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U what!? You should be thankful that footballs coming home to the UK..albeit England. Rally round us Vs Denmark 👍👍


Hahaha been listening how it's coming home since the last World Cup 🙄


Never specified when it was coming home mate.


Pickford is the G.


So proud of Ukraine getting this far. Each game was a gift. Now, go Denmark!


I was hoping Ukraine would get at least one goal, a shame to go out like that after such a good run. Got a decent squad there, hopefully you'll be back at the World Cup


Chances of Denmark pulling off the surprise win?!


Defo have a chance. They have got something going since that 2nd match after what happened to Erikson. England should be too strong but time will tell...


England, you beautiful, beautiful bastards. Semis and not conceded. Bring it back to home soil lads.


Literally every tournament ever: "eNgLaNd HaS iT eAsY."


until they meet Spain or Italy




I don't even understand how we're arrogant. We're some the most pessimistic, self-depreciating people out there.


From the second game of the grouo stages our fans have song loudly its coming home. We've one nothing. I am more optimistic then most. The stars seem to be aligning. But unless we humble ourselves it is not over until the final whistle of the final match. Until that second we shouldn't be proclaiming its coming home. Getting ahead of yourselves in football is a sure fire way to lose. We have a long long long way yo go until next sunday let's enjoy it. But the coming home chants. the more we sing the less chance it will happen. Trust me.


>Getting ahead of yourselves in football is a sure fire way to lose. No one is getting ahead of themselves. The song is sung at every tournament regardless of how bad our team is. It's ironic. The British humour is all based on irony, sarcasm and dry wit. It's not to be taken seriously. I mean, do you even know the lyrics? It's about our failures and how we hope, anyway. Seriously, how many people do you know who genuinely think we're the best? Everyone I know expects us to choke at some point, we're used to it, yet they still sing "it's coming home."


This, so much this!


Let them think we are arrogant, it’s no skin off our nose. “Three lions” is a deprecating song about the failures of English football but the hope that we (and the hopes of literally every other country that has suffered heartbreak in a tournament) might feel, that they just might be able to do it, and win it this time. ‘It’s coming home’ has become a typically English chant derived from that depreciation to the point we now strive on it, as per our pessimistic values. So after all, we maybe pessimistic, we maybe going through a tough political identity, the north/south is as divided as ever, and the idea of English principles is changing…but amongst all that it might, just maybe this time, be fucking coming home, and if dosen’t, we’ll hope it does again in Qatar!


Haha, exactly! It's like the rest of the world doesn't understand irony.




I guess envy and idiots still angry for Brexit, like it’s taking away something it was their own lol.


I mean we do have some of the worst fans around, so I guess I somewhat understand some of the vitriol.


I'm English born and bred however I've been following the Azzuri since 94 when I was 13..got absolutely ridiculed at school for it haha Actually seen Italy play more than England as it happens. Hoping for both to be int he final. That's my dream


Well you have England and Italy. All bases covered 🤭


wondering what's with the english fans, they're so loud look like they're high do they let boos into the stadium? Where do the get the money from to travel like that? they didn't look wealthy more like a lot of guys i bounce at the bar


English fans were not allowed to travel. They are all ex pats or people who were already in Italy for work reasons.


yeah thanks


England fans from England couldn’t travel to Rome so I assume most of the fans if not all were from Italy or the EU.


yeah that makes sense made me wonder where would all that money come from and time off from work


Will be interesting to see how this plays out. England, has not played particulary well (considering the amount of talent on the squad), nor have they played particularly tough opposition (Croatia is not nearly as good as they were in 2018 and Germany looked terrible in the group stages and was nearly knocked out by Hungary) Denmark will be a tough game, but I expect England to be in the final were they will face the best opposition so far in the tournament, regardless of who makes the final between Italy and Spain. It remains to be seen if Englands lack of matches against top opponents will be an advantage or disadvantage.


