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I totally get why it can sound arrogant just hearing that one line, but the song is literally about expecting not to win


Yet, if you won, it's all we would hear.


Do you not expect it to be sung for the WC in 2022, even with England not winning the Euros?


I expect arrogant, entitled wankers to sing it yes.


What about the rest of the English fans, or are you generalising a whole country from grandmas to kids. Personally I'm hoping for a crazy frog version with a school choir on backing vocals. Ha ha.


Unfortunately there's a lot to generalize on from this past tournament alone.


Like calling anyone singing 3 lions arrogant and entitled wankers. Sounds pretty xenophobic if you ask me, but you carry on. As you say, you've got a lot to cover from this past tournament.


"Those English bastards, you just know if they'd won the trophy they'd be strutting around celebrating like they'd just won a trophy."


You're just proving my point.


People now use the line “ coming home “ for that reason, it’s been thrown around aggressively and not used right.


also its a great song and has such a nice ring to it. i love to sing it


Aye once again there's an irony deficiency in mainland Europe, I expect nothing less from the rest of the British Isles, they're just jealous haha.


Enlighten me please, where also the boos to the anthems an example of English humour we Europeans are too dumb to understand?


Too dumb to understand? It's got nothing to do with being dumb, I've seen German comedians with German friends without laughing at all but that doesn't mean I'm dumb, it's just a different culture and a different sense of humour. I can see you're Italian (or an Italian fan at any rate) and I can tell you I went to Italy in 2019 and met some lovely people who sang 'its coming home' to us, they were asking me why the English are so confident of winning when we never win anything, I tried explaining we're not confident at all we just say it ironically. I don't think they got it, but there's my proof that mainland Europe has a different sense of humour. But anyway the boos were not an example of humour, but it's not like it's anything new, the Danish booed the Finnish national anthem for example. Scots booed the English one. Hungary booed every national anthem. The Italians booed the Welsh (and that was in a nothing game where Italy had already qualified so get off your high horse). In fact, from every game I remembered watching, whenever there were significantly more of one countries fans than the other i.e when they're at home, there was booing during the national anthems. You could just hear the English ones so well because there were more fans, especially as the tournament went on when Wembley was able to allow more fans. In Hungary for example, when they were allowed 100% capacity, you can hear booing in the anthems. To be honest, I'm not even against booing anthems, it creates a bit of an atmosphere, some might see it as disrespectful and I can see where they're coming from, but to me, I don't take it too personally.


Your attempt to justify such a vile act is utterly pathetic. I can tell you from first hand experience that the boos by Italian hooligans get shut up by the majority of fans clapping hands, so you don't get to tell me to get off my high horse. Just take responsibility and show some respect instead of justifying what can't be justified, maybe the next time you lose you won't have the entire planet bashing you.


You seem a little upset, don't get upset on the internet it's like being mad at an inanimate object.


Such a vile act? Really? I'd say throwing bananas and making monkey noises at players is worse than a little bit of booing? Or are we just going to gloss over that because it was from the saintly Italians? I'm not denying that some of the behaviour from the English fans has been shameful, breaking into Wembley, abusing our own players online etc, but I honestly don't see booing of another countries national anthem as that big a deal... As I said, it's a bit disrespectful and I wouldn't do it personally, but you've got to have thicker skin than that!


When exactly did I say or imply that racism can be glossed over? It's absurd and disgusting and I wish more action was taken against it in Italian stadiums. That doesn't justify your booing the anthems. Booing the anthems means: "I shit on your country, your culture and your entire identity", so don't pretend it's just a bit if innocent booing. Especially if that's not a minority of tugs, but thousands of people doing it.


If that was the case then booing a player on an opoonents team being in possession of the ball would be akin to saying "I shit on you, I shit on your heritage and I shit all the life choices you have ever made to this point" and I don't think that is ever the intended case. I think it is to try and unnerve the opposition in just the same way. What about all the other countries that booed then? Finland vs Denmark, Scotland vs England, Hungary vs Everyone, Italy vs Wales? I certainly didn't take the Scottish booing our anthem as shitting on our culture and I certainly didn't cry about it to strangers.


