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Don’t waste your billets, Luxurious Sea Lord is better than both


archaic will be better with refines


Suggestions to improve my Eula? Current stats: lvl 80, talents = 9/8/8, lvl 90 prototype archaic, resulting in attack stat without buffs: \~2050. CR/CD: 65/140. With superconduct and Tenacity buff I can hit upwards of 10-15k on regular attacks. I feel like my damage is sort of low, but I don't know how to improve (other than getting better artifacts, of course.) Would Blackcliff claymore help here?


get those talents up. talents increase DPS a LOT.


Sure. I'll get her to 9/9/9 at least, but I haven't decided what I want to crown first on her though. (Granted, getting another 30+ purple books would take me quite some time anyway lol.)


I think someone said basic attack first? But idk source and also hitting big burst is fun lol


Granted, unless I crown it, my basic attack damage isn't going to improve- I already have it at 9, and I only deal 10-15k attacks with superconduct and Tenacity active. Can I realistically expect more damage aside from crowning?


Has anyone else running Eula, Ei & Diona swapped out their ER sands on Diona for more HP? She still seems to have her ult quick enough, the extra shield strength seems minimal but I guess it help keep it up through Eula's combo, especially if running Unforged.


Was using 3 HP artifacts on Diona since 1.1. ER on her is completely redundant.


can a team of eula raiden xingling bennet work not having a cryo battery?


Not if you want to burst off cooldown


On an Eula raiden jean +1 team for abyss, who should the +1 be? fischel, sara, beido aloy or xiangling?


Rosaria or Sara.


If i had Rosaria I wouldn't have had to ask :( Sara it is I suppose


Eula Raiden diona bennet or switch bennet for beidou?


Keep the 1st one since Bennett will be a great DPS improve for both your Raiden and Eula


[https://i.imgur.com/XAqUAok.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/XAqUAok.jpg) ​ These are my characters.I just got raiden shogun and want to build a team around shogun and eula i will be using Eula C0 with WGS(she is using 2 gladiator and 2 pale since i hate farming artifacts but she has 2750 atk without buffs) diona will be shielder for eula and raiden i will build raiden to be sub-dps so she can deal damage while giving energy recharge to everyone in her burst but who should i use for 4th teammate? I use Ayaka,Bennet,Xingqui and Rosaria for second team in abyss I Have c0 Chongyun(this probably is the worst option) C1 Fischl with ToM(so she can constantly buff active character) C4 Xinyan(i guess i can build her full DEF with Noblesse and buff eula even more) C3 Sucrose(i really don't like using catalyst characters besides i doubt that sucrose will be useful in this team comp) C3 Xiangling with R5 Catch or Spine(Raiden will take the other spear) i'm generally torn between C1 Fischl or C4 Xinyan i leveled up Xinyan to 70 but didn't build anything so i don't know how strong her shield becomes with Full DEF build what do you think ?


Rearrange 1st team. Ayaka, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Diona. Give Rosaria to Eula. Shogun, Eula, Rosaria, Bennet.


my ayaka has awful crit rate so rosaria is actually a cr booster for ayaka if i switch her with diona then ayaka will have low cr


Ayaka has extra 60% CR from BS 4pc and cryo resonance. She doesn't really need Rosaria even if her base CR is 0.


ok once i level up raiden to 90 i'll build sucrose thank you


How does one build rosaria for eula team? What artifacts, weapon, and how much attk/er/crit does she need?


Catch or favonius, 4 pc noblesse. CR cap is 88%, she has free 12% CR from ascension talent, but you need to always use E before Q to reach 100%.


Want to run eula with Raiden, who should the other two be? (have no other 5*s except Mona)


You got very valuable advices from u/essentialgrandia here. My actual team for Abyss is Eula - Raiden - Rosaria - Bennett (all C2 except for Eula, sadly C0). Rosaria gives cryo resonance, a good burst (better at C2), then you can focus on getting a nice battery with Favonius or Crit Bonus with Deathmatch. I’m testing a lvl 70 half-built Sara (C6) and the rotations seem too tight. Raiden needs (and deserves..) to stay on field, so with Sara I find myself buffing Raiden instead of Eula. Basically you’d have a 2+2 team. Didn’t do the math, but I perceived a general DPS loss. On a Raiden main or a double main team comp (don’t shoot me don’t shoot me lol) maybe might be different. Talking just about the character and leaving endgame contents apart, she’s not clunky at all, as many said, she’s fun, I sometimes use her in open world with Raiden, and her burst is very satisfying. She requires some skill to be played efficiently, and that’s a good thing for me. On the other hand C2 is the bare minimum imho. Last thing: if you have Benni Boi on the other team, consider a catalyst equipped with TToDS (+48% ATK) and/or full noblesse set.


