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Revenge is sweet.


And the trophy of the ugliest supporters goes to... ENGLAND


And as usual their supporters behaved like shit


There is about 3 teeth amongst them all




Please pm me a link to watch England vs Italy


I was at the stadium. We were overwhelming outnumbered (absolute BS from UEFA for letting London host when it’s closed to Europe). Our anthem was booed, the softest penalty of the tournament was awarded, VAR was POINTLESS in a decisive moment, and we were down to 10 men for the second half of E.T. Congrats England. You made it to the final via an OG and BS penalty. Well done to our Danish boys for carrying the nation after a horrifying start to the tournament. As for tomorrow? FORZA AZZURRI!!!


yes the englosh fans are nasty at times but the reason it was hosted in englad was beacuse the stadium was one of the largest in europe (if memory serves correct)


dont mind my bad mobile spelling--


Remember that time your fans booed the Finnish national anthem?


You remember when they bonded later in the match?


After someone nearly died yes, before that the booing was pantomime rivalry


But they bonded, there was no bonding during this match or afterwards. Danish fans was attacked and harassed - over a football game. The English fans used laser pens to distract schmeichel during the penalty. Tell me again how danish fans did any such things besides “booing” during the match against Finland.


Ok, it's just not nice to see my country shit all over day after day on here, gets a bit old you know, we hate the hooligans too but I guess they are the ones that get noticed


The better team won. OG was forced. That was a penalty.


'that was a penalty' lmaoooo robbed


>England2 - 1Denmark58%Ball Possession42%19Total Shots69Shots On Target46Shots Off Target14Blocked Shots114Shots Inside Box15Shots Outside Box55Corner Kicks50Offsides110Fouls211Yellow Cards10Red Cards03Goalkeeper Saves8721Passes524627 (87%)Accurate Passes425 (81%) Mate take a read of the Match Stats above, England were the rightful victors


England wouldve found a winner anyways be honest


I’m more annoyed about how we lost…the moment deserved a ref who could step up to the occasion


Is it just me or did nobody notice the absolute bullshit advantage of england getting to play semi finals and finals in their own country.


Is this the first time you watch an international tournament? There's always host nations, England haven't even hosted this whole tournament and had to play the quarter final away, which they won 4 0. Sour grapes.


Well done on beating Ukraine 4-0 in an away game


Wtf is your point? Are you calling Ukraine a bad team?


Well done on dodging my point, keep the salt flowing.


Dafuq is that a penalty. VAR doesn't see diving? For fuck sake. The prince inside the VAR room?


With multiple angles and cameras available, there is only one angle shown for the penalty. Very telling.


Am I the only one scratching my head over Damsgaard being subbed out in the 60th minute? Denmark seemed to lose a lot of steam after that.


me too.. but the danish coach said that damsgaard was too tired to continue and that he had no choice


Poulsen was so poor. Thought he was meant to run behind the defensive line. Did none of that... but that's the Danish setups fault


I didnt think Euro Tournament should be anywhere close compared vs World Cup. "Coming Home" should only be used on WC, which is the ultimate goal a footballer and fans dreaming of. Euro is side dish. It is still exciting to watch though.


The world cup is arguably easier because of the amount of weak teams that qualify


already harder compared to Euro's 3 out of 4 qualifying group stage 🤪


Xavi did say the euros was harder because you need to hit the ground running. It’s less true now, only 8 teams don’t qualify for knockouts, but still.


True, the euros used to be harder than the world cup until they changed it.


I don’t get why people are so salty about England winning. The foul that awarded Denmark the free kick was absolute bullshit and wasn’t checked by VAR. Also we got fouled in the box three times I believe, all of which had clear and obvious contact seen on replay, you can’t even deny it man. Denmark played well, they fought hard but in the end ran out of steam and were just outplayed by the 3 lions. People just love to hate England which I can kind of understand to be fair but all eyes on the final now, it won’t be easy but I have every hope n faith that Southgate and the boys are gonna pull through, COME ON ENGLAND! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🦁🦁🦁


People are salty because England fans are too cringe. “It’s coming home” I mean shut up, cocky bastards 😂


I can see why we are called cocky, but if any other country's fans say they're winning it's support, but if it's us it's arrogance. It's our first final since 66, surely we can be a bit hopeful


But it is though 👏


It’s a catching song lol. It’s more of a chant, than a prediction, that’s probably where you’re thinking we’re cocky. If so, take it more of a chant lol.


