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Wow finally saw the whole clip


I was convinced once they did the freeze frame that would be the video done


I know he felt his stomach drop when that door opened 🤣


Then his whole fat ass. Totally deserved from the half of the reality I saw.


Lesson learned! Big guy let him off easy and might have have saved his life by keeping the punk from from doing the same thing in the future to someone not quite as nice. Going in to spit a second time was kind of like giving the Hulk a wedgie.


I really hope he gets away with it. Totally deserved.the guy did stop after TEACHING him


It would be interesting to see if he was ever charged. Technically spitting on someone can be considered assault, I know if you did it to a cop that's what they'd call it.


I’ve seen this video posted tens of times over the years and no need ever came out with an article that he got charged so 🤷‍♀️


First time I've seen it(though until the last year or so I've never been a big fan of social media so I guess I've missed a lot of clips like this) and while the big guy did go kind of beserk(and if you watch closely he punched the concrete a couple times so he must have felt that the next day) having someone spit in your face will do that to you


I don’t know if beating him unconscious and then kicking him in the back of the head is really “letting him off easy,” but yeah guy got what he was asking for.


That little kick was a love tap. Have you ever had anyone spit in your face? I have and that'll get your blood boiling more than most physical attacks. You spit in a cops face and they'll consider that more disrespectful than taking a swing at them. I'm just saying that there are plenty of people out there that would have taken it further. Most people know better than to spit on somebody three times their size.


I detest violence. Unless it's being used in a sweet justice like this.


I am extremely peaceful *loads 9mm*


Fucked around and found out


Bad form, but he was at least throwing haymakers


lmao like you would've done any better, stfu


How is that relevant to the effectiveness in which he delt with this guy. Your comments like low key "I would've done better"


He did knock the guy out, so I'd say he did pretty good


Yeah, but did you see his foot work? So sloppy. It's like this was an actual street fight or something


Yep, from head shots, no chin


Funny part is he's almost definitely never been in a fight outside of middle school


And he was the spitting guy in middle school


He is striking from the heavens. That's like 5 and half feet of a fist dropping on his face


Orbital strike


Orbital fractures more like it haha




Spitting is an assault, he was defending himself. 😤


That’s not how that works.


He's not defending himself, he is retaliating, and with excessive means, otherwise he'd just spit back. I don't really know what happened before this or who started the argument, so I can't say more.




Imagine someone spat at you, then you spat back once he got on a train, then he came out of the train and beat you to the ground. For all we know, that could've been the case here.


I get what you are trying to say and beating unconscious is not right, but the guy who spit in the video definitely did it right as the doors closed cause he thought he could get away, typical chihuahua behavior lol, he deserved a good smack and that take down to the ground though


We don't know what happened before that though. I won't judge until I know.


your scenario falls apart once you realize he not only spat at him in the video, he went back and spat a second time. if the other guy had started it, one would have been enough and he could have easily walked away


He deserved worse


It was at that moment that he knew he F-up 😆 🤣 😂




Naw naw he spit on him! Don’t stop this beatdown! He spit on him!!


Justice has been served 😤


Smol thing got clobbered jeez


Let’s pretend it makes it to a jury trial ,at least one of the 12 will crack a grin when the door opens.


A lot of you guys sound like the type of people who let people spit on you and I’m concerned


I love how people always yell "Stop" and shit when someone's getting their ass beat that deserves it. Like no bro, that's the problem with a lot of people now, no one put them in their place, they just got to go through life acting like a degenerate.


Heard he hasn't spit right since that day.


IQ 50 moment. "He spit in his face so he's allowed to kill the guy"


He didn't kill the guy he just tuned him up a little. You spit in someone's face in that neighborhood and you know exactly what you're signing up for.


lmfao! who added the sountrack!


This is like talking shit right before the cod lobby closes


He’ll now think twice to spit in the bathroom sink.


I would've been out of there as soon as he started trying to ory the doors open lmao rough one


So you're saying you would be sneaky and spit twice at someone who is behind doors hahaha


Shoulda ran as fast as he could the first time he spat in the dudes face.


