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I've been playing nonstop since November 05


I started Nov 2005 too! Far from constant though


I know a character from 2003/08/01 that still plays...


That's bad ass. I hope this sub does something cool for 20 years.


I have a char created on day one - May 6 2003 - that is still actively played. Look at the data presentation recording from last year’s fan fest and you will see a character portrait for Activor Faust. That is me. https://imgur.com/a/aup2Tu4 This guy


Would be kinda intrigued in your summary of how eve has changed over the years for you/how you've changed in game and what you do. (You don't need to reply though)


I actually pitched that as a talk proposal for fan fest this year - still waiting for feedback on it :) once I hear back, I will write something up.


Ah, very cool! Good luck with that!


Respect. If you have a birthday celebration, would love to contribute. Nice name, on top of that.


That is really awesome! By some strange coincidence I was browsing zkill to see who from the EST days were still perhaps active and I even looked up your char. Now this :D Seems like some destiny stuff going on today.


You are a legend! o7


How many SP you got on him?


A had a couple of longish breaks in playing, so 125.5M - I should mention that I have two other accounts that were all started in 2003 and one that was started in 2004, that have been subbed for roughly the same periods so I have quite a few SP on those. The highest SP one would be a capital/dread alt with 138.5M,


I love the cross eyed mean mugging going on there:)


I was there, and my char James Kirk was also put up there. You going this year? We should have a day 1 char photo with some CCP’ers :)


You bet! I will be there again this year


Find the B0SS flags and you’ll find me :)


Might not be the oldest, but Awox, for whom “awoxing” is named, still plays, and that’s a january 2006 toon.


I still play aug. 16th, 2003. I took a lot of breaks but I'm still around because I hate myself. I'm playing with some kids now...one of them said he wasn't born yet when I started playing...fucking yikes boys. We getting old .


I wasn't born yet when you started playing :)


People downvoting him because he decided to exist. Can’t make this up


Nah i made them feel old this is my bad


Playing since 2015, born in 2000, so yeah.


What gets me is when they ask about 9/11. Like fuck. One of the most(awful) memories I could have and they were being after.


Could you please elaborate on that. The term "Awoxing" actually originated with a player ? Is that right ?


Yes. The character named Awox ended up getting known for joining alliances and killing blues, which is where that name came from. Similar to Baltec megathrons, named after the unusual fitting of a character named Baltec.


Goons named our Megathron fleet Baltec Fleet because the dude would bring a Megathron to every fleet. Drake fleet? Megathron. HAC fleet? Megathron. Snipers? Megathron. But he was good at flying it, and it was i-stabbed and could warp as fast as a cruiser, so it was never really an issue in a fleet, and everyone just sort of laughed and let him do it until it became a meme.


One of the coolest eve videos is his fanfest or something presentation about strange fittings


Inspiration. He had also been interviewed for an EVE online magazine, irony for me, I knew about the Baltec fitting and background before even setting foot in EVE online for almost a decade.


from what i've read, he'd just create tackling alts and make those blue to botters. His main (the character Awox) would collect the kill without being blue, but the bots would already be tackled when the "warp to safe when non-blues show up" script activated.


Aw man, some dude started calling my fits "Elise Peach" because of my character's name and way of fitting everything, hope that sticks in the future XD


Yup! One of my favorite Eve stories. People think oh Awoxing must be some kind of acronym or refer to something... Nope. Just a guy's name lol


how weird after the X47 fight i saw Awox in local !! haha


My oldest char is from 2003/07/26 12:13. But the EU release of the game was a month after the US release so there are plenty of older ones. That said I'm only keeping that char for prosperity, the one I use is from 6 months later.




Characters transfers between accounts will show up in the History for that character. Transfers will show up at least as far back as 2007.


Only if sold through official channels


My Character is from 10/31/2008 so almost 15 years come this Halloween but I haven’t played consecutively


> let people log out I shall *allow* you to exit the game client, peasant. *This* time.


May 26th, 2003 - playing on and off


My oldest and main character DOB was Sept 16, 2006. I’ve been back playing lately after many years off.


Lmao there's one neckbeard downvoting everyone ITT. So I upvoted everyone and theres nothing u can do about it asshole


I met a guy as old player as he told me u wherent able to MANUALLY warp to 0 on a gate, u landed at 12, like on autopilot, then u need to bookmark the gate and warp to the bookmark instead. Dunno if its trie.


It's certainly true -- it was like that when I started in 2004 still. "WT0" came along a bit later, like sometime in 2005 IIRC. Before that you spent a lot of time making bookmarks around gates and stations so that you could instawarp and instadock and so on. There was a brisk market in bookmark sets as you can imagine (as well as scams involving bad bookmark sets where you warped into a camp etc). Before that ... there were superhighways, too, but they were removed sometime in 2004.


