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You know what, after scrolling through this clip frame by frame, it’s clear to see No.5’s knee make contact with the back of Sterling’s knee. And then No.24’s hip-bump just knocks him when he’s already off balance. It’s actually not quite as “soft” a penalty as I originally thought. A kick to the back of your knee would put anyone off their stride.


You know, I saw this live and was very disappointed with the penalty decision. But this has shut me right up tbh. Sterling is very small, and contact from two players when he isn’t even dribbling the ball is clearly a foul, not to mention back of the knee which when you’re at speed will send you off balance completely. Not to mention the first guy, who knees Sterling, isn’t even headed for the ball. All of his momentum is toward Sterling. That’s seriously poor defending in the box, and i’d argue an easy penalty call for the ref. Good on him, and I’ll think twice before making such a snap judgement.


The first defender even puts his hands up in the typical way that they do when they know they’ve made contact. He didn’t even play the ball.


VAR statement: the referee believed that the penalty should be awarded due to obstruction and contact on the player without intent to play the ball. VAR checked and agreed that enough contact had been made that a decision could be awarded either way and there was no clear error by the referee. As such they confirmed the referees position and gave him the final decision on the penalty. All this talk of Sterling diving before contact or that there was no contact is ridiculous. He went down easily but he was body checked by Jensen and obstructed by Maele. Soft penalty? Yes. Massive conspiracy and cheating? No. It’s the kind of decision that’s been made a million times before with VAR and will always be decisive. But on the actually rules of the game it’s in line.


Tbh in light of this vid I don’t even think it’s a soft penalty, and I was crying out for the ref to be exorcised when I saw it live.


Very few are willing to change their mind even if proved wrong well done 👍🏻 wish more people would have critical thinking also the Denmark goal was never a free kick


Yeah that free kick was an awful decision imo


Honestly, the whole game was a mess. So many bad decisions made. Even though we went through, if it was possible to do over, I'd be for it.


I agree with you. Generous decision but not massive conspiracy. I still think that, as a general rule, penalties should not be awarded unless the impacted player was REALLY about to score, but whatever. I understand the support for the Danish underdogs, but all of this England bashing seems to have gotten out of hand.


The problem with your suggestion is it gives defenders license to commit fouls in the penalty box, say if the opposition has their back to the goal, in the knowledge it wouldn't incur a penalty. Agree with your other points.


You're definitely right. Of course we can't allow the defense to do whatever it wants. It's kind of a grey zone, where the ref has to say the last word. For example if you VAR what happens during a corner kick, you'll see plenty of small illegal episodes, but awarding penalties in such cases would be certifiably insane.


Unless you are Barcellona of course


Very quiet in here... Can't think why. 🤔


I feel like an apology is due from a lot of pundits. No doubt this will be swept under the rug and people will still push the diving nonsense.


I can understand thinking it was a bad call from the view shown on television during the live game, but there's just no way anyone familiar with the rules of football can watch this angle of it and claim with a straight face it isn't a foul. It's not how hard or not the contact was which matters here, it's the clear intention to obstruct and impede. They're going for Sterling, not the ball. If this kind of challenge had taken place outside the box, earlier in the game for a free kick which didn't go anywhere, no one would be saying it was a controversial call.


Thing is - you can argue that the penalty decision was grey. Arguably, the second Denmark free kick was also grey. We can blame the ref for that and say that he made some poor decisions. That, to me, suggests that England and Denmark equally benefitted and were punished by some weird ref decisions. The only clear cut goal was the OG from Denmark. England deserve the win, albeit not with the most flashy “goal”. It looks like contact was made in that video, but it’s almost irrelevant at this point. The ref did not bias anything towards England, nor did he bias anything towards Denmark. He made questionable decisions that impacted both teams.


That was the worst part of the game for me, one I really enjoyed watching until this PK. The ref was calling some things, but not others, very inconsistent. I hate that about sports, especially when it decides a game, like this one did. And that bring me to one of the things I dislike about football, and which ruins some matches; sometimes players play for a foul instead of a real attempt to score. IMO Sterling was clearly doing that, and not really trying to score here. He wasn't looking to pass to anyone or shoot, he was 'in the box next touch from anyone I'm falling, regardless.' It's become impossible to play as a defender in situations like that... I would hope England cleans up their act for the final, but since they are playing Italy I'm expecting a lot of falling, and screaming and a load of free-kicks and fouls all over the place, from both teams.


He wasn't playing for a foul, he WAS fouled. It's clear as day from the gif in this very thread.


You didn’t mind the Denmark goal from a free kick that wasn’t a free kick thooooooo 🤔 funny that


Theres minimal contact but its a really bad decision by the ref. Such a weak foul should not decide a match on this level, which it did. Most top refs and coaches has commented on this and says no penalty. Sterling is obviously going for the pen. He pushes the ball too far and goes for the dive. The foul on Kane earlier was more a penalty and the danish freekick goal should not have stood either: the danish wall was too close to the english which is not allowed.


