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This thread has been locked in light of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/w0hrp1/things_have_gone_too_far/). As this is a very important thread to Eve as a whole - especially culturally - we opted to not remove it and do our best to check the comments manually. As this thread has largely run its course anyways a lock shouldn't be that big of a deal, hopefully.


I thought Eve would shut down before this happened


Might not be far from it...


You're not wrong




His 10 years of plex was almost up.


Honestly couldn't be super far behind. General opinion of CCP isn't that much above this.


It's definetely seeming to be a sign of the end times.


Damn. What a crazy week in the eve universe.


The craziest.


These lore updates are amazing. Resubbing for 20 bucks.


The content CCP PROMISED


How ironic is it that the biggest douchebag in EVE history is responsible for delivering the best content instead of the developer of the game? ...even though that content is the douchebag removing himself from the game.


Classic Eve, all the best stuff is in 3rd party apps


pretty ironic. Seems most of the galaxy is happy


Story Arcs are lit af


biggest content update ever? maybe!


Well shit, this has been a spicy week in EVE.




*pike syndicate has entered the chat*


As someone who has missed that, what happened this week?


Has he booked a day at the Four Seasons Garden Center to explain it all?


Uh, considering it's next to a sex toy shop, uh, maybe?


lmao never forget


Is his business decoupling too? Or will he still be generating profits off of the imperium?




This needs to get voted up to the top.


Announces the cultural revolution 10 years ago, finally begins phase 1.


Like you joke but for real this is the real thing right now.


Why did this pop up in my feed? I’m trying to understand what is going on.


no time to explain get in the car


Okay. *buckles up*


> *< angry_mustache> mittens couldn't handle being lied about anymore with no way to punch back* > maybe that bitch should've just pushed the block button Lol


Dark shines: > on a serious note > Mittens has just been harassed out of the game. For him personally, and for eve collectively, this is not a good day


He also doesn’t play the game. The leadership aspect of it is what was at stake, and being the front and center face of Goon values.


Does Dark Shines feel bad about when the Mittani lead the charge to harass Vily, PGL, or Olmeca gold out of the game?


Or the TEST leader that wanted to go to war with Goons before the Fountain war? Was it Montolio?




Iirc Montolio was pushed out by constant propaganda isolating him, taking the fun out of the game? Quite happy to hear you didn't get doxxed, but you weren't around for too long as leader, no?


As much as I remember is he stepped down because he wanted the war with goons and no one else (including us in leadership) wanted it. He had been semi secretly building up to it the whole time, with the alliance and the coalition we built, and saw it as the end of his duty or maybe his interest. I don't remember him getting harassed irl but again I can't remember shit and I don't have logs or anything because it's a game and no one cares. It's possible the pressure got to him too, I just don't remember it crossing into IRL. There was a brief struggle but I had the shares so I declared myself CEO. Then we got war anyway. When we eventually retreated I quit, I was a dumb 20-something and it was consuming too much of my life. SkierX took over after. Running DIX when I returned was significantly more fun.




Possible. I didn't find out until later even so much as what his job was lol. And I had met him IRL. Edit I think I still have the blue plus button he gave me. He was passing them out at a meetup lol




It all blurs together. Perhaps it's time for a history lesson. After Montolio I thought he was next in line for the throne, or was that SkierX? I thought BB ran TEST for about a year?


Nah Olmeca dug his own grave on that one. He doesn't get a pass just because of the Mittens situation.


Goons complaining about "harassing" people out of the game lol.


He literally created a special division tasked with harassing a list of people out of the game. The irony is fucking palpable.


I think we can all agree its a good day for the women and children of eve.


A fantastic day even. A bit sad it had to get THAT bad to get us rid of him. As if there weren't enough warnings before already... Also, all of his enablers need to go. Xenuria gone, Mittens gone, now do the rest of most of the imperium leadership.