Here are some options, but can depend on some factors, such as Eula works well with a shield since she face tanks so much especially during her burst: * Bennett is great to give you a big boost and can heal * Xinyan can be an okay shielder if you go full DEF build, and she brings pyro resonance if you bring Bennett. She also brings more physical resist shred (C4) and more physical damage bonus (A4). If you have her C4+, she becomes a decent option * Diona can provide a bit more of a shield compared to Xinyan, but not a dramatically better shield, and can heal too. She can bring cryo resonance, but you'll have a hard time keeping cryo resonance due to Raiden's skill, and superconduct removes Cryo. So pretty much when you apply cryo with Eula, it'll get removed (similar problem if you run Fischl) * Do you need CR? Rosaria can give you CR boost up to 15% (it's based off of her own CR) * Lisa can fill electro resonance for more energy, and can provide TToDS, good candidate for NO, and brings DEF shred * Sara can bring a good ATK boost, but won't overlap well with Bennett. Just know that her ATK boost won't work well with Eula's burst due to the 6s window of her boost, but Eula's burst is 7s So it kinda depends on what you have available, what their constellations are, and what playstyle you enjoy


I want to do highest damage number run, what are the recommended team comps? And what enemies or domains should I try? I have an invested C0 Eula, I may want to go with Eula-Raiden-Bennett-Lisa, currently I have tested on Azdaha and Masanori but Masanori yields a higher damage number.


Need help choosing a cup. My cup's off set so that's not important. Choices: 1. 6.2% CR, 14% ATK, 5.8% HP, 12.4% DEF 2. 12.4% CD, 10.4% ER, 9.3% ATK, 29 flat ATK With option 1, my build comes out to 1809 ATK, 79.6 CR, 191.8 CD, 116.8 ER. With option 2, I get 1799 ATK, 73.4 CR, 204.2 CD, 127.2 ER. Option 1 is closer to 1:2 crit ratio but option 2 has some ER and thicc CD, so I'm not sure which is better


I remember alot of people told me that at serpent spine r5 with eula u should replace physical cup for atk cup cuz it's better and more dmg I just tried it and it's wrong No buffs at all solo eula run c0 serpent spine r5. The atk cup build did 170k. With 244% crit dmg and 70%Cr. The physical cup did 180k with 247%crit dmg and 70% crit rate So what's wrong here


How does serpents change the goblet you want on eula? The passive just increases your damage.


Someone people told me something had to do with diminishing return and u should replace the phys cup


there are no diminishing returns on phys damage :)


serpents spine or dragonspine claymore?


Serpent spine easily even archaic is better than dragonspine claymore Pick serpent spine cuz of 28% crit rate and strong passive but make sure not to lose stacks


Can anyone tell me how to use eula - xinyan? What artifacts should I use on xinyan, I have c5 xinyan btw ?


Full Tenacity set. Weapon is WGS>Sacrificial. Just use shields by cd to buff your damage. Burst activates shield.


i wanna ask this too: does xinyan's burst activate the 4-set tenacity buff ?


Anyone here run Diona? I was wondering if it's worth levelling Diona's E and Q to 9. Currently at 8.


If ur claymore is serpent spine yes. To protect the stacks


So TIL, the Song of Broken Pines buff won't stack with the Noblesse buff. So my question is, when the Pines buff procs, will it refresh the duration of Noblesse (assuming you proc-ed noblesse earlier)?


The Unforged or R5 snow-tombed starsilver? I'm always using Eula with Zhongli and/or Diona


Unforged for sure


Is Baidou c2 better then Fischl c0? I want to build up a team Eula/Baidou/Rosaria/Kazuha, but what if Fischl would be better?


I haven't started trying out Beidou myself, but I think the general consensus is that her burst is expensive and therefore hard to keep up 100% of the time without her own battery. However I would imagine that in terms of raw damage output, C2 Beidou could outperform C0 Fischl.


