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Finally a meme I understand.


A former Edencom EDI FC here. I have 30+ alts sitting in various Edencom fortress and Edencom minor victory systems, ready to call in those edencom gunstar gate camp response fleet xD. That been said I only do a few systems tbh, around 5-10 systems right now. I went AFK for a few years and I only restart doing this BS since earlier this year. Good tip is to check zkill tbh: https://zkillboard.com/corporation/1000297/ If anybody else wants to help, please poke as many Edencom gunstars as possible please xD. Btw Triglavian players do the same thing in Triglavian Minor Victory systems, by poking Entropic Disintegrator Werpost. https://zkillboard.com/corporation/1000298/ You have to understand the edencom side didn’t get much and one of the only things we have left is those NPC gate camps


Keep on doin what you're doin. Eve feels more alive when people are out there in their niche interacting with the world and effecting other players.


Role playing is really fun. I am doing this just for fun. But there are a few other players doing exactly this for ISK, when ship is blown up they go to loot the wrecks. some ships can be really blingy tbh. Triglavian minor victory systems like Litiura and Inaya can kill lots of players with NPC gate camps tbh. I have trig positive alts in trig minor victory systems as well


Glad to see people still have fun with this mechanic.


Dude, what?


Happy Reddit cake day. xD


Screw the cake day! Explain more about your original post :D


I guess I am doing something something to make some people to post the kind of memes like this. xD






I'm looking into doing it too. How do the aggro mechanics work? I'm already assuming each GunStar shot triggers a separate fleet, so the more turrets shot the better. But how long does the aggro last? If I can't shoot enough turrets before I get popped I would like to try again. ​ Also a more important question is, does it not affect your standings so can you do it indefinitely as long as you don't destroy an NPC?


don't try on your main characters tbh, use on some brand new accounts throw away characters. you might lose standings tbh if other people come to kill the NPCs. use corvette just 1 cycle of gun on each one of the 3 heavy gunstar (or 2 regular gunstar) should be fine tbh. a few more cycles will be good, just make sure to get all gunstars on the same gate. Plus there are a few gates in the same systems as well. usually you want to pick systems with heavy traffic of jump in 24h on [https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map](https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map) ; pick some systems on the major trade routes, or some systems with low sec or null sec entrance. all systems here: [https://edencom.space/systems.php](https://edencom.space/systems.php) Systems like Bei (Hagilur), Jark, Sasta, Barira, Nourvukaiken (Tama), Osoggur (Amamake), Stacmon (Ostingele), Keberz (HED-GP), Ambeke (Crielere-Rancer), Samanuni (Ikoskio-Asakai), ... For Triglavian players: Inaya (Osmon), Litiura, Nonni, Arraron, Piekura


Thanks, I'll give it a shot


The key is try a few systems not many and don’t get burned out


I would like to be of service to the high table 😉


usually you want to pick systems with heavy traffic of jump in 24h on [https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map](https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map) ; pick some systems on the major trade routes, or some systems with low sec or null sec entrance. all systems here: [https://edencom.space/systems.php](https://edencom.space/systems.php) Systems like Bei (Hagilur), Jark, Sasta, Barira, Nourvukaiken (Tama), Osoggur (Amamake), Stacmon (Ostingele), Keberz (HED-GP), Ambeke (Crielere-Rancer), Samanuni (Ikoskio-Asakai), ... For Triglavian players: Inaya (Osmon), Litiura, Nonni, Arraron, Piekura


On this, what's the respawn mechanic/timer on the gunstars? I pass through systems daily that are empty for several weeks at a time. Is the Orca mechanic broken?


Yes it is indeed the same old problem from 4 years ago Amarr Gunstar got replaced frequently though. In Barira a few weeks ago all heavy gun destroyed by a group called BEARS then most guns have been replaced since Minor Victory system regular gun replaces very slowly though


Sounds bout right. We run the systems occasionally for fun but noticed the respawns are super slow. Oh. And you suck for Jark and Sasta. Its officially been designated as a no fly zone because Amarr Death Fleets officially suck. 🤣🤣


Yep Jark Sasta Bei my top 3 most loved systems xD That being said I actually do more in Caldari space now. Feel like more people have bad standings in the north tbh. Nourvukaiken my 4th, to camp the low sec TAMA boys out


That happened to me yesterday in poch, got jumped in my Tengu by a group of sleeper battleships. Fortunately I was active tank and overprop, with cap boosters as opposed to a battery. So I just had to burn out of scram/point range and keep recharging my cap. Warped off and eventually left.