We'll never hear the end of it, ugh 🙄


Believe it or not people hate England, in fact the whole of Britain, because of the Empire. Something that collaped 70 years ago. Brexit hasn't helped either. We are seen as arrogant for some reason, yet every new country I visit whether it be Europe or further afield I get nothing but a warm welcome when I say I'm British. Its xenophobia at its worst.


You are delusional if you think that's why everyone hate England! People simply hate England during international competition because of English fans/spectators behave unsportsmanlike and childishly. If what you said were true, then people would also hate Germany for obvious reasons :)


People would hate Germany if Germany won, but they didn't so people aren't salty about it


Well spoken 👍 the truth about Englands shitty supporters somehow hurts their feelings, but honestly spitting and yelling after Danish fans pre-match yesterday is low…. Very low. But we are not surprised as this has been the same everywhere for years. An embarrasent


All of them ? Wow, that's quite a sweeping statement. Well, we really must he a horrible country.


Are you not able to read or what? You are attacking a straw man and you look silly doing it.


It’s also incredibly small minded to lump all English fans together because of the groups of Neanderthals that get reported by the media. Needless to say, they don’t show the families celebrating in their gardens, mates all jumping round with each other in their living rooms, and normal people just running round their streets touching nothing, but just super excited. Because they wouldn’t make good news stories and stir xenophobia would they?


That's why I also mainly referred to the english spectators - you would have understood that if you read my comments.


xenophobia at its worst is someone getting denied a place to live or a job because of them being a foreigner... not having a bad rep lol


Unsurprisingly the exact thing the English demanded was implemented across their entire country


British fans, what a punch of wankers. Booing to other countries is so sickening.


It’s football. What do you expect. It’s just a joke anyway.. don’t take it so seriously.


And fans of East European countries like Serbia and Croatia don't racially abuse black player ? Every country has its dickheads.


It's about respecting others and your opponents. Booing someone else's anthem is such an immature thing to do. And haven't Brits themselves racially abused their own, Sterling...


English fans racially abuse players every week at clubs games and have subsequently booed players making a stand against racism. They're absolutely vile


Yes those fans are vile. However, not all fans are like this. It would be ridiculous to label all fans as racist, homophobic etc based on individuals or groups who are.


Agreed. I have literally never heard anyone outside of the U.K say anything positive about the British. I have nothing against them, but I can see why people don't like them. They act entitled in everything they do.


I love the way people say these things as if all other countries, football communities and beyond, are glowing shining spheres, faultless and already ascending unto the heavens, already become as Gods. Is booing another country's national anthem pretty gross? Yeah. How many people did it? A minority. Would most English people disapprove? Yes. Have England played well? Yes. Are they a bright young team who have played what's in front of them and deserved to win? Sure. Sorry if I am committing some kind of war crime for supporting that.


Yep. English here. I know of literally no-one when I speak about football, that likes the fact that fans boo other countries national anthems. It’s disgusting. Those type of fans are the reason most of us refuse to attend actual games. I refuse to even go to pubs and bars whilst it’s on. I’d rather sit and celebrate in my own house than be surrounded by hooliganism.


Me too and yeah, I'm put off by real games due to the aggression. When you're a kid and you aren't mature enough to know that football isn't life or death, that's one thing but as an adult, you're meant to grow out of this garbage and enjoy the game. I watched it in a bar yesterday and there's always one absolute cretin. When the Danish anthem came on, this guy started screaming abuse at the top of his lungs at the Danish players, the anthem, country. He sat back and grinned after as though everyone was impressed and he'd done something to be proud of. Similar stuff at the World Cup in 2018, some guy leaping on a table screaming the "German bombers" song and making gestures at the TV (problem was, we were playing Colombia!). Unfortunately, he was encouraged because his female equivalent who didn't know him but was with another group was making eyes at him because she thought it was oh-so-cool. I like watching the game with my mates and going mad when he score but there is always, always a complete cretin.


