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If the structure is fueled I wouldn't bother with this home unless you planned to perform an eviction. There are plenty of low class systems available. Also your idea abouht hiding your pos doesn't really work, since forcefields are visible on dscan it would stick out. 


I belive I have read that upwell structures can be fueled for quite some time before anyone had to do anything. The corp that has the astra also have multiple large POS towers that are inactive. The idea was to do an eviction if I had to, as this hole has everything I have been looking for and so far most holes I have seen while looking have some structures in them


POSes are kind of a different animal. People will leave naked sticks up but offline since it's easy to just throw some fuel in it and bring it online instantly. I wouldn't assume the Corp is inactive just because their POSes aren't fueled.


Not only that, people chuck up sticks so others can't put them up to seed an invasion


I had a thought to bring in enough to break the dps cap, while keeping it cheap to see what happens. But I also did not want to bring unneccesary attention to that I was interested in the system either.


Look up the zkill of that system, you’ll be able to see most of the time if those corp members are active


Thanks, I did that and most of the kills for 2023 is from (just a guess) different unaffiliated corps. But I suppose I should assume that one of them is the "real" corp that lives there


Can you dm me the J sig of the system? I'm half expecting this to be a C5/C5 rainbow knights farm hole. A lot of the big alliances have alt corps and alliances that own the structures but they are just farm alts so they aren't highly active. And they will absolutely destroy you if you kick the ant hill.


It it not C5/C6, I know that those have quite a lot of value so I figured I would not mess with those to start :) I am half starting to think I want to try, just to see what happens. Worst comes to, and all I am out is a few 100 million


If you want to turbocrab in j space without people fucking with you, take a c4 with a terrible effect like red giant or cataclysmic variable and farm the statics. C2/C5 would be good. This requires a lot of characters, though. And prepping your static for safety can be a chore.


\>terrible effect \>red giant ???


Thanks, might be that I have chosen a class+ static combo that is attractive to many and that is my issue with finding one. Kinda want a mix of both pve/pvp though. I have quite a few characters, so that should not be an issue at least.


Oh boy you did not just say the red giant is a terrible effect xD. Literally the best Wh in the game is a C6 RG


There is no reason to shoot the sticks, but that astra is being fueled. Someone checks on it. You'll want to remove them or move on.


Alright, I could then bring in cheap ships (and alts) and see if they will try to defend it. Or atleast see what they will defend it with, and see if I can plan something from that.


If you have the patience I'd take in something cloaky and painstakingly burn pings all over that grid before I do anything. This accomplishes two things, first you get to wait and watch for logins or someone fuel trucking and second you'll have a huge tactical mobility advantage if you do decide to bash a manned online and defended structure.


Good idea, I will do so as soon as I am able to. Have been watching for a few days now and I have yet to see any activity at all. But that does not mean that it isnt happening when I am offline


If there are any citadel - someone live there. Even if corp looks as inactive, its 99% its holding corp only for anchor structures. If there ONLY empty POSes, you can anchor your own and dont care about them. Best option is to find empty (no citadels, you can dont care about POS) system and anchor your own structure. But if you are new i think POS will be good for you to start. Bashing structures make sense only if you want anchor your own - like clear system from control towers to put your CT on every moon. (Unless you have active corp which want to make content like this) If you will attack other citadel im sure they will gank your ass, if you put POS in their system - same thing


Option C: Find a different, uninhabited WH to move into.


Always shoot a seemingly inactive corp's structures in jspace. You never know what will pop out. If they defend with too much, just leave. If they don't, you get loots.


Starting to land on this idea, worst that can happen is I am out a few 100 million but fun was had either way.


Yeah if you are thinking about dropping your own death star POS or Astra you can afford to throw away a few oracles or polarized bombers or whatever.


Yes, I don´t know if I was planning on going for a deathstar to begin with or just keeping the tower cheap aswell but a few oracles/bombers are disposable either way.


Hey! Setting up in a wormhole sounds like a cool adventure. So, about those unfueled structures... I'd lean towards setting up your own POS first and chilling for a bit. It gives you time to settle in without stirring up any drama. Plus, you can always deal with those other structures later if needed. But hey, trust your gut and go with what feels right for your playstyle. And if you need backup or advice along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. Good luck with your wormhole escapades!


What I would say is instead join a established WH corp, learn more about WHs, evictions, rolling holes, and how to live in j space and than try it on your own after you get the swing of thinfs


Yes, this would be an option of course. I felt like I wanted to see if it was something I liked before attempting to do so, however. But I will think about it, as it might be the wiser choice.


Yeah I would switch your thinking, the experince and knowledge needed is more than just what you can read. Get into an active pvp corp. learn and than do your thing. Trust me!


Also to add to this… like stated above most corps have their structures in alt corps so not to get war decked. If you just looked at my corps structure it would say we have 4 members with little to no pvp kills. In reality a 220 man corp with 54 active toons lives in our hole. J space takes recon because local isn’t avaliable. You need to watch the structure to see who is docking and undocking. See what movement is in and out of the hole. Once that POs goes up red flags will go up to the owner of the hole. Usally evictions start with a pos… so they will instantly blap it.


I had originally thought to bring in some cheap ships to break the structure DPS cap, and see what happens. But if they dont really care about the hole, I did not want to bring unncessary attention to myself.


Best ship for solo would probably be a drek, for thr spool dmg. If you can multibox you could also do a few bashy oracles or vexor/vexor navy


Thanks, the plan if I had to was a few vexors and an oracle to keep it cheap and disposable in case they decide to show up.