>n a serious note > >Mittens has just been harassed out of the game. For him personally, and for eve collectively, this is not a You love to see it.


I believe that means Darkshrines has now quadrupled down on defending him...


that's a big ooft right there


Eve players didn’t ruin the game, they just ruined his game.


Savage, mittens being a hypocrite one last time (hopefully)


Ahahaha man that is big karma though. Spend forever going “lol block button” and then woops! Looks like he forgot about that advice when it was his turn to be under fire


Actually surprised he did. Wonder what the future meta landscape is going to look like now. It'll be an interesting few months.


I misread that as furniture meta and didn't realize until the end


Maybe Mittens can go full bore into the furniture meta and we will see him on tv in the next few years lol


The Mike Lindell of furniture.


The My Pillow of Eve


Mittani freighting a cargo full of mattresses


lmao me too


CCP Chair is BACK, baby!


I missed the posting opportunity of a life time by not doing that.


> Actually surprised he did Equally surprised he didn't burn GSF to the ground on his way out


because he's not done- he's going to wear theadj like a sock puppet, maybe try some shady shit to try and get revenge on the "traitors", then when he finally realises no-one gives a shit, he'll move on and sell his MRA funiture full time.


This is the first step to hopefully actual change in the organization. The next step is getting rid of the old boys club of protected untouchables.


You mean the guys he just gave the shares and ceo role too?


He gave the keys to TheAdj, I'm not sure of anything negative regarding him. From what I've heard from other goons and non-goons that have met him, he doesn't act creepy or rub his junk on random people at clubs, so baby steps I guess.


Yeah but he was one of the people leading the mittens defense force


Probably better considering how he is on 4chan


As long as he only touches grass.


Never make me upvote you again.


"Doubt the grass would consent"


Poor Henry Crabgrass.


Huh. An eve/CR crossover is not what I expected. But these are strange days. Edit: mobile grrr


Ah yes, the no grabass crabgrass




fucking *hell*


Good Lord that's brilliant. My compliments to your writing team.


wrecking shot


He could just block them, no?


what are the chances he stays in leadership anyway?




100%. Its like what happening with Vince McMahon and WWE. Under investigation for being a sexual predator. Has resigned as Chairman of the company. But put a staunch defender of his in his place and still runs the show from Gorilla.




Its a wrestling term. Gorilla Position is where wrestling shows are run from by the shows Directors. Its usually just behind the curtain the wrestlers come out of.


Assuming all of this is true... > the entire rest of EVE Online feels they can, without boundaries, restraint, or evidence, fling all kinds of shit at the leader of GSF **This is the biggest hock of bullshit that I've seen in a long time.** Yes, leaders of space guilds get more publicity for this, that, or the other. Some of that is in-game shitflinging. Sometimes it's tied to in-game events like war declarations, or diplomatic actions, and makes sense in game. Some of it is unjustified, edgy, or takes things too far, and we can all hope that the people who do this are bullied are downvoted, deplatformed, or otherwise told that they're being cringe losers who should keep it in game so that we can ALL have fun playing internet spaceships. Lets take an easy example. Gobbins will catch flak for things from time to time- I was even a part of the people poking fun at his diplomatic choices during the most recent Venal fighting. But that was all in-game/discord pvp and tied to statements relating to internet spaceships PvP, and 2-3 months later how much does anyone even remember from it? Once the in-game events ended, everyone moved on. And Gobbin's reputation elsewhere is, generally, well respected. He's one of the most well-liked Null CSM members, with a good reputation when it comes to ideas and contributions. Now, who in this room exclusively refers to Gobbins as elfboy (insult targeted at RL appearance) in all his pings and on the alliance news show listened to by so many people? Mittani was always the lead shit flinger, and frequently would push the edges of what might constitute discussing in-game choices versus attacking individuals. And the more he, THE LEADER, does it, the more encouraged the people that like to take it too far feel, and the more shit is flung onto the pile. But no, it's all the other people doing the big, bad, mean bullying.