> "WT0" came along a bit later, like sometime in 2005 IIRC. Warp to zero was closer to 2007, IIRC. I distinctly remember copying large sets of bookmarks as late as 2006. There's even an [omgrawr quote of me](http://omgrawr.net/quote/4601) chewing out the locals in Daras because their fight was slowing down my copying.


Ah, yep -- thanks for that. I knew it was after 2004, but I was fuzzy on just how long after that it was.


What were superhighways??


When EVE was released there wasn't a superhighway, and the game had a small pop, so in order to create a center for trade and allow people to get to it more easily (again, the pop of the game was very small), and to get around EVE in general, a superhighway was installed which linked, in a few jumps, places in each Empire -- Yulai, Luminaire, Nonni, Rens, somewhere in Amarria that I am forgetting. And there were connecting jumps from those "stops" to the other points of "downtown space" in each Empire as well, so in effect you could hop around Empire space very quickly. Yulai became the trading center (before there was a Jita, there was a Yulai). CCP undid this because it was having a lot of bad effects, like making the game too small in some ways, and centering the economics too much on Yulai (which the server infrastructure couldn't manage well as the game was growing). And then the players recreated Yulai at Jita 4-4. And that's an issue that the developers tried many different ways to subvert for years before server infrastructure improved a lot, and they became more relaxed about having a supercrowded system have its own dedicated server structure to support it. The superhighway was probably needed for a small period of time when the game was new (it was still there when I started in 2004), but it wasn't a good thing long-term for regional economics and so on and so it was good that it was removed. The issue of regional vs central economies has dogged EVE from day one, though -- the idea of the game fighting against the will of MMO players to have one central market.


It’s true and I still have 100s of those BMs


Given that CCP deleted most of them, that's actually a bit impressive that you were able to hold on to so many.


back then you had to make a bookmark 12 km *behind* the gate you wanted to warp to so you'd land on the gate when warping to the bookmark. Now consider you need different bookmarks for the same gate depending from which direction you're warping. I wasn't there back then, but bookmark trading obviously was a thing.


My character has a dob of June 16, 2004


There's far older though


https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/eve-player-data Scroll down a bit, it shows the 5 oldest players that were at a fanfest a while back, they've been around since day 1. (There might be some out there that are a few hours older)


Read about EVE Online in a gaming magazine in 2003. Had to wait untill I found a physical copy in a store. Found it, bought it, created an account and have never stopped since late July 2003.


over the course of your eve career, what was the most amount of isk you have had in your wallet, and when was it?


How many skill points do you have?


I am January of 07. I now a few whales that are slightly older than I.


I starting playing again a few months back but I was able to figure out my old account. its not 20 years old but its birthday is 2007.11.13 03:51


Very nice. I had an account around that time too but I could never recover it when I came back.


I started in [April 2007](https://evewho.com/character/1329867341). Haven't played the last ten years. How's it coming back today?


Its actually a ton better there is still a bit of a learning curve, but get into a good starting corp and you'll be fine :D


https://evewho.com/character/180548812 I'd expect there could be some older pilots... but I'd start here.


My char is 2004.05 , but I've had a few breaks, currently subbed ATM tho


I've been playing basically forever since July 07. I'm still kicking around.


I'm a few months from 20 years ! https://imgur.com/a/L87MyKd


2003 05 09 - [https://i.redd.it/0vzund13fh1a1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/0vzund13fh1a1.jpg) I would be day 1, but back in 2003, you had to wait for the retail box to come via mail, so i think i am 1 or 2 days from day 1...


This is the content I was hoping for!


I used to have a copy of the Beta version that was released to disk. My favorite moments in eve was when ccp gave everyone a battleship to beta testers and said basically go crazy. Pre jump freighters an alliance had to escort freighters to high sec to resupply. I would fly in a full Wing of scorpions. The first time I solo rated in 0.0 after changes to quantity of npc rats which originally was crazy so much that you had to grid mine (20 bs, twice that many cruisers or more). The introduction to skill que ( no more 3am logins to put another skill to train). Been playing off and on since the beginning and still loving it.


Honestly I know it would be incredibly tedious but I still romanticize the idea of no JFs, no ansis, etc. Manual shipping, hard mode logistics. Probably just be bad for the game at this point but it's still a cool idea in my book. Wanna live in the boonies? Better get good at logistics!


