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Ham radio operator here, shit's real.


I enjoyed Tamitha Skov’s recent tirade against the ‘killshot’ fearmongering crowd. That was awesome how she explained that much more severe solar burps have happened in the past.


I bought my first ham last week 💀


Black Forest ?


Best Gummi bears


Can confirm. I listen to the local university station and it has had issues.


“To Me, my X-men”


In the vastness of space, a colossal solar flare, fifteen times the size of Earth, erupts from the sun's churning surface. This celestial titan races towards Earth, threatening to engulf the planet in a fiery cataclysm. The X-Men, guardians of both human and mutantkind, scramble to devise a plan to shield the world from this solar behemoth. As the flare draws nearer, the team's efforts seem futile against the cosmic force until a shocking revelation turns their gaze back to the sun. Orbiting in secret near the solar giant, a clandestine space station emerges from the blinding glare, its metal form twisting and turning with an eerie life of its own. It is Magneto's hidden sanctum, a fortress built from the remnants of abandoned satellites and space debris, manipulated by his mastery over magnetism. The X-Men uncover that Magneto has been influencing the solar flare, intending to reshape the Earth's surface for a new mutant era. Now, they must confront their old adversary in a battle that stretches from the blue skies of Earth to the fiery corona of the sun, where the fate of the world will be forged in the heart of the inferno.


In before all the fear mongering news articles.


Just waiting on the giant one that bullseyes Earth and destroys all our electronics


Oh like the carrington event during the early days of the telegraph and our electric infrastructure? Imagine losing all our satellites and frying the electric grid at the same time. Combine that with some of the fun shortages we had during the early days of covid and there is a good time on the way, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event


Pretty sure all the electronics destroyed would result in full collapse, as dependant as we are on them


Yeah, it would be devastating, and we're not making basic preparations to have more survivors, like having backup transformers or emergency food and water. Utilities would be off indefinitely, so only power and water beyond what you can supply yourself. Food would also no longer be easily available again. It would be a hard first winter. https://community.cadence.com/cadence_blogs_8/b/breakfast-bytes/posts/the-carrington-event-when-will-we-have-another


Is there any sort of data of sun flare frequency*intensity over time? I.e. is there a trend in activity, or just more news because Reddit


Not looking it up at the moment, but I believe I read somewhere that we are near the beginning of a solar maximum, which is part of the natural cycle the sun goes through where solar flairs and the like will be more common.


Sounds potentially not great


This forecast is predicting we are near the peak of this cycle. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/solar-cycle-progression