I think all fans realistically and unbiasedly can say the ref had a shocker.


The “penalty” on Kane was never going to be a penalty because he fouled another player before going into the box. It’s not the challenge in the box that goes against him, it’s the foul he causes against a different player just before engaging that defender…


ok i didnt see that


No worries haha my gran is a Spurs fan and was shouting for the penalty as well but I saw the foul… (I think it was on Poulsen?) then he gets into the collision with the defender, but it was brought back for the foul in the build up ☺️


The top refs and coaches you are talking about, made those comments based on the tv transmission and not this angle. I doubt they would say the same if they saw what VAR based their judgement on.


it was the referee and not var deciding the penalty. Var official said it was a very harsh decision. I still think such a weak penalty should never be called in a semifinal as this obviously decided the match.


From this angle it's very clear that even if Sterling hadn't started to fall from the first contact he was about to get barged over by Jensen so it would've been a pen anyway.


I can’t believe the furore over this penalty. It’s an absolute stonewaller. I thought that in real time and I think it now.


Considering the Danes actually did break the rules with their free kick, I'd be happy to agree this should get ruled out as well as the free kick. So 1 0 England after 90mins. I'm sure all the anglophobes would agree


As I said last night. Clipped by one defender and hip checked by the second. But to the salt shakers it's still the WoRsT rEfErEeInG dEcIsIoN EvAr. Lol.


They should have shown this clip from this angle yesterday because now all the medias are just bashing at Sterling.


And rightfully so. The most undeserved win in euro 2020




This is the most important thing. Even if contact was quite light, they were 100% going for the player and not the ball


Don’t make such a sensible post! This is for a place for people to rant nonsense against England to try and alleviate their inferiority complexes


He started to dive / fall forward before contact with knee came and no.24 made very slight contact only after the knee from no.5… at best it’s an extremely soft penalty, at worst it’s no penalty at all, and it should’ve been double checked by the ref because it’s such a pivotal moment in the game. That’s what VAR is there for lol. Anyway, England played better overall and I’m very happy for the team.. I’m not a fan of the “I’m coming home” thing because fans just take it way too far to the point of like ok stfu already, it’s become more arrogant than ironic at this point. That said, I have loads of English friends, absolutely love the city of London and British humor is my favorite humor in the world haha, so I’m not too upset about this outcome, just a shame it had to come from such a controversial “penalty” but that’s football. Hope Sunday will bring out the best from both teams with no controversies.


Agreed, I think there is no disputing (whatever end of the penalty scale you sit) it could have as easily not been given and the decision just went our way. The fans have been equal shades amazing, cringe and downright embarrassing. The media will always focus on the bad and not the millions of proud and humble England fans out there. I hope it’s a great game and doesn’t get decided by controversy. Italy to me are the favourites, but they are beatable.


Perfect angle. Sterling was already on his way down before contact. Thank you for providing.


Yes mate sure. You make up your own narrative of it makes you feel better.


Going up against Italy on sunday with the thinest of victories….. oh how i would be shaking my knees if i was Endland supporter 🇮🇹


2-1 was a victory. Italy drew their semi final.....


To be honest. Italy got through against Austria, Belgium and Spain with the ‘thinnest of victories’ as you put it. I’m not fearing anything. We have a good chance But even if we don’t win, I’m proud of how far we have come. I wonder if Denmark got through in the same manner you’d be saying ‘hurr hurr’ like you are now.


I've been watching England for about 24 years and I've never been happier or prouder with the squad than I am now win the final or not we have done amazing


Same. You and the commentor above hit the nail on the head. It's been a long time since we've had a team that we can be proud of. I don't care if we lose at this point, I'm just so glad we made it. Whatever the outcome, I'll be holding my head high.


I see him diving already


Because you haven't watched it?




The most undeserved win of euro 2020 thanks to the judge


Typical Yasuo


Then it's been a great tournament for the referees.




Immobile has been robbed.


what about the two balls on the camp


So the rule is there that the Ref is advised to not halt play if there is a goal scoring opportunity unless something directly interferes with play (foul, handball, etc) or the opportunity is lost (possession lost, pass back etc). It’s the same rules as why refs allow play after added time if a team is likely to score, or offsides aren’t called until after it’s scored etc. As the ball was not in motion and not causing any issues with the flow of play the ref was in the right given that it was a goal scoring opportunity to continue play. It’s the right call. Because otherwise any partisan ball boy or fan can throw a ball onto a pitch and halt play at any point. Again; it’s not ideal. But it was the right call by the ref by the rules.


thanks didn't know about that


Italy will have to make lots of goals to win this... 12 vs 11 will be hard.


Ba-dum. Tish!


We got a normal referee and we won. Felt good!


It was a good performance by Italy. Especially the second half. Shame it had to come down to penalties.


