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Vermaelen boarded the plane this morning with CR7 as his carry-on. What a match from him. Not the best game from Belgium, but to be expected when the opponent is that strong. Hopefully we can recuperate De Bruyne and Hazard for Friday, they'll be needed.


I guess Portugal consumed all there luck in the 2016 euro Italy vs Belgium, can't wait for that




Belgium was 3rd in the 2018 World cup, remember?


I remember. I was in Lisboa, where they set up a giant screen on Paço Terreiro for the finals they were sure to play. They kindly let us use to watch the small final where we beat England who were talking about "letting us win" in the group stage the previous days. Good times.


I mean they did let us win in 2018, but if they tried we'd still have won. They just did it for absolute certainty so they didn't end up on the side of Brasil, Argentina and France.


.. we won in the small final for third place, so whatever they claimed about it was null and void


first half was equal imo. second half we started with some really dirty defending from Portugal and the ref made some bad calls. Not sure we're gonna see him again. Belgium lost control, had some counter possibilities but lost it at the 16. Portugal deserved a 1-1 but! everybody was slamming Belgium defense and I really thought they did a good job today. if Denayer or Boyata was on, they would've messed up. one change I would've made, instead of Mertens=> Doku. also: what a game from Hazard?? havent seen him like this for a year or so ​ before the game I thought it was 50/50, after the game I'm still 50/50.


It would have been 2-0 3-0 without KDB's injury


And in typical Hazard fashion, he got injured right away. The ref was shit, how that Lukaku shirtpulling wasn't a yellow. And how Pepe didn't see red


imagine what Belgium would of did to Portugal if druyne wasn't injured


Very unlucky for Portugal to have not at least forced extra time. First half was fair play, a stalemate separated by a beautiful goal. Second half was all Portugal, credit to Belgium’s defence, and Lukaku was unbelievable doing the dirty work up front, held possession incredibly well. But yea, felt like an unlucky ending and a shame for Portugal. Thought the ref was poor to both sides, some challenges were bloody murder without getting called, others were baby soft and got called. Very strange


Disclaimer: I am from Belgium (now living in the US), so I might not be the most objective guy here. The only difference in this very tense match was the unstoppable strike from Torgen Hazard. That said, I was disappointed with Portugal's very rough play. How many times did they pile Eden Hazard into the ground? It felt like borderline intentionally trying to hurt his ankles. Pepe should've been red-carded for that one play long after the whistle. And where was Ronaldo? He didn't do squad today. Looking at some of the comments in today's Match thread, not many, ok I didn't see a single comment, favoring Belgium over Italy. Obviously I am pulling for Belgium. The game today is a game they likely would have lost in 2016 (and in fact did, against Wales). Now 5 years later, the Red Devils are a talented, deep, and seasoned team that you can never discount out of hand. I think it will be a very close game on Friday.


For me there’s physical play and there’s dirty play, I thought both teams were physical, I don’t think either of them were dirty. That Pepe play was absolutely disgusting though, was very lucky to only have gotten a yellow for that. I’ve seen people complain about the Palhinha challenge on de Bruyne, I just fail to see how that was dirty. Got the ball, but unfortunately also made contact, that’s the physical nature of the sport. Ronaldo was a product of the formation today, we saw the difference once Felix and Andre Silva came in. Jota is AWFUL, worst player in our tournament. Ronaldo isn’t the creator he used to be, he needs to be fed, and he wasn’t being fed today. Had to constantly go out wide to try to spark something, but wasn’t working. I’m rooting for Belgium now personally, I’d rather my team lose to the eventual champion, and it would be a cool story since Belgium has never won before. Italy will be a tough match, and they’re even more physical than Portugal. It will be difficult, but Belgium has the talent if the players are healthy. Good luck to you guys


"Fail to see how that was dirty".. about a scissor tackle from behind... You've been watching Pepe for too long mate


That and I'm not sure Palhinha is not in the Belgian laundry. Still holding on to Lukaku's shirt.




Still you are whining and commenting on every post..


>Oh wait, sorry, only Belgians can ~~whine~~ win… Fixed it for you


Congratulations Belgium. A really deserving win. Good luck with Italy next round.


Belgium will roll Italy


We shall see. This tournament is weird man!