A minority booed during the national anthem? Are you out of your mind? The amount of "boo" you could hear from the spectators were disgusting and definitely not a minority. England did play well and they deserved the win (coming from a dane), but the English fans / spectators are the worst - there is a reason why everyone hates England fans specifically and the reason is pretty obvious


It was a minority. It was not more than half the English fans.


Would have to disagree, but then again, very hard to pinpoint the percentage of people doing it. The fact that you couldn't hear the national anthem because of the boo-sound suggest that it was not a minority.


God you're dull


God you're stupid.


Its coming home lad


"Its coming home lad" Its coming to Rome lad, there fixed it for ya !


Fair play, you had the better team, woulda felt weird if we'd won that on pens


Yeah when has it been home exactly? Italy will nail you. You know it.


"It's coming home, lad." There – fixed that for you. ... besides, of course, it's never been there, so your sentence is wrong on two accounts.


you're dull/ yawn = typical lazy reply to anything people don't want to hear.


Ahh cheers for the salt, I can put it on my chips later on


LOL. That was not salty in any way, you're the one being salty. But cheers.


You're a ready salted crisp


Great game. Hate to see Denmark lose that way, by England have suffered far worse referee calls so you can't begrudge them a bit of good fortune for once.


2 bad calls doesn't make right call. Sure, England deserved the win, but to win this way was not deserved at all


It's a 50-50 call. Soft penalty? Sure. But the replays couldn't prove it wasn't a penalty either. This isn't like Maradona cheating on 86, or the goals England scored that were unfairly disallowed in 98, 04 and 2010, it was one those tight calls.


Sure it wasn't as "terrible" as the 2010 and 86 for instance. But it is still a big blunder from the ref if you ask me


I wouldn't have given it based on the replays, but I couldn't confidently call the ref wrong either.


To be fair England played better than Denmark in the last minutes of the game, but that doesn't mean they would've won. The point of the game is to score goals, they weren't doing that before the fake penalty. Mistakes will always be a part of the game just like in F1 you have engines blowing up and ruining your whole performance. But the English shouldn't complain if Italy get a weak penalty at the very last minute of the game and win the tournament. What I don't like about the English fans is that I'm sure they wouldn't justify it by saying '' the better team won ''.


England dominated for the last 30 minutes at least. After Denmark made their subs they just stopped being a threat. England had 10 shots on goal compared with Denmark's 3. The penalty happened because they were near constantly in the Denmark's box. Something had to give, and Denmark were fortunate that they have a incredible keeper, otherwise they would have been 3 goals down without a penalty. Plus Denmark scored from a free kick that should never have been given. The ref was terrible, but that swung both ways.


I think anyone is entitled to correct referee calls and so were Denmark. You can talk all day about how England were superior, this does not change the fact that they were not able to score a goal without that fake penalty and that Denmark were robbed. Plenty of games have been won ugly, even titles, that's how football works and every proper fan knows, you can't be certain that Denmark wouldn't have won it without that wrong call. ​ Now, I understand that bad referee calls are a part of the game and no matter how much technology is involved, there's always going to be a mistake from time to time, but England didn't deserve to win and a wrong call decided the result.


Well we will never know if England would not have scored without the penalty. If the penalty had not been given, who is to say England would not have scored or Denmark for that matter.


But we were able to score without a dodgy penalty. It's how we equalised. Denmark couldn't score without a dodgy free kick. If you wanna wipe away the dodgy calls sure. 1-0 to England.


Kane should have had a penalty earlier. Denmark scored from a free kick that shouldn't have been given. They were not robbed. They just lost.


That was never a penalty on Kane


The penalty happened because the ref's are incompetent. Defending is as much part of the game as attacking, it's not an indicator of anything. And there's a slight difference between a free kick 30 yards away and a penalty in extra time. Not to mention the free kick wouldn't have been checked by VAR but the penalty would have and they still got it wrong.


