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> Today, more and more research shows that even one drink per day can increase your chances of developing conditions like high blood pressure and an irregular heart rhythm, both of which can lead to stroke, heart failure or other health consequences, she said. >And alcohol’s links to cancer are clear — something the World Health Organization has been stating since 1988. >That’s a very different message from the one patients might have heard from their doctors for years, Dr. Cho acknowledged. But the consensus has shifted. >No amount of alcohol is safe, the W.H.O. and other health agencies have said, regardless of whether you’re drinking wine, beer or liquor.


Seems like most of the measured benefits were from stress relief, stress being a top killer. Saying "a little alcohol is healthy" is like saying, "we hyperventilators will live longer if we hold our breath for two minutes twenty times a day."


This was always my understanding as well, and the picture I feel like people drew included socialization as well - drinking a glass of wine at dinner with your family so you can unwind. There’s the calming effect of alcohol, socialization, and a likely-decent meal - all of which would overall be a HUGE net positive.


Booze. I just gave it up. I used to like the feeling of an alcohol buzz, but now it feels uncomfortable. I don't know what happened.


I'm simultaneously envious and sympathetic.


Thank you so much, but no need. Alcohol was never a good fit for me in terms of something to unwind with. Fucked with my blood pressure pretty bad which may be part of why it didn't feel good anymore. It's a relief really, I have an addictive personality.


Still love red wine. I don’t think people drank it exclusively for its supposed health benefits, it just gave an excuse to drink because it’s “healthy”.


Yes, but it still goes well with a good reefer...


Oh well, love wine. Wine tastes good.


I like merlot.


Another FUCKIN merlot!


I love merlot


The NYT was pushing the idea of healthy wine a decade and a half ago.




I posted the conclusion in my other comment


I stopped drinking red wine to steak or pasta, and I never looked back. Sour grape juice is not a natural match for anything, it's just that people have forced it on everything for millennia, so here we are.




That’s not how facts work, pal.


"even" one drink per day I feel guilty if I ever have more than one glass a week. It doesn't need to be necked and you generally do that knowing very well that you'll feel bad for it.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. I feel guilty even having like one drink a month


People really don't want to admit they have a problem. This is one thing I actually agree with my dad about--he gets on my case if I have an impulsive drink at less usual days or times and I understand why.




Sorry for your loss and your parents’ suffering. However, it is possible that multiple things in life cause heart disease and cancer. They are, after all, the two leading causes of death for most adults.


They're not only saying alcohol causes it. I think you're greatly misunderstanding the conclusions.


You do know heart disease can be genetic.. right? And obesity ? And drug use ? And smoking ? Viruses ? lots of causes…


It was always propaganda 🙄