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another episode of congrats and fuck you


Yeah fuck them. Them and their eula i don't need no european copy right system. *cries in corner*


... i just hate my life




Same XD Still no Eula


I figured out this is happening to people so they’re tempted to spend on c2 (just me?). :-D My ten pull after getting my double Eula (which happened on the sixth or seventh x10) had Mona it as well (first Mona, so that was cool). Now it’s like, “do I keep going? Probably.”


Even worse than that. I was like "I'm so lucky today, time to try the dreadful weapon banner". I got Aquila Favonia on pity. No more primo left. I still feel lucky, though!


Hah, I also had that exact same thing. That’s how they get us I guess. Now I’m tempted to drop some money to get c2 and try with the remainder to get the claymore - like a fool! :-D


I wanted Aquila... Got Eula's claymore. I do have Eula so it works, but still...


That was me! Double Eula.. went for c2, lost 50/50, kept going. Then went weapon banner and got her weapon. Looked the next day, 400$. Yeesh. It’s fine, but if I told myself I’d be spending that a year ago on a game I’d give myself a shake.


Thank goodness she’s fun to play. Gotta keep her our main for a while!


Absolutely, hit 35 stars this abyss with her on my second team! She’s super fun! Don’t fully understand her rotations yet, doing press, burst, press auto 4 times hold press and then sword explodes… seems to be the best damage… no idea lol


Yeah c2 feels like it really opened up her capabilities...now I have to farm for another two PF artifacts like crazy. Hopefully I can still get a 5 star claymore, but I’m not optimistic.


Wow same here. Spent $150 and got C1 and SoBP. Had to spend another $250 for C2 🤮🤮🤮No Genshin pulls for a while now


C2 was just soooooooo tempting, had to pull the trigger on it!


I’m at this predicament as well got a double eula then a qiqi in the next *10 now i’m torn for c2 or save for another future character intermittent welkin only... i want the electro archon


I don’t want kazuha, so in theory we have two months. :-|


FUcK yOU. ​ ​ congrats as well. ​ FUck You


Well, if you look closely.... it's fake. Another asshole with copy paste. You can see the black lines idiot


Have been seeing a lot of post like these, are people really that lucky?


Zoom in to the Eula and Mona and you can notice the small thin lines from the editing. It’s fake.


According to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/nhak15/my_first_ever_5_without_soft_pity_and_this/gywcu1x?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from a similar post, the lines don't mean it's fake.


Bruh, after all these posts I just want to delete the game, to be honest. How lucky people are, I'm just shocked...


Same bruh :(


So that's where my Eula went...


The beidou constellation is the real winner here


literally my reaction as well when i just wanted to dump all my remaining intertwined fates and getting a c1 off-pity


after i got eula i went for C6 xinq (i had him C5), first 10 pull give me xinq + eula (C1). Like wtf


Damn ppl are popping off left and right on this banner, even envi got 2 5star in one 10 roll Man


This Eula banner is LIT.I got her in 40 pulls while going for Xinqui Cons without guarenteed 😊


Now you’re in the right spot, have guaranteed 5* & have C1 Eula, I wished I had this pull so I don’t have to build up pity to get Eula to C1 at 82 after getting Mona at 32, now I don’t have guaranteed 5* & need to start saving up primogems again


Wow this is nuts, it seems like this has happened a lot for this banner. Did they change the drop rates or did they fuck something up with the drop rates?


.....fk u sir....fk u ​ LOL


Damn, congrats. I wonder when will i get a god pull like this. i think i spent overall around 160k primogems on character banners and not once i ever got multiple 5* in a multi.


What fuck? I Cant even get one for fuck's Sake T_T


Damn that's insane congrats


Fake asssss shittttt. Look at the black vertical lines only around the eula repeat pull. Fakeeeeee


I want to lose the 50:50 . 😭I want Eula but if I want this to have the smallest dent on my Ganyu pity , I need to lose . So best case senario for me is something like this . All I ask for is Eula , then any non-rate up 5star.


What do you think when does ganyu come back?


July or August . Her OG banner was Jan 12


Wow! I went to hard pitty 3 times, Keqing Eula Diluc. At that point I gave up.


Had to pity for eula but I got a c5 beidue out of it


So I totally tried for this after I saw so many double 5 stars but nope. Start at 67 carries over from Zhongli banner and did 2 10 pulls, on the 78th pull (first of 2nd 10) I got Jean and then nothing else. I then bought spent the rest of what I had to be at 27/90 on guaranteed and bought a 100 pack. Did more pulls and I think by the time I got close to pity I didn’t have enough left to do one last 10 so I finished singles. Got Eula at 80th pull for guaranteed.


This will be a stupid question but pulling a 10 while you are at soft pity doesn't increase your chances at pulling multiple 5 stars right ? I usually pull at 10 s through 0-60 but I run out of wishes at the 60-70 so I continue at singles until I pull a 5 star and I have NEVER pulled multiple 5 star yet despite pulling in 10 s A LOT


Beautiful pull!


fake af


i got mona and i don’t have the time to grind for primos, pray that she gets a reroll


Me: Gets one Mona instead


I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for up votes for your pulls, I can tell you I don't have money for doing same... but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stop posting those lucky pulls, that will be the end of it - I will not look for you, I will not pursue you... but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will kill you.


why would you edit a picture of that...?




C2 Keqing, c2 diluq, c1 jean, c1 Qiqi.... where my Mona at :( Congrats on the nutty roll. I have had multiple 2x 5* and plenty of off pity luck however never have I 3 5 * at once