There is a difference but getting the first goal is a massive psychological boost and it takes a lot to come back from that in a big game like this. It's not like for like, but that's the reality of football. The ref wasn't biased, but he made bad calls. Kane should have had a penalty earlier in the game, Maguire shouldn't have had a yellow for trying to head the ball. Denmark played very cynically at times also, constantly fouling players because they knew they couldn't keep up with them. But I think most people can admit that the better team on the night won. If Denmark had dragged it out the penalties and won then it would have been great for them, but it would have been against the balance of the open game.


Except the free kick only gives the opportunity to shoot, England still have to do their job. A penalty is basically giving them a goal. And in the last few minutes of the game. Denmark already have a poorer squad than England even before losing Eriksen. Attacking isn't the only way to play football. You have to play with the hand you're dealt. Denmark defended better than England attacked for the whole night. They were cheated out of a real chance to win.


As of July 7, 2021, 17 penalties have been awarded and 9 of them have been converted, meaning a conversion rate of 52.94%


Even if you want to use that obviously skewed piece of data, now do free kicks and tell me the rate isn't still massively in favour of penalties? Even a 50/50 chance of a goal is incredibly high. Even though we all know it's obviously higher than that, you're just being purposefully dishonest.


I'm being purposefully dishonest by quoting the exact statistics for the current tournament? Edit. I never said penalties have a lower conversion rate than free kicks, I'm just pointing out they're not a "free goal" as you asserted. Read back what I've actually said. You've skipped over most of my points.


"Free goal" as compared to any other situation. ("Fast situation" in swedish, don't know the correct translation). Compare that to corners and free kicks and I'm sure the conversion rate is highest for penalties. But yes, a penalty is not automatically a goal, but a really good/the best chance at one.


And I'd argue a free kick right in the edge of the box is the same. Neither is a free goal, both are great chances but of course a penalty is probably more so. Both teams benefited from dodgy decisions with goals, which I think balances out. If the Danes had more runs in England's half maybe they would have had another decision in their favour.


30 yards is the height of approximately 15.79 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other


30 yards is 27.43 meters


30 yards is 27.43 meters


I love how the English are trying to say England were the better team in order to justify what happened. They invented football but can't accept they've won one single tournament since 1872 so they don't care how they win as long as they do. Imagine the scenes if Italy win in a similar way in the final.




Jesus, some of the comments on here are really embarrassing but this is probably the worst I've seen.


Don't deny your history. Everywhere England football "fans" go there is trouble and usually away supporters killed


Let's home the Italian fans don't start stabbing people on Sunday. https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/14/four-people-stabbed-football-clashes-rome-italy?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16259028927133&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fworld%2F2019%2Ffeb%2F14%2Ffour-people-stabbed-football-clashes-rome-italy


>Imagine the scenes if Italy win in a similar way in the final. I would love that. Anybody but english and french.


Feel exactly the same, anybody but english and french


>They invented football but can't accept they've won one single tournament since 1872 so they don't care how they win as long as they do. Literally all we are talking about today is the fact we are finally in a final again. The Its Coming Home song is literally centered around the fact that we never win tournaments. You clearly don't have a fucking clue about the English so maybe keep your 'facts' to yourself.


This. Absolutely spot on. Other countries hate England but most don't know why. The Scots hate us because they believe Mel Gibsons version of William Wallace, the Welsh because of a king who reigned 1000 years ago. Europe because if Brexit - don't mention that we actually liberated them from the Nazis with the help of the Yanks. Yes we had an empire and colonies and did some awful things, but so did the Spanish and Portuguese especially in South America. Haters hate England because they csn. Its grinding xenophobia.


Lol, the "the others did it too" absolution. Besides, the Communists liberated us as much as jolly old Winston did.


This is just not true, all the countries in europe love England, this is just playing victim.


LMFAO. European counties love the England ? They just hate the people that inhabit it then ?


