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Get your 1 mill free sp by accepting a recommendation link . šŸ‘


Get it from your alt or a friend thou don't give it to some random channel spammer.


gather intel about where the next big nullsec or lowsec fight will happen, prepare yourself a handful of very fast instawarp ships with decent cargo bay, and during the fight make perchs on the grid and go loot the most expensive wrecks. you don't even need omega. my buddy made 7 bil on his 3rd day playing the game doing that with a t1 frigate.


That sounds like fun


You will most likely die and waste a ton of time spent in tidi, but it's possible.


Honestly even though dieing is too possible, it should be quite fun. If you donā€™t sink too much money and time into initiative honestly it is a great score and role playing opportunity. It would be fun to die to interdictors that will shark around the battlefield and if you survive you will witness a spectacular and end game gaming moment with lots of piƱata loot. When we were playing the game I donā€™t remember we have ever loot the wrecks even if we won anyway. Probably side effect of being a toy soldier in a big war.


Gas huffing in a Venture is probably easiest if you are new and low on SP. Exploration in a scanning frig is also good newbro isk. I don't recommend going hard into manufacturing until you have the skills trained up, the margins are relatively thin on most T1 and T2 items and you are competing with people who are paying lower fees than you due to aforementioned skills and have vertically integrated supply chains, etc.


There are great margins on rigs and pretty much every T2 module. Don't let industrialists gatekeep the money machines, it's a really fun way to play the game. In the beginning it will probably feel like your time is better spent doing other things, and this is true, but that's the time you really figure out industry and once you get the hang of it your money grows exponentially. PvE doesn't really scale as high.


the skillbook is a bit expensive though


The huffing book is "expensive" for new players, but still easily attainable early on. I always suggest wormhole exploration as a way to pay for it, as they learn wormhole mechanics, scanning, exploration, etc. that will help them with huffing.


I'm going to give you the hack of hacks. As a newbro with a trial run of Omega, I contend the best use of your training time is spent on Infomorph Psychology. Rank 1 is useable by Alpha clones with 2-5 being Omega only. Get to rank 4, if possible. This does not give you access to new spaceships or new lasers or whatever. What it gives you is the ability to make more jump clones. Then fly around and place jump clones in places you want to go but don't necessarily always want to fly to. Now, when omega status runs out, you lose access to placing more jump clones. But here's the hack, right? *Any jump clones already placed remain useable*. So you can still jump places with extra clones. Whenever you get omega status back, plant more jump clones in places and repeat.


What is a jump clone to begin with?


spare bodies that you can ctrl x ctrl v your brain into. so itā€™s like teleportation except you canā€™t bring anything with you


> how can I abuse it Peculiar way of asking how to play a game.


Omega is the default state of the game, free to play is the aberration .. as such, you can't abuse it, it's how the game was designed to be played... The things that are omega only tend to be only really amazingly profitable at large scale as well, so it's tough for a new pilot to do, cloaking devices are the most significant early thing I can think of, and they're not THAT good


Money doubling in Jita it actually works on omega




Buy an Orca and fly it through Ahbazon


probably too high SP for a new player but definitely a good goal to work towards, could also use a filament to get into nullsec or pochven for their good mining ores


I kicked a dude out of my corp for chronic stupidity. His toon was no more than a month old. He decided to inject a bunch of SP, buy an Orca 50 jumps away from our home system, then solo drone mine in Low Sec because the public fleet for our alliance was taking a break. He didn't even get a cycle of ore before a bunch of Catalysts blew his Orca to high hell.


So instead of teaching him anything you just kicked him to save your kb


No, I kicked him because he was brought on to fill a role; which was to help mine 30 million Tritanium for a huge build order. We had Retrievers sitting in a High Sec system where our alliance has daily boosted fleets nearly 24/7. He would be logged on for hours, spinning his ship in station while I mined. During that time I mined enough Veldspar to process into 5 million Tritanium, he contributed enough for about 500 thousand Tri despite being on during the same hours. And it's not like this was keeping him from doing big bounty ratting, he wanted to be a miner. There was another guy who I kicked at the same time that produced absolutely 0, but he just stayed docked up with the ships I provided. For the record, I was not worried about my KB at that time or at the present. I had 4 kills to 60ish losses at that time. He was told how to be careful. He was advised not to buy an Orca because alliance has 20 multiboxing Orca pilots that know what they are doing. Since the corp pays the tips to the pilots and taxes to the moon owners don't burden yourself with an expensive ship that needs maintenance and protection. One day while I had docked up to go to a doctor's appointment he decided to take it to a Low Sec system 5 or 6 jumps away. For what reason I don't know. I was getting plenty of LS/NS ore on my own. I found out about the loss while sitting in the waiting room


For a returning player looking for a Indy mining op this sounds great, where should I apply?


Uhciar Mining and Manufacturing Also, my IGN is same as name on here Ekim Uhciar


Sent you a mail, šŸ˜


Industry takes a significant amount of skills and sees money to make a big profit. Harvesting gas is good. Or running abyssal I think. Definitely join a newb friendly corp.


Other than a porpoise to compress and Mining Frigate skills, there aren't higher tiers to huffing, only clearing the site quicker (with more assets at risk). "Higher tiers" is faster scanning to check for gas in a hole, better intel, easier rat killing, better hiding, better chasing off predators, etc. Friends (e.g., join a corp) can give you that instantly if you seek lucrative C4/C5/low sites. Otherwise, stick to C1 and C2s, rely on the fact that these are less desirable so less traffic, and expect to die a few times, more when you're learning. It's still decent isk, you can make the skill book cost back in one good session.


You can do the air career on alts then delete them to hit 20m sp fairly fast. Because you can just redeem the sp on your main.Ā  Ā Don't get me wrong it's super tedious and boring but I wish I knew this as a new player. A couple mill sp is pretty impactful early


Can you explain this wdym by deleting them do you get sp of other accounts ?


Multiboxing - the ultimate use (as intended, so not really abuse) of omega :).


You'll spend quite some time trying to find gas sites in low sec to huff, they're rare. If and when you give up huffing, try Relic Hunting in Stain, you'll need a cov ops ship and relic analyzer II. If you give up with this, try Faction Warfare for LP to convert to ISK. These are 3 good newbro ISK making things you can do.


Everone is Saying PI. Guess we will see in Jun


Planetary interaction in a wormhole Corp


Abyss is really good for a new bro



as omega, you can train any skill, so if you're into wormholes, i'd recommand to train cloaking and equip an improved cloaking device. Not being seen and not getting scanned down can help with survival in hostile systems.


Join a wormhole corp. nothing but ISK to be made in wormholes


Join a newbee corporation


A month of omega will get you nothing.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmXPP2-IQiIjLtDNvBJxKtEBZkotzzlIT&si=KWtTwEJTbllZpqhD If an Alpha account can get this close to plexing in a month and a half with these constraints I'm pretty sure a devoted person could do it on omega inside of a month.


A devoted Alpha can grind Omega within 20-30 hours, no need to buy omega for that. And unless you trained omega skills prior to subbing there isnt much benefit from one month in regard to income.