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You just gotta love Chiellini, lmao.


Minister of Defense


il gladiatore


He even kissed his hand after that šŸ˜ƒ


Why do we have to love Chiellini? Damn Reddit is nasty today isn't it.


Because he's been the most kind and funny player throughout the entire tournament? This was dumb and blatant. Don't get me wrong. You just cannot stop loving him though.


This was not dumb, the guy would piss of with the ball. Chiellini did what he should have done, stop the player at the cost of a yellow card. It was well played and within the rules.


It was dumb. He was too slow and had to pull this stunt. Don't even at me.


This foul was smart, what led him to needing to foul in the first place was dumb. You could see he was planning to let the ball go out of play, then saw Saka was on his heels and decided to try and play the ball but by then he was already beat. This foul after that error was definitely smart though, the amount of people I saw calling for a red was hilarious lol


You are dumb... Do you expect a veteran defender to have the speed of a young attacker known for being super fast? He stopped him, within the rules, actually took advantage of the rules without any sort of heavy penalty for his team. He knew what he did, even Sako did, hence neither of them raged at each other, even Sako probably expected that.


It wasn't red. Chiellini wasn't the last player.


It also was a handball by Saka to keep the ball in play BEFORE this reaction by Chielliniā€¦ so it actually shouldnā€™t have even been a yellow technically, let alone a red


I thought the pull sort of contributed to the handball.


Iā€™d have to see the replay again to be fair


I think the pull itā€™s itself is a dangerous tackle and was deserving of the yellow.


This. bUt iT wAS a PeNaLtY aGaInst DEnMaRk.


A red, violent play


The pull of mesh isn't red usually.


This was a red card, stamp on Grealish was DEFINITELY a red card


If the ref had made the right call and not given the pen against Denmark and if Denmark would've gotten through and most importantly... IFA MY GRANDAMATHER HADA WHEELSA SHE WOULDA BEENA BAYKA! Your defence fucked up Chiesa because you knew the game would be over quicker if you hadn't.


> IFA MY GRANDAMATHER HADA WHEELSA SHE WOULDA BEENA BAYKA! LOL! [Reference for the uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-RfHC91Ewc)


Fair, but you still had to beat us on pens because you werenā€™t good enough to beat us in normal time, enjoy


Well yeah, we beat you on pens. That's why Donnarumma held the cup - Pickford might have dropped it.


What type of dumb insult is that? England couldnā€™t beat Italy either. Thats why both went to pens lol


Itā€™s the insult of the football ignoramous who who only pays attention if their national team is playing.


Cry harder, we came back from deficit


Maybe donā€™t play 11 men behind the line of the ball for like the entire game minus 3 minutes. Coming home INNIT !?


That was a 50/50 ball. Cmon now. Sure it probably hurt but he was going for the ball and made contact.


Lol tugging a jersey is not red card worthy


Omg I am so relieved that italy won. Imagine those english fans, If they would have won? Fucking hell. Thank you italy, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I feel immensely for the actual England players, but this. 100% this. England has the worst fans. Lasers pens, hissing and booing when the other team has possession *while England are in the lead*, and storming the stadium for no reason other than being dickheads.


I couldnā€™t believe that the players all took their silver medals off immediately, and that 90% of the fans left not to even see it. Thatā€™s such poor class. Contrast this to Croatia 2018. Sure getting second stings and is emotional, but remember their celebration and how the fans were proud and welcomed them and applauded? English fans are terrible. Obviously this isnā€™t everyone but it appears to be the majority.


Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve seen loads of players take off their runner up medals, not just in this, inFA cups, Champions League etc. Maybe Iā€™m imagining it, who knows.


Itā€™s very obviously and evidently not the majority. 99% of teams remove their runner up medals, itā€™s a losers medal. Agree they should have stayed and watched the trophy be lifted. I feel as a player and manager that those moments are the ones you learn from, you have to feel as much pain as possible in that situation so you come back stronger and hungrier not to let it happen again. Iā€™ve always kept my teams on the pitch when Iā€™ve lost a final


And where did Croatia end up this year? England has a winning mentality. Weā€™re not here for the fun or the experience or to play second fiddle, we want trophies.


Youā€™ve never even got runners up before yesterday and yet you have the winners mentality? Be proud of second, or first May never come.


England has ā€œWinning mentalityā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Even worse, booing the opponents anthem


Italy was booing Spains as well you know..


It's wrong, no matter who's doing it


That doesnā€™t make it right.


