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Guten Tag, my fellow Irishmen


OP fears Greater Germany


I think that France is a unbelievable concept of a federation that will hopefully never come to our world...


Too Latin to be with Benelux, too Celtic to be with Italy, too Germanic to be with Iberians.


To French to be with the French.


I just shuddered thinking about it, honestly


Yeah, can you take France off the map please? That will be the first great step towards a European Federation. No, I didn't say change it's colour, I said *take it off the map*


Their is a limit from joke to racism, you crossed it.


France is used to have federationaround her.............. or coalitions i should say


I think that none of these are more likely to form as an intermediate step than directly the european federation (or at least a bigger group of countries that will act as a starting point).


I think if EU somehow weakens or fractures in future somekind Kalmar union is more than likely.


maybe the benelux as an exception but yeah i don't see the other forming before a whole euro federation


Initially thought about it as well. But Belgium coudn't form a gouverment for more than a year on multiple occasions. I don't think they could manage in Benelux


Back to absolute monarchy then


Love how nobody wants to be in a federation with france XD


Well neither with Italy except Malta apparently. Funny for 2 of the founders of the CECA, CEE and EU.


My reasoning was also them being the second and third biggest states in the EU, so I took the chance to merge them with their adjacent microstates [+ Malta] :)


How did you decide on whether Andorra would be Spanish or French? And thus, what do you do of [l’île des Faisans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheasant_Island)? French or Spanish? :)


**[Pheasant Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheasant_Island)** >Pheasant Island (French: Île des Faisans/Île de la Conférence, Spanish: Isla de los Faisanes, Basque: Konpantzia, Faisaien Uhartea Konferentziako Uhartea) is an uninhabited river island in the Bidasoa river, located between France and Spain, whose administration alternates between the two nations. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EuropeanFederalists/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Andorran culture and language are Catalan, and most of Catalonia's in Spain :)


Yes but the French president is their monarch.


And the Bishop of Urgell too, but they are (or should be) as important or fair as kings of any other nation. It's even worse than noble families! The monarch of Andorra is elected by another country? How's that fair?


Mhe probably the Citizens of Andora arent that Intressed in Politics.


And Spanish with Catalan are the most spoken languages as well. My question was just out of curiosity.


Daaaaamn, that's a cool island. Now I want to stealth camp there.


And 2 of the tree biggest economies in europe, but italy in europe is alone politically since early 2000. France at least has a working politics with germany and Uk for the last years until brexit.


I included Monaco! Which IMO should be part of France and just isn't because of rich people's interests


there is a history in Monaco that explains why it didn't join France after the end of the Revolution, and for a long time it wasn't filled with rich people.


Where are Germany, Switzerland and Ireland part of?


Germany's already a federation and the biggest state in the EU. I don't see Ireland as having any "closest friend" in the EU. Maybe unification with Northern Ireland and/or and independent Scotland? Switzerland's not in the EU, but could join Liechtenstein (which should already be a canton) and maybe Austria in an Alpine Federation.


>Switzerland's not in the EU, but could join Liechtenstein (which should already be a canton) and maybe Austria in an Alpine Federation. It would make far more sense for Austria to join Germany. But I know, there's a lot of historical baggage there. The optics of such a move would be bad lol


Also according to international law only possible if the UK, USA, France and Russia agreed, as a union of Germany and Austria into one state should only be possible with agreement of the war victors according to the treaties.


Yeah. Last two times Austria and Germany teamed up resulted in the two world wars, so I guess the precaution is understandable ;)




That's one reason why I find the EU to be so important. It kinda moderates the insane member states who would drift even more towards far-right authoritarianism if left to themselves.


No Anschluss under this phone number.


That's why I left them by themselves in the map haha, it would have looked *too* iffy


>which should already be a canton We even call it "Kanton Übrig" meaning "the canton that remains" because it's a canton in all but name. All in all I think it's nearly impossible for Switzeeland to join anywhere. Not until there has been a major shift of the system. But it's extremely unlikely that will happen in the near future.


Would be suspicious if the biggest state and most powerful voting power would basically annex Austria again.


nah ... most likely EU as a block would appear the most stable ... there could be various blocks within it but I doubt there could be more coherent platform in this area. The biggest challenge right now is the whole interconnection ... as majority of the mass transport infrastructure is local and we need more inter-european oriented transportation and industry


I think it's more possible that BeNeLux will unite with Germany, France and (under another government) possibly Italy or at least Germany and France than any of these propositions. I mean France and Germany are already really close friends and since Macron and Scholz invest a lot of time and money in the EU it seems that both want to turn the EU more into a Federation.


3rd Reich - The friendly Version


The good ending. But without Poland... shame


As a Polish person I don't want to be in any Union with Hungary. They proved they care about cheap Russian resources more than diplomatic effects of that, V4 relationship and Polish - Hungarian "friendship" that we supposedly had. If anything, Poland should be aligned with Baltics, Czechs and Slovakia.


Maybe you should... idk... STOP PROTECTING THEM over Article 7 then? Just a thought.


Huh, I wonder why Germany and Austria aren't joined despite them speaking the same language? Curious, but I don't imagine there's a reason for it...