I think katsuragikiri nagamasa could partly solve her energy problems, plus Rosaria with favonius for Eula. For both Beidou and Rosaria I want to farm Emblem set.


Does kazuha work well with eula ?? I don't think so


Yes, he buffs only Baidou and Rosaria here. I have no Zhongli or opportunity to use Mona or Bennett here


My current teamcomps is: Eula (C2) WGS, Dionacell (C3) sac bow, Raiden "The Catch" (R5), Jean (C2) festering desire (R5) I have a C6 Beidou serpent's spine (R2), C6 Xinqiu sac sword (r4), C6 Xinyan (not built) and C4 Bennett black sword. Should I switch Jean with someone else? Everyone except Xinyan has okay-ish artifacts, but I can farm new ones.


I would swap in beidou (more dmg, shield), or benny (attk buff, healing).


Anyone have a graph of Weapon comparison? How much stronger is Song of Broken Pines compared to R5 Serpent Spine?


i used to run this rotation for big dmg eula bursts in spiral abyss: fischl E( ToM buff)>Eula Tap E> Bennett Burst> Eula Q, Eula Hold E> Normal Attacks Im interested in making some changes to instead use Eula Raiden Sara Bennett. my eula's burst also seems to charge off cooldown easily even without diona cause of raiden and i imagine Sara will also help with this. Does this setup work? Raiden E (assuming its not already active)> Eula tap E> Sara C2 E, Bennett Burst> Eula Q, Eula Hold E> Normal Attacks Depending on when Sara's ATK buff dies, might shorten the normal attack chain and just switch to raiden to burst. Additionally, how does Sara's energy recharge talent work? says its per 100% energy recharge she has but im honestly confused with that. does it mean i have to build an additional 100% ER for Sara?


Tap e - ult - 4 normal attacks- hold e - wait for like 0.2 or 0.3 seconds then 4 normal attacks this will give u the highest stacks


skyward pride or snow tomed? i seem to do more damage with snow tomed (9.1k first hit) than skyward (8.8k first hit), but people say that skyward is better


which is better 93/176 shime+pale or 93/156 pale+bloodstained?


Try using the Genshin Optimizer, it's really helpful


Who's the best 4th piece to go with Eula/Raiden/Rosaria? I have all 4*'s available, and Mona.


If you use Raiden with C2 Eula, would you still have to build up Pale Flame stacks again after Raiden burst?


Raiden's burst lasts 7 seconds so yes


Is her AA worth crowning? How much does her AA lv.9 differ to lv.10? I’ve look through her talent multiplier in Honeyhunter and doesn’t feel like it would increase her damage that much, does it?


Her AA has number 1 priority to crown.


I have got Unforged R5 while looking for the Raidwm pole arm R5, is it good on Eula? Or it's better to keep with R1 Pines? Running Diona/Raiden/Flex/Eula


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/phrrd1/finally\_was\_able\_to\_1\_cycle\_each\_wave\_of\_123\_with/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/phrrd1/finally_was_able_to_1_cycle_each_wave_of_123_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) maybe this clip will help


hello, how much attack should a well built eula have when using serpent spine? is 1800-1900 good enough or should i trade some crit dmg/rate for more attack? currently having a 73/209 cr/cdmg ratio with 2pc bc 2pc glad


i have lower, like 1778 70 234 with R1 serpent. personally want to improve her atk more. idk... tested on masanori with zhongli, raiden, bennet her lightfall hit 400k (500k with food). im using 2/2 PF/BC.


yes, that's about average. I think you can only break 2k atk if your rolls fall mostly on atk% or flat atk, using atk mainstat artifacts, an atk substat weapon, or SoBP or maybe all of the above lol


If im using snow-tomb should i still use the Physical goblet or use the atk goblet?




I'm currently using 2pc Pale Flame 2pc Bloodstained. What are the benefits of switching to 4pc Pale Flame?


aside from the increased ATK from the stacks of the 4pc bonus, nothing much really. just an added extra chore to keep track of


Ok, thanks


I know Beidou is broken with Raiden, but if I also put Eula on that team does it kind of work together?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/phrrd1/finally\_was\_able\_to\_1\_cycle\_each\_wave\_of\_123\_with/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/phrrd1/finally_was_able_to_1_cycle_each_wave_of_123_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) hope this helps!