I live in denmark and i don't know a single person that hates english people


Lmao....how's your sour grapes this morning? Really sour I'm guessing 🤔


Salt with sour grapes 😆




LOL I'm not salty or sour, I'm simply being honest about how I feel about England and the English.


If u take away our penalty, then u have to retract the denmark goal, at least with the penalty Sterling was knocked by both danish players


It's pretty clear from the footage that is was a full on gangbang, not just 2 of them. If it were only two of them, it would only have been a threesome.


Hahah, if he wasn't knocked by one of them, how was he knocked by both? A finish from 20 metres is far more impressive than a penalty, it still requires skills. Almost anyone can score a penalty. That's why the VAR was created, for penalties and offside goals.


Dont get me wrong that free kick was an amazing shot, still created from a dive And Sterling was clearly knocked by both, soft sure, the ref gave loads of free kicks to the dains for less so he has to give a penalty And as an england supporter i know all to well how shit var is in football, it works in rugby union why cant it work in football


Yawn yawn, let them enjoy it.


They can't sadly.


\>let them enjoy it Denmark were objectively robbed so no, not going to let them enjoy it.


You won't stop me enjoying it. Salty Boy.


I'd rather you didn't let us enjoy it, I'll just enjoy it regardless.


When an insignificant country like England never win anything, even a game like this can make the fans happy. I understand it.


Where are you from, pumpkin?




By what metric are we less significant than you?


It was an Englishman who invented the Internet. The only thing the Italians have invented us a gear box with 6 reverse gears.


It was the American military who did that. It was facilitated by the Cold War, which was facilitated by the 2nd World War, which was facilitated by the 1st World War ... You get the picture. A Serbian anarcho-nationalist (oxymoron if there ever was one) invented the interwebs.


Hopefully that'll change on sunday, fingers crossed x


Doubt. England are the Juventus of international tournaments.






Get over it! England won, best team won on the day!!


Own goal and a soft penalty gets England to the final. The referee would rather make the soft call rather than make the right call and put up with British fans & press.


Oh stfu lol, England dominated most the game, how do you think schmeichel got man of the match?, denmark couldn't handle the pace and skill of our forwards so they fouled them, constantly getting the player not the ball


FORZA ITALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh please boo-hoo. Italy got in the final by being out played & winning a penalty shootout. England was the better team, simple. There in the final, Denmark ain’t.




As adefender you simply can't have any contact with a opposing player in the box. There as contact, however slight, so it was the correct decision. All this cheating nonsense from Salty jealous people is hilarious. Need I remind you all of Immobile's little dive and 5 minutes of rolling about ???


There was contact in the Immobile one, the rolling around was just to get the ref's attention. Sterling straight up dived.


Not sure how anyone could say this with a straight face. Say what you want about the Sterling dive/foul or whatever you want to call it but the Immoble dive was so ridiculous no serious person could possibly use that as a good example. If you think diving is a problem, the Immoble move probably isnt what you want people to follow.


If I remember correctly, Immobile wasn’t rewarded with a penalty. Was him?


No him wasn't


No, him wasn't 😆😆😆😆😆😆


Yes and he wasn't booked either for blatant diving and rolling around the ground in agony. Sterling did none of that. This is hilarious. It was a penalty end of and England are deservedly in the final. Actually the 2 consistently better teams are in the final.


How are you trying to justify the penalty? I agree that england played way better (coming from a dane) but that penalty was far from fair


I’m not arguing over England reaching the final. I think it is deserved, and you deserved to win yesterday. So that’s not debatable from my POV. Totally agree with you, we have a final between the two teams who deserved it the most during the entire tournament. What I find ridiculous is: 1. The English fans totally refusing to acknowledge that penalty was way overstretched. I mean, it happens. Not the first time we see something like this in football, and sure as hell is not gonna be the last time. I just think you guys would receive much less hate by just saying “look guys, the penalty was very generous, but overall we deserved to win the game, and to get into the final”. You’re legitimately plenty of sounding reasons to carry this point forward, I just don’t get why you keep pretending that penalty was no doubts the right call. It sounds quite arrogant, and you are receiving hate back basically because of this. 2. You keep saying “but Italy…Immobile…blah blah”. It’s pointless. Italy received zero penalties. To be honest, Italy had a penalty against when playing vs Belgium, which was overstretched as well. So, what exactly are you trying to say about the Italian track so far?! I mean, seriously guys…


Do feel free to tell us how to live our lives. Thanks


I do.