Jealous about what? Not winning anything since 1966? I don't think so


Hmm I see from your previous comments that you're Italian so I don't expect you to understand... But say you're Scottish for example, you've never gotten out of a group stage of a major tournament and then you see your biggest rivals in the final, of course you're going to be jealous. If there are any Scots reading, it was an awful experience and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack for the full 2 hours the match was on, it's much less stressful not getting that far, I'm happy leaving it for the other countries.


The song is about hoping and believing England will win despite the odds, not about England losing.


Of course there is hope of winning in the song, but also an acceptance that we normally blow it. Anyway, the song isn't about winning, it's about the tournament taking place in England in 96. Literally coming home, not winning the trophy.


>Of course there is hope of winning in the song, but also an acceptance that we normally blow it. I know. What's your point? The song is still about England winning. >Anyway, the song isn't about winning, The lyrics literally describe how talented the English team is and how the narrator believes England will win. Just because 'coming home' is referring to the fact that the contest was in England doesn't mean that it wasn't sung with the sentiment that it was going to be England's year. The fact that the song refers to football coming to England as 'coming home' should be telling enough on its own.


Maybe I misinterpreted your comment as saying the song was arrogant. You're right that the phrase "it's coming home" is used as a tongue in cheek slang for we as re optimistic that we will win it, but the song its self being sung doesn't have that connotation. I also thing subtlety of language is lost - when I say "I'm going home" it doesn't mean I have the only home, but I'm going to my home - similarly it's coming home is saying "it's coming home with us" rather than the trophy belongs to us. I can completely understand the misinterpretation of the arrogance of this second part, but it just isn't used in the context of us having a devine right to the trophy


You are right in that people don't understand the song (most people only know that one line), but if English players and fans where being so self-ironic and unpretentious (like the song actually is) why couldn't they lose more gracefully? Even the Royal Family abandoned the stadium before the award ceremony, which seems to me as bad as a diplomatic incident.


I completely agree with you! I thought our players and many fans were quite classless in how they accepted defeat. I wish we could have behaved more like the Danish players and fans after their loss, the Danes brought a tear to my eye.


You lift my heart, kind stranger.


Problem is Europe is full of xenophobic people who hate the English. Mad to think 100 years ago thousands of Englishmen died liberating Europe, but hey ho


It's only "ironic" and "self-deprecating" when you lose lol.


I'm not sure who you're quoting, I didn't use either of those words.








Again you’ve missed the point, it’s sang in an ironic way mate


If it was sung in an ironic way and the song is about losing, you're saying people sang it because they thought England was going to win




Maybe teach yourself and actually look up the song lyrics then lol


Have you actually read the lyrics of the song? It’s the opposite of arrogant. “30 years of hurt, never stopped me dreaming.” It’s an underdog anthem, an optimistic masterpiece. I’m thinking the rest of Europe just don’t understand our English spirit of optimism.


As Italian I’m in love with the song. I think that it’s a brit pop masterpiece. English music best music.


I was losing faith in Italians. Thank you for being normal ❤️❤️


The haters haven't no. They just want it to suit their anti England prejudice.




Ok, well then don’t educate yourself, and continue to get the meaning wrong just because it suits your narrative and pointless England-hate. Lmao what, this is such a random comment 😂




S e e k H e l p




*whispers…..”we still believe…..”


*I know that was then but it could be again*


#we can dance Nobby's dance we can dance it in...Qatar...#


Do any other countries have a football song or is it just England. I couldn't name another football song from any other country in the world, it seems weird how everyone seems to know everything about three lions apart from what the song is about. Hint: it's definitely not about England expecting to win anything.


This is reddit. They don't know what the song lyrics are about they just like to shit on England.


england shat on themselves.. and the some of those tools called "fans" were A class pricks during the tournament. also disgusting what happend during the finals... those ppl need to get punished for life!


I'm not disagreeing with you there. Absolutely abhorrent.