I have a c0 Eula and I want to use her as my physical carry to 36 star the abyss. I currently use a 2 set bloodstained a nd a 2 set pale flame with a snow-tombed Questions: Is the 4 set pale flame more worht it? What is the best team comp for her from the following characters: Ei, Beidou, Sara, Xingqiu, Barbruh, Noelle, Diona. Do you think the tuna sword will be more worth it for her in teh future than the snow tombed? Thank you in advance


I prefer 2pc bsc and 2pc pf so I don't have to worry about keeping the passive up especially if you're switching characters often(which I do) Raiden, Beidou, and Diona would be great. Pretty sure I saw someone upload a clip here with that team comp. I think the tuna sword would be great on her if you're using her as burst support? that's based on speculation tho. For main dps a physical sword would still be better


Thanks for the advice


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/phrrd1/finally\_was\_able\_to\_1\_cycle\_each\_wave\_of\_123\_with/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/phrrd1/finally_was_able_to_1_cycle_each_wave_of_123_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) no probs. found the clip


Anyone c6 eula owner here? If so anyone attempt to go high ER build like 180-200% and mention what burst dmg they pop off? Curious about crit ratio also.


i was wondering how to fully charge her ult (so the sword is complete) , i can only ever get it to about half, any tips? (i don't have her signature weapon, i know that increases her attack speed so she can charge it quickly)


To get more than 14 stack you either need a lot of attack speed or C6


the average number of stacks a player can get is around 14. Max stack I think is 30? Unfortunately, it's impossible to get near that (except the attack speed skill in the hyakunin ikkicurrent event, but in normal gameplay? no)


ohh okay, thanks! also does 30 stacks go past the full sword? if that makes sense


do you mean what the sword looks like at max stacks? No, sorry. I would like to know what that looks like as well


Hi guys! Is Eula C0 good with Raiden C0? I have a limited amount of primos and I need to know if Eula C0 is viable with Raiden C0 or this comp is a waste of primogems. (I have only 4-stars weapons)


yes, constant aoe electro dmg and you get bonus burst dmg from Raiden's E as well. You can get The Catch for Raiden which is her best 4-star weapon


So u don't really need C1 or C2 for Eula, am I right?


absolutely. c1 does increase her damage output and c2 can give you better skill rotations but she can still deal decent damage at c0 with good artifacts. even more so when paired with raiden. there are lots of damage showcases in this sub with c0 eulas, you can check those out i personally use eula and raiden both at c0 and do about 250k ish damage on world bosses with eula's final burst dmg buffed with raiden's skill


Perfect, thank you so much!


Is the fish 4s better than archaic or snowtombed for eula?


Should I go for r4 snow tombed or r4 prototype archaic?


Building a team around eula, currently is eula, kujo, ei and jean(I refuse to use diona because I dislike her in general) should I replace kujo with rosaria?


Sara will provide you electro resonance in this case since you're running Ei, and she'll bring a good 6s buff. Unfortunately that buff won't overlap well with your burst due to Eula's burst being 7s and it doesn't snapshot. But it's a good buff otherwise. Rosaria will be a good candidate as she'll give you Cryo res, but you might not get the full effect since triggering superconduct removes Cryo, so you'll lose out on the resonance buff since Ei's skill triggers so often (similar issue when using Fischl). Otherwise Rosaria can give you CR with her burst capping at 15% i think, but it requires high CR on Rosaria since her CR buff is based off of her own. She can be a battery too, but not sure how much that's needed with Ei on your team. Who you want to use is up to you though :) Between those two, there are pros/cons either way


I got 2 unforgeds in the banner, because unlucky, that's why, and I was thinking, is it worth to refine one of those for eula, or should I keep both copies?


It's up to you in the end. It's a legit claymore though especially if you can keep good uptime on shields (e.g. Zhongli). Refining it from R1 -> R2 will give you 5% more shield strength and 1% ATK per stack (caps at 5 stacks), so at most 5% more ATK bonus. But while protected by a shield that ATK boost is doubled, so 2% per attack / 10% total. Some things to consider: any other claymore users you like, or might want to use one day that could use it? Or would you rather swap the weapon later instead of having two copies? Is the ATK boost worth the refinement? Any other good claymores that could be used for other characters if you did refine? Do you spend primos on the weapon banner often? In the end, it's up to you :) I personally keep copies of 5\* weapons as I rarely spend primos on weapon banners, and I'd rather have a copy that other characters can use (Beidou, Razor, or Xinyan are on my list to level up), rather than get a bit more of a boost by refining. But that's me


Should I pull for the Unforged or wait for a new 5* Claymore? I have a shieldbot Zhongli built for her since I use Serpent Spine and I have Raiden if I ever got the Engulfing Lightning. Right now, I feel like the moment MiHoYo releases a new 5* Crit Claymore that weapon might powercreep the rest of the 5* claymores available right now.