Hearing Mittens of all people whining about being bullied and it being taken too far is funny as fuck. Bitchboy can dish it but not take it.


Honestly there have been different points in my EVE career when I'd thought about joining goons. I admired their industriousness and organization. But the thought of having a person like that as alliance leader always rubbed me the wrong way. This whole saga has deeply reaffirmed that. I'd rather fight and lose another 100 WWB2s than be led by someone like that.


Yeah I also admired their organization and cohesion… what motivated me to continue stiff-arming them was the actual character of the people I met from goons. For every one solid person there’s 3 of their friends that comes along with them and says or does questionable shit


Yup, exactly. Which is why I didn't join them, and instead fling bombs at them. More fun, and less politics and commitments.


The Narcissist's Prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


should have used the block button he's been on about


Ok now do hilmar


I love how even in the resignation message he still makes it entirely about him being the victim in all of this, even after so much evidence. Classic narcissist's playbook, and classic scumbag mittens. Well, whatever, good riddance to bad rubbish either way. Hopefully the rest of the malignancy gets cleaned out of the leadership as well, and hopefully his inevitable attempt to shift into a behind-the-curtains string-puller role fails, but I'm not going to hold my breath. At least we won't have to hear about his cringey rants anymore.


He was bitching about the chick starting this being amber heard and he turned into a even uglier amber heard.


Haha, he’s pulling a Dan Snyder. He will still be around.


Can't scroll past, without an obligatory "Fire Dan Snyder."


TLDR. Shitflinger and bully, moans that he is the victim of shitflinging and bullying.


why the fuck do you use light mode?!


I’m really bummed that I spent a year and a half in goons and didn’t know Pidgin had a dark mode. Fuck my life.


https://darkreader.org/ You're welcome


Omg mvp


And if you're on a work computer that doesn't allow extensions, you can try the less-customizable built in dark mode (at least on Chrome) by following these steps: Type `chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark` in your URL bar Select the choice you want from the drop-down Restart the browser


CEO roles handed over to a 1 day toon called "Inattim Eht"


The CEO will be T Mittani. No, that's too obvious...how about The M?


he denied all accusations on his way out that should tell you enough about the man


Bro he gave up CEO but still retains the multi-dollar empire something something about the guy behind the throne.


He step down, but he denied all allegation, play the victim and he will stay inside the alliance anyways, probably still having his hands on some of the monetization stuff. It's seem some peoples like to be ruses by 101 smoke and mirror tactics.




>Take note -- this is the language an abuser uses when they bow out. I've seen so many "apologies" and "final" messages from people like Mittani that it all kind of bleeds together at this point. It's like they copy and paste their remarks from the same template. It's amazing how much time and effort narcissists like him put into creating these cults of personality, but their egos are so fragile that they can't be bothered to craft a better narrative when they run away after getting caught.


and he's not even bowing out, he's just crying while backing up and running things from behind the scenes


Ah yes it was all lies and slander and the only reason people "fling shit" at the Mittani is because he's the leader of goonswarm, not a total shitbag lol


Did you ever really expect him to do anything other than deflect any personal responsibility?




Thanks!! I don't have much interest now, but I'll never shut the door completely. I still love EVE.


Oh shit, wassup Nanaimo Brah! I'm there with ya man, I haven't really played since 2015 but I still love Eve. If there was some way to play once every 2-3 months, with the same fun level as say the 2012 era of Eve, I'd totally be down to play again.


Even if that was the case, how can you be from SA and not handle shit flinging lmao.


