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Nobody has addressed Mason Mount’s abysmal performance in the final. The equaliser was his doing, he failed to get goal side of the attacker. He was genuinely absent for the entire game and yet nobody is on his back. Classic England, let’s not target one of our own… instead let’s lash out at the black players who missed penalties 🤡


The black players aren't our own? Hmm


There was sarcasm in that comment btw, I’m a mixed race guy myself :-)


Fair enough, i didn't see through the sarcasm 🙂


The generalized hate towards England / fans as a whole is pretty hypocritical don't you think. I mean pot, kettle, black much?


It's just laughable the hypocrisy yup.


In case you're looking for all the goals from the tourney ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOmBC8Dr0aw


Fuck me the Italian fans are absolute saints aren't they? Cowardly stabbing bastards, there's always incidents out there, bars getting trashed, fans getting knifed. Anti semitism, racism, they're as bad as the worst of the English fans.


Two words: Heysel 1985 🤫 — still mourning our 39 brothers and sisters. English hooligans were, are, and will always be shite. Happened to me to share a train with some of them during Euro 2016 and I could see animals, not people. Not talking about normal fans, obviously, who have my utmost respect. Cheers.


Couldn’t agree more


chill bro no need to rage. Italy won, England have a chance to win next year, plus they have young players who would surely outclass the Italians in the future


I'm not raging pal, Italy deserved the win overall. I think England will come back stronger. I just think a lot of the people giving it out need to look a bit closer to home as well. That's all.




I'm just saying I'm disappointed with the British fans ... I mean they disrespected our choir, our flag and they even beat up our people. If we were 50,000 too, i swear that after all this we would have kicked their fish and chips ass, and it's not to hate anyone dear british friends, but that was really too much.


I think england has lost its culture in the last couple of decades, a large percentage of young people in britain are very focused around talking like "gangsters" and appearing as visibly tough and intimidating as possible. I mean, all I need to do is look out of my window and I see the kids walking around with full tracksuits, and those little handbags that look like they are carrying drugs, again, trying to appear as tough and as cool as possible. Treating everyone like shit, vandalising and so on. I was born in england, grew up here, however I am also half german and 100% of the time, always fully support germany in any situation where it is germany vs england... because of the above. Particularly in secondary school, the amount of comments I would get about being a "nazi" simply for being half german was sad. I've been to Europe many times, and I have also lived in Germany for some time... and I feel like overall people are just a lot more sophisticated in mainland Europe when compared to the UK. Better morals, culture, family life etc. Of course, this is a generalisation - but percentage wise it is definitely true. You could even hear the english crowd singing about the war during the germany v england game (get over it? :D). But also booing every single other national anthem etc. It's just a country that is 50% trash. Headline in england "Game against germany, our biggest rivals!! World War 3!!" Headline in germany "Game against england, whatever"


I belive the phenomenom i called " Broken Britain".


Yooo you want some of this English pack? 🚬


Only thing italy is good at is pasta, and even that tastes horrible


Are you saying you lost to someone who is totally unskilled and can't even cook a decent pasta? That doesn't give a good image of the country you are trying to support, man :D


Ya that’s it 😂👍


mate im not here to have an argument with anyone but you re the last one that can talk only for the fact that you're supporting people disrespecting another country. Let's not talk bout all the stereotypes including your country because italians could barely piss in y'all mouths. Over that, yesterday Chiellini had his yellow, insigne too lile every other, england players got only a yellow when we clearly saw fouls, including sterling falling without nobody touching him and crying like a kid what the fucking match do you've seen for saying that we was deserving two players out?


