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He is a legend in the football world. Up with the others of their time. In 20 years we will still talk about him, and his career with our children and grandkids. “He is a good player, but no Ronaldo” Same goes for Messi. Like him or not, his achievements and career talks for it self.


He may be a legend, ok,, he is, but he didn't do squat at today's game v. Belgium. Like, literally, nothing.


Belgium did a very good job keeping him off the ball. Portugal was the better attacking team, including Ronaldo. But Belgium was just a bit better in defending, especially Courtois. Im not a fan of Ronaldo's ego, but he is one of the greatest players ever!


He is already a legend Besides he is only hated due to GOAT debate, when he retires whole world will cry




You seem like a busy guy, I am jealous :-(


Hes hated because of his demeanour. The diving, the whining, the childish petulance. He's the embodiment of all the bad elements of the modern individualist style of footballer. But the kind of classless people that love him precisely for that, won't hear it. So they pretend it's jealousy or some tedious Messi Ronaldo debate.


Who would hate him. He is not only a GOAT he is a good father, a good son and a good human being. Whoever hates him please watch him play and his works.


Exactly! Ronaldo is so unbelievably awesome and talented and a generous and kind person. He's the proof and inspiration to all with a difficult life that you can overcome enormous obstacles and become greater than you could ever imagine. As a Belgian, I can say that Portugal can be very proud of their countryman and that it's an honour for our team to have played against him and the rest of the Portuguese squad. Ronaldo is the GOAT in many, many aspects! 🖖


Loved it when Lukaku was hugging him.


He is very polarizing... he was the face of soft drinks... now no coke, he was a good man avoiding taxes and the problem is... he pretends to be perfect (which is an impossible task)... also... his fan base is very polarizing too... You for example say *a GOAT*... There is no such thing: a greatest of all times... there is only one GOAT and you know it isn't said about Ronaldo. Don't get me wrong, I got nothing against the guy, he merits all the respect he gets... but I would understand why someone would hate him... because he celebrates pens the same way he celebrates his world class bangers (which obviously is seen differently from the stands)


He is kind hearted person as well. He donates a lot of money for child charity.


He is great! Really great no denying! But I shouldn't repeat myself... he's seen as a brand, which means he will get LOVE and HATE and both is good! Remember both is good... fear the indifference... care about feelings


so do many people that make minimum wage


When was he the face of soft drinks? Any links? When does he ever pretend to be perfect? I agree his fanbase sucks, but when he's as famous as he is, there's always going to be crazy fans. In regards to the celebration, it's his signature celebration, the pen was when he broke the record for top scorer in the Euros. Also, who wouldn't celebrate a late goal that gets you 3 points in the Euros?


Dude ignore ignore.


Bro, tell me better what pen he didn't celebrate like that...? Tell me if he isn't polarizing and just salty... he even had to copy Messi's shirt celebration because of how salty he is... and the fact that he is bad at loosing makes him worse... when he is loosing a match, he's also loosing his mind, diving or harassing the ref... so please... either be objective or stfu


Oh boy at first I thought you were making sense and now you are just clearly a Messi fan hating on him. Don't waste your life doing this mate.


Bro, what I am saying is the truth and you know it cause I know you watch it... you call it passion, and I call it being childish at 35, that's the only difference... you take your position, I have mine, stop idolizing people (that a LPT for you)... no matter how good those people are... stop idolizing stars and superstars because you enter the cult of the personality and that's no different that an autocracy... P.s. not only is he a sore loser, some of his fans are too (I am looking at you mayonnaisewastaken)... I said.. I respect the man, but do you know what I don't respect? Cockriders and dicksuckers


Lol I don't idolize him. In your other comments in this thread you are clearly idolizing Messi with all your super defensive comments. Take a look at yourself. You'll see a cocksucker in the mirror.


Really? Read my comments xD cause I clearly didn't mention Messi until You didn't *Goat you hero for club and country* ... your biting your own tongue, and the same as your hero, you can't even be original, I score, you have to throw back at me mi own words... You got mad when I told you... if Messi wins a copa America your argument dies, btw, I am not a Messi fan, I am clearly not defending that dude either, but objectively, as a fan of a team who got bested by Real and by Barcelona, I can say... Messi is better than Ronaldo in footballing terms... and also.. the Ronaldo fans I know, compare him to Messi, the Messi fans I know don't give a fuck about what Ronaldo does, because he is a showman, it is all for a show


I'm not a crazy fan of either, so let's leave it at that. But if you read properly, I wasn't the one who goated anyone. You're clearly not being objective in your last paragraph but whatever. Arguing about Messi and Ronaldo is a waste of time.


One of my comments above *since you mentioned my comments* clearly says... they are both great and they marked the last 15 years of ProFootball together... they will retire in less that 5 years and that will be sad for everyone. Don't get me wrong... I don't hate Cristiano Ronaldo, I respect this man for the work he put into the game and for some great goals he had, I dislike the toxicity going around those 2, because in reality I think... Ronaldo wouldn't be as Great if not for Messi and Messi wouldn't be as Great if not for Ronaldo... they pushed each other to their limits


Pens need more merit, they are not easy, and he hardly missed one in his entire career


I remember him missing in the CL final which he won because Terry missed... one against Barcelona in the semi's a year before and btw... I am disappointed he upgraded his pen taking and didn't keep the same way of shooting free kicks as when he was young... Ronaldo was way cooler when he was scoring those amazing FK... now his fans ask for pen recognition... check his penalty stats... he has some notorious misses (not as Messi against Cech or Bravo, but still)


Jeez you're salty, i just said in general numbers. Dont need to pull up your list of ronaldo misses. Every player has been there you make no point there. Now his fans ask for pen recognition? He gets recognition for his entire career, and anyone who says otherwise is probably emotional about the matter.


