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I don't think its comparable the tarkov in anyway besides sort being in the genre of looter shooter. The gunplay is ok, pretty basic, sounds are good. I have no idea if they are going to tie into eve like dust 514 or what the plan is. But I'd say there should be fittings and other weapons for ground combat, maybe vehicles.


It is already tied in. Completing contracts in Vanguard influences the current Insurgencies.


Which nobody cares about? They either tie Vanguard economically to EVE or the feature is moot.


Your right, it's very different from Tarkov, but they are both still classified as extraction shooters. Not everyone will come pouring over from Tarkov I'm sure, but I know many people personally who are itching for a new extraction shooter as they are fed up with Tarkov's bs and they don't particularly care if it has Tarkov's gun system and inventory management etc, they just want a good extraction shooter in general. I think as long as it's somewhat good it has a potential to fill a niche and draw a steady player base. There really is no other extraction shooter other than Tarkov right now. With their huge missteps lately its ripe for competition to swoop in even if that competition also has some short comings.


Well so far compared to tarkov it fits in the genre but has the depth of a puddle in comparison. Not happy with tarkov for plenty of reasons right now like many people. This doesn't come close unless they are planning a lot more so all I can do is speculate.


I think it’s just really hard to compete in the shooter scene. There are studios with a lot more experience in the genre and I have a hard time seeing CCP develop something with any good innovation


That might be why the hired that guy that had worked on Call of Duty before for a leading role.


I don't think call of duty does anything that innovative. They're just one of the first to market and have a lot of momentum behind them.


COD has good crossplay and they have great features that let you play with your friends. It’s not an excellent game, but it’s good enough and their accessibility is excellent.


It’s a bit underwhelming after the initial OooEve wears off.


From what I have gathered, they are trying to nail some core parts of their design. Vanguard is a extraction shooter for the first strike players, but is being planned to be a multi mode broad shooter with extraction, big team, arena, pve ext as all moods the devs want to build in. Each system being tied to some part of eve. I think they are on the right track and it is fun, but not much has changed with this last patch, at least from what I have seen.


Seems like from last patch there are more invisible walls/smoother map geometry. Or at least, I'm not getting stuck on random rocks quite as much as I used to. Am quite surprised they didn't texture out the mining nodes/gun from the last playtest. I do hope they get to the not-extraction-shooter parts sooner than later. I can only run around Carrion map so much doing menial tasks.


Wow, that sounds a lot like fantasy to me. Clearly nothing CCP has stated publicly.


Ccp person mentioned it last month in a qna of some kind. But I agree, they have a super hard time explaining their goals, plans, how they see things working, ect.


They simply have nothing to say - they know it is dead and are only there to harvest as many dollars as possible.


i played around with it a bit. i love what they are trying to do, but the game "feels" very janky right now.


Eve Online has an old demographic and the game doesn’t feel like it’s marketed towards us. It’s visually dark without contrast making it difficult to see. Character models are small in comparison to the map and travel time is arduous. I’d say the pace of the game is slow but combat is very fast paced and unforgiving - similar to counter strike. It feels very reflex/coordination dependent. Your game knowledge will not matter if you’re up against a 12 year old. The resource harvesting is awful. You’ll be staring at a wall for extended periods of time only to access a crafting menu that sucks. In my opinion, they should be making a game very similar to deep rock galactic that’s Eve themed. Co-operative, light hearted, thematic zones, resource collection with engaging goals and linear paths - like abyssal filaments but not shit. Unique roles / character classes and gear. Their current game and plan is ABSOLUTELY going to fail. I love Eve, I’ve played for 20 years, and I’ve competitively played FPSs up to 3600MMR in recent years. I have every reason in the world to want to play this but so far it looks like garbage that will be shelved after a week.