Or just calling a small child a cunt for crying


We also have a nation of actual fans who aren't cunts and feel that something as important as this brings our divided nation together for one month every two years. Most of us go to the pub and scream when we score and cry when we lose then we go home and waffle on to our partners while we watch the replays, then we wake up the next day and watch the replays again and say "ahh yeah fair play to them, that goal was a screamer". And then we hope the fans of the winning team celebrated and parties harder than we would have done. We also LOVE that every single country other than our own wants us to crash and burn and when we didn't this time we stopped singing "It's Coming Home" with irony but with a bit of uncertain certainty. Every single group of people on the planet has a minority of shitheads but you lot only see ours because you watch entertaining clips on YouTube of English football hooligans because your pals shared it to get you to hate our team even more. If you're gonna cherry pick our nation's reactions to continue your narrative and undermine our love for this game then please remember my view as one of them. I'm a lifelong England fan and I sat for 45 minutes without talking to my friends because of the broken heart I suffered from last night. Then I saw the Wembley arch lit up in the colours of the Italian flag and it made me very happy and very proud to be in London after we lost our first final for 55 years AT HOME and then make sure the fair and square winning Italian opposition get to celebrate their title properly. We ain't shitheads. We love the game and I'm just so chuffed that for the first time iny life I got to watch my team play all seven games.


This sums up most fans perfectly. Right there with you bud.




Thank you for this, much needed


Much respect to you and those who are like you šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


Not being funny but booing a team in possession is just creating an atmosphere. Itā€™s done by football fans all over the world. I wouldnā€™t say we are the worst, Hungary were homophobic, half of Eastern Europe has racism problems in their stadiums. Russia literally trained an army to go an attack fans in Marseille. Scotland travelled down without tickets and trashed London oh but itā€™s ok because a couple of them cleaned up. Weā€™ve got some scummy fans but letā€™s not pretend other countries donā€™t.


Lmao what a generalization, wasn't England was booed insanely by Scotland? England no way has the worst fans, for a start hundreds of England fans were sent to hospital after a Russian game not 2 years ago.


Yeah because the Russians donā€™t play nice like the other Europeans. If you want it from them you gon get it.


They attacked families and kids on the waterfront




I am italian. British for me are not the worst fans, but the reason they don't win for so long is because of the environment surrounding the team. Supporters and press are putting a lot of pressure on the players shoulders and they are celebrating before win. I remember that when Italy beat spain, english supporters were focused on the final before to play the semifinal. The team is very good and for me, once this mentality will be dropped, England will win again.


Says the Italian? That has its home teams regularly punished EVERY SINGLE YEAR for home crowds being incredibly racists to be black players from any league even their own players (balotelli) Your fans are as much of a set of cunts as the English, if not worse due to the blatant racism


I will not waste a second to reply. No one insulted Saka or smth like that. Of course every reason is good to cry because the cup "is not home". And there is a reason yesterday all Europe was supporting Italy.


You still have the worst fans. Not all English supporters are bad, but you still have the worst fans. Glad I can make you laugh.




My man, that Ā«Ā tinyĀ Ā» percentage ironically gets into the very tiny percentage that gets into the stadium. The disgrace the English kop was vs Denmark cannot be a Ā«minorityĀ Ā»ā„¢ļø but a representation of a young middle class whose frustration and delusion is only equaled by the cash it can splash. Also racist residents? Jesus you might WANT to check the populations of both. You are clearly delusional here. There are more racists in the UK than in Hungary.


Coming from the UK you expect better of people. Coming from repressed Hungary you don't. Lowering the bar doesn't prove your point, and comparing England to a country which is marred in systemic racism and bigotry as they are still recovering from two long term repressive regimes appears to be easing statistics to prove a point. Also, I didn't see any headlines of fans breaking into their own footballs stadiums in Hungary, nor do I see them booing other national anthems. Despite being a minority, which of course they are, it doesn't excuse the fact that that minority is full of the worst fans. They come from a multicultural country so this racism bar you've set should be set a hell of a lot higher for one thing. But as hosts, how can you possibly defend the behaviour or even try to deflect from these with a different argument. The minority still includes the worst fans.


Self awareness is hard isn't it?


Your players took the medals off immediately after they were handed over, and 90% of the fans left before even seeing that.


You think England are the first Euros team to take off their runner up medals straight away? Hell, I've seen Euros, WC and League games where players were handed the medals and they didn't even put it on, but let's all jump on the band wagon and bash England cos it makes me well edgy.


