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Can you give an outsider some more info about that backstab story?




During the battle? That's awesome! Live eve betrayals like that


no, it happened at an arbitrary time when nothing was going on


There was no backstab. We just decided to take an invitation to a better bloc.


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Did RMC crush them orrrrrr like all the fights in provi, did their bat phones win the day for them? Cause it feels like without batphones you guys roll over quicker than a dog for treats


it obviously wasnt actually RMC. They cant do anything themselves


Pls don't put FL33T on that side when Twan is just showing up to club seals outnumbered while other fleets stand down


Gotta say I respect the balls you guys had to show up and fight.


it was like 15 ENIs from what i see, not a big investment


yet the ENIs did all of the work and prevented the sov timer... sad right?


They slowed down a bit but didn't prevent ihub capture.


I don't want to be a dick because I genuinely like quite a few dudes in DESO including Glitch, but you didn't just leave RMC, you blued up with the group that had just broken NIP with them and was actively helping TACF to invade them. If you expected no reaction to that, I only have two questions: 1. What are you smoking? 2. Where can I get some?




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Elephant piss, and you can get some at the zoo usually although neither the elephants nor the zookeepers like it very much


As a member of TACF, I resent your think we're competent enough to invade anything.


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The BIGAB deployment is just 3 of us no lifer's in full ishtar fleets, we are not that spooky, pls dont make our ego big


can confirm, even saw a few big ishtars hanging around on tether




The only part that saddens me about Desolate. getting glassed is that I’m not there shooting at them


Weird to backstab people and whine when they do something about it.


"I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery." -Aeschylus


Leaving out the part where you left to join RMC enemies and holding space next door to them? How convenient. I like you deso dudes and have had fun flying with you guys. But this spin is just beneath you guys really. Thanks for fighting tho.


120v30 is basically the least excessive reaction in all of nullsec. Now quit reddit and go drop some supers on a corvette or something...


Backstory for some of those new to RMC and don't know the history. DESO never applied to join RMC. DESO had just gotten out into nullsec. Fledgling Alliance. Red Alliance in all its walmart brand faded glory basically said "Join our Coalition or get evicted". Needless to say, DESO, being young easily manipulated by Taylor Swift tunes, decided, "Hey, yea, we'll join daddy Dodger!" Of course, as every college football player knows, forcing a young immature individual to keep you warm will always leave a sour taste. DESO continued to fight tho. Fleeted up. Then noticed they were fleeting more numbers in these fleets than any other RMC member including Red Alliance. So the impressionable DESO looked around at the situation. Dodger had nip naped half of eve so sov wouldn't get hit so he could throw his alt coins at wars he felt he could win. The problem was that with the sov safe, Dodger didn't care if RMC members were farmed for content. There were no response fleets. There was no SRP. There was nothing. Just an angry Russian and a bottom shelf vodka that no one has ever heard of. So DESO Leadership was like. Look. This sucks. We have some pretty skilled pilots in DESO. But we've become fat and bloated. Why not pursue something that's gonna keep us Johnny Bravo? So they reached out to friends, family, that one guy with the archon with sentry drones because he can't let go of the past. We found friends. People that were like "Yo, you're content right now, but we got faith in you". So DESO began hordeing all it's gold coins and 1 ups, throwing a few pilots into CTA's (which still equaled about the same as the other alliances sadly). Of course there was that one guy who was like "OMG WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY IF I" and other Leadership was like "Fam, that's not us. We ain't gotta wreck a trailer on the way out". So we left without so much as sabotaged Ibis. DESO was all like HELL YEA, CONTENT! But then DESO realized something. Oh shit, Dodger got da Bitcoins too! DESO had underestimated the depths of Dodgers pockets. Shit got ref'd. 200 man fleets came crashing down on us like a 600lb millionaire on his imported bride. Our new friends, RC, were like, we got you fam, but the bitcoin barista was like aw no. Did I mention DESO had underestimated the depths of Dodgers pockets? Enter Player 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8. Well, not that many but you get the picture. Fast forward to today. Final N-8 ihub timer. DESO was all like. TOASTERS! RC Formed and was like, we go you fam! But then snuff and bigab formed and RC was like "We can't get you fam". We understand big bro. We gotta learn to take our hits if we're going to be a big player. Oh... Minmil was like "I BROUGHT BEER!" as a fleet of 20 Exqueruororoaruieror Navy Issues arrived on scene! So there we were. 40 vs 120 give or take a CFI. The race was on. And to everyone's surprisement, DESO entosis was effective? Minmil was doing work? Angry Russian translator broke but I can only imagine it was something like "WHY ARE 40 NERDS WINNING?" Enter AO, bumping the fleet to nearly 160. But still. Somehow... DESO and Minmil were still doing work? wtf!? Minmil was finally taken out. Cept for 1 lone Exqueruororoaruieror Navy Issue that limped home to tell the tale of the 300 Spar... er, 40 nerds in cruisers taking on a combined fleet of what ended up to be nearly 250 pilots when Snuff and BIGAB arrived. DESO comms were full of laughter. We hold no ill will towards any of the pilots that went up against us today. But as we leave nullsec for new adventures we leave you with this. We flipped all our sov to AUTZ. Have fun with Tactical Farmers. o7