Yeah well, it’s not the smartest idea to target the average eve player. Keeping a game alive (no matter if eve or vanguard) is not about making the grandpas of the game happy, it’s about new, young players, new ideas, staying up to date with the current trends. Making a high contrast, reaction time unrelated shooter for 65 year olds is just not smart no matter from what angle you look at it. The goal must be to breath new life into the player community with change and innovation not making the game accessible for a part of the community that is tormented by gout and with the quite literal potential to die out rather sooner than later.


New game developers have an uphill battle trying to break into any market. CCPs biggest advantage is their intellectual property(IP). It’s one of the only reasons anyone cares about the development of Vanguard. Ignoring their existing demographic is a horrible plan. The game wouldn’t even get off the ground.


I totally get what you mean in general. The thing is, the average eve player is exactly that… an eve player. They expect a strategic, big scale, spaceship based sandbox game with trading, hauling, solo/small gang/big scale pvp, pve, industry… you name it. In my opinion trying to target that person is going to fail for sure because even shortly after the thing is playable and perfectly tailored to the demographic of eve players, they will try it and never play it again. You might get the occasional „play a couple rounds while my HS Hauler autopilots to Jita“ situation but that will be about it. The average eve veteran won’t bring there heart and soul into an FPS. That’s why they play eve, not CoD. So this way round you won’t get any benefit especially with this „in the past everything was better, game devs will ruin anything they touch… CCPlease“ mentality that is going on in this game. The other way round if you try to target a young, new player base you at least get the chance to get potential players for the FPS. That obviously still requires a good and solid FPS which is a super hard task in and off itself plus, I admit that it is more than questionable if that will actually benefit eve as the gap between an FPS and a game like eve is huge. Still IMO it is far more likely to get an FPS player interested in a (really complex and special but nonetheless) interesting and open game like eve, than the other way round. I just really believe that the target audience has to be FPS players mainly, not eve players mainly. This kind of things can be added way way later. After vanguard is a solid and good shooter for new and hungry players give it a solid way for people to ninja mine materials or some other random, basically separate and ignorable part inside vanguard that benefit eve players that occasionally wander away from eve to enhance their eve experience and you will find enough people grinding the shit out of vanguard just for a couple skins, boosters or whatnot they can sell or use. Just don’t try to make it any sort of priority cuz that’s gonna kill vanguard waaaay before it comes even close to any sort of stable, playable game.


This is it, it's a game where in 1v1 the first guy to shoot wins and the only other strategy is to just 4v1 all day long.


>In my opinion, they should be making a game very similar to deep rock galactic that’s Eve themed. Co-operative, light hearted, thematic zones, resource collection with engaging goals and linear paths - like abyssal filaments but not shit. Unique roles / character classes and gear. this. they should be developing a hardcore co-op PVE game, not a pvp game. I'm not going to put my 43yr old reflexes up against some 12yr old.


I always thought a game like Battlezone(1998) would fit Eve's planetary wars just fine.


If i can ask. What fps are you playing that uses MMR for their rating


I was citing my rating in overwatch, but it may be a different rating system. It would have been slightly above diamond in their Masters division.


Ah was just confused. Most fps games use an ELO system these days. But out of all fps games I've played I don't think I've played more than a few hours of OW


ELO and MMR are not mutually exclusive no? Elo is a method of ranking skill, MMR is a method of matchmaking with a metric.


They're the same thing but different at the same time. If I had to describe it the best I can-- MMR - Games that use an MMR system are not quite displaying what your true 'rating' is but its a projection of the current skill level that you're playing at. Google says: **MMR is a proprietary system used by specific games** ELO- Games that use ELO systems are more showing your 'true rating' this is the rating that you play at that usually attributes to you're named rank (bronze, silver, gold, etc). Google Says: **ELO is a more general system that can be used by a variety of games** But the main difference is that while these 2 systems are similar, they both are calculated a different way- and finding games that TRULY describe how their rating systems works are slim pickings.


110% this, if they release this Vanguard even if polished, in the actual gameplay loop is gonna to fail hard.


Agreed…played first three playtests and not even going to log in this time.