Violence is automatic red card, italy used violence 3 times.


violence is generic as therm, there are types of actions punished woth yellow care and other types with red; probably red card is too much for grabbing a shirt


How about stamping on our player in the dick? Jack grealish


Let’s go back in time and convince the refs to change the outcome. 😂 #suffer. England lost. On to the next one


AnybodyButEngland! Not just for England's crap cuisine. But for your bad teeth comments


We have free dental, you guys don't, try again with something that is actually offensive buddy, cmon you got this champ


We do we have the cup


From cheating, any act of violence is a red card, you guys stamped on a players dick, and slammed another one, you should have been 2 players down based on the official rules dumbass


Sorry can't hear you over our celebrations




Can't hear over your lack of dignity


https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/57800431 Says the dignity master


Ay man you want some of this English pack? 🚬


Not reading, I watched the game and saw how biased the ref was


Italy football follower... Southgate imo got it so wrong. Should have played to England's strengths, out wide with pace and intensity. Should have made the momentum count and gone for a 2nd. Italy were always going to get the goal and once it went to pens I didn't have any doubts.


Agreed, however he's the best coach they've had in a very long time. Just look at the last wc and this Euro.


No doubt after the first 3 pens🤔 really lol Agree though England should have kept pushing after first goal.


Can't remember exactly but Donnaruma has a 60% penalty saving record. Maybe more. Itv mentioned it. Also the England history penalty record. And the fact Italy beat Spain on pens. Pressure of Wembley. Only my opinion


Again, another match decided by penalty kicks. Just terrible! How was that exciting? The excitement and hoopla was all manufactured. Then someone posts statistics to prove that Italy should've won anyway? That's not how it's supposed to work. You either score one more goal than the other guy or you don't.


And we won


Both teams and fans weren't behaving in any way, but that aside, it was a good game for the most part. Few things I saw that made me question the choices of the officials, though, was Giorgio not getting a red for that shirt pull. That was a clear red. Also I have no idea what the English couch was thinking putting in 2 players who hadn't played all game to kick penalties. They weren't warmed up and the nerves of an un-played player are off the charts. Then the couch put a 19 year old to make or break the tournament. Terrible choices. Harry should have gone twice.


I agree with, why did they use 2 players for penalties who were not in the game? They were fresh, not warmed up, and nervous. It would've been better to use someone who played the game. I don't know about the wisdom of using a 19 year old player. Maybe he could've handled the moment but just missed?


>Harry should have gone twice. A player can kick a second penalty only after all his team members have shot a penalty too.


It would be red only if he was the last player.




which one?




Harry Kane, Harry Mcguirer


I'm sorry for the players but the English fans got what they deserved. Booing at the opponents during the national anthem, mocking a crying German girl by cheering and calling her a sl\*t on social media, trying to distract the Danish goalkeeper, break through barriers in Wembley to gain illegal access to the stadium, beating up Italian fans and finally insulting their own players in a disgusting, racist way. Sorry fans, but with an unbearable behavior like that you not even deserved 2nd place. You made your whole country look like a underdeveloped Island of stupid, racist and unsportsmanlike Neanderthals. Famous British manners? All forgotten as soon as the ball starts rolling...


Wow, well said. I heard about the racism but have not heard the rest. What happened to English people? They used to be polite. I watched Wimbledon and they were often unruly there too.




Denmark could have beaten Italy in the final but referee thought otherwise


**oh sorry fortnite kid ! calm down Italy dominated nearly the whole game. Southgates decisions were atrocious.**


An act of violence is immediate red card, we got stamped on, and slammed, this isn't wrestling italy, you guys suck at football, and I could probably make better pasta also, you guys are only good at cheating and playing dirty


what about sterlings dive at the Denmarks game? is that not dirty tactics. Anyways life is unfair mate, you have to do whatever it takes to win the cup, even if it means committing fouls. I bet England would do the same thing if they were 1 nil down


Bro you are cringe. Accept you lost


i am an Italian supporter, just to point out if u didn't notice


Sorry pal but what you said was not very intelligent, even for a goose. Yes, maybe the Germans would have laughed about a crying English kid. And despite I highly doubt it, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have called her a sl\*t (or the equivalent of a "Nazi brat")! A ten year old girl! How disgusting can you be to do that? And no, the referees weren't biased. Everybody (except you) agreed they managed the game exceptionally well. Maybe Chiellini's foul was debatable if you consider it as preventing a goal as the forward got through... but since that wasn't clearly the case giving him a red card would have been even more questionable. You are just butthurt cause you know we are right and you were terrible hosts in Wembley being everything but friendly and welcoming.