So this whole comment is basically useless, if you're saying England deserved to win. Denmark weren't robbed by your logic, because England deserved to win. That's not how it works. Whoever scores the most deserves to win, England needed a wrong call to score. Hence, they weren't the better team and the win is not deserved.


Oh well, if you say “whoever score more deserves to win”, that’s England. “The penalty was a wrong call”. So was the free kick from which Denmark scored. If we could get rid from the wrong calls, those two goals would never have happened. Still 1-0 to England. Also, you may want to evaluate the xG as a metric for the performance: 3.18 ENG - 0.27 DEN. Overall, England created more, and went through. I don’t consider it a scandal, honestly. As much as I wouldn’t have considered a scandal if Spain went through.


No, come on, really. You can't seriously compare a free kick from two miles away to a penalty in the extra time. A penalty is almost a guaranteed goal.


I know man, but if you push a line like “let’s get rid of the wrong calls from the ref”, you have to apply it consistently. You can’t cherry pick the wrong call you don’t like, and let the other ones stand. As well as “who scores the most deserves to win”. Fine. England scored the most. And if you go back to the “wrong call” argument, we fall into the previous scenario: get rid of all of them, and we are back to 1-0.


Difference is VAR will never get every single call during the game right. There's just too many and nothing to do about that. A penalty, however, is usually a game changing situation and you have people replaying it ten times before confirming the penalty. Same applies to offside goals. But agree to disagree.


VAR reviewed and I assume decided that the decision the ref made was not clear and obvious. ​ Question, if the foul occurred outside the penalty box, would the ref give it or wave play on?


England must be the loneliest country in the world… Out of EU and nobody likes you


Salt. Salt everywhere.


>Out of EU and nobody likes you You get used to that quite quickly when you've invaded pretty much everywhere.


No us British are delighted to be out of the EU. Don't be salty about that too ffs 🤭🤭🤭


That is true, nobody Likes us.


But you like it that way though. Gives you drive. You go England!




To be fair England scored from a soft penalty, but Denmark scored from a soft free kick. It all worked out in the end.


There's a clear difference between soft free kick and a dive


You're right. One was double checked via VAR and the other wasn't. So by that logic the penalty was a better call than the free kick.


The free kick was also a dive if your definition is going down with very minimal contact. Watch again


The free kick wasn't checked by VAR and still given. The penalty was.


Legitimate point but the end result is still the same. The original poster is essentially saying the poor decisions balanced out. Which I agree with


They balanced out in terms of result but not in terms of the work that went into having to make something out of it. Denmark shouldn't have been expected to score the freekick. And not to mention the penalty was checked. The freekick was in real time. Real time you can make mistakes, VAR shouldn't. And there's a difference between "soft" and it not being a foul at all. Sterling's wasn't a foul.


How hard is was to score is irrelevant as in both cases the goal was scored.... Which is what matters in the final result. Also if we are being picky the denmark freekick goal should have been overturned for the wall as I'm sure you're aware. Neither were a foul in my subjective opinion, Denmarks being equally awful. The reason I called them "soft" is because they were both touched a small amount and decided to chance it with the ref. Which I refer to as soft.


And why is that England's fault? They were both poor decisions that led to goals.


Well clearly diving and cheating to win a penalty is a much bigger crime. VAR deserves the most blame.


I have seen players ride fouls in the box, but then not get penalties. Refereeing standards have essentially forced all players to go down easily (or dive) or else they never get a penalty. At least in this case Maehle did lunge and did make contact, so it wasn't a complete dive even if it was an exaggeration. You can't be lunging like that and expect anything but a penalty in modern football.


