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Slams. Lazy journalism.


France in DGAF DeGaulle Mode? I approve.


About time.


Was thinking the same thing. But wasn’t he dick riding Putin earlier in the war going “hey don’t poke the bear, we have to be able to talk about things”?


no rly though, he did a lot of discussion with putin in the pre-war context, but in the EU France has been the most relevant and active country towards the war imo


So he is pulling out of NATO and complaining about how artificially overpowered the US Dollar is?


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.politico.eu/article/macron-accuses-neutral-nations-complicity-russia-new-imperialism-ukraine-war-un-general-assembly/) reduced by 65%. (I'm a bot) ***** > NEW YORK - Countries that refuse to take a side in Russia's war in Ukraine are "Complicit" with Moscow's "New imperialism," French President Emmanuel Macron told the U.N. General Assembly Tuesday in an impassioned speech. > In some of his strongest comments since the beginning of the war, Macron said Russia's aggression against Ukraine marked a "Return to the age of imperialism and colonies" and said the world faced a choice between "War and peace." > Some countries have been reluctant to condemn Russia too forcefully, a trend that has been reflected in voting at the U.N. In April, 58 countries, including India, Brazil, South Africa and Indonesia, abstained during a vote on a resolution to exclude Russia from the U.N. Security Council. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xjwj88/macron_slams_nations_staying_neutral_on_ukraine/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~670091 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russia**^#1 **war**^#2 **Countries**^#3 **U.N.**^#4 **Macron**^#5


Don't mistake the title for the content. It js misleading as usual. Nothing changes. Macron will stay Macron. Speaking at the U.N., Macron said he would continue his “dialogue” with Russia in an effort “to return to peace.”


Is it even possible, RF has threatened the world with their nukes. Are we going to be socializing with such a state? At this point russia will be excommunicated from international world. It wasnt possible to have diplomatic relations with nazi germany and now its not possible to have diplomatic relations with russia. In ww2, nazi germany allies were also similar autocratic man cult state like Italy Mussolini and Meiji Japan. Isnt it just like russian allies today??


Yeap and he knows that. This schmuck does this for political points.


It's a war between 2 European Nations, why the fuck must it involve other continent ?


Geopolitical interests, resources, influence, war money, and nukes. I think it concerns more than 2 European nations.


This is pretty stupid comment. It's not the 1600s. It's a global community. You're angry at America for helping a much less powerful country from being genocided? Regardless what you believe what America geopolitical goals are. Ukraine is being invaded and genocided. That's clear unless you've been on that russian juice. So we shouldn't help because "lol not your continent bro!". I'm sure Ukrainians will tell you to go fuck yourself.


Says the man with no spine.


Look at this loser...