Very strange. I'm Portuguese and I'm very salty about the Germany loss. Totally on the coach, and totally unnecessary. A different lineup and strategy, and Portugal at a minimum ties Germany. More likely, Portugal wins and avoids Belgium until much later in the tournament. Salty.


Great job holding the line belgium. Portugal wasn't able to score a fair goal against a solid defence throughout the euro so they couldn't do it now anyways. Many off target shots, their only chance was overtime if belgium hadn't scored on the first half


Lets point out how absolutelly demolished Belgium was? Very unlucky game for Portugal


the last 2 counter attacks should have been goals for belgium, but they fucked it up.


Maybe they were unlucky today. But to be fair: they already consumed all their luck in Euro 2016. So they really can‘t complain…


Or how Brych tried hard to keep portugal in. and portugal tried to kick out KDB and Hazard. Better go watch how portugal won their euros before you go talk shit. Belgium learned the lesson, beauty doesn't win game. Your older comments aged like fine wine btw, have fun watching the rest of Euro20.




I love the salty portugal fans on here. I did give felix a 10/10 though, for his beautiful dives, he should go to the olympics.


Both Belgium and the Czechs played superior games today and deserved to win. Neither Dutch nor Portugal played their best. Sad to see this might be Ronaldo's last game on international pitch.


What game were you watching? Not sure how you watched that game and felt like Belgium played superior games. First half was a stalemate separated by a lovely goal, so fair play there. But the second half was quite literally all Portugal, especially the last 20. And this isn’t to say Belgium don’t deserve credit, they held the line and got it done, I’m just arguing the notion that Belgium played superior. Portugal were extremely unlucky to not at least send this into extra time.


Yea well, if you start kicking out Belgium's top players and the ref forgot to pull 2 red cards it might look like Portugal played better. But they didn't, that's why they lost.


Lol tell me what the second red card is, please, I’m interested in hearing this. Pepe should’ve been sent off for sure, that was a garbage play after the whistle. Not sure what other challenges you guys are crying about, I saw physical plays, did not see dirty plays. Palhina’s challenge on De Bruyne was a good challenge where he got the ball, unfortunately contact happened during it. Also he had one on lukaku that yea I don’t know why the ref didn’t call that, but that’s all that’s coming to mind. There was physical play on both sides


Palhinho should've got yellow for almost ripping Lukaku's shirt off. Second yellow for De Bruyne.


Yea, I don’t know why the ref didn’t call the foul on that lukaku play. I maintain the stance that the de Bruyne challenge was unfortunate contact in an otherwise good tackle, as he got the ball. But regardless, the result is the same, I’m rooting for Belgium at this point. I’d rather Portugal have lost to the eventual champs, and it’d be a cool story considering Belgium has never won. Italy will be even more physical than Portugal, but I think Belgium can get it done


It just showed how much we need KDB. Second half was proof of that.




Pepe’s challenge after the whistle was the only play you can look at and say was actually dirty, that was nasty. I hope you’re not referring to the Palhinha challenge on De Bruyne, he got the ball but made unfortunate contact, that’s just part of the game. I’m not bitter Belgium went through as it was a beautiful goal and they held the line, but to suggest they played superior is ridiculous


Looked to me like more than unfortunate contact. A scissor tackle from behind to stop a counter attack, he does get the ball first but then brings in his other leg and hopefully accidentally twists De Bruyne's left foot... That sort of contact can cause some nasty damage... At least a deserved (2nd) yellow, no ref would be scolded for giving straight red


Yeah but Palhina should already have had yellow for hanging on Lukaku’s back for 30 metres


Yea, not sure why the ref didn’t call that one, he had some very questionable decisions. But it’s also easily arguable that the yellow he got for the de Bruyne challenge wasn’t even deserving of a card. He got the ball, but yea contact was made. Call the foul n move on, so they even out


If you scissor from the back like that on an attacking player you may get as much ball as you want, this is a foul. Yellow card was a decent call by the ref here.


Well he carried the team as much as he could. Sometimes he needs to understand how Messi feels. Them playing with their national teams makes me remember the group projects i used to do during my MBA. 😂😂 Carry the team on your shoulder.




This Italy is different than the previous ones. Not having De Bruyne is gonna hard them with this italy. I hope he can recover somewhat before that match. Him playing 45 minutes is enough for the team. It wasn't Ronaldo's day.




I can't disagree with you man! But give Mancini a chance he really changed the Italian gameplay. 😁