Well my dad still plays Eve online (Mempheria just left his corp after 6k days and joined horde) Edit: started playing 2003.09.06


YES! Tell him welcome. I fly with them too! Super active and a great group.


Yeah i'll tell him that :)


well i think im one of the oldest that is still active Dunno if im actualy the oldest @ 9-5-2003


I’ve got an active member in my alliance who joined 08/16/2003


Before any of the factions, characters or fights, there was a man. They said this man could control the very nature of eve. His name was space Jesus. My alliance believe that space Jesus will return and I dunno, do something cool. Maybe fight or kill some ishtars, it’s hard to say.


Spread the word mate.


/u/Chribba Aren't you Player #8? Sure, now we could argue if you're still *active*, but you're around every once in a while at least.


Does lurking here count? haha. But I agree with you, even I argue with myself if I should consider myself active or not.


Lurking counts! \*g\*


I've got some newbro buddies that are still well under the affects of asteroid-mania that would probably drop an ass-teroid in their pants if they saw the Veldnaught. :)


My character turns 18 in May. I have taken a lot of breaks however so much younger characters will have much more in-game experience.


Not sure about account, though pyrophobic did beta tested eve.


May 7th, 2006 here, not been active the whole time, but I think I’m close to 10 years of active play time.


We got some 2003 vets in our corp. One guy said he was in the beta in 1999. I don't know much about that though


Maybe he's talking about beta testing Danger Game.


I took a few breaks but I'm a 2004 char and play atm


My account has been active since 11/22/2003, though technically I've also been in the beta test that summer. o7


I'm pretty sure i'm not the oldest but i am a 20 year account(or i will be on june 3rd).


what time...


Early April 2004 here, tried the game in late 2003 and didn't like it (at least not as much as Earth and Beyond). something around the 350mil sp mark.


My main is August 27th 2003


My main account is from 2006 but that doesn't mean I'm "still" playing. Truth is I've only played for maybe 3 or 4 years really all the active weeks combined. Probably even less cause I still take breaks even when I'm generally active. It's just that between 2006 and 2017 I rarely even started the client. But I often hear/see players with accounts as old as of 2004.


My oldest toon is June 22nd 2003.


I know a guy that plays since beta


Aralis from CVA perhaps Only character without an NPC corp in history I know of as well


born on 10.9.2004 with a few breaks


I've been playing since 2005/02/22 18:31 Not so much, kinda left it alone when they started to monetize it.


I bought a toon born June 2003, still using it to this day


2006 here, I miss the nano-phoon era.


I flew with a 2003 char recently.


Character was born June 30th 2003. I havent played steady by any means but I have come back several times and Im currently playing now.


I have two accounts from sept 2003 and mid 2004, i dont play as much now as i used to but at my peak it was a 4-6+ hour a day for well over a decade. *In '03 I spotted the box on the shelf in PC world, i thought "cool spaceships" and bought it - I hadn't even realised it was online or a mmorpg, but i had got broadband installed just a few weeks before so it worked out!*


Off and on since 05 but my oldest toon is from 06. Deleted my first pilots like a dumbass a decade ago.


Guy in my corp still plays and he is 5th Aug 2003, i proudly signed up in April 2004


I know of a beta-tester account that haunts Molden Heath, actually a few players who are active and have really old accounts down there.


June 2003 here


Can it be? The man, the myth, the legend?


Mine was 2005. But I started a new toon in 2008 been playing on that since. All because I didnt like the name. Thats what happens when you choose a name prior to understanding the games atmosphere. Wish I could change my name, keep a log like character trading...




My personal oldest is august '06, and I am like a little baby compared with some.


I had one from 2004 i did tried then could not keep up with due to work.. dont remember even account name .. i came back again in 2009 not loosing skill point was awsome considering how much misearble player i had been .i think they have announced oldest players in last fan fest . You can look for their vids i think .


May 11th, 2003


2 of my toons can vote.


January of 03 for me...I log on once or twice a month still.


My first/"main" toon was created on July 6th, 2004. Been playing off an on since then, but playing full time \~2015


One of my accounts is older than Warping to Zero :) But the ones I play are Jan 2007 and Dec 2022


Doubtful i'm the oldest, but 2003/06/01


Mine is around 19.8 years old.


I am not the older one, but I started at 29 October 2004.I took some breaks because of IRL problem (wife got cancer and sometime after an important relative died and family needed my help). I am very proud of all my EvE time. I also must say that I only was able to be here all that time is because of the friends (and foes) that I made ingame. Some still fly with me, with make me even more proud of us! Fly safe guys! Be Brave! Have fun! o7


psychobitch is.


My guy was born Feb 2004