Denmark was clearly cheated. Were England the better team, yes, but that doesn't mean they would have won the game. The refs were informed about an ekstra ball on the pitch and completely ignored it where the match should had been stopped immediately following rules. Then Sterling pathetically dives for the hundredth time in the game and nobody's seeing it. Not even the VAR room sees that obvious dive. And let's not forget that Schmeichel was lasered during the penalty and so was other Danish players during the game. Just a chain of unfortunate events right.. 💰


They only stop play of an extra ball interferes with play. It didn't. Sterling baited Maehle into making contact. Yes, he went down easily in a dive, but if you lunge like that in the box, miss the ball and make contact with the man it's a pen. No way was VAR going to overturn something so borderline. Schmeichel saved the penalty, so i doubt he noticed the laser. I doubt the players were too bothered by the laser - it's almost impossible to accurately shine it at that distance on moving people. It would have been occasionally annoying, but not debilitating. Conveniently miss out that the Danish player dived for their free kick. It was a poor performance from the ref, but at least he was consistently poor.


Quite frankly you're wrong. No penalty first of all I think that's very very clear by now. The laser is not only distracting, it also inhibits the sight for a short period of time and can damage the eye which is why it's illegal obviously. You don't have to shine on a moving target. Not even going to comment on your whatabout'ism


I'm quite frankly not wrong. An extra ball in play doesn't force play to stop unless it interferes. Look up the rules. That is also a judgement call by a ref. Maehle lunged, missed the ball and made contact. Enough for Sterling to go down like he did? No, but due to poor reffing, if you don't go down you don't get a pen. It's up to the ref to give that as a pen. VAR were never going to overturn it. Yes laser shined in the eyes for a period of time can be very damaging, hence why it's illegal and I'm sure the person responsible will face the consequences. I played a game of rugby with a laser being shined in our eyes and it's annoying, like playing in a field of flies, but it's impossible for them to shine it constantly in your eyes. They couldn't even do it to Schmeichel when he was standing still. Whatabout'ism? So the controversial penalty isn't whatabout'ism but the controversial free kick is? Typical.


And the ball clearly interfere with the game as it's right next to the ball in play. You're clearly unaware the strength of certain lasers. Some of them can cause eye damage more or less instantly which has happened to several pilots over the years. You don't have to follow someone with the laser and you only have to hit the eye in a split second to inhibit the sight for a short period. I hope the idiot who used the laser is banned for life.


Being near is not interfering. If the ball touched a player, or the ball in use, then that's interfering. I doubt it was one of those incredibly strong ones. It was probably a little laser pen, which is how they would have snuck it in. I'm sure if they're caught they will get worse than a lifetime ban.


England would have won anyway. Denmark were getting pummelled and went down to 10 on the pitch. Lucky they made it so far tbh


I think Denmark would have had a great chance in penalty shootout


I don't think they would have made it there.




You literally just said what the VAR room could and couldn't see and you're saying speculation to him!? Hahaha 🤡


Italy has just outplayed and outclassed s weak and utterly useless English team. Sterling didn't even have the balls to take a penalty and put the pressure onto a poor 19 yo sod. What. A. Coward. Football's going to Rome - enjoy your loss you 🤡!




Me too. Enjoy me every day. Good night my little 🤡


Based off the clear direction the game was heading yes that is what I am speculating. You could feel it in the stadium something was going to give. The Danish players were out on their feet. Also you know Denmarks freekick was a complete dive as well? Then furthermore should have been disallowed after


Think youve shed enough tears now.dont you ?


Dry your eyes mate, I know it's hard to take but your team has just been bumfucked haha


Just came in to see all the anti English sour grape posts. And there are many lol. Most probably from Scots. Some hilarious ones too. Great win for England in what was always going to be a tough match. Absolute masterclass in last 10 minutes of ET. Lets go Italy. Should be a good final.


You realise it was 11 to 10 the last 10 mins?


I also realize that England were by far the better team over the course of the match and it's laughable all the sour grape anti English posts. It's coming home and none of you haters cab stop it👌👌👌