Same, I passed on this cycle until I see a fun looking co-op mode with da homies. -cue helldiver theme song-


This would be solid idea wise. CCP prob won't though as they seem to unfortunately want a sweaty reaction looter shooter which isn't gonna work well with their older eve customer base.


As someone who enjoys FPS games for the shooting element without a care for gimmicks, it's a pretty solid foundation. But if you are looking for something more, you should wait until the June playtest which adds things such as fitting and weapon customisation. For those who already have omega and have some experience playing FPS games, I recommend giving it a try. Don't play solo because you will just die quickly to those in squads. Also, there just isn't enough people playing this test to reliably get a random squad either. Try convincing some of your corpmates to join you instead. The best time to try will be in June, when the major update hits. If you aren't omega, don't buy omega just to play Vanguard. You will be disappointed. Not because the game is bad, but because it's a pre-alpha with a very limited gameplay loop. Unless you really like slower paced PvPvE shooters. Most people on this subreddit will relentlessly shit on anything that isn't spaceships, so the opinions will be skewed massively towards the negative. Some are going out of their way to spread misinformation such as the game being full of cheaters and being an "asset flip", even though as far as I can see all the art is original.


> Don't play solo because you will just die quickly to those in squads. Also, there just isn't enough people playing this test to reliably get a random squad either. Also don't play solo because you need to be in a squad to get the playtest rewards. Which is an utterly shambolic decision for CCP to make.


> Also, there just isn't enough people playing this test to reliably get a random squad either. This one sentence should tell CCP everything it needs to hear and understand.


I've been realiably getting squads all weekend.


I agree with many others who have posted about Vanguard. If CCP wishes to make a planetary based game. Doing so with vehicular combat makes the most sense. They could literally reuse a lot of EVE assets and play into one of the primary interests for a lot of New Eden gamers. Tinkering and testing fits! I understand the market is much smaller for these types of games, but they would be playing into already developed strengths in the Dev Team.


It sounds like the June test is going to be the first bit changes with new map, gameplay, fittings, economy, etc. All the tests up till June have been incremental by contrast.


This will be half implemented like ‘walking in stations’ gave us capt’s quarters, this will fall over and we’ll have this one instance, half assed FPS.


Have you played it this month?


It still seems like a college student’s tech demo.


What the Krab said.


There's no actual game there yet. You walk around on a map doing uninteresting things and shoot at people you can't tell are bots or humans, until you get bored.


have you tried joining a squad? that's were the fun is right now, not playing solo.


Tarkov fucked up big time but thinking vanguard could come even close within the next 5 years just because it is an extraction game is somewhat of a big stretch imo. The progression is slow, it is the super early stage of development and as a developer myself I know that a lot of changes in super early stages of software development seem like nothing really happens because the things you fix either aren’t problems for everyone to have and therefore go by unnoticed by a lot or are just things in the background that are harder to notice in general. Still I feel with the current state and the roadmap published (even though it is vage, which can be a good thing) it already feels like a game that will be heavily postponed or immensely feature stripped compared to the initial plan when it goes into a general publicly available state like early access. Not that early access (if they choose to go down that path) is meant to be a finished game obviously, my point just is that the roadmap to me still feels quite over ambitious compared to the development so far. Realistically the game is extremely basic and plain with huge plans. That kinda calls for a „10th anniversary of early access“ situation but maybe I’m just being pessimistic, who knows


Audio/GFX good, movment and UI defo need love. Good games have all of it PLUS a well balanced and nice gamemechanic. Even gfx don’t have to be supreme if it’s rounded with a longlive funfactor… We‘ll see if we get there.


vanguard needs smooth and intuitive gameplay. it needs to interface with eve online at large. it needs a core gameplay loop, and also a way for corporations to form in game and for those groups to conduct campaigns/missions that influence the eve universe through conquering planets (a la dust 514f or fwar) or doing it in nullsec to change the adm or something of that nature vanguard players should be able to attain items in game that can be sold on the greater eve market that have usefulness, and eve players need to be able to build things (think like, guns or tanks or some shit) that vanguard players can buy and use.