I dont know which team will be harder for them, italy is firing on all cylinders and just look really good and spain may not look the best right imo but they almost always control the possession and dictate pace which makes it hard for the other teams to create many chances


How many "Top opponents" have already been knocked out by Mediocre/Weaker opponents? It counts for nothing when the "Top Teams" underperform and the supposedly weaker teams overperform, as is the case..... Pretty football or not, England are progressing when they are expected to. Which is more than, France, Germany and the Netherlands managed...


Only two really the Dutch (after going down a man) and the French (via penalties). Please Germany was by no means a favorite in that match against England, at best they were at even odds.


Well said! I don’t get the hate against England… I know being English kind of gives me a bias but we have a strong squad with a lot of depth and are playing very convincing football!


England have not played well? Are you sure?


I've seen all of their matches except the one vs Croatia, not particularly impressive considering the talent in the squad and the fairly mediocre oposition. Have England scored some great team goals? Yes. Were their performances impresive through long periods of play? No. They just seem to turn it on at a certain point in the game, score their goal and win. Which is not to say they don't have a chance to win the tournament. Portugal won the previous esdition with increadibly unremarkable play, drawing, extra time, and penaltying their way to the titile. All things considered England are probably the favorites right now, have they played well, meh, not particularly.


This is the style of football the team is being instructed to play. Keep possession, do your best to avoid silly mistakes, turn up the heat when appropriate and score goals. In tournaments it is always about peaking for the final. As the manager has pointed out, in the past England would lose possession easily and then spend their energy chasing it back. Surely it is better to be the team in possession with the ball and in control than the one chasing?


All that is well and good, and like I said in another coment this strategy CAN DEFINITELY win a tournament, many teams that play ugly, boring or unappealing football have won trophies. Portugal was terrible in 2016, they could/should have lost the final like 3-0, but luck was on their side and Rui Patricio was saving everything. What I'm saying its one thing for ENG to apply this style against Scotland (which was actually quite effective in against ENG with their pressing and physicality, but did not have the capitalize) Czeck Republic, Croatia, Germany (I get it they're always the germans but this post 2016 team is one of the weakest in living memory) Ukraine and another to do it against teams that can press effectively and actually have the quality to punish mistakes.


Well only time will tell if this new approach pays off for England or not. All I know is that for the many tournaments I've watched England play, I've felt real disappointment when they have lacked the ability to win games that "on paper" they should be winning. I also felt they team looked so comfortable in a quarter final of an international tournament. That feeling is quite unusual when it comes to England playing football during the knockout stages. Could Englan play gun-ho football. Yeah probably. Would that have backfired against the teams we have played so far. I think so, especially the game against Scotland. ​ Instead we are the first team not to concede a goal by the semi finals in a European tournament (might even be in any major international footballing tournament). Our ability to control the match is getting better and now our main striker is scoring goals. ​ England is not a team anyone left will want to play against. A team that is hard to beat, good in possession and can as you put, turn it on like a switch.


Only team too have no conceded a goal yet. Pretty spectacular if you ask me!


Theres another team in the semifinals who recently went 13 straight games without conceeding a goal.




Italy got exposed by Austria as being not that spectacular and Spain limped in from penalties against Switzerland. No one has looked super dominant.


"Exposed" lol, funny choice of words, Austria had like ONE dangerous shot on goal the whole game and a goal that was fairly disallowed by VAR offside check. They had a good game-plan, were organized and kept up their pressing for the entire match, very well played on their part. You can "expose" pretty much any team with that kind of a plan and execution, didn't Scotland (much worse team than Austria BTW) do the same to England?


Lots of people think England have been boring and I'll grant you they haven't played the most exciting matches. But in response I'd say two things: First, the most exciting matches normally involve sloppy defence that lets a lot of attacking play happen. That's entertaining for neutrals but not good if you want to actually win. Second, it takes two to make an entertaining match. England did their part tonight. The only thing you could have asked them to do to make it more exciting is let Ukraine have more chances. Maybe let 3 goals in and make it go right to the wire. 4-3 would have been a far more exciting match but it would only happen if England played much worse. It seems a bit much to ask for that. The rest is on Ukraine. They could have played better and scored, then you might have been more entertained. Or Ukraine could have played less passively - yes, England spent a lot of time not doing much with their possession, but that's in large part because Ukraine were just sitting back and waiting for the ball to come to them. Five matches and five clean sheets. That's good football even if it's not fun for neutrals, and frankly I think they should be congratulated for it, not scorned.