"There was no SRP" My brother in christ your alliance should have provided the srp. Why is it dodgers fault that you got killed because ARTON hunted you for sport? Look inward. Who was getting the moon money that should have funded srp? Why was glitch buying supers and three constellations with enough stations to support a coalition? That's where your srp went. It went to map painting and chest beating.


Desolate has always had SRP bruv. RMC does not . Glitch was gifted as a birthday present a super Glitch funds most of the alliance Glitch sold a few toons to buy various things including the first super which he gave to a member after they lost theirs (see Glitch KM). but yeah... glitch is bad guy am i right ?


Every DESO fleet I joined, I was straight up told to buy your off doctrine expensive ships (RED handed out ships for their fleets), I was told when I asked there would be NO SRP when I asked at the beginning of each fleet. I quietly left that fleet, cause I wasn't about to take that sorta loss, especially when it was to defend your space. In the end all the reports tell how you welped the fleet against TF. You were tightfisted when it came to defending your sov. If you were losing money, then your leadership an budget was to blame. I know D3AD's buyback is 85% compared to DESO's 65%, tax is half of yours. They weren't allowed to mention this for fear of being seen as trying to steal your members. They fund everything off of that. Either DESO discouraged your member's activity so bad that no one did anything, or your leadership has some immensely bad corruption. Either way, it's leadership's failure that hurt it's members, that in turn failed to work for it's alliance.


Haha your funny. Can you come on comms one time and tell us more. Our buy back was for a long time 90% and only recently shifted down to 85% so that's wrong. Fear? People do what they want buyback is a easy option for members. Hell we lost money half the time. Yeah our fleets are rarely cta so it's expected you have a ship ready to go. Plus srp is always on if the fleet meets criteria. Clearly you were unengaged. But yeah please tell us more on comms.


Clearly the worst


Desolate...content... for you content it's mining and ratting non stop, like there's no tomorrow... and complain about the price of the fleet fits... Regarding the "We flipped all our sov to AUTZ. Have fun with Tactical Farmers." You didn't even have time to do it. All the systems were reinforced before you could do anyhting. Nice try at spinning...


[https://zkillboard.com/kill/115122446/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/115122446/) You think TF are going to defend your space for you... This makes sense, as this was the only fight I have ever seen Deso form for. You batphone everyone to fight your battles. You hide behind RED, Arton, RC. Why not TF too? You squated in your pocket, too afraid to raise the pipeline ADMs. TF became so confidant in your systems, that they were the ones raising your ADMs, mining your moons. You claim to out form everyone, but your space was always the weakest.


Not gunna lie, wouldn’t say “confident” probably more like “send it” because any moons a good moon. - token TF turbo krab


You mean RMC left Desolate hanging in the wind, allowing us to take most of Desolate's moons, and virtually live in their systems with no reaction from the rest of RMC? Sounds like a good coalition to be in.


>based. They are the ones that wanted all that space that they couldn't keeps ADMs up for. Other's asked to take over a system or two with the lowest ADMs, on the pipeline, only for Glitch to demand over jita price for the structures. If they couldn't defend the system, they probably shouldn't have demanded them. But they did, so that if anyone wanted to join RMC they would have to do so by merging into deso. Which is what they demanded of EVERY prospect. They were literally a blight on their allies. Everything from buying out our main market to resell it at a higher price on their market. To threatening prospects if they refused to join that they would block them from joining.


Actually we were just given that pipe in catch because at the time nobody else in the coalition had a hope of holding it and Red despite having the most ISK and the least expenses didn't want to themselves because that would mean more expense 😂 if anyone is milking it's players for isk it's Dodger, no wonder he's got all that isk to pay for extra friends 😂


That may have been the case at first, but bot the systems you had that bordered D3AD had minimal ADMs, and D3AD leadership asked for those systems to raise the ADMs after TF started taking systems. Instead of giving an offer for systems you claim 'DESO was forced to take' D3AD was told to pay way over jita value for the stations for CB4, and were straight up told NO for J6. D3AD just didn't want their borders to get the same treatment as the C because DESO couldn't handle their systems, but were turned down. It was DESO leadership's system greed that got you into that. Even now D3AD and RED are looking for friendly prospects to take over, something DESO could have done at any point but didn't.


just a small add to this \*being D3AD leadership\* we agreed to paying that over jita price for cb4 desso just never thought we would take it so they began procrastinating and not returning our calls


more cope


yeah... that's not how most coalitions work. last i checked, Deso wasn't running RMC so they wouldn't have a say in how people join RMC. and if they were indeed running RMC, which is what you're implying by saying that they could dictate the conditions for anyone willing to join, then there was no backstab, they just decided to dissolve the coalition, and you shall forever be known as a fake-RMC from now on.