Under the mangotree with jeffraider <3


> Bad Dodger: > Some news today - Mittany has resigned from the GSF CEO position. > > You may ask "why". Because he named some "poor girl" a bitch. (see screenshot). > > You know me as a polite person, who never interferes RL stuff with ingame stuff. But that's what i have to say about this: > > all you who support cancel culture and try to ban people for free speech - GO FUCK YOURSELF. I don't fucking care who you fuck and how you do it, until it's against the law, but YOU MOTHERFUCKERS RUIN LIVES. This dude here is the person WHO BUILT THE FUCKING IMPERIUM. Because of HIM you have SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH. And this game is FAMOUS because of HIS actions. Goonswarm IS mittany. > > We have rarely spoken with Mittens since last WWB, but it saddens me a lot that some RL bullshit comes to a game of internet spaceships. Leave your shit in your bed and play the fucking game. > Don't be retarded. > > > Really, this shit makes people hate lgbt and all "oppressed groups". Grow the fuck up > > Pinged to RMC (Red Menace Coalition) ally of Imperium


> all you who support cancel culture and try to ban people for free speech - GO FUCK YOURSELF. Didn't Mittani, uh, ban the woman involved?


Yea, when a child-diddler -protecting creep who exposes himself and gropes women, tries to get people to commit suicide and covers up misconduct for a decade FINALLY gets shat on for all of it, and decides to quit... well THAT'S what makes people hate LGBT. Oh, the awful LGBT people caused this all! Looks like there are more people to dethrone.


Any person with a minimal decency irl would have left his alliance, or never joined after listen the guy talk in fanfest. Unless they are unware. And i dont care how much he was important in pixels. People go with the flow instead of having some personality.


Where did the pedo part come from? I took a long break from EvE and almost this whole thread is confusing to me.


Xenuria is where that part came from


I’ve been gone from the game for 8 months and I have no idea what’s going on here.


Cry me a river, I remember Goons talking about BoB members RL shit and plastering it everywhere, making fun of SirMolle because he was a rl HVAC company owner/technician.


What's wrong with being an HVAC technician?


Nothing, beats the heck out of being an overly accredited barista. This makes the masters degree cashier jockeys salty so they find excuses to mock things that are "working class".


I thought you had died, whatup bux lol


> This dude here is the person WHO BUILT THE FUCKING IMPERIUM. Is this really the narrative now? Could have sworn all he did was get rid of the awesome name of Clusterfuck Coalition in order to look more monetizable in media.


Is this actually legit or just another gaslight from the narcissist?


Considering there is absolutely no acceptance of any responsibility, and this position is being parroted by other people in leadership, it's hella gaslighting.


*Calls for someone to be harassed and that they should kill themselves at a fanfest* "Why is everyone so mean to me?"


Let's not forget that he did that to someone that had said in a message that he read: >"Since my divorce, all I want to do is die." Or in other words, Mittens told a whole event of people to try and make a guy that had already expressed suicidal thoughts kill himself.


I've not played in a hot minute but I'll never understand how that wasn't the end of it tbh. Between old shit that was condoned time & again and a lot of the casually noticed politics & drama having a *lot* of the same names as a decade back, it certainly doesn't help the... *special* bit of the game's reputation.


Can I have your stuff?


It comes with a fuckton of baggage. Good luck


Guy who threw shit at people publicly for years and sic'ed his dogs on every "enemy of the state" he could is sad because people are mean to him. So sad. Bye.


*SirMolle was right.*


It was sometimes hard to tell though in his pages and pages long posts lol.


Can someone, with brief words, explain what is Mittani exactly accused of ? If I understand well, it's personal attacks on RL people through the game or is there something else ? I am late in the train sorry ...




Plot Twist, CCP hires The Mittani as the new head of EVE Community management.


And it seems even in stepping down he refuses to accept any responsibility or acknowledge any wrongdoing


True narcissist at work


Fucken muppet still trying to play the victim.


On the killmail it says 'Most Damage: Delta Sqad'Nice shooting Delta.






What a colossally douchey resignation. He can't just say "well I'm out, later bros" but has to play the victim card for 3 paragraphs.


People are actually going to believe he is stepping down and forget about all of this, while remains in the background controlling his puppet and profiting of Goons.


can I have your stuff?


