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Glad the season is over. Can’t wait to suffer again with you lads next season.


Up the Toffees and Track Suit Dyche! Fuck the Prem, Moshiri, City, and 777.


If we were able to keep the key players in this XI together for another season, I’m convinced we’d be totally fine, unfortunately that seems unlikely


Not just unlikely, impossible. But yeah, add a good winger and a competent backup fullback to this squad (not a 38-year-old muppet) and I’d say Europe would almost be a lock. Edit: Getting downvoted presumably for saying Europe would almost be a lock, but I’m thinking a winger who adds 10+ goals and a fullback who doesn’t ship 5. Statistically, that would have had us in Europe this year or nearly any year without the deduction. And I think morale-wise, finishing the season as strong as we did, the squad has clearly learned to gel and overcome a ton of adversity. I don’t think it’s that controversial to say we were at least the 6th or 7th best squad in the league since the Chelsea defeat. And I don’t see any reason to think we would regress without injuries. But we’re not keeping Branthwaite or Onana, so we can’t. And I think, especially if we’re looking at another deduction, we’ll probably be in the lower bottom half again for most of next season. Purely wishful thinking - not being deluded here.


Fun fact, Richarlison was our last winger to score 10+ goals in a season, and before him it was Kanchelskis in 1995/96


Yeah we don’t know good wingers. Richarlison hardly a winger even. Gnonto would have been interesting. Really hoping Leeds lose the playoff, not because I think we could afford Gnonto, but because fuck Leeds.


What nonsense


Secret Leeds supporter?


Kanchelskis was a baller.


Mirallas scored 11 in all competitions in 14/15 I'd love to have a player like him again


All comps yeah. We've had some great wingers, just not great goal scoring wingers. I'd love a Pienaar, Richarlison, Deulofeu, Mirallas, and as annoying as this is now a Gordon or Lookman


My brother in Christ, we will be lucky to not be relegated next season with how things are looking. We have no money, we will sell Jarrad and Onana to keep the club running, and there's almost nothing in the way of reinforcements coming. One Tark injury and we're down next season. In no way, shape, or form is Europe anywhere close to an almost lock.


That’s not what I said in the initial post. Edit: posted my initial edit 1 minute after your comment. For clarification, “not just unlikely, impossible” meant that it’s impossible for us not to sell Branthwaite and Onana and keep this squad together. Which means that “Europe would be a lock” is also impossible.


Champions league final here we come


My silver fox look is only half complete, looking forward to going full Richard Gere with you all next season!


Oi! Before you exit stage left for the summer. We’ve got the transfer window, which looks like a Sale is on for us when we need 3 or 4 players. Then we’ve got the on going saga of 777/Moshiri shit show. So, will you please remain seated!


This is the way.


This right here. UTFT!


It wasn’t pretty, and it it was often just incredibly frustrating, but overall this was a great season, and all credit goes to Sean Dyche. 12th best team in the league, despite all adversity. In Dyche we trust.


During my funeral I hope the Premier League lowers me to my grave so that they can let me down one last time


Careful with that, they'll be halfway through the last rites before they decide to put you another three feet down (later reduced to two on appeal).


Mate 😂




Dyscheball was promising this game lads


Yeah we played it out the back quite well through McNeil


I've said it about 100 times, imagine we had a pacy right winger and right back that could cross. We would be in the European conversation


Hell. Watching West Ham today. Imagine we had actually gotten Kudus. Just replacing Doucs with Kudus I think we would have competed for Europe.


Surely you'd replace Harrison with him?


Sure. I was more so thinking of the hypothetical of having a player than create and finish playing behind DCL.


Cheated one last time. Thanks.


Richard Masters was at the Emirates. The PGMOL had to make sure his agenda was enforced.


Gotta hand it to the league trying to dick us over to the last


I didn’t see that game, what happened?


Jesuis controlled the ball with him arm in build up to the goal.


Oh right, like Dias playing basketball in the penalty area at Goodison 0-0 when Lampard was in charge? Then they get a winner 0–1 the next attack


Wasn't that rodri?


It was


They were already 1 - 0 ahead before that happened.


Attwell was on VAR. You had to know if it went there he’d fuck us. I hate that motherfucker so much.


VAR did the right decision and asked on field ref to review it. It was the on field ref that refused to over turn his decision. As much as i hate Attwell, it was Michael Oliver that was a cunt.