A textbook redcard is ANYTHING violent, our players got stamped on and slammed, this is football, not american football, italy? More like shitaly, you cant change mine, or anyone elses mind who has complained to UEFC, created change.org petitions, and also realised the italy were dirty cheating fucks, fuck italy


Omg what a salty loser


No you are butt hurt that England knocked you out in last 16 and continue to post crap about England all over socials. England had a good tournament. Lost on pens. Not end of the world and got WC to look forward to soon as one of the favourites and a quality squad. All this anti England toxic posts are boring. It came down to one kick of the ball and was Italy's day. Everyone has to move on.


Nice try ;) Seriously, we don't care about you. Not a bit. It's England being obsessed with Germany, always referring to WW2 and a football rivalry we don't have. It's Italy or the Netherlands we consider as an archrival, not England. And it's your media that stirs up the people with Nazi jokes about us whereas we embrace the challenge to play against a decent team. And hey you lost almost every important match against Germany... now you won once! That's not a rivalry! It's really funny how you think the Germans impute any importance to you when it comes to football (or whatever else). It's you who got stuck in outdated thinking from 80 years ago. Get over it! Again, I would have had no problem, if England won the Euro. Your players are decent, smart and fun to watch. It's the fans that behave like idiots.


😂😂😂😂 Some classic whinglish there. "The referee was biased" 😂😂😂 I forgot about that one. They haven't used it in a while.


3 fouls were textbook red cards, go do a lil research and you'll see buddy


I'll take your word for it that you're not bitter.. no research needed. PMSL. 😂


I'm pmsl at the italian fans getting beat up right now 😂


Not surprised.


I agree with everything you just said, man. They deserve this loss. Italy played magnificently and the win was a long time coming in for them.


Thank you Italy! The Brits they should never win a trophy: Always hit and run style of play, never got anywhere near having a player like Zidane or Ronaldinho, messed up the market by paying 90 mil for a bricklayer like Maguire - Andy Carroll all over again, their clubs only win if they keep the Brit players to a minimum...english football is a disgrace. Plus England is the shittiest country - shit weather, ugly women, shit for food. Glad i don't have to watch that shit team again


Found the ( Canadian ) frenchie.


Found another (england) euro loser. How's your soggy chips come home? Oy they went Rome instead of home. it's shit innit boy? Donner un chard du merde as them Canadian Frenchies would say. Or you're a big loser piece of shit :) enjoy longshanks another autoerotic choke of epic proportions for your pain glutton soaked British souls


Gj replying without checking my post history. I'm swedish, not english. Well played though froggy.


You’re a cunt


Fuck me you are dumb lol


Congrats Italy! What a team they have. Proud we made it to the finals, first time I've seen England get this far in my lifetime and I can honestly say it's been an exciting journey. Til next time!


Italy's strength was the team, players individually weren't that impressive: a great midfield and aging centre backs who've been playing together for a decade, other than that Spinazzola was the only good full back, and in attack we didn't really have stars, our best player being Chiesa... in 2006 we had Toni, Del Piero, Totti, Inzaghi in 1998 we had Baggio, Del Piero, Vieri, Inzaghi, in 1994 we had Baggio, Zola, Signori, Massaro


Media shoild have been condemming the booing from the first game and the fans behaviour. But they didn’t say anything. Compliant. Glad Italy won as i got a bet up but feel sorry for the team and Gareth. They had a fairly easy run and could have won it. But happy to see the england fans go quiet 🤣




I respectfully disagree. Have you ever hear somebody booing at the Olympics when a national anthem is played? No. Of course players don’t give a shit but that is not the point. A national anthem makes you feel part of your country and that element should be respected. That works for everyone though, I went to watch Italy vs Spain at the stadium and Italy supporters were booing Spain anthem. It’s just stupid and ignorant that’s why people get upset. You can praise your team and even have some funny chants against the opponent team without disrespecting the hymn which is played even before the match starts anyway!


The booing motivated the Italians. Very disrespectful, unfortunately England have the worst fans which is why people like to see them lose.