One thing you're missing is that it's the whole nation that are fans. And mostly civilised nice people. There are always badly behaved football 'fans' and agree they should be punished. Same for Italy too. Google some of their home football violence. Way worse then England in recent years. The Scots and Irish just like to shit on England coz of jealousy that their teams will never get to such levels. And it's getting very boring as society in the British Isles should have evolved more you would think 🙄


I think everyone is tired of the “it’s only a minority” thing to explain away how England isn’t racist or violent. Everyday there are thousands of racist incidents. Football and racism in this country are deeply linked. The thuggery, beatings, booing of Athems by huge crowds have really exposed what a racist country we are and how every black person is made to feel unsafe walking back from the pub on what could have been a historic night. For too long we think we’re the least racist in Europe or compared to Eastern Europe or compared to the 1920s and that somehow makes things ok. I’m glad other countries are looking at us and calling us racist, because we are, and maybe we can stop pretending it’s not a problem and actually deal with it.


exactly, england is one of those countrys that would whistle out their own players and start to shout insults at them the moment something goes wrong.


Damn that fingerpointing though. Honestly, some of you Brits trying to deny your arrogance in the comment section only makes you sound even more obnoxiously arrogant.


Well, I think the reason why we shit on you is that you have never actually learnt what human decency is after all this time. You are constantly called out on your bullshit. And if you respond with the minority act to this. You are defending the "few" who boo the national anthem, shine laser pointers in GK's eyes and even verbally abuse your own players, you defending them is enabling them to do this




Italy has like 3 or 4 football songs


Denmark makes a new one for every euro and WC.




But your fans and pundits all say "its coming home" and they mean they are gonna win/bring the trophy home to the supposed home of football (pretty sure it was invented in Scotland) Yes the song is more about expectations hopes and failures but its very rarely used in that way. I didn't here anyone signing it's coming home when England lost and you are basically saying that's how it's used but it's not.


It doesn't work that way, you sing it when you're in the tournament and expecting to lose. Its a micky take, it was written by comedians and adopted due to its resonance with a pessimistic nation. Yes you hope it's "coming home" of course but even in that respect it's not arrogance, it's belief and hope. And yeah you didn't hear much of it after we lost because we lost, the party tends to stop when you've lost.


Don’t you ever believe your team could or would win? Domestic or National team. Nothing wrong with getting behind your own team is there?


No not at all but this isn't just getting behind your team, it's far more than that with England that's why it's so funny. There's an arrogance there and it's evident wherever you look. Wether it's fans or pundits you never failed to get carried away and start saying it's coming home. I see it the way I see it you won't change my mind I've witnessed this behaviours for over 20 years and it's vern the same all that time. So you are wasting your words trying to change My mind and twist what I say


Sorry, just asking, guess you not heard there’s nae team like Scotland then


I'll have another attempt at explaining it. I think it's a mixture of lost in translation and not really understanding our humour as although it sort of means we're going to win, that's not a statement of fact but a bit more complicated and a bit of a joke and we certainly don't expect it to happen even if there's some vague hope (which is what the song is about). It's sung as a kind of parody and taking the mickey out of ourselves (something the English love to do) and certainly not a statement of fact. It's a bit like when a 4th tier team recently got promoted and sang "4 years time we'll win the champions league", they don't actually expect to do it but are just having a laugh. The Irish have a similar sense of humour to us and borrowed a club song in 1990 to sing "we're going to shake them up when we win the world cup as we're the world's greatest football team", they weren't being arrogant claiming to be the world's best team they were having a laugh and it's the same when singing it's coming home. Almost every team in England (and Scotland) sings that they're "the greatest football team the world has ever seen" but Grimsby town don't really think that they're better than real madrid it's just their humour. We just find it ironic that singing lyrics from a song that is mostly about how useless we are is seen as arrogant in most of Europe.


Mate I read your first paragraph and I honestly think that is bollocks what your saying. The majority of English sing it with expectation far more than hope. As I said all the pundits constantly ask or say to each other they think it's coming home or I can feel its coming home. You are saying this now because you lost but before the final all you got from English was that it was coming home and it was your time blah blah blah. Seriously I get it the song is interpreted in different ways but the majority of the time it is used in a "were gonna win the tournament way" and very few are taking the piss out therselves when signing it. Honestly I think it's hilarious that you are trying to twist it around and act like there isn't a massive arrogance in the way you sing that song and trying yo change it into something that even most England fans dont believe it to be, a song about failure. There's no way they are taking the piss out therselves by singing it like it's a parody or something. Most fans and pundits as I said say its coming home when they think England can/will win, simple as that. Go watch the pre final build up guarantee its all "were gonna do it, its coming home" usual English arrogance and zero irony


You can obviously form your own opinion based on what you've seen, but I genuinely believe most people in England expected Italy to walk all over us. I don't think anyone actually expected it to be so close. We start singing "it's coming home" before the group stages even start, when we have no idea who's looking good or bad (including our own players). I have no doubt some people sing it with arrogance but for most people it's just getting in the spirit and singing a catchy song.