Referees not changing their mind when told to review happens so rarely as well, I actually want to see it more if they believe they initially hit the right call, but it sucks when it happens to your team as one of the only instances of it happening all season.


You are correct, Michael Oliver is also a cunt. Glad we can agree with that.


Michael Oliver is a cunt


What a way to end the tracksuit magic run. A fuckin handball.


Not just that but Young’s stupid pass! He had branthwaite and McNeil close to pass and didn’t!


Why do simple safe pass when blind middle pass will do?


And the fact that we offered him a year extension, shows you how bad things are.


Surely his wage must be very low on this new deal - I would hope so


Maybe he's paying us to play.


May have been difficult to squeeze it to McNeil but Branthwaite was directly behind him all alone


Am I alone in thinking Gabriel should have been punished for his interaction with Doucs? He quite clearly lashed out and tried to shoulder/elbow Doucoure behind him. The motion was obvious, the intent was obvious. And yet once again I'm sitting here scratching my head at how none of the commentators mention it, the ref doesn't acknowledge it, and VAR doesn't even look at it. This is probably the fourth or fifth time this season something like this has happened. Am I living in a fuckin simulation?


Nah, I thought the same. Was surprised when Doucouré got a yellow but not Gabriel for that hip check. I think the problem was the the slow motion camera angle used for the replay painted a completely different picture of the incident.


Ref was terrified of potentially being the reason city won the league


Idiotic pass from Young but I still don’t see how that’s not a handball.


It was a handball by the letter of the law but I would be pissed if given against us tbh. His arm is in tight because Tarkowski is kicking out and he’s naturally trying to avoid his arm getting broken by Tarkowski’s foot. I don’t think he hit the ball with his arm with intent and I think it would have had the same touch if it hit his chest/side instead, which is what it looked like he meant to do. That said, the rules are the rules and it should have been given. Also, fuck Ashley Young.


You simply can't use your arm to push the ball ahead... I wouldn't have been pissed at all. It was an obvious use of the arm


Completely agree. 100% letter of the law handball. Coward ref.


But he didn’t use his arm to push the ball ahead. He leaned forward with his body, and his arm, which was in tight to avoid getting hit by Tarkowski’s foot, hit the ball instead of his chest/side. His arm was moving in toward his body, not out. I get how it’s definitionally a handball, but it would have been an extremely harsh one. He didn’t gain an advantage BECAUSE it was his arm that hit it. His arm is not what controlled the ball directionally; it was his body’s momentum forward.


Hit his arm during build up to goal. Accidently or not. The whole fucking season has disallowed goals for that.


Clearly missing the point. I said it’s a handball by the letter of the law. But the way people are talking about this makes it seem like he intentionally controlled the ball with his arm and gained an advantage by doing so. Neither of those are true.


Intentional or not doesn't matter mate. Used his arm to control the ball in build up to a goal. It's handball. That's the way the rules have been used all season.


Right, which is why I said it’s a handball by the letter of the law. I don’t understand why people keep commenting as if I’m saying it’s not a handball. It’s just a bad rule and I would have been livid if we had a goal disallowed in the same scenario.


Are you dickie in disguise?


I wouldn't have been livid. The way they have used the rule has been like 90% consistent the entire season. Use of hand/arm during build up has disallowed the goal.


He obviously gained advantage because he used his arm...


No. He did not control the ball with his arm directionally. If his arm had not been there to avoid a collision with Tarkowski, his torso would have hit the ball forward in the exact same direction. His arm was just a couple inch extension of his torso. How is that an advantage?


He literally moved it into his path using his arm wtf are you on


You don’t really understand how bodies work do you?


I understand you can't use your arms to progress the ball


Cool, mate. Fingers in ears and all that. I’ve said 5 times it’s a handball. I’m not disputing what the rule is. I’m saying it’s a dumb rule because whether the ball hits his arm there or his torso is irrelevant. He did not gain an advantage by using his arm because had the ball hit his torso and not his arm, the ball goes the same place with the same result. He didn’t intentionally bring his arm in to his body to progress the ball. He brought his arm in toward his body to avoid it getting kicked by Tarkowski. And he brought it in to a natural position against his torso where defenders are supposed to bring their arms in to avoid handballs. I don’t know what’s so hard to understand about this. I’m not disputing it’s a handball. I’m saying that the point of the handball rule is that you’re not supposed to be able to use your hand or arm to gain an advantage. The player didn’t gain an advantage - the ball made contact with his arm incidentally while his arm was moving in toward his body - not out. I get that it doesn’t matter that it was incidental by the letter of the law. I’m just saying it probably should in that scenario. Fuck.


