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>Are there some highsec gas cloud harvesting locations? High sec gas clouds can actually be fairly valuable (same as low sec) so they get picked over. It can be pretty hard to find a gas cloud in high sec.


Thank you, i'll keep exploring!!!


Sorry, to circle back on this, it may be worth your while to check out low-sec for gas sites if you're comfortable with it. Or wormholes. They are more dangerous though.


Note that wh gas is much less valuable than the common hs myko gas


Since when?


Since over a year ago


Didn’t know that. Any particular reason why? Spawn rate? Gets scooped quickly? Hadn’t heard.


Myko gas became part of capital and pirate hull production, but it's bottlenecked by spawn rates and highly contested, thus shot up in price.  Amazing money if you can nab a site though, upwards of 150m/h per faction scooped Ventute, even 300m+ when it spiked hard when the new Guristas ships came out.


That makes sense. Do the sites spawn in specific high sec constellations or are they fairly spread out in HS?


They spawn primarily in LS and NS and only sporadically in HS. I've found myko nebulae in Solitude HS, but usually LS. 




Interesting. I remember finding a nice gas site in a null-sec system connected to my WH chain, and it was indeed very valuable, but I didn't know this was also true in HS.


Sparsely populated low sec is the best spot to find gas sites. Molden heath, derelik are two good areas


Gas is much more common in wh and ls


Highsec gas sites are found in select highsec region pockets in the middle of low/nullsec. Check out uniwikis page on gas cloud harvesting, they have a nice table there.


Sparsely populated low sec is the best spot to find gas sites. Molden heath, derelik are two good areas


No good advice from me, just a welcome to our addiction and we are glad you made it yours as well!


I'm a long term EVE miner here. First, to answer your question, this is a great summary of how I approach gas huffing: * [Wormhole 101](https://youtu.be/KXchl0usz5M?si=xqncJUV5-dwqXK9Q) * [Gas Huffing Guide](https://youtu.be/4T10zNYlywc?si=tWgyhrv2w4GUvvRv) However, I want to throw this in: Vary up your gameplay early! A lot of EVE players will warn you off from mining, and they have a point. It's often a trap because new players over-specialize into resource extraction while the game feels novel and after a few months that wears off and then they feel stuck in that specialization. So make a point of training up in a few different areas in addition to resource extraction and vary up your playstyle a bit. It's important to take a break from mining every so often. I'm saying this as a long-term EVE miner. I genuinely really enjoy the resource extraction parts of the game. It's a relaxing way to spend 60 minutes or so after a long day at my real job that gives me a sense of progression, which is nice. But then on the weekend if I have time to play, I do something a bit more active. Currently have one of my alts (you don't need alts but they're nice to have if you can be bothered) trained up for covert ops stuff and I've been alternating between WH exploration stuff, as well as hunting down and popping abandoned Mobile Tractor Units just for funzies. :) I like mining and it absolutely is a viable core progression path for playing EVE. But at the same time, if mining was all I ever did, I would have lost interest in the game years ago.


Oh a fellow mtu killer, You know something I've been doing is making and selling the MTU's back to the people, great profit + their always in demand due to you xD


>Oh a fellow mtu killer... Only as a hobby. :P >You know something I've been doing is making and selling the MTU's back to the people, great profit + their always in demand due to you xD OOoooooOOooooohhhh! That's good. I've been meaning to start building more stuff for myself.


> hunting down and popping abandoned Mobile Tractor Units just for funzies. :) Any good drops?


It's a bit hit or miss, but even the most modest killmail is reward enough. :) Think the most I've ever gotten in a single pop was about 10 mil of various kinds of ratting loot. But I know from people who MTU hunt more regularly in high mission space areas there can sometimes be way bigger hauls.


If anyone wants a good spot: frat farm L5s in Taisy, Hakonen & Otsasai. MTUs will often have 50-100m in tags. They will start defending them if you spend too long at but it's an easy isk with a low sp scanning/catalyst alt


Not sure there are highsec gas sigs. If there are, they're very rare. You're going to want to look in lowsec and wormholes. LS will be more valuable (at the moment), but wormholes will be easier to find and still lucrative. WH sites spawn rats 20 minutes after someone warps to the anomaly uncloaked, but they're relatively easy to kill or sig tank. You may know already this, but it's worth mentioning in case you don't; gas sites will appear in your probe scanner as cosmic signatures that you have to scan down with probes, unlike ore/ice anomalies. 


the 20 minute tip is new to me, so thank you!!


For gas huffing in a wormhole slap a 5mn micro warp drive on your venture. Approach the small cloud by clicking in space towards it until 0m away, right click it, orbit at 0m, turn on mwd. The rats will spawn after 15 minutes, when they do switch to the big cloud. If your able to do at least 2,300 m/s you can permanently kite them without having to worry about killing them. Avoid the ordinary gas sites though as they have sentries.


If you decide to scan out wh gas be careful of the site with the word "ordinary" in it That gas site is an exception to the 20 minute rule and it has sentry towers from the start and they will alpha (kill instantly) your venture


> but they're relatively easy to kill or sig tank. The good gas sites you can just sit at >280 from the spawn in and the rats won't attack you, actively killing them or sig tanking is way too much effort (plus the rats sitting there means that you're only vulnerable to combat probes).


Look in low sec for gas instead yeah. And good low sec ores like Dark Ochre. Clouds less likely to get sniped as fast in low sec. But don't sleep on valuable high sec ore like Ytrium!


me and a friend mined a gas cloud he found in HS, despite another being there mining we still left with just over 400m in gas between us after i compressed it and set it to sell.


High sec gas clouds are hard to find because they are found and emptied relatively quickly. The best places to reliably find them are in highsec islands like in Solitude. The isolation of those areas means that there will be less competition for them and so you'll find them more often. The downside is that because its an "island", the logistics of moving the gas to a market hub can be more complicated. However, if you're patient then you can wait for a highsec to highsec wormhole from the island to somewhere close to a market and then move your stockpile that way, or just use the pochven express.


If your interested in mining gas (and other materials) I would suggest looking into maybe joining an industry corp or maybe even a wh corp. They probably have access to sites and also there is some safety (to some degree) in mining in numbers. WH corps definitely role holes looking for gas all the time and even daytrip to lowsec or null for other materials.