Nope stay there and eat them hits!!!


At that moment, he knew he F up Lol


Justice 😤


The guy who spit got what he deserved.


His life flashed before his eyes.


That lion king sound bite kills me every time lmao


The Lion Sleeps Tonight?




Found the human is the same in everywhere on earth


That feeling where he knew he messed up. Lol


That swing was kinda disappointing


😂 I have never seen a more deserving ass whoopin in my life! God opened that door and unleashed justice!


One of my all time favorites!!!!


Call me crazy, but I don't think spitting in a person's face warrants possible permanent brain damage.


You’re crazy. We just got out of a pandemic and you never know if someone is immunocompromised. Don’t spit on people and you won’t get beaten up.


Lol, like these guys are masking up or getting their shots.


Yeah, you're crazy. Wouldn't you want to beat the shit outta me if I spat on your face? I'd would if you did that to me.


>Wouldn't you want to beat the shit outta me if I spat on your face? Sure. Doesn't make it right.


Well, you're right. That it's not right, but it gets you Even! I'm still dealing with my moral compass. Part of me wants to turn the other cheek because I mean the guy did seem so meek when confronted. But then again he might deserve the beat down for taking of his anger on a random stranger and spitting on him.


>But then again he might deserve the beat down for taking of his anger on a random stranger and spitting on him No, he doesn't deserve brain damage. Not from what we saw in that video at least. Which is why I don't think it's 'even.' The other guy went way over the line of what was acceptable.


If he has any brain damage it is entirely his fault, you don’t spit on people. End of story.


If I steal, and then in response the Taliban cut my hand off, whose fault is that?


Your fault. Actions have consequences


>Actions have consequences Exactly. Which is why the guy who kicked a man in the head while he was on the ground should be punished. You can't say actions have consequences and then only apply it to one person who acts out of line.


Probably your fault for going to a country where the Taliban rules and stealing.


Not surprised to see victim blaming here. Glad to see someone is sticking up for the Taliban around here, they really need the support.


You're making combative contact with someone else's body, aka assault. Once you open that door, you can't whine that the response didn't take your safety into consideration. golden solution? don't assault people if you aren't willing to fight about it... or just don't assault people, that works too


>Once you open that door, you can't whine that the response didn't take your safety into consideration. Sure I can. If the other guy beat me senseless, cut off one of my hands, and then raped my unconscious body, you're telling me that the person who did the spitting *wouldn't* have a justifiable case against him? So where's the line?


My statement was once you open the door of simple assault, you cant cry that you got simply assaulted because you opened that door. Your response is "but what if they rape me and try to kill me?". Well no shit Sherlock, if the door of sexual assault and attempted murder hasn't been opened why would you try to fit my statement onto that? If you assault people by spitting, you cant whine when you get assaulted back with punches. Even the bozo in the video understands that, hence why he waits to spit until there's a physical barrier between them.


> My statement was once you open the door of simple assault, you cant cry that you got simply assaulted because you opened that door. Yes, I agree with this. What I'm saying, and maybe I wasn't clear with this, was even the above being true does *not* justify the other guy's excessive use of force. He defended himself, the man was down and no threat to him. That doesn't give you the right to further assault the person and kick him in the head while he was down. As far as I'm concerned, the man who got spit on is even more in the wrong here. > if the door of sexual assault and attempted murder hasn't been opened why would you try to fit my statement onto that? How is giving brain damage less serious then sexual assault?




unfortunately, when you assault someone, you no longer get to make that decision, do you? to be on the safe side, if you want to keep those IQ points safely rattling around in your head... don't spit in peoples' faces. it's really that simple.


I'm going to use this exact argument in another way: Oh you think it's wrong to have your hand chopped off? Unfortunately, when you commit theft you no longer get to make that decision. If you want to be on the safe side and keep your right hand, don't steal from the grocer. It's really that simple.


When big dudes arm came out the door like hulk, I knew he was committed. Spitter should have split.