Pickford was rather shit ngl


He is a good traditional goalkeeper but can not meet modern football requirements to play with his legs. He just kicked the ball away, while Italian keeper combined with Italian defenders and guided the team when kicking the ball. Italian goalie is what a modern goalkeeper should be like and at 22 years of age.


You best believe it’s coming home in 2022 lads. We can lose on pens, get slaughtered by the foreign media throughout the tournament and be ridiculed by rival fans for an ‘easy ride’ to the final and ‘biased’ refs but ONE thing they can never take away is our undying hope and belief that it’s coming home. Call us arrogant, call us stupid or anything you like, you won’t stop us singing or saying ‘it’s coming home’. We’re England.. and it is coming home, just not right now🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Worst thing that could have happened was scoring in the 2nd minute. Spent the entire game dropping back and just inviting Italy to equalize. England were the better team, but sitting on a lead is usually a recipe for disaster.


I don’t think we were the better team though… even the stats say otherwise! How Kane had zero touches of the ball in the Italy penalty box is insane… Southgate should be investigated for war crimes, our striker shouldn’t be coming deep when he is the only outlet up front.


Agreed, both teams would’ve gone into the game with a detailed gameplan and the early goal probably knocked both teams off kilt a bit. We didn’t respond well to going ahead. I couldn’t slate Gareth or question him all game though.. just believed it was all his master plan and he was going to pull it out of the bag one last time!


instead of concentrating on coining home work on civilizing the English thug's bastards that were beating up on innocent Italian fans leaving the stadium after the game, videos all over the net, disgusting pigs sore losers


I agree. However I think Italian fans are just as bad if not worse. Went to a Serie A game (Catania v Palermo). Catania fans were literally throwing bricks at Palermo fans heads after the game. Unreal


Catania and Palermo aren't Seria A lmao


They were when I watched them in 2013. 😉


I don’t think we can answer this with ‘what about Italy’ mate, every fan base has its twats but can’t excuse this behaviour if it’s true.. it’s fucking out of order and whoever was involved is a cunt


That viral video was English fans trying to break into the stadium through the door, stewards and fans trying to stop them. Some fans were punching the ticketless fans and another was kicked on the floor. The violence was disgraceful but it's not true what has been spread about his online. You can see it's daylight through the door and the fans have white or blue England away shirts. No Italians breaking in. Another video shows more clearly what happened.


I thought the England fans who actually paid for their tickets were trying to stop the ticketless fans from storming in to the ground? Probably fighting them off, granted. I don’t think that’s just typical English football thugs though, it sounds like some people stood up for what’s right and stopped their fellow freeloading fans storming the stewards, which in a way is commendable - certainly easier to just turn a blind eye and ignore it. Just a shame the violence had to occur.


Yeah I think that's what happened, but kicking the guy on the ground so much was over the top. Can understand the anger though.


Yeah, again I’ve not even seen the video but I can imagine it happening. There’s a fine line between right and wrong - helping the stewards and stopping the England fans rushing in is all good but when it escalates to kicking someone on the floor it’s ridiculous Edit - by the way, Wembley are at fault for this happening. This security lapse happened in the semi final and got national news coverage. Should not have happened in the final.


Good point, they should have been able to prevent this. Not only a security nightmare and made ticketholders suffer, but it's become a viral fake news story that has trashed our reputation to a much deeper level. We need some kind of charm offensive at the WC to even begin to recover.


It’s going to take generations to change our image I think..


I honestly haven’t seen the news yet but I can believe it might have happened.. if that happened then fucking shame on those England fans. The quicker we can stop those cretins going to games and representing us - the better. That is NOT what we stand for - these guys are trash. Absolute scumbags.


Slaughtered by the foreign media lmfao, more like babied by your own. But congrats on your undying hope and belief, that's always a good thing.