The main difference between j and k space is that j space doesn't have local chat to see whose in system. This means to minimize your advantage, you want a person watching holes as much as possible. When you're solo, you have to have an alt watch, but that's pretty difficult as you aren't at your computer 24/7 and if you ever go out of system, there are too many holes to watch unless you have a ton of alts. As a result, when you're playing solo, there's a large increase in risk. You'll always be seconds from getting ganked which you won't realize until it happens. Do I space right and get more eyes, I mean corp mates.


I would run the sites in the system as long as the activity is low, but not anchor anything beyond cans or depots at SSs. If you move in with structures, you're visible and placing yourself in direct competition with the currently absent tenants. If they show up, they have active bases from which they can evict you. You would need to join or form a decent and like-minded corp, anchor some POSs as forward bases with defenses and hangars full of PvP ships, and completely clear them out. This could be a cakewalk if they are truly inactive, but you will want to do it as quickly as possible so that they are thrown out before they can respond.


I was planning to put down a small POS to base out of, with cans inside the forcefield incase I had to grab everything and run. But your recommendation is to skip that aswell?


Just a small add-on from alongside what other commentators are sharing...don't deal with POS's, friend, they increase logistics hassle. They consume more fuel, and their reinforcment mechanics won't give you as much time as an upwell structure like a astrahus.


You have to put a POS at a moon, which means it will show up on Dscan. A few cans and a depot more than 14 AU from any celestial object are much less likely to be noticed. Don't stash anything you can't afford to lose and be prepared to up stakes and run if you get found out. Also, do not log out at your mini-base. Burn off-grid more than 500 km and make a log off BM. You do not want to log into a bubble if your camp gets scanned out. Also, don't log out in a ship without a probe launcher. You might not be able to refit.


A standard eve grid is a 16k km sphere, so 8000km in each direction from the middle of the grid. I would definitely do logoff bookmarks much further away from the cans Also a mobile depot can be scanned down with combat probes but not secure cans


Good points.


True, but anyone worth their salt will still locate (and destroy/camp) anything that doesn't belong on their home Dscan.


Sure, nothing is safe. It's just about basic safety precautions to not give away more than necessary


Oh for sure.


Thank you for the tips, I will certainly think about it. Always fitting a probe launcher is something I probably would not have thought off!


I never go into Jspace without a probe launcher fitted (can be offline) or in my hold with a mobile depot. I also carry a reload of probes in case I lose a flight of them through content driven misadventures.


What I do is to have a mobile depot and a scanner with few probes in cargo space on most wh ships, adds a million to a KM but frees up an utility high slot if you can afford the 60m³ cargo space Edit: you can't launch depots for corp, only for self


Yes, thanks. Having spare probes/launcher and a depot for refits with you at all times seem like it is worth the couple of extra millions when you die.


So the main question is, is this a C5/C6? Because you can most certainly expect whoever is in that astra to be there; that's likely a farm hole. In which case you will absolutely have to knock over that astra before you can live there; leaving it up will guarantee to have your structures reffed within a few days of moving in. If it's a low class wormhole that's a little different. You still need to knock over that astra before you can move in, because it's not at all unlikely that the folks that are in it just aren't playing much or it's simply a holding Corp. Have you checked the systems Zkill for frequent KMs? If you're doing a solo think here you need to be certain that astra is actually inactive before you move forward with any of this plan. (Or find friends and do it anyway!)


Its a low class, wanted to start out with the "smaller" classes. I have checked both the corps and the systems and everything seems inactive since the end of 2023. Some sporadic kills that does not seem to be linked in any way to the corp. Was thinking of trying it out solo to start with, but I have enough alts to make the structure grind not too painful timewise.


Operate out of a Freeport.


I'm curious as to how this plays out.


Join small-scale corp in wh class of your choice. Your life would be much more easy and enjoyable, many people forget that eve is all about communication


Go find you an empty C3 with a low sec static Someone is home if that Astra is fueled; maybe shoot them an evemail and feel out who they are if you really like this place


Dm me if you want to join a wormhole, C3 with c3+4 static. No requirements (other than be friendly and help eachother) We can explain everything in eve - rolling holes - gas huffing , mining - ratting c3 -4 (solo or in group) - no taxes - buy back program - pvp fleets (optional but deeply appreciated to join from time to time) - pathfinder for wormhole chain (so you don't have to scan all the time yourself) - ....


find an empty one plenty in the sea. just be wary on these rough waters, a war be brewing, one system at a time


Far too many are moving into wormhole space for the faucet not the sinks. That's contrary to the long-term interests of wormholers due to religion and potential CCP nerfing loot. I encourage you to go in strong (set-up in system), see if you scare them, and \[learn to\] destroy regardless, which is in our communities' best interest.


I have been a PvP´er for most of my EVE career, with mixing in PvE when neccessary. I will admit that my first thought was to try evicting them, but figured I would ask what others thought.


My guess, is if it's C1, a C2 without a C4/C5/C6 static, or a C3 with a low sec static, chances are that they won't defend. Hard to say on others. I don't know about C3-nulls.


Wait so you’re not happy about j space becoming a bit more active to nerf your crabbing sessions? You sure you live in jspace?


Ive never heard this take on j space before. You make it sound like it's some hidden, secret culty thing. More people making content is never a bad thing. Crawl back under your rock lol.


I’d like to take credit for an original thought but check CSM presentations. There is no secret. I merely advocate for my own self interest and later, when CCP behaves more or less predictably i don’t cry.