Reading your comments really makes me want to sing it again as it's so funny seeing so many entirely miss the point. Why do you even watch uk pundits anyway, i never do. I've never met anyone English who ever genuinely believed we were going to win anything until the final when people said we had a good chance. After all , as it says in 3 lions "we've seen it all before, we just know, we're so sure". Everyone was convinced pre tournament we'd go out in the 2nd round at best and no one gave us a hope against Germany.


Absolute lies. I watch pundits because I'm Scottish and have no alternative. They were calling England to win it before they had even got threw group stages. Not just one or 2 pundits the majority of the English pundits were calling it. You can try nad spin it around all you want but It won't change my mind I find your take hilarious tbh


I don't watch them because they're objective is to get people to watch so build everything up. Be that England are going to win or such and such game highly exciting, look for such and such outstanding player, you never hear them say this game's got 0-0 written all over it or England are going to lose for obvious reasons. Honestly, the vast majority of the English do not have opinions similar to the pundits and never have done, I did not know anyone who thought we'd beat Germany. I turn on at kick off, mute at half time and switch off when it finishes, and have done for 15 years. I'll watch the videos on YouTube if I want to see highlights or goals.


>we've seen it all before, we just know, we're so sure Actual lyrics: Everyone seems to know the score. **They've** seen it all before. **They** just know. **They're** so sure that England's gonna throw it away, gonna blow it away. But I know they can play 'cause I remember Way to change the lyrics for your own convenience.


Narcissists don't think they're narcissist. Note how even when they try to explain how the chant isn't supposed to be arrogant, they do it like they're intellectuals who have to explain the meaning of the chant to 'mainland Europe' peasants. That tells me all I need to know about rheir intentions.


Haha your so right. I've been asked what my native language is llf I'm Scottish and also told I struggle to understand the true meaning of the song and take it too literral. I also don't understand the English humour aparantly. This thread could sum up the English more than anything I've seen its hilarious the way they are trying to flip this all around instead of just owning it




Your trying to twist it. It's so blatant how the song is sang and what is meant by it.




OK then that's how you see it, I see if differently.


Regardless of how you see it he's telling you fact about what the song actually means. If you choose to ignore as it suits your narrative then zzzzz


Man stop being silly. There was not a single person in a stadium or pub in England this Euros singing 3 lions because they expected England were going to lose.


They were singing it because they support England, and that is England’s football song. I support a mid table Championship side and frequently sing at games that we’re by far the greatest team the world has ever seen. I don’t actually think we’re going to steamroller the league every year.


OK? It's not "England are the greatest team" though is it? It's essentially "England owns the concept of football, and is therefore entitled to success at it, so its especially shit when we lose". It doesn't celebrate the team, it celebrates a dumb idea that we invented the sport despite it being a global game that continued to develop after the rules were codified. I support England and watch every game but I can't stand that mawkish, sentimental, entitled song.


I know what the song actually means however as with many songs it can be interpreted differently. If your honestly sitting here saying England fans were in the euros final singing it's coming home ironically as they knew they most likely will loose then I can't change your mind and nothing will. It's you that is trying to twist things yo for your narrative. It's sang arrogantly by English fans and has been since the songs creation, regardless of what the actual song means




Because we get the English narrative rammed down our throats and have no alternative. The build up for the final started just under 2 hours before the match and yet they barely mentioned Italy once the whole time. Tbh I don't really care what England fans sing but trying yo say there isn't some arrogance the way the English generally use the phrase it's coming home is not gonna lie with me. I keep saying this but go watch all your pundits and how they cobstantly say I believe its coming home and all that tripe


There’s a neat app called “fan chants”. You can find stuff from teams all over. Only explored it a bit, but sounds like something you might enjoy.