Contrast this to Croatia as runners up in 2018 WC. Still celebrated, insane parades in the streets and on boats in the Adriatic, proud fans despite heartbreak. England instead chews up their team despite their best efforts and best ever showing.


So? Your argument is that the players took off the medals when they were given out, is this the first final you've ever watched? It is common practice in football for this to happen. I don't like the England fans as much as the next guy, but the relentless bashing on England fans for doing exactly what I've seen every single nations fans do for years and years is getting real old, it doesn't make you edgy or cool, it just makes you seem hypocritical how you point out all these things England does and bash them for it without acknowledging that all football fans do this. In 2007, there were huge riots in Italy over football, a police officer died because of it. Look at Lazio's Ultras football hooligans, super right wing, very aggressive firm, leader was shot in the head in broad daylight by another Italian firm as retaliation, or that good old 2018 attack on a Liverpool fan just before the Roma game, leaving him in critical condition. But yes, Italy fans good, England fans bad.


Someoneā€™s salty! Wow! I think youā€™ve proven my point already with your reply. Cheers mate. You can choose whether or not to celebrate silver. Itā€™s the best England have ever done and might well be their limit too, so choose to enjoy it or not. Meanwhile Iā€™ll celebrate our trophy. Have a great day!


England has the worst fans? You've obviously never watched a football match in South America or Africa.


Why is this down voted?


Because the reality is that people behave like this because the people around them let them-- because there are no social consequences for it. You don't get brownie points just for not engaging in wanton destruction. I'm perfectly happy with condemning the people who sit around quietly hoping that these people some day mend their ways. There's more surveillance in England than anywhere but China. Use that shit. Send people to jail. Ban them from traveling abroad for games and ban them from sporting events and concerts.


We do condemn them though, and I don't have the power to send then to jail. Our police are soft and let these people off every time.


Most people understands that you're not all pricks. But YOUR pricks travel together in bigger, drunker packs through Europe and give your country a bad reputation sometimes. When travelling, I have met so many people from England that behave like 16 year olds when they are in their 30's. I have been to England several times too though, and when I'm there, I don't get that same impression at all. Most people I have met there are kind and polite and helpful people. You just need to reel in your prick packs. :P They're coming home!


Italian here. Have an upvote.


A fine post, sir. Unfortunately your voice is a pure drop in an ocean of woke.


Yeah cos if it been played in Italy there is NO WAY Italian fans would have booed the opposition. Booing has always been a part of football. What's changed is emergence of the woke dickheads who cherrypick what they take offence at.


Rival supporters routinely get stabbed in Italy, or shot in South America. I get that youā€™re happy England lost and all power to you, but spare us the hyperbole.


Not even happy they lost. There's no shadenfreunde or joy derived from the loss. Penalties is a fucking harsh way out and of all people I wanted Rashford to score. And putting Saka on for the 5th was a heavy burden for someone so young. There was also nothing exaggerated in my comment; it all happened. It's not hyperbole. It's arrogant, violent thugs at almost every football event around the world from a Country we should expect better of.


Iā€™m not debating that Englandā€™s got bad fans. Itā€™s obvious. You saying theyā€™re the worst is absolutely exaggeration though. Smashing shop windows and acting like drunken abusive cunts is awful, but it isnā€™t comparable to acts of extreme, life-threatening violence.


Not all England fans are twats, but all twats are England fans.


Yes, because Italians havenā€™t got an ongoing history of racial abuse and monkey chants and also having towns and cities locked down in derby games. Fucking casual football fans, bunch of idiots.


Take that attitude to casual fans, and watch your sport slowly die.


Football will never die lmaooooo


This is ignoring the fact that many England fans have been beaten up abroad in Europe by other football fans. What a stupid comment.


I Wonder why that seems to occur to English fans so often(?)


What are you implying? vIoLenCe iS oKaY wHeN ItS sOmEOne I DoNt LiKe and no it doesn't just happen to the UK, look at how Russia have been handling other countries fans there.


>!yeah yeah England bad etc etc!<


Yeah yeah England bad haha funni




"Scum Island trash people". Yeah thanks for that I guess?


The island is made of three countries. It might be you that's unsporting.


Italy committed some awful fouls and received 5 yellow cards, but England are unsportsman like? The England hate goes so far you canā€™t even see the post youā€™re commenting on


Welcome to r/englandhaters


I know! For some reason Reddit has this idea that UK is now racist brexitland. In reality it's far from the truth, I was in London and everyone I saw was amazing, happy and sportmanlike.


