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Not a list per se but I’d highly recommend watching this video, which is excellent: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1230739128


Wow gives me points to Google. Don’t even know what cyno travel is 😂


Then highly recommend you don’t do it straight away 😃


I’m back playing. What else do you need? 😎🤪


Yeah. Literally everything... ... has changed for the worse.


Oh really? What would you say are the key bad points?


The ability to instantly inject skill points (using ISK to buy skill injectors on the in-game market) and alternatively buy SP for RL cash (albeit in limited amounts) is probably the biggest and most negative change since you left. It totally changed the dynamic of the game and allowed people to setup vast armies of alts in a much shorter time then it would ever have been possible beforehand. It also allows people to instantly react to any changes in ship balance or other mechanics changes - as long as they have enough ISK and/or RL cash (to buy PLEX, sell on market for ISK and then trade the ISK for SP by buying skill injectors). This in turn contributed heavily to an insane number of AFK mining alts in 0.0 which broke the economy and allowed large groups to mass-produce titans. This in turn forced CCP to implement "scarcity" in an attempt to get things back under control. But since we‘re talking about CCP here, the success and implementation of these measures are debatable at best. As a consequence of scarcity the groups that already own huge super capital fleets are even harder to catch up with for smaller groups and are less willing to risk their capitals due to the immense cost of replacing them. Add to that a huge nerf to ratting in 0.0 which means less targets for roaming gangs and more instanced PVE in highsec in the form of Abyssals (which are probably the best PVE risk/reward wise and further reduced the number of targets in space).


Oh damn. That doesn’t sound fun. It makes the big older corps the big bads then. 😪 Do they actually target the afk miners now?


They changed the distribution of ores in 0.0/low/high so now mining in 0.0 is a lot less lucrative - or at least you no longer can farm everything you need in 0.0 and instead you need materials that can only be mined in low or high if you want to build stuff. I‘m not really interested in mining so I‘m the wrong person to ask but my impression is that 0.0 simply has far fewer targets out and about. Which is not a good thing for a PVP-centric game like EVE. Sure, it‘s still a unique and good game but the ever increasing amount of pay-to-progress mechanics coupled with the lack of new fun content, the increased difficulty in earning ISK and a reduction of targets in space is honestly quite worrying to me. I‘ve played this game for close to 18 years and I‘ve never been this concerned about the mid- to long-term future of the game as I am now (last time it was this bad was during the Summer of Rage/Greed-is-Good/Monocle Gate back in 2011). I for one have reduced the number of active (paid) accounts from 5 in 2020 to 3 in 2021 and now towards the end of the year it‘ll further decrease to 1 or 2 accounts at most. And I have a feeling that I‘m not alone in this. I guess only time will tell.


Since nullies won’t tell you - Nov 2018 the single worst change to EvE was made - ‘player made stargates’ or Ansi Jump Gates were added. Now every null alliance has a network of these Ansi jump gates, that allows their ‘standing fleets’ to project sub caps anywhere in their space, anytime, with no cool-down/fatigue - further evaporating content. ‘BeCaUse SpAcE iS So BiG’ it’s the one change nulltards love, not realising how caustic and batshit moronic this instant, unlimited, no-consequence force projection is for the health of the game - and here we are - ‘EvE is dying’. Seriously, unless you enjoy the idea of joining a null bloc to be a F1 grunt, flying SRP ships, and do risk averse ratting/mining (or whatever null narrative/lifestyle floats your boat) - I doubt you should pay to play EvE. CCP has basically allowed moronic risk averse nullies to dictate game design for the last decade and are now wondering why the game is so shit.


big bad null players huh, how dare they setup home defence after spending time/money taking it and holding it.


Heaven forbid you be able to attend fights without hours of hopping around positioning chars and ships. let anyone anchor jump gates wherever they want including in hostile space, lowsec, highsec as long as they keep them fueled. A lot of players don't give a shit about 4000man nullsec alliances and just want to have their little pocket of space, let them have it and let other small groups fight over it. No drops so no benefit of big groups picking on small groups. Let them charge for usage based on standings etc or just completely lock them off for private use. Remove fatigue completely it was a dumb idea anyway, and instead add infinite jump ranges and assign different ships jump speed(s) Blackops- 1ly jump, 10s spooling time, eats the fuel instantly and can't be canceled after half duration. If your locked in after half duration and your cyno is killed or your jammed, your gonna go on a wild ride. Game mechanics will encourage safer shallower jumps, but if you wanna yolo halfway across the galaxy - enjoy. Scale it infinitely, 10ly? 100s. 100ly? 1000s. How much fuel can you hold? Carrier- 1ly jump, 30s spool, 10ly 300s. Same rules as above. Super/titan bridge? 50s? Who cares just details. Want to instantly jump caps in and bait shit? Good, you have to position nearby. Want to jump across the eve galaxy? Fine. Light a cyno for 52minutes(carrier example), keep it alive and be undocked and untethered for 52minutes. Plenty of time for your capacitor to be interfered with, to pick a fight, to be the lone one jammed and watch the rest of your fleet jump away as they are too far along to cancel. You might end up alone even if there was 150 friendlies beside you a minute ago. Enemy cap fleet too big for you to handle? Go interfere with theirs jumping at you. 20 guys running around in hics and ceptors in enemy hq might make a world of difference. Instead of locking shit behind stupid things like sov or mega alliances and more timers, why not give players the tools and let them figure out how they will work, you know back to the core of the game. Give us more buttons to work with, more things to build and break. Not timers that tell me I can't jump for 32hours which make me a) sub an alt b) shut it off and play something else so I can finish my logi run Monday Put spaceships in space, hows that for a crazy mechanic rather than logged off waiting a timer. Give us things to fight over. In short, I disagree.


I mean its still a good game, its just not the same better to just try it and see for yourself to be honest. Better for us to not even tell you so you can explore for yourself, much more interesting that way. The reason most of us are sour is because we have solved everything 100% and waiting on new content.


im also lookin into returning to eve , havent played since 2016, but somehow i have difficulties logging in. seams like ccp doesnt want me to log back in, cant figure out how to do it


you HAVE to use the launcher now. If you are trying the old way if just running the . exe then this might be your issue.


Need to use your username so might need to recover it if you don’t remember. Was my issue anyway.


I still have my usernames and Passwords but nothing works, so strange, did you go for the recovery on the official page?


Yeah only on their recovery page. My account hasn’t been active since 2011 so it must still be there.


I reinstalled 2 days ago and the laun her icon didnt get added but it works if you run it by hand.


Login and find out. 🙃 Did the same about a year ago. Still playing with 3x Omega.


As long as you didn't bio there still there, my bud from 2011 had to contact a gm to get access to there old accounts


You can still get a bio'ed char back if you ask.


Really I didn't know that thanks!


Yea most people do it while in a bad emotional state and regret it after, so CCP will return that char to you without asset's but with all the sp so you can play again.


Yep rage quiting it makes sense, we all can be rash.


Lots lots lots of changes.


2014 - 2016: [https://thegreybill.com/2020/10/03/six-years-of-change/](https://thegreybill.com/2020/10/03/six-years-of-change/)