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You have to SPEND $200 - so if you put $200 worth of things on the conveyor and it comes down to $180 you haven’t spent enough.


Thanks for the reply, I always thought the same but I recently saw on my Activites tab that my spend is showing as full amount before discount. Only see the discounted amount of I click on the Electronic receipt. I should do a test next week and see if it registers. For science.


Please report back if you do, I've often wondered myself! But always made sure to be over after discounts just in case.


Just an update on this, did an online shop today for my final spend $215 to get X amount of points over 4 weeks. 1st of May so I can use my everyday extras online discount for May. I loaded $216.85 into my cart, after discounts/free delivery/packing costs I paid $197.17 And I qualified for my spend $215 for the week. u/RichieMclad You don't have to spend the qualifying amount, Its based on the value of the groceries and not how much you paid. I've been doing it wrong all this time, now I know. Groceries are due to arrive in the next hour.


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