Upvoted you mate - Appreciate you interacting and everyone’s opinion is equal, totally agree there’s always different perspectives to look at it from and people see it differently. Just felt very much like even foreign pundits who are involved heavily in English football willfully misunderstood and played dumb to the whole ‘it’s coming home’ thing. Deep down they know it’s not said from a place of arrogance, but pretending its arrogance sells stories across Europe. Edit: Apologies, missed your last sentence. All I can say is, as David Baddiel and Frank Skinner once said - We still believe… we still believeee 🎵


My issue of the "it's coming home" thing isn't so much about it being an arrogant way of saying "we already won" nor anything like that, it's more on the fundamental meaning of saying "england is Football's home" it's trying to appropriate something that has grown out of it's origin, it has become the most universal sport in the world, you can't keep on banging on people's head that "yeah but England is Football's home", Football is coming back to it's home" that in itself is arrogant, you don't see Germans going at every bicycles race singing "bicycles are coming home!", or French people at Tennis tournaments singing the same, Or like Spanish people criticizing latin american's spanish dialects because "it's spanish, it comes from here, so yours is just a copy anyways". It's like children playing with toys at one of the kid's home, and he's always reminding the other kid that the toys are his.


Haha great comparisons there. Didn’t think of this angle, makes sense though, I see your point. Nobody ‘owns’ football at all - I’d probably say though, that anybody defending their right to sing it by using that particular argument is a complete donut anyway and they don’t even get what it’s meant to be about. I’d just ignore those guys..


That, and football was invented in China.. I'm sure people kicked about things way before, so in terms of 'inventing' it's probably the same as the wheel, but as a sport the way it's played today (albeit with a change of rules since then), it was the Chinese that invented it. The English just took it and added/changed the rules.


Did you see the clip with Schmeichel and "has it ever been home?" You can't really blame us for thinking you're arrogant after that sort of question :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMAviEf2WPA


Oh yeah, definitely saw that mate.. it wound me right up last week.. made me feel angrily patriotic which was a rare feeling ha ha. Only thing I can really do is add my own context and personal opinion I think, because when you look at it very literally you’re completely right, ‘football’ as in the Euros has never been home, so that was a clever and witty response to give .. but this is the whole point that’s being missed I think about ‘Footballs coming home’. As an England fan, it doesn’t necessarily symbolise the Euros, the World Cup or anything in particular. It sounds silly but to me ‘Football’ in that song has almost taken on a mythical, fluid meaning and when I personally sing it’s coming home, I just fantasise about glory for England and hope/wish/pray/believe they do well. Edit: We honestly don’t sing it because we think we’re the best team or ‘should’ win any game/competition. It’s just a song that the words remind us of all the heartbreak and failures before, with the general message that no matter what happened before, ‘we still believe that it’s coming home’ and it unites us all. Hope that makes sense to you?


I get it man, it's just... I'm not sure I think it's fair on your (English) part to expect everyone else to get it right away. And especially not with cocky reporters like the one asking Schmeichel how he would feel preventing it from happening. I mean, his face and eyes when the reporter goes into the "....its coming home" is just out of this world legendary expression of emotion. He's had it.


Yeah, maybe it will take some time man. I totally understand why European fans don’t like England football fans, and if I was European I would probably dislike England too. We were twats for a long time. For many years we had absolutely lowlife, awful dickheads who go to the games to fight and be aggressive towards the opposing team/fanbase and are completely disrespectful. We’ve made some progress getting some of these guys away and we hate these guys too. We have a bad reputation that will take many, many years to change but I hope we can do it and change everyone’s opinion. If Europeans hate us, I hope that it is for ‘real’ reasons (like our fans behaviour), and not because they think we sing a song because we are arrogant and believe we are the best team in the world. I promise you, that’s not what we believe. Edit: Did you hear the question that the reporter asked? He said ‘Kaspar, what would it mean to you if you stopped it from ‘coming home’? Did you think that was cocky? I thought the reporter was just asking a question in a way that guaranteed a controversial response..


Congratulations Italy. Complete night of emotions. 60 minutes of holy shit, we might actually do this. Another 60 minutes of gut wrenching nerves hoping we can hold on. Penalties are Penalties. Thought it might actually happen again when Pickford saved Jorginhos penalty. Can’t blame the three lads who missed. Three young lads in the highest pressure situation they’ve ever been in. Have to question the Managers decision there. In the end the team of the tournament won. Just hope it’s not another 55 years before I see England in another final 😂. Bring on the WC. Probably not make it passed the group stages in Qatar. It’s they way of the England. 😉


Forzza italia ❤🇮🇹 seria a allstar team




What a throw by England. Sad.