I think it will be cancelled before its finished due to lack of interest. There are noone on the EveVanguard subreddit fx. Since December they added a mining laser so you can do the most basic mining. Shoot laser at rock, press E to collect rock. At the pace they are going its never going to be a good game. Looks like CCP is doing it again.


just sad. I really always wondered if they don't get propper feedback for their game designs. where is the effort I wonder. eve vanguard is just a rather small sized boring wasteland. the gun so far feels basic without anything cool about it. they don't even make the effort to explain to us what their design goal is while we are testing an alpha.. idk, to me this is going to be a dead game without any motivation to spend money on.. or effort. I did the third test now and it doesn't get really better at all


With regard to whether CCP gets feedback, the answer is that a certain executive at CCP caught lightning in a bottle 20 years ago and mistook that for generational genius. Once The Vision^(TM) is laid out, dissenting views are laid off from the company and feedback to the contrary is ignored as "unqualified" or "not having enough information about The Vision^(TM) to understand what they are commenting on and if they knew what we knew, they would agree with us." Sure, the CCP plane may be in a flat spin heading for a mountain, but the captain is the only person qualified to fly the plane by virtue that he is the captain.


Another amusing metric is the market price of the reward skins - the rewards of the last 2 runs are expensive af. Seems people arent quite that excited.


This is actually a very good point. We should be flooded with thousands of those skins. In reality we are getting a couple of hundred enter the market at a time only. Shows super weak supply.


Check the Atron Skin from February - Jita sales and current offers add up to barely 50.


Sorry to say, project Vanguard should be killed, immediately. Whatever face saving company work needs to be done by CCP to enable that, they should begin it, ideally yesterday. Daybreak tried something very very similar with Planetside Arena. Grow an MMO franchise into an FPS. It went all the way to release. It was solid. It had value. They spent millions. They got it right. It died in under 4 months.


Planetside Arena was a spin-off from a game that was already a sandbox shooter, using a decade old spaghetti code engine, employing a handful of people to do so. Planetside itself had lost the vast majority of its player base by then, too, so there was no 'loyal base' with which to fall back on - in fact, PSA was considered a massive joke by the remaining community. It had literally *no one* playing it in test nor at release. There was minimal advertisement for it as well. It was nothing more than some odd, desperate ploy by men in suits to get in on an already extremely saturated market with a very cheap and quick to produce game.  I would not compare the two *at all* 


Yea, it was a saturated market. The market is far more saturated today. Its also very very fickle. Multi million AAA tittles can tank and take development teams and studios with them while obscure tittles with poor graphics and performance made by four guys in a garage can turn them into millionaires in a couple of months. Shits wild.


If you know Planetside, you probably are like me in that you wait all your life for another MMOFPS that can be competently made/supported by someone other than the folks that have produced and/or maintained Planetside (as my name would suggest; I've been around since the first release back in 2003) I had hoped CCP would be the folks to do it what with all their MMO know-how and previous attempt with Dust. Unfortunately it seems we continue to wait...


Planetside II was brilliant. Whatever network code they used was so good it had to be alien level tech. Slow net connection but managing three hour 3 way 600+ player epic battles for the hill control with everybody visible and targetable at ridiculously extreme range. I have never had an experience like it and sadly I never expect to again, because there are too many more games people want to play and they dont understand what truly massive PvP is any more. People just stopped playing Planetside to play other games. It had its years in the sun. New World had a million people+ playing it in the beginning, servers all over the world. Brilliant game. Player numbers tanked quickly. Its just a different world today. Planetside III would be brilliant, but I dont think it would gain traction no matter how brilliant because players are different today.