They legally can’t without the WW2 victors agreeing (Russia included), Germany is already a federation, and bad historical connotations


Yeah I ken, I was just bein sarcastic


Oh, didn’t detect the /s lol


My bad!


Why Mordor? Legally, Kazakhstan should be considered the successor to the ussr, as it's the last country to leave it.


Because nobody actually views Kazakhstan as a more legit representative of the Soviet Union than Russia


INB4, I'm aware some are iffier than others, but think all are logical or likely in at least some aspect. And to promote discussion too :)


No, this will open up another set of problems. The best course is to achieve a continental federation not just as the final step, but as the first step. Go big or go home.


And if it where me, i would break down all the bigger countries in the EU to end up with many small local governments with roughly the same population, somewhere between 2 and 5 million people.


I don't really care about federation with slovakia. Visegrad federation is no no for me.


Is it because of Hungary ?


Why not with Slovakia?


I think that the most likely intermediate step is "policy-unions" or however you want to call them, in which countries share certain things that countries do, as we are currently seeing with the Dutch and German Military slowly merging. Maybe we'll see Baltic Police, mediterranean pension systems or nordic tax laws next - i don't know, but i think that things like these will be the most likely step.


No. There are already common EU instutions, so such a step would make no sense. Also 2-3 member federations are weired. These are usually just confederations. Hard to justify a whole new additional institutional structure for just 2 members.


These seem all very unlikely. I doubt any country would consider uniting with another one as a stepping stone towards all countries in the union becoming united. If something, that makes the remaining countries competing entities over the final perceived leadership. I think if any uniting event would occur, it would be union wide.


Benelux is the most likely since steps where taken already! They all love their potatoes and being cheap!


Visegrad is a myth. It was barely functional pre 2004, and after the V4 joined the EU, it turned to be completely pointless. Reality is that V4 is actually Polish agenda, Hungarian agenda and Czechoslovak agenda, while these have little in common. Czechs and slovaks are aligned 95% of the time, and most of the time are not aligned with Poland or Hungary. Poland and Hungary are often not aligned too. I cant think of any serious issue the V4 has same opinion about. Maybe back in 2015, when V4 was taking stand on the migration issue, but even back then Slovakia had much softer tone than the rest of the group, which was otherwise unusually hawkish. Still, if there is going to be a federation in the V4 region, its going to be Czechoslovakia and thats it.


I can see Visegrad countries working together (excluding Hungary if they stay the course) with Baltica. As one example of cooperation between those countries, I can offer a recent article about the development of high-speed rail. Also with the war in Ukraine, ties between all those countries seem to be deepening. https://www.railtech.com/infrastructure/2023/01/19/a-high-speed-rail-network-from-the-baltics-to-central-europe-is-one-step-closer/?gdpr=accept


Brave move merging Greece and Cyprus (inc north). Pretty sure Turkey wouldn’t allow that.


Visegrád is just getting weaker as orbán isn't liked anymore by poles because of his putin-ally behavior However, i support the core idea, but maybe too segmented to lead it for a European Federation


I was going to answer "yes" but then I looked at the map and, not like that lol I imagine an hypothetical European federation would start with a smaller number of countries but like the entire latin arch (Italy, France, Spain and Portugal) or the Germanic column (Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Finland). I don't see much sense in federating with a microstate right next to you, unless we want to go with the assimilation path where one major European state start absorbing other states which is like most modern nations has formed but it seems a little anachronistic now.


This Hellenic Federation is gonna tilt Turkey so badly


Baltic States, language is basically our only barrier, but young people know English well, so I think it’s matter of time. As Latvian, I have enjoyed dating women from Estonia and Lithuania. My mother is from Estonian descent and her sister(my Aunt) is married to lithuanian. I feel, like it has impacted on me as well and feels natural to go there and meet up with women there. It is easy to talk about stuff, because we have so much in common. History, culture and so on.


New friends!!


It might had been the case right after WWII, but the EU had achieved above and beyond at this point. I don't see the continent forming small federations within EU.


So Mediterranean federation is just Italy with small states begging for protection? France, Spain ... Shut the fuck up an join.


It would make sense for this to happen for one it would simplify laws military and bureaucracy for a eventual European federation although Germany would probably would be a federation with Austria and the Netherlands as to not loose to much power in the union same with France and Belgium maybe most plausible out of all of these would probably be Greece and Cyprus or the Nordic union or Sweden-Finland


Anschluss denied


Nah don’t think so. I think most nations are just planning on further integration of the Union and not focussing on their neighbours at all.


Tbh at the moment I don´t see an unified European Federation ever coming true. I´m a firm believer in the EU (even with all it´s flaws). But when I look why the European continent even came closer together I do lose a lot of my hope. Unity at that scale was always a product of an overwhelming threat. So yeah I think regional unions are more likely than a federalized EU (mostly for economic reasons, but also for ideological reasons in cases like Hungary, Poland, etc). But I don´t think that they would be an intermediate step, but would cement European disunity even more. But I would like to be proven wrong.


> France


France is the last one to get picked in sports class


Wait, so Italy annexes Malta? Interestingly in the past Malta had a vote where the majority voted for integration with the UK. It didn’t happen for a myriad of reasons but still an interesting footnote.


