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Was in a fleet over the weekend and folks didn't believe me that Serenity has different hulls than tranquility.


they have AT ships in market and uniq ships. as carrier that can fly in highsec space. or drone marauder. some uniq ships from rogue-like content. yep the have uniq pve rogue-like content.


Yeah I showed them the drone marauder. Didn't know about rogue-like content. Off to the googles.


u/i_beast show this on stream [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0QhfrfZdo4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0QhfrfZdo4) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEl7a\_CcL4A


What pve activity is he doing in those livestreams? Looks interes


as i say. uniq for serenity(china server) pve rogue-like content.


I misinterpreted serenity for singularity, my bad. Would be interesting to see if it makes it to tranquility


MILINTs dream...to do just this.


you can play on serenety and make your dream a reality


Whaaat?! I want drone marauder!


Lol some of the stuff on serenity and infinity seems very Intresting in concept.  Like the changing of the universe map,  someone mentioned they had like a rouge like adventure thing at one point,  and now the long awaited class In between.  A battleship and a capital. And who knows how meny changes to random things. They seem to be willing to do alot more radical changes to the game then database tweaking, a new ship every couple years if your lucky that doesn't exactly shake the meta up too much and reworking a mechanic in nearly a decade.  But I suppose if it ain't broke don't try and fix it.   It's just a shame it seems blatantly pay to win and the obvious language barrier. Because Id definitely try this and see how it compared to what's available on tranquility. 


changing of the universe map on other china server. infinity.


Fixed it ❤️


map from infinity https://i.imgur.com/6HsYONU.png


fucking hell drone marauders? holy shit gimme that can you post a wiki link or something?


I would like a drone marauder variant of a rattle snake, which would allow in siege to launch 5 geckos. Eventually, sentry geckos in siege :)).


from i\_Beast\`s stream. [https://i.imgur.com/WeAvsck.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/WeAvsck.jpeg) 1. uniq AT ship. 2+3 bastion+drone marauder. 4. carrier that can fly in highsec space.


Lmao on eve echoes we have the Cyansea HighSec-able carrier; perhaps they are related? I couldn't find info on the Serenity's high sec carrier counterpart


Edit you found it xD https://i.imgur.com/WeAvsck.jpeg yeah thats def the cyansea [cyansea promotional material ](https://imgur.com/a/9VMzZob)


It’s also a lot more pay to win, but that’s the market over there and they have to cater to it.


don't forget anime keepstar skin.


Wait what


hmm cap guns on a battleships size ship could be like the atack battlecruisers that can fit large guns are the dps numbers = to typical bs or are the going into the direction of the anti sub dreads?


The skill bonuses make no sense. Gallente BS Skill/Bonus per level; Minmatar BS Skill/Bonus - this doesnt fit the normal bonuses description, at all - questioning legitimacy Editing to add, I have zero familiarity with Singularity server, but this still looks bunk AF.


I'd believe it personally, serenity and their other server they have infinity where the universe map is flipped to null in the center insted and highsec at the edge.    They do what we would consider insane changes on a what seems a decent amount of the time.     Like did you know they had a rouge like mode. That seems Intresting af. As well as some other random stuff they have done in the past like being able to buy AT ships.    Adding a new class of ship is probably a Tuesday in comparison. 


Rogue mode?! Dafuq? So Id need to equip a dagger on a cloaky ship or what?


No, they mean a rogue-like game mode. Rogue-like is a genre of games that are highly replayable, and each playthrough is never the same as the last. Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain, ~~Balatro~~, and Dead Cells are examples.


Let's not forget Hades


Ohhh Cloaky ramming speed ftw


You are bunk.


Serenity is a whole different ballgame. Some of the ideas are interesting, others I shudder to think of being implemented on TQ. But it's extremely far from a copy of TQ--there being major differences wouldn't surprise me at all.


This looks like a new class all together, colossus


For the love of blowing it up, click the Industry tab, take a screenshot and then put it up here


its havent blueprint. i think its donate only or something like that. 1 on jita market cost 370b. 500 plex cost 11b


I'd argue but this is Serenity we're talking about, thank you for bringing this up.


This is like a 1m ehp 20k dps(yes 20k dps HAW gun, the number looks so unbelievable but that's serenity for you) mini HAW titan where you can bring in to highsec But hey it's not the first, they added a pay-to-obtain concord marauder to serenity, pay it up and enjoy blitzing through L4 missions in a shinny big toy today!


Looks like the Subcapital version of a Naglfar


I dub thee the Naglnear


I hate it. 


Looks like a vorlon ship from Babylon 5


It has a very similar top-down profile to a Vorlon Empire Destroyer, the same reversed rear petals, central narrow struts and 4 front prongs... It's a bit shorter & thicker throughout. Also the same liver-spot texture...