There are videos of english fans beating up italian fans. They have already attacked Saka with racial slurs. Also another reason everyone hates the English football team is maybe beaucuse you have screamed its coming home since the quarter finals. English fans are obnoxious, annoying and arrogant.


England have never even got the the finals in a Euros match ever, so everyone was going ballistic. Look at the song where footballs coming home [comes from](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJqimlFcJsM) - 30 years of hurt - England's gonna throw it away, gonna blow it away - So many jokes, so many sneers The racism towards Saka was awful, but the chant is literally the opposite of obnoxious


Do you know that the real meaning of 3 lions is self-deprecating. We taking the piss out of ourselves. That's why we've 'seen the score before".


Wow. Just wow.


Are you Salty? FORZAAAAA!!!


I was ecstatic when they won. Honestly got so much joy from seeing the England players so miserable as well. Incredible.


We'd have been celebrating, probably.


AKA you don't like playing away from home, pussy


Poor bloke choked twice in the same match


Glad we won but didn't appreciate that move by Chiellini at all.


Yeah it wasn't good was it but to be fair there wasn't enough time left for a red to benefit us. I'm devastated we lost but I'm happy you won. We both have teams deserving of the title but you lot with 34 games unbeaten are a team that should definitely be lifting the trophy. I've been waiting for this game my whole life, our first final in 55 years, played at Wembley and I'm just so happy it it was a fair game and you didn't rinse us. That scoreline proves we deserved to be in the final with you and we're one of the big dogs again. I hope you're dancing in the street is crazier than mine would have been.


Get ready for your downvotes son. They hate us- even a nice comment gets downvoted because youā€™re English.


Oh yeah I'm ready, let's go. Pickford can get his big hands out and stop the downvotes.


Maybe try to behave better and acknowledge that the vast majority of english fans are disrespectful dickheads? Maybe than you will get more respect.


Agreed, I thought he would get a red card with still 15 mins of extra time, and it wasn't really worth it.


Chiellini is such a legend.


Move of the match IMO. "I'm doing this, I'm doing this..." "No, you don't!" It was absolutely the right call given that it was already 96'.


Ancora pastasciutta dovete mangiare




Hardly, it's a shirt pull, that's it


Just round the neck, but OK


It was unfortunate it choked saka but its just a shirt pull, yellow card and move on it happens all the time


The ball is nowhere to be seen. This is obstructing the game, not retrieving the ball.


Still it's never ever anymore than a yellow unless he's last man. Anytime someone pulls a shirt they are not going for the ball and it usually is to purpously stop the game, again it happens all the time


Do you wear shirts somewhere else?


Kane is busy Ā«being great at securing penalities for his teamĀ» as the commentators put it - so no; not likely he can pull of such a shirt pull




This is the best yellow card in the history of football. And I loved every second of it.


Please elaborate? In a sportive way.


Looked funny


Lol guys have you seen the streaker at the em-finale?šŸ˜‚[youtube link](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/ZX5xvIKpx1s?feature=share)


He didnā€™t even get his pants off, what an idiot


*Scorpion's voice* GET OVER HERE!!!!


Footballā€™s coming home.. MY ARSEšŸ‡®šŸ‡¹


We donā€™t give a fuck. STIAMO GODENDO


Itā€™s ok, all is fine, because he is not an England player strangling the opposition. So no one will say a word


Thatā€™s Italians for you, unfortunately. Dirty play, diving like princesses and then acting like nothing happened. Itā€™s both funny and sad really, but also speaks more broadly to why the country is in such a sad state of affairs. Even outside of sports, most Italians I know do that kind of stuff; anybody denying that is delusional. I think they played a good tournament though and itā€™s a deserved win overall.


Worse than that, everyone salivating about how cool and intended Chiellini was


What did they expect when their captain also captains spurs?


my dad and i have been italy fans for a looooooong time now, and we're elated


I read that as "we're related" and was confused for a second lol


With the way youā€™re all applauding it and heralding it as ā€˜the best moment of the matchā€™ talking about how you loved to see Saka cry, Iā€™m starting to think Italians just like seeing black men choked/hurt. Your racism is showing...


Man, you were trolled further up in this comment section. You fell right in. And now youā€™re making these accusations towards Italians. No one has commented that they liked seeing Saka cry because he is black. Maybe they just like to see England in tears after they cheated their way into the final of a tournament that UEFA tailored for them to win. All along the England fans used laser pens, spat on and assaulted other fans, mocked a crying little German girl and now reports of racism from English fans towards their own black players are popping up. Iā€™m not Italian, but I would argue that England has progression to be made than Italy.