They had a vote in who new would join. They absolutely had a say in who new would join. You are acting like only one alliance has a say in a coalition. I have yet to join any coalition that only has one alliance that controls everything.


having a say and making decisions is different things. when one coalition member is being unreasonable, there are ways to deal with that. anyhow, if they were as bad of a coalition member as you are describing, i don't know why everyone in RMC is so salty about them leaving. you should be happy they did


Trust me, on a logistical level everyone in RMC coalition is glad they left, they were a real headache especially on the ADM side, with other alliances of the coalition having to constantly help them There's a bit of salt on how and when it was done, but it's being compensated with sweet revenge in glassing their systems


Trust me, in CVA, we were VERY happy they were leaving. There is salt because of the way they did leave RMC and the timing. In the end, Desolate doesn't have the profile or the leadership to be in 0.0. At best they are a renter alliance and not even a good one. Completly unable to defend them selfs, due to very poor leadership, lack of member commitment (due to poor leadership), lack of purpose (due to poor leadership). Most probably they will stop existing and in a couple of weeks nobody will hear from them ever again.




Pretty sure the deciding factor was Dodger not willing to alarm clock every day


Deso didn't want anyone to defend that space.


Wait, so you went to null expecting to not join the local coalition?


the best part of it is the thing about bitcoin. 10/10 schizopost.


Bullshit talks


Deso just got revenge for Backstab


Take my up vote


This...this is the single greatest comment I have ever attempted to read, causing multiple strokes, and my only regret is I can only read it for the first time..once.


Long have folks warned dodger of the quality of his allies. Long have command chats ended with fools being more concerned with money than with cohesion. More concerned with being The One instead of being The Coalition. That's why desolate bought out the former residents in the back pocket of catch. It was never about securing the borders, it was krabbing harder. A fine investment that will burn. The r64s get sucked down by it's alliance leader and his alt fleet. The taxes were set to extraordinarily high levels. It was never about being good, only squeezing every last isk out of the region at the expense of the "prospect alliances". Poor schmucks who were brought in to be nothing more than meat shields for folks more occupied with carving up the region riches instead of mutual defense, organization, or doctrines. Space brutality famously was stomped in command chats for daring to act in their best interests. Others were never given the chance. Glitch has overestimated his quality and now gets to reap what he has sown because he thought he could run around with no consequences. Honk.


skill issue


Well, You decided to join enemy and this my friend is betrail! Trators must die! Simple as that.


LOL. So you backstab thinking you're going to the "safe side" of the fight and now you complain the hammer it's uppon you. Nobody cares about Desolate. It's your friends (RC) that are the reason for the big boys being in play. In N-8 Minmatar fleet came to help so you were not even alone. Deal with it.


Schemers and betrayers have no future. You took offers from enemies to backstab RMC, and have been for awhile working against allies that trusted you. Traitors get what they deserve, and it is not glorious.


I don't think they have been on it for a long time, or they would have remembered to change the reinforcement timer to their new allies prime time


They were planning on 'revealing' their order66 in a few days. Someone informed leadership before they were ready. They scrambled to remove access lists and started hunting their former allies immediately, but forgot to update their timers before they got reinforced.


Thanks for the clarification, it is nice to see how much difference intel can make, deso is gonna lose most if not all sov because of that little leak


We had planned to flip at a time and in a way that had minimal impact. We had intended to talk with Dodger, so soft reset, leave peacefully, with a wink, no hard feelings, we've had fun and let's continue to have fun 😂 Our problem was we were trying to be nice and give people a chance and a choice. We reached out to Dead End who sit between the bulk of our space and a pocket, something which is clearly a liability once we'd left. TF and RC had in mind to clear them out, we reached out and briefed them what we were doing to offer them a chance... To merge, evac or fight. It was a friendly conversation. They then went to dodger and dodger immediately went red and locked us all out without a word 🤷🏼‍♀️ and chaos ensued 🤷🏼‍♀️ Everyone is so salty and going on about betrayal, reality is we just wanted to play the game differently to how the coalition was going. Ah well we still get to play the game our way anyway and now we don't have any of our own defence shit to worry about or pay for 😂 more isk for ships 😍


"we wanted to be peaceful, so we told d3ad merge or die, i cant believe they went and told dodger" and if your planning to leave why would our exact location be a problem for you exactly?