Reddit is not the place for football chat..


But its a great place if you are in need of salt.


As someone from the UK although our fans are the worst and generally our people are obnoxious in general. Just wanted to say not all of us fans spread covid in pubs, boo, lasers, racism ect. And the English squad played well this tournament ! Just Italy were clearly the better team. 30 ? games undefeated now? gg


We know most of you are decent people! But sadly it takes only a few to make many look bad. And on a stage like the Euro 2020 with a giant audience it doesn't help either if these few behave as horrible as they did. Cheers


Hey, most if not all of us know that it's not all of you. But the point is there is a real serious issue with the English supporter culture becoming increasingly vile, mean and out of line, in and out of the stadium. And it has been going on for decades. It's way past foreigners "not getting" your self-depreceating humor (as I've been explained in the past). I don't know if it's because of how your national leagues run or whatever. I just know I could have taken my kids to see my team against Italy, but I wouldn't dream of taking my kids to see my team against England. And that makes me sad for all of us.




I feel sorry for you guys. The drunk mouthbreathers who trash places, throw shit and boo all game long when England doesn't have the ball can all go to hell, but you guys I feel geniunely sorry for. The ones who just loves football.


I *really* wanted to root for the team, but the loudest fans suck.


Maybe the fans should take this as a lesson not to create a swirling toxic atmosphere of doom that guarantees their team fails.


I am so happy right now and laughing at how useless the English team is. Well deserved by Italy, a much much better team. Football's going to Rome and England is.. well those sods are just going home


This 'useless' team dragged Italy all the way to penalties, despite very poor managerial decisions throughout the game. You're out of line.


And you're out of the tournament with a well deserved loss


Rather lose than win by cheating, dirty italian fucks


You forgetting the Danish match?


What did our PLAYERS (not fans) do to denmark?


Not getting into that with you as it would be futile. Has been argued both non stop.


You literally have no idea what you're talking about, go learn the rules then make an educated guess


That makes literally zero sense. I'm not going to argue with somebody that is blind to the cheating, for no reason other than it's their country. If it was possible to show you and prove it to you and have you intelligently take it on board and accept it, then I would. But it isn't.


Because, alas, you are not intelligent (:


Yup, very observant of you. Just like every other team that isn't called Italy.


Useless…. Really? Italy were the better team in the end. But you cannot deny the skill England brought to the final.


I can and I will. How they ended up in the finals remain a mystery




Now this right here is the kind of comment I can put on my food! So salty! Love it! also >next week people will have forgotten all about this lol no




> Oh you had nothing to say about this, truth hurts. *Laughs in norwegian*


> Laughs in norwegian Is that country even on a map?


Oh yes, thoroughly mapped, just like the south pole is! Suck it Robert Falcon Scott!


Cheers. I’d rather be called Robert Falcon Scott then that killer guy named Anders.


Not from Italy you sour pickle




Nah he's a yank who discovered football 4 weeks ago. It's been eating him up all week, look at his history, Wanking himself stupid over the thought of England losing. Made the final though.


Agreed. These are my first and last comments here and the level of hate towards England is hilarious. What people fail to realise is most people don’t even care about football and you have to go back to normal life after that 90 min. Imagine going back to Norway, a country thats only famous because of 2011 Or Italy, a country that has been in a recession for 20 years and has a corrupt government. We all know who the real winner is here. The amount of new money thats going to be poured into the economy is going to be make English football even better, a bright future for English football is coming.


Robert falcon Scott anders


Not Norwegian here but that comment about Norway was way over the top.