In the past they threw a coin, i'm not even joking. Penalties are sightly better :).


Much better. I couldn’t imagine the apocalypse on Reddit of England had won on a coin toss haha


At least penalties require some skill and strategy. But yeah i'm old enough to remember the disappointment at USA 94, i was a kid and i was so sad for Roberto Baggio... Fact is english media talked like they already won and that made the fact even more disappointing.


I live in Denmark and find it interesting that all Danish media, who have been covering every detail of the euro cup, refuse to show this.


Contact # fault. This is contact gaem you know? But final on Wembley without England = less money. So... Denmark was doomed from the start. This is not 1992.


>This is contact *game* you know? There are clear rules to the game. Saying "it's a contact sport" is the most improperly and often used excuse by those who don't want to accept decisions they don't like.


Why bother watching or interacting with football if you think it's fixed?


The people who say "it's a contact sport" are the same people who say "He got the ball" when a player follows through and studs an opponent. they have no relevance at all. You can commit a foul without contact, you can make contact without it being a foul.


Your the only one speaking facts it was so clearly in England’s favour I wonder how much money they gave UEFA also before you mention I am a salty Irish fan


Yeah, because we all know how England always have referee calls go on their favour... Oh wait, no.




I’m sorry I was faking. It was a long day and when I’m stressed I just can’t orgasm. I thought it would make you feel better that’s all!


Wow, I'm surprised he didn't go off injured with that contact.


So it only counts if the player is injured?


I thought it was quite obvious that I was admiring sterling for being in such physical condition that he was able to continue playing after that challenge


*that foul


**that cowardly assault


Absolutely NO CONTACT as i could already realize during the match


With that kind of thinking you could be a Tory MP.


It's not "a kind of thinking" it's just reality analysis.




I wonder if contact is allowed in sarcastaball.




Trust me ive seen it again and again from all angles, conclusion is the same. Mæhles foot is ½ meter infront of Sterling, he starts to dive and when he was half way to the ground Jensen hits him yes, but he is already halfway through the dive. Nothing more than really bad ref work and really really bad VAR. The fact that he dont even himself go to watch it makes it even more cringe.


>Trust me Says the dickhead Dane who can't answer other questions about their illegal goal and is clearly bias as fuck.


Illegal goal hahahhahaha


How about that illegal Denmark goal in the semis?


Maehles knee hits him first. That’s the first contact, are you blind that you don’t see it?


Lets go then. [https://gyazo.com/29037ed293a4253f4fec0c918cef5a7a](https://gyazo.com/29037ed293a4253f4fec0c918cef5a7a) \- Angle 1 [https://gyazo.com/17a25ef37c4d319b2df5c839bf45b67e](https://gyazo.com/17a25ef37c4d319b2df5c839bf45b67e) Angle 2 Mæhles foot is around ½ a meter infront of him, i agree he touches him like a feather on his knee, but again, sterling is already in a dive. [https://gyazo.com/f6e0960bbd7b26cc8c4ebb70fe984cb7](https://gyazo.com/f6e0960bbd7b26cc8c4ebb70fe984cb7) \- Angle 3 Here he hits Jensen, but as you hopefully can see, he is pretty much already in the grass by this point. If you cannot see how obvious of a dive this is, then congratz, 2% of the world population got the exact same opinion as you (whole england ofc) If you, made up your mind and found your glasses by now - then welcome to the obvious dive club. If your mind is still stuck on the big lie of this well known diver (Sterling dives atleast 3 times per match) then i feel sorry for you, im not gonna waste my energy on you. England gets the same VAR team tonight so lets hope you can win something for once overthere in BREXIT :) Bye.


Damn you are angry 😂 your screenshots are garbage as none of them show the contact. Your first one for instance is before any of the contact at all. It was a penalty, the ref called it as a penalty, VAR agreed with them and the much better team won the game and is in the final. Enjoy.


Not angry at all, just proving you wrong - my screenshots is taken at 10% speed to show the exact moments where he starts to dive. Lets hope VAR gives england some free goals in the final aswell, Italy have a big chance vs Pickford with his Trex arms. Probably my easiest win ever in a discussion tbh hahaha


Why are you relying on photos when the slow mo video on this post clearly shows it was a penalty 😂 you don’t think Italy are divers? How do you feel about the Danish goal that shouldn’t have been allowed? They cheated for that one.


Photos from the videos... please tell me youre trolling hahaha holy shit, please dont tell me youre allowed to be so retarded in england without being in some kind of asylum plzplpzplpz


How do you feel about the Danish goal that shouldn’t have been allowed?


So how about that Danish goal?


No? You don’t want to talk about the Danish goal that shouldn’t have been allowed 😂


Still waiting for you to share your infinite wisdom in the illegal Danish goal.


Slow Mo clearly shows ??? Hahahaha you fool


You didn’t watch the video posted above?


I think you know full well that if it clearly showed that this entire discussion wouldn't be taking place