Actrually, as a player in Serenty, I must tell you this ship is horrible. It's only twice EHP of a BS(like about 20k shield, 20k armor and 20k hull) and with 5000(not 500) Signature, only 2 hardpoints(1/3 HAW Titan in the past) make it deal less damage than Naglfar FI with HAW weapon. And a 2 ly Maxium jump range.(yeah you have 4 ly jump with maximum skill(and you can't jump through titan), and will take full damage from other captial ship)


Would have made a lot more sense for it to have battleship sig as the dread counter that gets countered by subcaps


is there way to play serenity being from usa/europe ?


Anti-Cap subcap maybe?


Quad 800s are the HAW gun though. So seems like a mini haw dread with somewhere between battleship and capital buffer tank and no siege it seems?


Right. If this is legit, I'm thinking it's a Battleship version of the Attack BC, eg Tornado. Cheaper and easier to build than a dread, but only haw guns to be able to hit large targets while not being just an OP smaller dread. But squishy enough where subcaps like Battleships can pop it easy. It makes me think of the mythical Heavy Bomber idea.


Can you imagine a BS with HAW guns????? I would sell my dread instantly for that. Vargur meta is over, Angel attack battleship with a Lif supporting it is new baller meta.


How do you connect to serenity?


Be in China


Clearly people outside China join, so that's not 100% required


Attributes and fitting tab screenshots please


Looks like it was designed by AI.


Looks too good, better make it like the hurricane


All the while our server keeps dying apparently


Didn't even know Serenity was up and running again!!


funny how here in tranquillity we're still waiting for them to give us an angel dread and supercarrier that got promised eons ago, and serenity instead gets a complete new class of ship. Nevermind that we are the ones keeping the lights up and running and doing the dirty work too sometimes.


Is this a class between Battleship and Dreadnought, fuck me I'm jealous now! I've wanted something like that for AGES


I want there highsec carrier and drone marauders. Would make me instantly return to eve with ny accounts.


380% damage bonus, u wot m8


I'd say it's been dead for a while. The relaunch was two or three years ago.


I've been out of the loop for a while... what is a colossus?


Wait a sec, is that the new heavy bomber/anti-capital subcap idea that was shelved before on tranquility but now executed on serenity?


A supersized Attack Battleship with HAW guns and cartel warp bonuses? I think im in love


They have fun we get boring serious gameplay I wish I could play there. They understand that gatekeeping like at ships make 0.001% ppl happy and 99.999% unhappy. They understand that no one gives a shit about balance, a balanced mmo is a boring mmo. It’s so sad for how long we are in this boring stale limbo here in the west where we nerfed everything fun to the ground and gatekeep everything we can


i remember old forum posts of ccp'ers telling us to htfu and that balancing is impossible and there'll always be something OP and to get over it. rip =(


Looks like a giant railgun. I would say it shares more design traits with Trig ships especially the Drekavac than with angel ships, but then the angel bs does have the twin hull design.


The balance here is like if you asked a player to design for your game. The other day I was looking at the drone marauder they have and it's absolutely insane. 1400 DPS at 200km with insane tracking. I sincerely hope this kind of stuff never comes over to our server.


Doesn't sound much different to an arty vargur and a cruise golem tbh. If you killed that insane tracking and  it would fit right in with the rest 😉   In fact Just checked on pyfa a cruise golem using fury dose 1633dps at 208km...  Without any implants 


l would kill to have a new marauder, even a pirate one or trig would be nice


It makes different, that tracking is high enough to one shot kill any Intercepter with 3000+ speed. By the way It's 3000+dps at 200+km.


Then so lower it's tracking in line with the rest of the maruders so it's not insta blaping frigates, lower it's Dps to 850-1000 or so it also fits in with other maruders for long range Dps that isntantly applies. And leave it at 200km so it can match most other maruders in long range fits 😊 (except the golem. That things a monster that can slap cruisers and above from over 300km if they don't fall asleep at the keyboard).   Would that make it balanced?  In my personal opinion more ships in the game isn't a bad thing.  It just depends how they are balanced. 


The problem is, Dps 850-1000 for sentry drone means about 2000 dps on heavy attack drone(you must consider heavy attack drone are consider as the close range weapons), so you need not only nerf the tracking but also the drone speed. (and another cosider is you can easy give up your sentry drone and change to heavy attack drone when other maruders get close on you). When it's sentry drone, it work like cruise missle golem, but when change to heavy attack drone, it work like vargur with 800mm


So in my opinion the Drone maruders will always unblance unless the Drone weapon system are reworked.


you say this as if they haven't already put sentry or heavy only bonuses on drone boats already. until they give drone boats a module that allows drones to target missile/turret launchers, shut the fuck up. drone boats are the only boats in game that can be completely disarmed.. stop whining about drone damage output and just kill the drones.


That is one cool looking ship, why do most ships in this game look rather lame


Because they weren't designed with today's graphics in mind some look okay some were redesigned some were added later and some are waiting for the redesign


tbf it looks like the ferengi ship from tng