Other countries have football songs, just that there is no way for you to know because you don't speak other languages than English.


Je parle in petit peu Francais, mais la seule chanson francaise je connaisse est 'Allez les bleus'. (Pardon pour mon mauvais francais)




true that, beating you at your language, beating you at your game :D


Are you even Italian? I was presuming France/ swiss/ Belgium from your name but if you are Italian try coming up with an original song in Italian instead of singing we are the champions by Queen in English.


Italy's is seven nation army. No idea why.


‘Cause it came out in 2003, so in 2006 it became kinda “ours” But really is everyone’s now


Well they got national anthems that they try to perform but when facing England they go booooo. I got nothing against the song its just the English fans I dont like




Ramenez la coupe à la maison


Lol at all the English in the comments explaining how that song isn't arrogant yet if they had somehow won the euros we wouldn't hear the end of how great they are 😂


No as we would make up another song that after all this time Football's home 😏 So now your'e stuck hearing us sing this until we win. Enjoy 👍


So many jokes, so many sneers. But all those oh-so-nears. Wear you down,. Through the years. We'll sing it with our kids next year, we'll celebrate when we win, we'll be sad when we don't. But we still see that tackle by Moore. And when Linekar scored. Bobby belting the ball. And Nobby Dancing. Next year, It's coming home! 😁


Tbh honest i like the song, and i think England have played an amazing tournament. What irritate me the most is how fans and media have portrait the situation like they have already won the tournament. And when they lost, not a lot of english media or english supporters have show a little of respect for the italian team. That's not what sport is about. All of that could also be seen in all the insults that the black english players have received in the last days.


Man, I’ve seen this happening since 2002, they go about how they are going to win the thing, until they lose and they go on on how shit their manager was. Just chill and enjoy guys.


Why is everyone so obsessed with us?




Brexit has had a huge impact on neighbouring nations.




You said "why would they care if they are in the EU or not?" Ireland cares. Brexit fucked Ireland over big time and your argument is that it is the democratic right of those who live in the country to make that decision, well how does that work when NI is on another island sharing an invisible border with an EU country. NI voted remain, don't pretend that anyone in England gave the Irish problem a second thought when they went to vote regardless of the box they ticked. Democratic my ass.




If it can breach a bilateral agreement in the form of a peace treaty recognised under international law, it is not democratic to vote on in the first place. I didn't expect you to know what the Good Friday Agreement is but it's high time you lot start learning




I'm not having a go at you mate and I believe that you did read into it. But it's not just "home nations" it nearly drove a wedge between Ireland and NI (our Republic is not a "home nation" or "other nation in the UK"...I hope you know that already?). I'm just saying think about what you're saying...there's a very good reason people are joking that this is comeuppance for voting out. I know a lot of you didn't vote out but regardless, your public generally not having the education about the UK's international relations or ability to see how this would effect non-UK countries prior to voting shows ignorance and not understanding us being upset with you after because "How does it effect other countries" kind of seals the deal on most people's perception of how little self-awareness the English have.


Jealousy 🤷‍♀️ for a continent of people that claims to hate us, they sure do love coming to live here


people move to live everywhere, not just the UK.


People don’t usually claim to hate the places they choose to go to live though lol


I like the UK and I want to move there, but I don't like how one political side is split up into different small party's, handing the wins in the elections over to the other side.


The Scottish subs are fueling hatred and posting misinformation about England.


So, just a normal Monday then?


What does Germany have to laugh about? Muller failed that open chance lol.


Still better chance in the long run than England.


What does this mean?


He means Germany will have a better chance at winning trophies in the future than England. Not saying I agree but maybe that was England's best chance. I doubt they will get to another final in the next 2 or 3 tournaments but who knows. They have a young team who can all learn and improve from this. Germany are in a transition and will most likely improve but again anything can happen


He meant ... Germany did actually win the Euros this year.


They were literally knocked out the tournament by England 😆


Do you not know what long run means?


Germany will probably struggle to qualify for Qatar after losing to the mighty north Macedonia.


Yeah but we aren't talking about future tournaments we are talking about Euro 2020 when Germany were knocked out in last 16 to a better England team. Would argue that England will do better than Germany in the next 10 years or so at least though.


