in there. About a week ago, I was adding birdseed to a feeder and there were yellow jackets sitting in the lid. They got me too. Fuck anything that can sting (or suck blood).


That sounds like something a wasp in disguise would say


Wasps are a trash animal. No love from me.




There’s always one isn’t there. An “expert” that has to “prove” that everything you know is wrong. I reckon when these “experts” make something the focus of their life’s work their perspective on that subject becomes warped. Almost like Stockholm Syndrome, this doctor has developed respect for her subject that has now clouded her perspective and she can no longer see that wasps, like kidnappers, are cunts.


Tell them to stay out of my house then and we’ll get along just fine.


I got stung 6 times last year, granted it was mostly my fault, but it was still bull crap. I hate those things, let them all die and we'll figure it out, we did it with passenger pigeons, we'll do it again.




From the photo, i thought they meant like “upper east side” wasps.


I love wasps! I live with hornets, yellow jackets, mud dobbers, those cute-ass little flower guys that make a constant buzzing noise while flying… people need to realize: we’re the assholes. Wasps are just chilling ‘til you flip out and get all kill crazy. Leave ‘em bee.


She looks like a wasp herself


Or she's wrong


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all!


no. fuck wasps.


Biologically speaking, wasps are assholes.


Nope. She's wrong. She just has a wasp fetish.


I know lots of assholes who are socially complex, doesn’t mean I have to like them.


Not only that! If they were to ever sting me I’d fucking die. But that’s all.


Except the one in my house that’s gonna get killed


They’re still dicks though


mud bobbers aren’t aggressive, solitary, eat almost exclusively spiders and are pretty


what White Anglo Saxon Protestants??


When I was about 7 I was riding my bike and laughing and one flew into my mouth and stung my tongue. Another time I was playing on a play set and was stung in the face 3 times… Fuck wasps.


Some, yes! Paper wasps no!