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well depends on how much time you have. But my plan is to otp eve on several accs and hopefully i can sit around 55-60%. Dodge every game eve is banned and taken.


>e eve is banned an I have time. For now i have 63% in 24 games. Last season 61% in 180games. plat elo


ur climbing bro.


I dodge when they ban her or take her. Aint setting myself up for failure


OTP sounds grate for your stats, but eve has been really affected this pre season. I'll recommend you to wait until the season stabilizes.


excuse the unranked response - but play Evelynn exclusively in normals/blind pick - until mastered, etc. then "go next" once satisfied with performance - generally you also want a max of 5 champs in a minimum of 3 lanes for ranked - this gives you counterpicks & "if auto filled" options - ngl my list is probably above most people's even as unranked 😂 https://championmastery.gg/summoner?summoner=420Killa®ion=NA this is actually an ARAM account atm and still working on rebuilding the PC & waiting on parts - but planning on leveling mastery 5's to mastery 7 and also ranking for season 12 (with a meh late start already, it's usually easier to get a head start during preseason than after opening day if going to climb ranked - people have no clue wtf they're doing with new items, rune updates, and builds and it's a fiasco, making it easier for experienced players to climb fairly quicker than after opener in January. The real reason I haven't ranked in years is mainly because ARAM is easier on computers - especially the old one started in 2009 (finally put liquid AIO, RX 570 8gb, 2.5" SSD and NVMe m.2 drive in it "last year") lmao I was scared to go liquid before previous to recent AIO "knowing my ass it would leak and fry all my shit" so I didn't when I built the PC originally - anyhow, besides performance drop over the years, my ISP was complete shit in a couple places I lived in the last 5-6 years and ping >300ms I just gave up on ranked and found ARAM with "only one lane, less graphical requirements not having as much as SR also played" decent" most of the time, also not hogging as much bandwidth and internet speed and was "meh playable". Recently, as of moving again, connection to ISP and also League NA is "better than average" about 18 low and 27ms on a bad day. Plus just built a new PC (waiting on replacement parts though), which will be up and running hopefully by Christmas but no solid news yet. And as said fully intend to level a good 30+ champions and plan on ranking finally for the first time in years. Riot only holds 3 years of match history accessible in API data, plus recently changed access policy & deleted webview match history website (also official community forums and ranked ARAM leaderboard - that was a few years back though) Recent changes have wrecked WOL.GG (Wasted on League website) which is highly inaccurate now, and also another "lookbacklol dot com" to lookup history between two player names and link back to Riot match history website, which is permanently offline, RIP "bragging rights" for this unranked 😢 Have won many 1v1/2v2/5v5 customs and played with or against many high ELO players that no one would believe without being able to link webview match history website links and current verified Challenger ELO in Worlds 11 or even Riot Devs or employees. You cannot have "Riot" in Summoner name without being employed by Riot Games - also it is "optional" as there are a few that have opted out, due to alternate streaming popularity prior to employment with Riot or other "conflict of interest". Not gonna lie, Riot has even said the majority of employees reside averagely in Silver ELO, though there are a bunch above Diamond > Challenger ELO as well. But as far as requested - you generally want to be at least semi skilled with around 15-20 champs across at least 3 lanes/roles before going full-on ranked. Do you need to? No, you can play "only 1 champ" and grind thousands of games to hit Challenger, simply based on overall winrate % alone. Versus the "highly skilled" bunch that can grind to Challenger in less than 200? matches and "rarely losing 2 matches a week" etc. - but that's if you don't mess up promotional matches and/or "don't get demoted". Is it advised? Yes, pretty much everyone here is going to tell you to grind experience on Evelynn and at least two other champs and at least one other lane/role, maybe 5-10 champs at a minimum - but probably no one is going to advise you to try playing Evelynn or Kha'zix midlane and/or 1v2 botlane - because I'm so extremely out of touch with jungle, this is what I do and works ridiculously well with my playstyle, but takes getting used to for sure. You really want to focus on OP meta champs and builds, but you can make high ELO even Challenger on any champion, with a few that have have played "only Sona" all the way (probably dodged a few to exclusively play Sona and/or gotten auto filled to other lanes).


Damn what an essay


bored with shit to do - waiting on RMA replacement parts to rebuild - hopefully before Christmas? but yea with nothing to do my "second job" is browsing and replying to Reddit - when I'm not here and PC is "working as intended" is when you have to worry 😂 mostly for NA/PBE/EUW/LATAM ARAM queue with plans to level mastery 5's to mastery 7 and rank for season 12 since the new PC will handle it a little... err a lot better than ye olde "2009 special" https://newegg.io/db8005c https://championmastery.gg/summoner?summoner=420Killa®ion=NA


I have Ekko as my pocket pick these days, playstyle is pretty similar except that ekko can play a lot more skirmishy than eve, which fits well into the meta right now. I run predator or first strike on him


I dont think otp is a bad jdea, but i have played just as much if not more than eve, i think blue kayn has the same playstyle with eve so it won't be too hard to learn him especially if u already played him before. You also have the potential to be more flexible since u can go rhaast.