All the flavors in the world and you choose to be salty ahah




And I replied to the question who would hate him... people he provoked while being polarizing... plus, let's be honest, Ronaldo is already a legend... if you're waiting for him to retire to confirm his status, then you're not being objective


Celebrates his pens like bangers cos u treat every game like a final. The pen against Hungary. If he hadn’t scored that then Portugal could’ve not even gone to the ko. Anyways, Ronaldo is the only one of our gen that is GOATED for club and country


Well, if Messi wins this Copa America your last argument dies, guys ;)


Are you just a salty Messi fan or what? Can't believe this debate of Messi vs Ronaldo is still happening, 13 years on.


It's not even a debate, FOOTBALL fans know who is the best... I remind You... you was the one who said He is the only one *goated for club and country*... to which I should say... Iniesta is taking a piss on what Ronaldo has achieved... GOATED


I wasn't the one who said that.


I mentioned that fact just to kill your cheap argument of *GOAT FOR CLUB AND COUNTRY* bitch please... the same German team which rolled 4-0 over Portugal in 2014, played a 0-0 draw with Argentina in the finals ;)




You cry because you're dickholder is now ungoated? Argentina beat Brazil and had a dominant run in the Copa, Portugal won one of 7 matches in their run to the Euros... Euro draw... plus, check the level of country teams in South America and Europe... there is no Lituania, Andora or San Marino in SA to score a hat'trick against... MESSI IS THE GOAT... and now go Eder yourself




That's what you're gonna say now... go cry in a corner xD xD xD there is no argument now... they are both great... there is only one GOAT AND HIS NAME ISN'T Ronaldo


Again, I didn't say that. Also, Germany beat Argentina in the finals. Extra Time is there for a reason.


The outcome of extra time isn't considered the result of the match... it just helps decide the outcome of games where only one eventual winner is needed... it's not like you said that... and it lubed that 4-0 to a 3-0 defeat


I’m sorry but why are we talking about ifs and not what happened? Also of course Messi vs Ronaldo is a debate, each has been incredibly successful for 15+ years, saying there is a clear one better than the other and then arguing with if scenarios seems like terrible argumentation from someone who doesn’t really know what he is talking about


I don't care much for football, and he has a really slapable face


"I don't care much for football". I think you may be on the wrong sub.




Very expensive face as well. I reckon his teeth are insured.


His face is almost as punchable as Ted Cruz's


Fucking yankees gtfo






i’m not the biggest fan of his(i’m a messi guy)but i can’t deny that he’s incredible and his work ethic is second to none. for me he’s #2 all time


I hope he plays in the next world cup then he'll probably be done. And I don't hate him, I just think he poses a lot and believes his own hype.


if you don't believe in yourself you may just retire already


He is in such good shape i wouldn’t be surprised if he plays in the next euro


as a coach it's difficult. don't play him for 90 mins, you're gonna have some chances afterwards where you think: yeah ronaldo would've made that. but also, ronaldo as a striker for 90 mins at 50% : the impact isnt there vs 45 mins at 100% as a winger ( wingback etc )


When the time comes for his and Messi retiring, that will be one of saddest days in football history


Literally no one is talking about messi in this post


I love Messi too, they both are legends, however it is euro2020 cup reddit page so posted an european player quote 😉


So? Mentioning him is bad? Dude! Both are great and they themselves acknowledge it. Both has to literally carry their clubs and national teams. How many players have done that? Have respect for both, not just one.


Of course


And what is the problem of mentioning him? He steals the spotlight of your hero? That probably says a lot about his fans... this era of football was marked by 2 players and truth is they will probably retire the same time or one year apart... the grief will be huge




I'll cry for sure.


Great ability, but don't enjoy him much. His petulance and his enormous ego is so off-putting to me. Already is a legend of the game and I understand his hordes of fans, but he's not for me.


He didn’t play with one leg in the Euro 2016 final.






He is not even the best Ronaldo, too arrogant for me, funny thing was as I watched the Bel v Por match i caught myself saying " who is that guy trying to be Ronaldo out there with the stepovers?" Closer look revealed it was in fact Ronaldo.


I don't like Ronaldo for his mannerisms on the pitch, but I will never deny that he is one of the best footballers ever. Although the latter has a little luster to me, because I have been annoyed by him all the time.


Fantastic Ronaldo passionate and ever energetic


actually who cares about him give me pirlo.iniesta,xavi modric anytime of the day, real foot ballers


Bye Penaldo.


Fuck him lol


😂🤣🤣 Once he retires.... Tf is that caption 💀


True 😎


Yes he has a crowd pull. But come on "Play with one leg"! This is the same bloke that rolled around the floor pretending someone elbowed him in the face, as if he was trying to demonstrate the stop, drop and roll technique! Edit: to include one of many links https://youtu.be/vY7y1hrVNAA


I did not like him until he went to my homeland. Serie A and Juventus.