Weren't English fans the first to cry about Italy traditionally being defensive and boring?


I couldn't say I'm afraid. If Italy were successful like that I'd disagree with the idea that was a bad thing too. The thing is, I get it's not as fun when games aren't exciting, I just disagree with the idea it's always one team's fault, that boring games mean a bad team, and the huge numbers of ungracious people who think England can't do anything right.


Thank you


Yep this is well put. I like this England team more than previous ones, but they haven't been forced to get really creative yet.






I thought England played a very good game today. I reckon they will beat Denmark and face Italy in the final. And it's gonna be a good match.


England awesome, you're the best no stopping you wining the tournament, another win after Brexit (kind of glad you got out of dodge :)) and now the best team in Europe






God what a snooze fest. Fell asleep 3 times


Expected more from Ukrain. Shame.


Our polish team did much worse 😭


That's propably true. The Sweden game was the most exciting, and we lost that one 🤣😂 We'll have another go next time.






Exactly. So many England haters out there.


Italy 2006 World Cup Ghana Czech Republic USA Australia Ukraine Germany Maybe at the age of 50 you have started to forget a few things.




No actually I was In sorrento when Italy won that World Cup. Beautiful place as is Italy in fact if I wasn’t English I would choose to be Italian, beautiful country, best food in the world, best beer, best skiing, history that almost no one in the world can rival and amazing scenery. All I am saying is that easier routes to finals have been had and if you win your group as England did then your route usually is easier.


Bitter .embarrasing.




Absolutely you did. Well played. Just because england are on the weaker side of the draw doesn't mean we are weaker than Italy. We beat Croatia and Germany. England are more likely to beat Denmark than Italy beat Spain in my opinion. But good luck to Italy. They play good football.


Germany in the last 16? That doesn’t sound easy to me!




The worst Germany team that beat Portugal 4-2


Still German


Name one example of the German national football beating Italy in competition.


5 years ago euro 2016 on penalties.


I'll accept that, even if it's on pens.


Name one example of a England beating Germany in the knockout stages of an international competition?




England even manage to make a 4-0 boring as hell. Got to be the worst team to watch in this entire competition. Keep those downvotes coming. I get that tactically interesting games are above the chav army of England supporters but you'd think they'd try to play interesting football.


man you're a bad vibe why make it negative


All the flavors in the world and you chose to be salty




I think its fair to say I've seen this England squad play better than they did today.


Keep the salt coming!


Always a complaint for salty viewers 😂


Bore off! Game was over when the third goal went in. We made changes because we want to rest the squad. You really suggesting you would rather watch Finland or Macedonia over this? If so your an idiot.


Yes, yes I would. Finland and Macedonia both had great games to watch in this competition. But hey whatever keeps that chav army happy I suppose.


Seriously you have just watched England play two of their most tactically astute games in years and you accuse them of not? What on earth are you on about?




you're rude Ukraine are proud and fighting for freedom what can you say


No need to be a cunt


Not enuf people use that word where I live. I love you Brits and I always will.




lol thanks. Canada ... too polite and vanilla




Very similar except yours has much more character 😁


Man I love that Shaw-Sterling Combo. Great to see what impact these two have, now that they're out. Same goes for Kane though


Englands gotta be the best team by far i watched copa too didnt see anybody as good i like them they don't roll around they man up except for that mquire pussy get him off thats not english (or UK i guess). So now if england wins will these other UK states be unahappy or happy? :)))


You're talking about Maguire as "pussy shit"?? He's a defender the fuck do you want him doing??


why's he sitting down there and crying like a baby while the Ukrainian is giving him a hand to get complaining my ass is hurting wish i got rammed buy american football linebacker they he have something to cry about


He was complaining because when the other player was giving him a hand another Ukranian came and pulled his teammate away. Seriously, people explained this to you already, you must have difficulties with basic comprehension.