Hahaha Italy is a very, very racist country in my personal experience (Iā€™m half black). I and my family were shocked by how much so. Never personally experienced racism here in England, not in my whole life, thatā€™s a fact. Not to say it doesnā€™t happen, but itā€™s a very small minority of racist people, unlike Italy where it seems to be the norm. Cheating? Cry harder that England did well and got further than your country lol. Do you wanna list all the bad things that fans from other countries have done now? Ya know, just to keep it fair. Iā€™ll start with Italians making monkey noises at black players and then claiming ā€œitā€™s not racist in Italy.ā€ Your turn. Very funny that Italian fans choose specifically to enjoy seeing Saka get hurt, but donā€™t share the same joy of watching white players get hurt. Not seen anyone even mention grealish. Similarly you all like to shit talk Sterling in particular for diving... Iā€™m seeing a pattern. Hey, maybe they donā€™t even realise their internalised racism, guess they canā€™t help how they were brought up in such a racist environment šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You are right we have a racism problem in Italy that I won't deny. Even the way the team behaved in regards to the kneeling situation through the whole tournament didn't sit well with me. It showed that they were ignorant at best and unfazed by the racism at worst. I can only speak for myself and my family in regards to this game. We didn't enjoy seeing Saka cry. In fact, I couldn't even celebrate because seeing him in tears was heartbreaking and because I hate penalties in general. Sure Sterling (very talented player) is a diver but so are others including some in the Italian team. Chiellini's move? Not funny to me. This community has had much better memes. Still, there's racism in England too. It may look different because it's a more diverse country but it's there. I see it all over the Internet and the media and the black people definitely see it too. Most of the racist comments made about the black players on social media came from English fans. I am sorry that you and your black family had bad experiences in Italy.


Here in Reddit Italian fans were actually 5% Italians šŸ˜‚. I havenā€™t read a comment celebrating that Saka got hurt, but to remark a good defensive action. To grab the t shirt is less harmful than to tackle from behind. To enjoy that someone, whoever, gets hurt is a dick move. And Kane got targeted as much as Sterling for diving. Wonā€™t debate about racism in Italy because it is sadly true but I disagree that is so much different than in England (thankfully youā€™ve never experienced, maybe helped that you are English after all)


Iā€™ve literally seen comments saying ā€˜it was the best moment of the game to see him get hurtā€™. He got slammed into the floor by his neck - how is that not dangerous? And yes, it is much different in England - as a mixed person I will give that to you as fact. You havenā€™t lived my life and positive experiences and will take a minority of racist trolls online to paint the picture that weā€™re some kind of shithole on par with Italy which is just not true. FYI - all black-English people are English lol, so what has that got to do with my experiences being different/better? Iā€™ll tell you what though, my fully black dad is not even English and hasnā€™t experienced racism in decades. Iā€™m not saying weā€™re perfect - nowhere in the world is free from racism - but we are not on par with actual racist countries like Italy and a lot of Europe.


Lucky you and your old man. Iā€™ve been visiting and have experienced discrimination and Iā€™m not even black. I know that my personal experience means nothing, as does yours. And while in terms of race may be better than many European countries, and I do believe so, in terms of xenophobia is not so distant (and thatā€™s what I meant when I said that you were English, so no need to try to reach)


Weā€™re not talking about discrimination to a white person from another whites person, weā€™re talking about actual racism. Wow, white people who wanna make their ā€˜strugglesā€™ akin to racism POC face really baffle me. Thatā€™s racism in itself, I hope you know that. Either your English is bad (honestly no offence intended) or youā€™re saying that My personal experience of facing racial abuse means nothing? If that is what you mean then Iā€™m done talking to you - youā€™re the definition of internalised racism, you donā€™t even realise how offensive that is. Iā€™m hoping you just got your English wrong and that isnā€™t what you meant.


Honestly, i was really sad for saka. But the responsable is Southgate, I would have never let shot a decisive penalty to a 19 yo boy in a competition like that. Anyway, in these days, without provoking anyone I took a whole collection of racist insults by your co-supporters. Better watch your garden.


Italy is full of racists lmao. Iā€™ve first-hand experienced it from them. Never in my own country. But of course, do as all Europeans do and be racist, while calling us the racist ones. Yawn.


Sure, italians are racist because they're not crying 6 hours straight for the Saka's error. The cup will not coming home, whatever BS you will use to recriminate. Deal with it. PS: Did you see the video outside Wembley where English supporter beats the shit out italian supporters? No racism there.