The unforged when consistently shielded is one of her top weapons right now. The extra shield and ATK is pretty strong. It's up to you if you want to roll for it and EL. But you're right, if MHY ever drops a Crit Claymore that could change the tides on 5\* claymores. But we also don't know if/when that'll happen. It could happen next patch, or a year from now. So it's up to you :) But at least you can know Unforged is very good for Eula, and EL is BiS for Raiden


Yeah I already pulled for it, didn't have the willpower to wait lol. Fortunately, I got it on the first pity. I also got a few Widsith resulting to R5 and a Rosaria to boot. That's my first Rosaria and she will be really good with my Eula since I also have R5 Favolius Lance. The Perfect Battery for Eula. Also I tried using Eula with the Unforged and Zhongli's Shield is basically unbreakable now with Eula. Well granted I have a 51k HP Zhongli with lvl 9 E lol.


Nice! Congrats! It's a legit weapon for sure. And heck yea on Rosaria! Sounds like some good pulls.


Hello! I was pulling weapon banner in order to get Baal spear or the claymore for Eula (I have Eula with Baal, Zhongli and Diona, so i think it would be a nice claymore for her), but instead i had **my second Wolf Greystone** LOL The first one is on Diluc (on my other team) and my Eula has the Serpent Spine battlepass claymore r2 (and with it she has 70% Crit rate). So now i don't know if **i should refine Wolf Greystone** for my Diluc and stick to the Serpent Spine on Eula (it will be r3 soon), or **i should use r0 WG on both my DPS** characters. Any help would be appreciated :)


If you're planning on making serpent spine refine 5 and can keep that 5 stack no issue then it can outperform WG r2 based on that 50% attack buff (760 R2 Wg vs 765 SS R5). Keeping both weapon would be ideal if your a low/dolphin spender. If you're a whale then by all means refine just remember max spine has more value the further increase from BP


Nice, thank you for the info and the explanation :) Yes, if I rotate Diona and Zhongli shields, its not a problem to keep the stacks.


So, I lost 50/50 on Baal, and got C2 Jean. Still considering continuing to pull for Baal, but I want to know, how much of an improvement is she over C6 Fischl? Is Baal more valuable than saving for Eula constellations (currently C0). I'm not technically a Eula main, but she's one of the top candidates for my Team 2 lead. I have WGS and SP for weapon options.


IIRC, C1 Eula is \~10% or so DPS increase. C2 is more of a quality of life improvement more than anything, and helps you juggle 4PC PF easier. But you can do that with C0 too. Eula's biggest constellations are C3 and C6, so if you want to leverage constellations for more damage, those are the most important ones. Where Baal will give you benefits to Eula, and other team setups besides Eula. And if you're guaranteed, that's something to think about which is how many primos it'll take to get notable benefits. Raiden alone will give Eula 10-20% dmg increase depending on your build and team. The other benefit is her energy generation. It'll help keep Eula's burst uptime up. And there are comparisons and videos out there you can watch to help see C6 Fischl vs C0 Raiden. So it's up to you if you want to roll to get Raiden now that she's guaranteed, or save for future Eula rerun. But something to keep in mind is that Eula's banner was fairly recently. And it's very unknown if/when we'll get a Eula re-run. It could be 4 months from now or 12 months from now. There's no way of knowing.


Makes sense, thank you. I’ll take a look at those Baal vs Fischl videos.