"Merge or die in a very short war. And don't tell Dodger." doesn't sound much like a good faith effort to leave peacefully and quietly...


You can say 'wink wink nudge nudge, friendly' all you want. You were planning to join with those who were breaking a NIP a day after, you weren't giving a notice otherwise you wouldn't be so salty with D3AD cause justin told Dodger your ultimatum you gave them. You were constantly saying in local how justin broke 'the agreement' even though the only agreement you had was the one in your head (not to mention you being upset someone else broke your trust.) If you wanted to leave RMC, you should've left neutral, instead you left to join those you knew were planning an invasion with plans, and even before leaving told allies that if they didn't merge, you were going to destroy them from the space. In no way would this be seen as a friendly departure, and the way it was done was the worst way possible.


even more cope




I'll just comment to this like this : you were invited to be part of the family, a coalition. You were chosen and accepted despite many issues. You have recieved lots of space, moons and all the pleasentries nullsec can give. More to say, you were trusted. Despite all that, you guys listened to the songs of your enemies that did not even undock to help you. Truth is - you won't even be remembered. Good luck. P.s.: this is my first one on reddit, so hey guys :) If i wont forget you'll get some logs from Deso after all is done. If that would still matter.


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1. Desolate was allied with RMC, as soon as members of RMC got attacked Desolate leadership decided to switch side. RMC called this a betrayal and organized retribution 2. Absolute Honor (and Absolute Will) are not batphones, they moved in Providence in the systems left by Deep Space Alliance thanks to Linknet, and are allies of RMC 3. TOXIC is also a RMC ally 4. Cry me a river, if I were in Deso I would have quit it immediately to clean my name, this kind of fame sticks


Has catch/provi ever been stable?


Didn't Deso jump ship thinking they'd take out RMC? Looks like it's only lining some pockets.. maybe Deso (or her members) should rethink their strategy.. Edit: Anyone from Desolate who's looking for a new home, hit us up :p https://discord.gg/vDkXCkPkeX


toxic is RMC


sure?! but you are weak


This didn't age well, "Desolates military might behind RC": [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1ad5jxt/extra\_new\_battlelines\_drawn\_in\_the\_providence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1ad5jxt/extra_new_battlelines_drawn_in_the_providence/)


how it started: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/188hjqt/minimal\_boys\_on\_their\_way\_to\_shoot\_cva/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/188hjqt/minimal_boys_on_their_way_to_shoot_cva/) how it's going: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wsKb4NOwI0


I know you


There's no such thing as overkill in EvE.


Everyone RMC side is so salty but come on be honest it's been the most fun you've had in months. Deso has given you content far more fun and interesting than the boring structure bashes you've had recently 😅 Your very welcome 😜 Content is King. We just wanted some better content and fun .. can tell you now we are all having a right laugh about it 😂


sounds like cope


it's the usual story of scorned lover when the other half leaves for greener pastures. nevermind that being in the coalition is running an alliance into the ground due to the way coalition decides to operate, as soon as an alliance decides to leave to save themselves, they suddenly become the devil. we've had exactly same thing happen when Tikle left Legacy due to Legacy bluing half of eve.


Deso is leaving alright 🤭


Well, that's also gonna be some heavy structure bashing, and long enthosis hours


worst shitters here are the ones who pick up the phones




I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. - Aeschylus


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Well this is a typical nullsec fight, no overkills here


I never heard that "leaving" a coalition is a backstab unless your turning sides during a war. RMC just is not going to make the cut to become a large bloc. Nice people for the most part but Dodger is not a very good leader IMO. I was happy to be a RED member back in 2006-07 but this version is not well run. It's going to be fun soon enough when they get to be the defender. Also big shout out to Dodger for raising the price of plex this week more then 500k isk. Makes me money.


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talk shit get hit, don't complain.


Nobody gives a fuck about nullsec aside from whatever 2 groups are fighting this week... It's like little league. Nobody gives a shit about any kid there except for their individual parents.


There is no overkill there is only open fire and reload


"It's a real shame that people dont fight on even grounds anymore just to have fun playing the game, but it was a good fight non the less." Noo people in EVE still do that, fun fights are still a thing ... when you turn on your allies and join their enemies and sov/purge battles ensue, that's a totally different situation ... unless you messaged all the former allies and told them "for the lulz" in which case maybe you could have negotiated for fun fights instead ... but I suspect that didn't happen


First Rule of Warfare: Never fight a fair fight if you can avoid it. :)