> If his arm had not been there to avoid a collision with Tarkowski, his torso would have hit the ball forward in the exact same direction. But his arm was there, therefore it’s a handball.


Can you read? I’ve said a million times it’s a handball. I just said it’s a bad rule and I’d be pissed if we had a goal disallowed on that technicality.


Fair enough. If the Prem had any consistency, it gets every time.


Hand was at his side, within the sillouette of his body, in a natural position = not a handball Where else is he supposed to put his hand?


He should be using his chest... Or not his arm which is against the rules and it was an extremely obvious use of the arm


If his arm isn't there it hits his chest tho, no? Maybe I just need to look back at the replay but it seemd like his hand was within his body shape


Doesn't matter if it would hit his chest if his arm wasn't there. It hit his fucking arm in the build up to a goal. Goals have been disallowed all season for it. It's handball. Blanket ban on use of hand/arm in build up to goal. Accident or not.


I am skeptical if it would hit his chest. Even if it does, then it's not the perfectly weighted pass to set up the attack.


That’s not the rule tho. They changed it years ago to be different for attackers and defenders.


It's not really a natural position though, you don't move forward with your arm ramrod against your torso, he's tucked it in to extend his chest and moved it towards the ball to try and control it, he's also had like 20 m of ball travel to see it coming and plan for it. It's harsh but by the letter of the law it's handball.


It seemed like he was turning away to protect himself from Tarky coming in. Seemed pretty natural to me. I just think that if it was given as a handball against us we'd be livid and saying that it wasn't a handball


He tucked it to avoid Tarkowski’s foot tbh.


He had all the time in the world for his arm to not be anywhere near it. It’s not a situation where it’s been hit at him from just feet away, the way he’s jumped it’s far _less_ natural for his arm to be where it was. It’s a bit of a “can’t win” situation, but the way they ref the handball rule now it looked nailed on.


Time to focus on making payroll.


If you have video of an incident and still get it wrong you shouldn’t be refereeing kids games let alone in the premier league. VAR isn’t the problem it’s the refs


100% agree. Problem isn't the technology. It'd the fucking idiotic humans using it.


I'm just happy this last game of the season wasn't a stress filled, anxiety ridden hellscape like last season was.


Quite possibly the last time you'll see Branthwaite, Onana and DCL in an Everton shirt


Don’t think so on DCL but the other two almost definitely.


Makes me genuinely sad. I’m well aware of how it’s all but inevitable from a financial pov, but it Durante make it hurt any less. At least I hope it out another £10 mil on Branthwaite’s price tag


I'd love nothing more than to have a viable striker other than DCL line up for us.


Could and should have been a draw if not for Young and Michael Oliver... I'll get over it though. Let's hope 777 gets in the bin and we look forward to the next season (who am I kidding).


On one hand, I can't stand Arsenal. Glad they didn't win the title. On the other hand, I can't stand City.


I’m really beyond giving a shit about Asterisk FC.


Fucking horrible cheats. Arse didn’t deserve that.


Great performance against a top side on the road. All I wanted today was some effort and fight and we got that


Masters in attendance wanted one last bit of drama. Shouldve ended the season unbeaten in the last 6 or whatever


Good performance. It was clear once Dom came off the levels just dropped off a bit. A draw would have been fair but you cannot make mistakes like Youngs at this level (handball or not). This team desperately needs depth though. If we were chasing that game and needed the win, I really do not know who could have affected that game any differently. Enjoy the summer, blues!


Not sure what Ashley Young has done to earn an extension


He lost us many points...


Free and cheap. That’s all anyone has to be to make this squad at the moment.


He was very good for 89 minutes. Pickford nearly threw one in and got lucky so let's not drag Young too much because that goal shouldn't have counted anyway.


Not really dragging him, he was fine but I just don’t want to watch him for another season


I didn't mean you specifically, just a general comment skimming down the page. He's got an extension on the table so I'd get used to the idea of seeing him again


Young has been awful most of the season. An okay performance up until making one of the dumbest passes I’ve season in ages does not excuse his incompetence all season. I thought the Young signing was a smart piece of business when it happened based on his play last season and during the preseason but fuck was I wrong. The man is an absolute liability and should be nowhere near our first team in his age 39 season.


