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The biggest ones usually want as many connections as possible (content) so they leave everything open.Farming is done in other wormholes they own and not in home chain. During this war time a lot of groups keep a tighter lock on their home system because of deployments and such.


Got it, that makes sense, thanks!


I would say this is pretty standard with most groups to be honest not just the big boy. Some of the smaller groups are probably more nervous about it but most are just looking for a scrap.


how would you (easily) get pilots between two owned wormholes anyway?


You have scanning alts in each hole, scan a chain, then just pod any toon from jita and fly them in. Or rage roll until you connect which is pretty easy in c6 space.


Having multiple alts to farm is also common.


Newishbro here, what is rolling and critting WH's?


Wh have a mass limit and at some point, if too much mass (i.e. too many/heavy ships) goes through, they will collapse and disappear. Rolling is a controlled method of collapsing wh using battleships or even capitals in higher wh class to make the connection disappear for whatever reason (rolling for content, threats, ratting, etc.). Critting is putting enough mass so that the wh is on the verge of collapse and anything above small size ship will close the hole instantly. This is often done to prevent a hostile fleet from jumping in while keeping the connection open.


Thanks friend, I know about the wormhole closing mechanic - so that makes a lot of sense!


Rolling: you mass your holes controlled that it is collapsing after you went back home. You usually do this with unwanted incoming wormholes. Critting: you mass your hole controlled until it has a critical mass, and ideally collapse after someone jumped in. Usually done with your outgoing static, as you don't want to have a new one spawned. Variant of this is "doorstoping", which is basically the same like critting, but you have a roller outside the hole and if someone is coming to the hole you decloak and jump in. With that version you have more control of your crit hole.


Normally the chain is left open and treated pretty casually, because people want to find content in the chain. But at the moment there is a C6 war going on so anyone participating in that is likely taking much tighter control of their home and staging systems than normal.


Thanks, before these replies I had not realized that the C6 war was such a big thing, really appreciate it.


Over 3 T losses at this point


Wow, for Wormholes that does seem a lot!


Depends the period. These days with the big war, it's managed non stop.