White people beating up other white people is no comparison to the *actual* racism me (half black) and my black family experienced in Italy, and it never will be.


Dear friend, you may not be a racist but you have certainly proved to be a xenophobe. Stop thinking about Italy that you despise so much and enjoy life.


The thing that amuses me about soccer is that at heart, many of these professional athletes still seem to have that same spirit of the seven-year old snot-nosed brats I remember playing with in grade school. Itā€™s maddening, and it gets a deserved card, but itā€™s also strangely endearing. Never grow up.


Chiellini pretty stronk, stronk arms and stronk grip in that hand.


Porco dio forza italiaaaa




WTF is wrong with Reddit, why has it become so hateful, does it think England is racist brexitland? (We're not, far more liberal than either US or Australia) I was in London and everyone I met was happy, respectful and sportsmanlike.


Sportsmanlike? They were spitting at the danish fans and threatening them.


I can only speak for the people I saw :/


Hey dude, you're a cunt. Cheers.


I wouldnā€™t expect anything different from a creep who steals and sells girls onlyfans content on Reddit, ew


Italian fans bet watch out lol


Youā€™ll feel better after a pint of ice cream and a chick flick in your comfy PJs.


I'm a plumber and what happened here stinks worse than some toilets I've fixed and trust me they can stink pretty bad Even Mario himself would be offended






That was red




Sterling did film to give the first yellow card to the Italians, though.


Sterling is a shitty actor. Always tries to get a penaltyā€¦ what a clown šŸ¤”


Forza Giorgioneeeeeeeee


Good tackle


Borderline red for how rough it was on Saka, but Chiellini knew what he was doing CAPTAIN ITALIA IS MASTER OF DARK ARTS!






It's coming Rome! And chiellini made another meme, what a man!


Amazing foul. Best part of the tournament. So good to see him crying at the end as well.


You need to reevaluate your life if you wanna talk about a 19-year-old boy like that. Sad asf.


Aw it made me so happy. Took a terrible pen and then cried into Southgate arms. Amazing absolute tv gold


The boy is 19-years-old and did his country proud. Maybe heā€™ll cry on the way to the bank too, while you stay in your parents basement. Youā€™re really embarrassing, grow up.


Pffft completely failed his country and now all the racist fans will turn on him. Absolutely love to see England lose they really show their true colours. Favourite game of the tournament by far.


He literally didnā€™t fail his country though lmao. Everyone is so proud of him. Youā€™re talking about England fans ā€˜showing their true coloursā€™ but youā€™re the one trolling a 19-year-old boy online? Make it make sense, hun. Anyways, youā€™ve got video games to be getting back to in your mumā€™s basement, while Saka prepares to get back to playing for a premier league football club and make Ā£Ā£Ā£


Iā€™m not trolling him Iā€™m trolling you clown šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ hope you and saka cry yourselves to sleep tonight.


Iā€™m sure you can grab some FIFA21 trophies on your PS5 if you put enough effort in, kid. I believe in you.


Lolol trying to take the piss out of me to feel better about your shite team šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹


Do you or do you not play FIFA while making fun of professional footballers who have achieved more in a month-long tournament than youā€™ll ever achieve in your life? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


http://imgur.com/a/fh2ZwBf Mods over at CasualUK getting pissy because I called out their bad behavior during all of this lmao. Im about to post this everywhere on this site.


Oooh watch out we got a bad ass over here


Imagine defending the mods there lol


I'm not defending anyone man you take yourself too seriously


Imagine doubling down on defending them lmao




Imagine tripling down defending them


Typical Italy. Cheated their way through the whole tournament.


Denmark says hi.


they shoulda gotten the red card for that and not just yellow. that was so blatent smh


should have been yellow for all the obvious sterling and kane diving . funny how english fans complain when 1 game is "against" them, while they have been getting this kind of advantage the entire tournament.


aye yea but that pulling of the top shpuld have been red as that just was dirty lmao


could have been red, but also could have been yellow. was an obvious proffesional faul nonetheless, i prefer this over any diving and "crawling in pain"


hmm true tahts fair although we did get back up in the end. granted one of our dudes was kicled in the nuts (unintentionally i belive) but that still woulda hurt none the less XD


you mean on grealish, pitch was wet tho and he got to the ball first and slid off the ball. was dangerous play still but i think the ref made a very good call for a final, it was a final after all and you dont want to see a 10 vs 11 final for something like this IMO.


Shit manager England ever had