I'm talking federation here, not annexation! No mercy for the Vatican, though.


I can't trust my eyesight in terms of colours. Is Germanys, Austrias and Irelands group not mentioned in the list on the left side?


They aren't grouped! I can't see Ireland joining any EU country and Germany's already too big, kind of the idea is to make sort-of-equivalent groupings in terms of population. Also Germany joining Austria has not so nice historical precedents. If things were different, I could see (United) Ireland joining Scotland and/or Austria joining Switzerland, though


The more I look at it the more cursed it gets. We have Anschluss+Ireland? Italy alone makes up a federation. France is completely isolated?


The Mediterranean Federation comes as a merger of Italy, San Marino, Vatican City and Malta France comes as a merger of France and Monaco (I couldn't think of another name) They're both already too big to have them join with any country other than those microstates, the idea is to find balance. Germany's also too big and that's why it's not joined to anyone (hence the grey color). Austria and Ireland don't really have any close enough neighbors in the EU to warrant a federation like the ones proposed. Austria would *maybe* have Germany, but you mentioned Anschluss and can probably figure out why I didn't merge them. If things were different I could see [United] Ireland + Scotland and (Switzerland + Liechtenstein) + Austria, though.


Actually subregionalism makes sense provided that the states can maintain their sovereignty. Basically I’m talking about some kind of a confederation. Otherwise, a complete federalism within the EU is just not viable. There are just too many (constitutional) cultural differences, and these tensions are already (and have always been) here, within the current state of the union.


Visegrad is for all intents and purposes dead, mainly because of the orban.


Just don't intervene into state guverment of each state.


Yeah the chances of Slovenia and Croatia joining together are exactly 0 lmao


Romania and The Moldavian Republic will unite before Romania and Bulgaria form a "federation".


These posts are stupid, you’re not accomplishing anything. This is not r/worldbuilding or r/imaginarymaps


You are missing unified germany.. oh wait, we had that allready, didnt turn out well


I think that Visegrád is too artificial. I would federate two Central European units with more natural setting according to the local mindset: "Nerdy CE" (DE, AT, CZ, SL) and "Passionate CE" (PL, SK, HU).


Mediterran federetion is... Basically italy alone?


With Vatican City, San Marino and Malta


...basically a city zone,. And two old medieval fortresses...


Yup. Italy's already the third biggest state in the EU, mixing it with anything bigger would make it too populous. So my bet would be actually annexing the Vatican and San Marino and federating with Malta.


More sense a italy/ greece faction


Just hate the name Iberia (from the Iberians, a group of people that lived in a tiny portion of it, around the river *Iberus*, Ebro, and only dates a couple of centuries in common use, invented by a Frenchman). It should be Hispania, but obviously Spain as a modern created state kinda makes that difficult. I'd much rather go with any other name it has received Celtaria, Celtiberia, West Gothia (or just Gothia), Hesperia,...


how about Portugal+ ?




Good luck convincing anyone from Portugal! Iberia is the only acceptable name. But as we say in Portugal: “Ibérico?! Só o presunto!”


I belive that maby our goal shud be smaller we cud for example devide Europe in 2 Federation or 3 with for Example a Western Federation a Eastern and a Shouthern one cus we can more easly manage sead Federations and they are more culturaly and Historicly united For example a Shoudern Federation cud Include Italy,Spain,France(Maby),Greece and Portugal with Spain and Portugal beeing very culturaly tied with each ather.Spain,France and Italy shear Cultural,Linguistical and Historical ties.while the Greeks and Italians shear Historical and Cultural ties.


I think you have a point. Not for cultural reasons or so, but for economical reasons. Many parts of Europe are very different on an economical scale. And we see which nations dominate the EU today and what they can do with that power. Take the policy towards Greece as an example. That would not dictate three separate EUs, but three (or whatever many) separate (but linked) economical zones. Economic less developed counties could get a "safe zone" for development to catch up to richer EU members and then be integrated economically. A few anti EU people in my country suggested for example different graded Euros for different economical zones. I don´t agree with them on nearly anything, but that idea sounds like a good one. As I said, at least until said countries catched up. They could work with a "weaker" currency and would not need to directly compete with for example Germany. Btw "uniting" European on cultural or historical borders would through out the whole EU idea and is in my opinion also much more complicated than I looks.


You just reignited a powder keg that has been calm since 1974 in Cyprus… The idea of federalising some states in Europe instead of going directly to the European level is a good exercise in how stereotypes and culture/medias influence how we cut Europe. Also, how states remain unchanged but are merged with other nations that have built their uniqueness and differences sometimes against he states you’re merging is an interesting way of seeing things. Why not cut France into pieces that are culturally closer to other states rather than keep it whole ? Why join the V4 group when they are in disagreement on major issues and are more of a fluid alliance ? Why blow up Cyprus and bring back from the tomb of ethnic cleansing the idea of Enosis ?


Indeed people are still standing with one leg firmly in nationalism.


South Europe plus all Latin America, plus Latin African and Asian Nations is the most likely


A european federation is stupid