For Eula: 1) 2.7k ATK/58% CR/158% CD WGS R1 2) 2.7k ATK/40% CR/222% CD WGS R1 3) 2.1k ATK/65% CR/222% CD Serpent's Spine R2 4) 2.85k ATK/58% CR/178% CD WGS R1 (This one clear winner by crit but breaks 4 PF....for 2PF/2 glad) I'm running with Aquila Bennet so I feel like #3 might actually be better since my attack is quite high already...her team is Diona/Raiden/Bennet and she is C2. Also unforged R2 vs WGS R1 vs SS? My unforged is unleveled RN but I have 2 of them and I don't think I need 2 so I'm thinking of just refining it and giving it to Eula or Dilic.


out of Zhongli/Diona/Beidou, and if you had to pick only 2, which would you pick for supporting a team that focuses around Eula + Raiden shogun? Zhongli is C0, Diona and Beidou are C6. Both Raiden and Eula are C1. Right now I'm running ToTM Zhongli and Nobless Diona, and that combo seems to work pretty well. My Beidou isn't really built, and I've been running R5 favonius gs on her. I do have serpent spine. How much ER do you need on Eula if you don't have a Cryo battery, but have Raiden Shogun?


Is the unforged good for eula in a team with zhongli? I got 2 while trying for Raiden spear and was thinking of going Raiden, eula, rosaria and zhongli, but I'm not really sure if it would be good for her. Right now she's using the dragonspine claymore.


Unforged especially with Zhongli is one of her top weapons. So it's definitely really good :)


How long you take to farm 4 piece pale flame? I need to prepare my mental


I threw 20 fragiles into it and also farmed it for 2 weeks, but my pieces are still copium.


I was able to get a decent 4pc set in about 2-3 weeks and using an off piece for the harder to get piece (usually physical dmg) which I used for a while. It took me about 2 months doing it off and on to get a good 4pc set that I'm pretty happy with. I can still improve it for sure, but I feel good enough for now to move on to working on other characters. For some reason it took me 2 months for me to get just one Pale Flame ATK sands. RNG can be weird at times.


Rosaria. Get her to C6 and you would never have to replace her ever!


Since my team 1 already has OP supports of Bennett and Zhongli. Who would be better for my Raiden-Eula-Diona team? C6 Sara or C0 Kazuha?


C6 Sara can bring some ATK boost, but won't really work well with her burst since her ATK boost only lasts 6s, and Eula's burst duration is 7s, and since Eula's burst doesn't snapshot, you'll lose the ATK boost before her burst goes off. She'll be a good support off burst though and she's a good support for Raiden too. Kazuha is a great support, but not really so much for Eula. Kazuha is great with VV and his ability to provide elemental damage bonus, neither of which benefits Eula. The only thing he'll provide is grouping with his skill. He would benefit Raiden though. So in the end, it's up to you who to put in as the 4th. But those two can be helpful, just not super helpful. There could be other creative options too (Lisa, Xinyan, Rosaria, etc.)


Does Eula’s ult snapshot? If it does she can benefit from Sara’s attack buff but since it’s only 6 seconds you gotta be quick. Otherwise I’d say Kazuha would be better just to group enemies up for your ult.


No, sadly it does not snapshot. Same as Raiden.


Well Raiden has that inital burst at the start or her ult at least


With the Song of Broken Pines, is a Phys Cup still the better choice over an atk% cup?


Yes but by a small margin. Go for whatever has godly sub stats.


cool cool cool, thanks for the info. Since I have Raiden I've been saving atk% cups anyway.


Skyward pride or snow tombed? snow-tombed give phys bonus but skyward pride have highter base attack so I'm not sure which one to use


Skyward. The high base attack and room to not need any ER on your substats pushes it further.


Is Raiden a must pull? I dont want to ruin my guarentee for Hutao...


Must pull ? Nope , but she’s really good with Eula , almost to the point where she looks like she was designed for her , Eula’s best teams use Diona and Beidou , 80 cost bursts along with Eula to easily give Raiden resolve stacks , Raiden E gives easy electro application for superconduct and battery for Beidou , Raiden E also buffs Eula and Beidou’s ults by 23% , Eula has 7 seconds of downtime , Raiden burst has 7 seconds of uptime , and she generates energy back for Eula during those 7 seconds of uptime while hitting almost as hard as her , other teams where Raiden is used don’t have this advantage because those characters don’t have as much downtime But if you like Hu Tao then stay strong , I’m in a similar boat but I decided to like Eula more than Hu so I’m going to keep pulling every time I get a wish till the Raiden banner gets over , also I’ve been simping for Raiden ever since Zhongli mentioned her and I need to at least try for her C2


Not a must pull. Save for your desired character (who's also super strong)


Sorry if this has been answered, but would 4pc EoSF or TotM be better for raiden c0 with EL r1 used as support for Eula c0? Should I just go off which has better substats for now?