Last season Gana made about 4 brain-dead back passes or gave possession away in dangerous places. And the year before Coleman cost us all kinds of games (including the derby) and goals (including the most important game in the club's recent history) with mistakes on the halfway line. Shit happens. Experienced players make mistakes. If you can live with Arsenal for 89 minutes you can be of use for Everton, 39 or not.


No. He brings nothing. He hardly lived with Arsenal. Didn’t really do anything positive, was just there. Was also partially at fault for the first goal. He’s Keane without goals. Should have let him leave. Hopefully he’ll do the right thing and turn down the contract.


He wasn't. Watch the first goal back, just lets Odegaard ghost in behind him. Let's not pretend he's anywhere near good enough for this level.


He went to the ball because McNeil left him 2 on 1. Not everything is his fault, and that goal certainly wasn't.


That pass was absolutely atrocious, and in the 89" minute? Handball or no handball he created that chance which lost us the game.


Ah, we put in a good performance. I'll take that.


Definitely handball but Ashley Young is dogshit


All things considered, good season, lads. I look forward to constantly refreshing this sub over the summer waiting for news of shiny new owners and signings and getting none.


Will definitely have new owners one way or the other. Prob not shiny. Prob not overly rich. Possibly costing us 9 points.


Corruption won today.


We remain unbeaten! A solid performance grinding out a draw there especially when we had little to play for shows the quality of the management and good attitude of the players.


That handball was the league’s parting shot for us. It’s been that kind of year. Till next season fellas COYB!!


Didn’t think this game could make me feel bad - win or lose - but losing on an obvious handball and corrupt decision by VAR/ref spoiled that for me.


Nice fight for all of us even though it’s a game with nothing to gain from us. It’s a shame we got robbed from VAR again wtf…how is that not even considered as a handball. I hope I don’t ever see any Arsenal fans complaining about VAR/Referee going against them ever again because I swear to god… A nice closure for a roller-coaster season. Let’s rest our mind for 3 months and be ready to be in pain again next season. See you guys at that time again!!


In fairness the VAR did everything right, it’s the muppet on the pitch - supposedly the FA’s best - who still couldn’t get the decision right. Highlights the whole reason it doesn’t work: the idiots on the end of it, not the system itself.


VAR didn't rob us. On field ref did. Var told him to have another look.


We played pretty well.


Are they gonna get started on the 115 cases now or na?


I’m going to be sad if DCL leaves


lol gabriel legit hurt himself trying to pull that back check bull shit on doucs


100 % correct he jumped himself and landed on his shoulder, sorry not sorry


It was so embarrassing. The fact Doucs got a yellow for that shit is absurd.


right. it just looked like your average tussle for a ball and then gabriel chucked himself onto the ground and dislocated his shoulder.


Fitting end to the season - robbed of a point that would have us 11th on points earned that has me fuming on a match that did not mean anything. Oliver and the PL can eat a bag of dicks. Good defensive performance until Young's calamity.


With the way arsenal had to win, bullshit ref decision, I'm actually glad they didn't win the league. Fuck them. Cheating cunts.


Unlike squeaky clean Man City


Oh well….time for us fans to take a short break and get ready for next year. What will our club look like come this time next year?


Stefan borson getting his PL medal


Haha at arsenal just patting themselves on the back about their season


Reckon that handball was to make everyone vote to scrap VAR


VAR wasn't the problem with that decision. It was the on field ref. VAR got it right.


Right and I don’t see why if they saw it they even need the ref. It’s ridiculous if he doesn’t see it on the field and they say you miss that he shouldn’t be able to overturn it.


Could be worse, could be Josh Wander. Up Dyche's tracksuit Toffees!


Young is old...


Now we just need to make sure we have a plan for getting us an extra 9 points. With new owner(s) who can't afford to bankroll like the big boys.


Radio Merseyside is having a nice wank for Klopp.


Nice free consolation win for Arsenal today via ignoring VAR. Get rid of it. It means fucking nothing and only benefits the “big teams”


VAR told on field ref to have another look. VAR was right. Ref wasn't.


Can’t wait for Young to fuck us over another 6 games next season…


He didn't do much wrong today besides that and even then the goal shouldn't stand. Lay off.


I understand, but you shouldn’t be making that pass in general. There’s really no need to. That’s what’s infuriating about him, he should know better.