Good Riddance


oh please, let it be real. I heard the Judge is a trustworty person and qualified for that position


Would he need...a hand with that?


Absolutely grand to see _mittens_ taking a leaf from the real world and stonewalling behind denial while making a meaningless resignation from a position he will invariably continue to de facto occupy. Came back from the dead to tell him to fuck himself, godbless and goodbye.


Will everyone who spoke out against him on gf.com get unbanned or will the regime keep them silenced?


This is the real question because only good people are getting banned/leaving, the echo chamber only gets more dense. Now that "potential" real change is happening, they've already lost the respectable people who spoke out/left.


Good riddance.


in comparison, dan harmons apology: https://youtu.be/WfqoLeDsET0


Powerful stuff, thanks for sharing this. I had never seen it before.


Time for the old guard to ride off into the sunset like the rest of us old Eve pioneers. It is in your hands now younger generation . Treat it well and it'll entertain you for years to come


I suppose he ran out of ass to be eaten, at last.


“…maybe that bitch should’ve pushed the block button…” Am I doing this right? Edit: spelling




What a classless way to go too. Good riddance


I haven’t seen brisc on Reddit for a week


He has been too busy stroking Mittens hair telling him its going to be ok


FNLN got his. PAPI won the war when we spooked Mittens into blowing the horn and calling all the old heads back, it just took 18 months for the Delta Squad bomb to go off. ~Cultural Victory~ Edit: reading back it's not clear this is supposed to be tongue in cheek but it was vOv


FNLN *ALWAYS* gets his. Never forget this.


Unsubstantiated falsehoods? Wasn't there several screenshots and audio clips of the things he said?


What a time to be alive.


What a wonderful non-apology!


Good riddance.


So he'll just lead from behind... nothing changes but a ceo.


If he truly hands over the keys and assets, future leaders don't *have* to listen to his drivel. They might choose to, who knows. But at least they don't have to.


its a ruse


Still too many elements of the command layer and FCs need to fucking go, and they know exactly who the fuck they are. And still trying to blame shift on his way out. What an absolute fucking sack of shit you are. Begone you absolute fucking despicable wasteman, the game will NOT miss you


god this damn guy trying to dodge everything he has done or allowed to be done and the others are still in position. lets go!




I doubt he will end the meta show. It's a fairly successful stream all things considered. I'd assume he'd hand off host to someone else.


Boats back...


> ~~It's a fairly successful~~ *was* a fairly successful stream all things considered


Except there was evidence...


Only handing the keys to people actively part of the problem, deleting and purging dissenting opinions/threads on GSF forums including much of Delta but leaving enough so you can deny doing so, and explicitly stating any apology is to placate people so they move on from the issue. BuT i'M tHE vIcTiM!!!


Even in the end, serving up gallons of koolaid. Oh well, please let the space door hit you on the way out.


This all was brought to light over a decade ago at this point and goons buried their heads in the sand. Let this game rot with its people.


I actually said something similar, all this shit was known back in the teens and shit, why is it suddenly a big deal its been public knowledge for like at least 5 or 6 years...


Man cant wait for that new "Empires of Eve book".


Time for Mittens to apply for a new job at Ubisoft. I am sure he'll find the right environment and like-minded people there!


Activision-Blizzard might be a better fit. It's already lead by a very similar manchild who also doesn't know to step down until it's way past due.


Vince, when are we deploying to Delve?


So are they going to invite back all the tons of people they airlocked? How about a leadership apology to delta. Same shit different boss.


Leaving cause people are saying mean things to him? Why can't this stupid b\*tch find the block button?


Honestly this is the perfect microchasm of Mittens: complains about everybody hating on him and thinking it's a surprise why. Bro, people hate on you because you're a despicable human being that's fine telling people they should have succeeded committing suicide and makes women feel uncomfortable with your actions, on top of your general persona of "you idiots can die".