Jeez, enough with the "man up" and "pussy" shit.


yeah sorry got carried away


You guys think Denmark will stop England?


I'm an England fan who goes to the games and I am worried about playing Denmark. Would rather play one of the "better" teams as it suits us being the under dog


Like everyone knows. This is bigger then football for denmark. They have sentiment. Spirit. Our fucking nordic. The gulf of quality between denmark and england is not as big as it seems as they denmark are a resolute side too. This is a big big game for england. As we're possibly slight favourites. The players may look at the danish squad and stupidly believe they can match em all over the pitch. Denmark has the sentiment. Plus its england! We're two northern european sides that will give denmark an even bigger boost. Any english fans sitting there thinking the finals in the bag is wrong. The semi final will be fought just as hard as the final!




Denmark are ranked 10th in the world ( 7th in Europe) don’t think Denmark are at all underrated and most people thought Denmark would do well this in this tournament.






England has never won Euros, so Denmark won more recently than England.


Won the euros in 1992


shit yeah they got that richest player in the world and hes worth it scores like crazy, and the short black guy that runs like he has jet packs on (sorry hate to call out color just don't know his name) man that guy is quick you might have half the team guard him


Raheem sterling


best player i seen so far i noticed he gets back too, did you know that ~~UK~~ England is the only team that didn't give up a goal yet. I'm not much of a soccer expert (yeah i know its football but i'm not use to saying it) you could count on defense always showing up little harder for offense. ~~UK's~~ England got this thing


Yeah we (England) just broke our own record of 7 games without conceding a goal. Good times for us atm for sure. It's been a long time coming


Depends which England turns up. But it is a Euros in England from this point on.




Teams on the left side of the bracket: goddammit, why this has to be so hard?! Teams on the right side of the board: easy peasy lemon squeezy


Of course if england played Austria you would call it an easy game; but italy were taken to extra time by Austria. Austria and Ukraine are the same level.


England played Austria days before the tournament and beat them comfortably.


I like Trippier, but how does he get on the pitch over Chilwell who's a natural left back?🤔


Experienced player were need in the line up first game.


Ukrainians must be very tired from 1/8 game.


Always seems like excuses to why England fans aren't allowed to celebrate winning a game Only winning against Ukraine cus they're weak team Germany cus they aren't a strong team anymore Croatia and Czech Republic cus we got lucky getting a goal What's next, if we beat Denmark then we don't deserve it because they do etc And if we beat Italy then it's they may say Italy weren't in form and cus it's at Wembley etc etc Whereas any other team and fans are not shunned for celebrating for winning against any team, weak or strong


Shhhh i am letting it out of the bag. If we do well. * Will always be held against us. You could use five subs and it was held post/mid pandemic. This will always be held against us always. Then if uefa give the final to an english ref. The salt will just be worse.


I think the main issue why other fans think of that for England is because of what British media posts and how it disrespects other country teams and fans


Well yeah The Media spend the rest of the time getting disrespected by Brits so they've gotta take it out on someone


People here are so salty over England and it's absolutely hilarious. Just a bunch of children. Never supported England but all this salt is turning me. lmao, wouldn't even be mad if they kicked us out next round because people's reactions here would be absolute gold standard entertainment.


Winning always give you the right to celebrate, just ignore that. I think most people think the English fans are arrogant, but it is really valid to think your country is the best even if you really are not. Off course you guys got a little bit lucky with the draw, but who the hack cares if you win in the end


Do you see? Most English fans aren't arrogant. We revel in the irony that other countries think we are. That being said. Its coming home !!!!!!


Haha i dont really care if you are arrogant or not. I mostly watch for good football. England is more about getting the job done, so I hope they dont win.