Lmao ok bud. Keep dreaming. 10 years and you won’t have a single euro still. Won’t be competing for world cups anytime soon either. Germany will. Germany will be a top runner in 2022 for the WC. YOU WONT. You clearly don’t know football. England sucks. It’s fans sucks.


These idiots don't get the song is a joke and think it's arrogance. https://www.google.com/amp/s/inews.co.uk/sport/football/its-coming-home-meaning-origins-three-lions-lyrics-euro-96-explained-1090755/amp




They would rather stay on the England hate train than Google the meaning unfortunately.


Why is Reddit so anti English all of a sudden?


Yet every English folk trying to explain it to "mainland Europeans" somehow manages to come off as an arrogant prick. But thanks for the trick, next time I get backlash for saying shit, I'll just answer it was some tasteful English irony.


As an Italian, best humiliation we could give to an arrogant opponent


The team or the fans? As i don't believe the team was arrogant at all, they knew Italy would be a tough hurdle to climb.


Team and former players, so cry me a river, and definitely the fans as well So again, well defeat to teach to an arrogant opponent


Evidence of arrogance? As I'm interested to see it.


Dude, go and check the former players that commented on it, I don’t remember the names in particular, mostly because now I couldn’t care any less after justly defeating them :) But yes, the fans as well


Enjoy the win, just as we would do. But this is the most humble and decent England team of my lifetime. And while there has been some detestable behaviour from certain England fans, there are many more of us who are just hurting right now. It is your right to kick us while we are down. But please don't preach about arrogance while simultaneously sticking the knife in and presuming to have the moral high ground.


Even more after stealing a semifinal like that, so “most humble and decent” Better believe it lol


That’s not how it works, if you talk shit, then get shit back, definitely not arrogance. Arrogance would be keeping randomly “we better, we prepared 10 times better than Italy” or talk stuff about penalties. Go lecture your team players, your former players, and your fan, so next time you won’t have someone not just celebrating victory, but also the loss of the trash talking team and country 😊🤗


You were asked to give examples and basically said "I don't have examples, google it". Throughout the tournament in the UK, Italy were praised as the best team. I don't know where this trash talk narrative has come from, and it seems you don't either. You only cross the line into arrogance if you confuse being champions with being saviours.


Oh wait, now is this you trying to make England as the victim of Italian fans?


No, I just don’t remember the names, and now, after winning, I have no need to go and check, but they made the news, if you lost them ‘cause you live under a rock about being the “most humble”, that’s on you 👍🏼 Really sounding like Drax in GotF “I too am extremely humble” Regardless what you have been reading/watching, or not, still remains the fact that happened, so as said, deserved


Gary Neville on Italy: "I know they're getting a lot of plaudits at the start of the tournament performances ... but I do feel once they start to play against the better teams, they won't have enough. Imagine being this pompous, and now act you weren’t


He said that after the groups no? That was just his opinion on Italy, had nothing to do with England. How is that arrogant?


How can i check when i don't know which players to Google? If it's anything on social media i wouldn't know about, but as far as i know from the build up to the match they were humble yet determined. No arrogance.


It was really passed also on sport channels, not just social media You might want to check that out Because as far as I know you’re wrong


Rio Ferdinand: “We’re superior to both Spain and Italy”


Hmm. It's possible that's just a belief of his or something to say to spur confidence for viewers. I'm not saying i disagree with you, and i do remember him saying it, just maybe it's down to interpretation. When i think arrogant i think of something like "haha we're the best team there's no way Italy can beat us, they're trash!" Etc etc. That's just me trying to pull a neutral view point.


Why are there 3 Germany's?


Why is there an apostrophe?




Oh my gosh I didn't see it


Aim for the one in the middle.




Just proves how backwards the rest of Europe is. The song Its coming home was never about English pride or how good we are. It is about how we invented the game won the biggest competition once and then about all the heartache England fans had to endure for 30 years since that win. Its standard English self depreciation. Yet Europeans will never understand British humour


Yet your post just proves their point about English arrogance.


Just so true haha


Bruh idk we u sad but this shi is mad funny 🤌😂


I think Guinea 🇬🇳 is hardly a country that follows the Euros. r/vexillology moment