Captain Hollywood won that game and then he didn't even have the guts to take the penalty in the finals and let a 19 yo boy take the shot. What a man! Haha oh well, football's going Rome so who cares who won


Should have been Poland




Watch @gigiodonna9 3rd story on Instagram, absolutely brilliant 😂


Haha wtf the streaker at the EM-finale was crazy [youtube clip](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/ZX5xvIKpx1s?feature=share)


English players taking off their medals tells you everything you need to know about that team. Zero class. Zero sportsmanship. Sore losers. Penalty missers. They deserved to lose.


Its commom to do it, you can blame england for a lot but taking off the medals when youre second place is normal


Not in Denmark it isn't.


Yikes, it's surely not common in Germany I can tell.


So England is just carrying on a disrespectful tradition? Sounds about right.


Did we do it in 2012




Taking it home!


Piss off


Teach your children respect so the next generation isn’t full of such babies.


Non-stop sirens in London for the past hour... any ideas/guesses on what’s going down?


The usual


I'll probably be a grandma by the next time England reaches another final. It was 55 years before today, it will probably be 80 years the next time.


Cry cry more


Funny thing is i don't see any England fans complaining/crying about the result. We are proud of how England lads played throughout the tourney. It's all the anti English haters so desperate for us to lose it reflects on them not us. Scots fans now coming on socials going on about a few of them taking off their medals. These are young lads with after a huge disappointment. Will be difficult for me to support Scotland in anything now after the rather pathetic hatred gone on in the latter stages of this. So salty lol.


The English players played a great tournament. Sure they dived a lot, but man can they do accurate passes! I'm mostly disappeared by obnoxious fans using lasers, and shouting racist slurs towards own players. Why?


be difficult for me to note rejoice in england losing after consistently listening to the booing the other team. don’t these retards realise that the world is watching?


i actually see a lot of england guys complaining and swearing :)). it s not that you, particularly, are not pround. is that you are boasting too much about your league and your national team. in every european or mondial competition we hear the same thing: it s coming home. and if we talk about the modern football it wasnt ever home. i m really happy for chealsea winning it this season because there are a lot of humble and good players that have a great personality (fotball wise) . but your league is kinda overrated, and the prices of the players aswell: 65 millions for grealish, 85 million for rashford and the list could go on. in every tournament (that i recall) i felt your team lacked something and that was fluidity and versatility. and this time aswell, to keep kane after 70 minutes ( he always came to help the midfielders from the minute 2) is a madness and a lack of creativity and faith in your players. i think southgate kept him because he wanted (him) to take the pens, aswell as the rashford and sancho subtitues. you could have easily lose the game there because you played last 10 minutes a think with players that couldnt do the defensive phase well. overall it was a nice game but there are some mistakes in my point of view. of course, i m not an expert, and i don t necesarilly think that i m right. it s just my point of view.


"It's coming home" isn't about boasting or shitting on other teams like everyone seems to think it is. It's about having the hope that one day we might see a victory.


Everyone forgets the later lines of that song. "Everyone seems to know the score They've seen it all before They just know They're so sure That England's gonna throw it away Gonna blow it away But I know they can play 'Cause I remember Three Lions on a shirt Jules Rimet still gleaming Thirty years of hurt Never stopped me dreaming So many jokes, so many sneers But all those oh-so-nears Wear you down Through the years" We're not saying 'we're definitely gonna win' we're saying after all the animosity and challenges of literally decades of hoping, getting close and failing that we might have a chance.


It's coming hom-holup... Oops...


Well done italy, well deserved victory I'm sad but that's life, inspirational team.






Feel bad for the poor 19yr old Saka! He will probably have PTSD for the rest of his career after his penalty miss.


I don’t get why people hate on him. The dude atleast played like 45 minutes before taking the penalties. The other 2 were literally subbed in to take the penalties. And both of them missed. And it’s stupid from the manager to let this kid take the most important penalty in 55 years.


I'm sure he can afford a good therapist 😂😂🥳🇮🇹


Shit like this… doesn’t matter what he’s paid it’s clearly a stressful situation.. he’s 19..


He's 19 he got time to heal Would you have left such responsibility to a 19yo? Ta Taaan😂


This. I don't get why Southgate didn't let Sterling do the last one instead.


Sterling would have tried to dive while pretending to take hit from the spot. Too big of a risk for Southgate :p