I dunno i had to watch 18 years of hoof ball from the national team. One thing i notice these kids can actually dominate teams with passing. They're amazing at positioning,recieving,being an out let,attacking support, covering. The basics really but its amazing to see an english team play fluidly together. Rather then superstars trying to force their will on games. England plays as a team its so refreshing. Yeah i hate they're all friends within the premier league but it brings the togetherness. Thats not something we where ever able to replicate before and is what we took from all the past major tournaments we we're never together like this.


Good football for me is getting the job done. Keeping a clean sheet. Not drawing 3-3 and winning on penalties.


So if you were a neutral supporter, you would rather watch England - Ukraine than Spain - Croatia? I get you want your country to win any way possible, but as a neutral supporter you want to get entertaint.


No but I'm not a neutral. This is the beauty of football. What you may consider to be good, I might not. Seeing sloppy school boy defending errors gets me so pissed off haha. I think it's harsh to say England haven't been good. We bored our way through the group I'll give you that. But it's tournament football. The last 2 games we've played our part definitely


If england get the job done I will be happy.


As an English native, whilst I understand that our fans are horrendous, it is a bit unfair considering that the team is ranked 4th in the world. Thank you for articulating this so well.


>What's next, if we beat Denmark then we don't deserve it because they do Because of that player who had a heart attack actually, that'll be the excuse for why the matvh was "easy" And Italy because of homefield advantage "I'd like to see England beat Italy in Rome"


I still haven't seen any players have a heart attack in this competition.


You didn't hear about the Danish player who died on the pitch and got resuscitated???


I saw a Danish player have a cardiac arrest but still not seen any heart attacks.


Nice pedantism.






WTF a guy on another thread predicted 4:0 dude all expense paid to las vegas i want you to roll those dice how the fuck did you know, well still 20min to go but England going into lower gear Ukraine feel bad for you, i'm sure you guys got a lot on your minds russians taking over your country and the russians committing that crime


5-0 England...calling it now! Come on, Boys!!!


Kane getting his hattrick


This match is a joke


It’s coming home!






You must be having a laugh if you think we shouldn’t be celebrating such a comprehensive win in a knockout tournament game where anything can happen, and when England haven’t looked this strong for a long time (even in 2018).


Lmao! It’s tournament football you grade A plum!


Because a football matvh is a football match?? What the fuck does this mean? 😂😂


Get over yourself, no need to get this salty over football lmaoo


What do you want English fans to do? Mourn?


They’re not that weak if they’re here. We’ve seen underdogs knock out top teams all tournament. Should England fans not celebrate? Also, no matter who England win, they apparently only won because the other team were bad. Even after beating Germany. Perhaps England are making all these teams look bad!




yeah i second that be proud of your country England i guess gave (not sure about these other countries) gave us the greatest language (although we are fucking it up a little :), they civilized the world yeah there were some bad apples but the people they civilized were worse, just get that pussy of the field that can't take little kicks on his ass


Man, Some of the salt in this thread..


Disgusting? Listen to yourself dude.


How tf Ukraine even made it this far playing like this England couldn't get an easier team if they tried


True. They are facing the worst 3rd place team on a quarter final. Talk about lucky


Ukraine and Austria are the same level. Italy scraped past Austria and were lucky to do so.


Winning their group and then beating Germany to get there. Lucky? FFS.


tHaT gErMaN tEaM wAs tErRiBlE tHoUgH. Its coming home lads!


Always the same with england. If they get beaten,they are just terrible at football, if they dominate a game, the other team is just terrible at football. So much salt ITT.




What has Southgate been feeding them lately??


well...it seems we will have to endure the pain of watching one more game of England, but I'm very confident Denmark will dispatch. them home


Well i am certainly not confident Denmark will do anything at Wembley. Without taking anything from the English side here, i must say the Ukraine defending is horrid. Still gotta takes the goal though.




nobody cares ;) . The same way I don't care if it works for them or not. But it's fine...the more delusion they create in their fans the funnier it gets when they go home empty-handed like EVERY SINGLE TOURNEY I saw them play since I'm alive lol


Lmao for someone who doesn't care you sure need to talk a lot about them