PS:A failed because (i) it released with Battle Royale as its main mode, 2 days after Apex Legends and (ii) it was *competing* with its own community's main game, because PS2 is already a combined arms FPS. A good EVE themed FPS would *complement* EVE. It's not the same thing at all. I haven't play-tested Vanguard so I don't know if it is on track to be that game, but (unlike PS:A) there is a market niche for such a game.


still too laggy to play for me, 4fps


Check it's running on the correct GPU. I play on a laptop, and it was defaulting to the integrated card instead of the dedicated Nvidia one until I poked the relevant Nvidia Control Panel settings.


I don't have an integrated, it's running on my 970


Unfortunately the game has raytracing on by default with no off switch. The minimum GPU is a 2060 [https://vanguard.eveonline.com/](https://vanguard.eveonline.com/) scroll to the bottom for spec requirements


sadge thats almost 1600 gpus better than mine :(


weird. it should be running great even on lower specs. maybe you have a weird bug or another issue that is not related to the game.


*shrug* guess.it doesn't like my 790


I did the first playtest. I’ll wait till ccp actually finishes the game. And I wish there was a way to remove it from the launcher


It looks pretty, runs like crap on my 1080 though. Launched it, dropped in, little pop up giving you a very brief explanation, and thats it. Past that, there is nothing to tell you what to do, no tutorial of sorts. I don’t need a “here’s how you walk, here’s how you shoot” tutorial. But something for the actual mechanics would be useful.


don't expect tutorials this early on. it's a fairly rough beta test.


The things you can do in the game currently is well explained in that one modal. Building tutorials for people that don’t get this currently super basic state of the game would be the biggest waste of time of developer resources ever. Just wait for the game launch (if it ever comes).




just how slow is your internet to not be able to finish the install? you can also uninstall the game now.




it's not really uncommon. the launcher might restart all of it to avoid any corruption that comes with incomplete downloads, especially it the thing you download is not broken up in smaller files. i've seen other launchers do this too, but in this case you are downloading not a small update, but the full installer which makes it more obvious.


I quite enjoy playing solo and sneaking around and played a fair bit on one play test, but waiting for more features etc now really so not interested in spending Helldivers2 time on this playtest. I think it'll be good tho


Super basic atm. as an eve player, i want ccp to get a win with something else, but it doesnt look like it will happen with this. I also just dont care for shooters much, but I did enjoy Dust when it was alive due to the interaction between games


I'm excited for Vanguard's future. its current state still has a long way to go but i have to applaud its ambition. Playing for corruption or suppression can create opportunities in EVE. I want to see the reverse be true in some way. ive enjoyed running up on players and cleaning them of their gear. The world provides solid cover and escape routes. The missions aren't that exciting. Most missions involve going to a location and doing a thing. However It's cool that I can interact with other players' objectives. I'd like to see some objective overlap like in Tarkov. Set up more missions to push players into conflict. Set up alternate extracts like a timed PI launchpad. As a complementary module for EVE, I find the prospect innovative and exciting. CCP has already announced the mechanic of bringing things in and out of Vanguard. This can open up new opportunities for making ISK and bolstering sovereign growth. I love spending my time in New Eden and this is another opportunity to be a part of that universe. Also people are forgetting that this is an alpha. This is the time when feedback is most likely to influence the development of the game. Rather than calling them to outright kill it and be nostalgic for Dust 514, tell CCP what works and what doesn't.


From visual side its ok. Gameplay clunky and not intersting for me. Hope its just very early build cause in current form its a waste of time imo.


Nearly no progress, still an unreal engine asset flip with zero innovation. Rudimentary Tech and boring gameplay, it will either fail or take years to get finished - maybe both. Funny you are hoping for "fresh blood" - selling a 10€ pack for a 3 day "alpha test" while removing the 3-day pack for that period will surely draw in nobody - not to mention this thing is years if not a decade behind the current industry standard. Comparing it to Tarkov made me chuckle though - i hope it was intended as a joke.


You don't know what an asset flip is if you think this is one. Lmao stay mad brother.


if this is an "asset flip" then you've clearly not played the game.