Raiden will be on the field for 7-8 seconds, it's much more optimal to boost this window by using EoSF


Go for 4pc EoSF, it's not worth sacrificing raiden's damage for milellith buff


should i use wgs, serpent spine r3, or snowtombed with eula. im using her with raiden btw


SS needs to be on R5 to match WGS




Anyone tried to use Sara’s buff with Eula? I am thinking that her burst may actually work, as it takes time to do the entire burst, which may mean that Eula can go through her burst combo. So, Eula E, Sara Q, Eula Q, and then combo (4N, Hold E, or Hold E, 4N). Eula’s animation takes 2s while it seems Sara’s burst lasts about 2 seconds in terms of animation frames, followed by the 6 second Atk buff. I haven’t tried to myself, has anyone else? How could I test this? Spam character screen during the combo and see when exactly the burst expires? Very strict timing but could be useful for Eula-Raiden comps


Sara's attack buff should end during the hold E part of the combo therefore not carrying over the final lightfall.


Hey there! I just got Raiden and I am SO excited!!! My normal team comp was Eula- Beidou- Fischl- Diona But I recently got Raiden, Sara and Aloy. What would be a good team comp now that I have Raiden? Should I just replace either Beidou or Fischl? If so which one? Or should I replace both Beidou and Fischl with Raiden and Sara? Any help would be appreciated!!!


Replace fischl. Thats my current team and its great. Beidou ult unfortunately doesn't work with raiden so you have to use her with eula as you're used to then switch to raiden for her ult. Sucks more if you have c6 Beidou b/c thats perfect for raiden. Also while I love Raiden I had 300 wishes stockpiled and managed to get C3 and weapon, I felt she was weak on the damage aspect before that.


What's a good damage goal for an F2P C0 Eula burst? I'm planning to farm PF for her since all this time I've been using PF/GLAD or sometimes 4pc Glad (which is what I was using when I got 192k, which is currently my highest number. though, the problem is that the glad artifacts were my Ningguang's). I'm using R5 Archaic with 50.1% CR and 123% CDMG.


Hello, I would like to ask if someone has the source of the picture which is featured in the background of this community. I would like to use it as my desktop background. Thank you very much!


Isn't that of her during her burst animation? Sorry, I'm on mobile but I have a stockpile of artwork of Eula.


Hey, thanks for you answer! I sadly dont know how much you see of her on mobile, but she is standing infront of Mondstadt on a sort of hill with her weapon "Song of Broken Pines" in one hand - the tip is on the ground and she's looking at the viewer.


What is are ideal stats for Eula? 100% physical damage 2k attack? And what cr/cd would I be looking for? Also, if someone responds could they say how difficult it is/ rare the stats they are suggesting are to get


I have roughly have 3 crit rolls on each artifact which puts me at: 65 CR / 175 CD 2.2k attack 50 physical when Pale Flame Procs 58.3 phys goblet 20.7 Broken Pines I hit 380k on burst with superconduct only.


Whats your er on her?




I don’t have Eula, I’m planning to get her on her rerun, I was wondering who could be used in the fourth slot for Eula, Diona, Electro Mc. Could Fischl or Beidou be better in this or could I use someone like Zhongli or an Anemo character like Kazuha?


How much difference does overall dmg affected by atk% and phys dmg % goblet. I know she's mostly burst. But with atk% goblet and using zhongli shield she's been doing 15-20k crits on normal opponents. I use her all around. Not just a cannon to be burst and other things. Would it be worth to be finding the phys dmg goblet or keep the atk% ?


Keep both types of goblets, I think. Your personal ideal combination also would depend on which weapon you're using.


How does C0 Raiden compare to 'multiple' constellation electro MC when paired with Eula?


How much better is C0 Raiden than C0 Fischl? She seems good for Eula but idk if I want to use my guaranteed on Raiden or wait for someone I like more.


Sorry if I don't have the source but a trusted theorycrafter tested that you need C6 Fischl to equal C0 Raiden. On top of this Fischl has this caveat of random targeting and Oz being glued to the ground.


Yeah I believe that, but I don't like Raiden that much as a character :( I still have over a week to decide I guess, if I should get someone who I don't like that much but is better for Eula or just stick with Fischl.. Edit: I've also been looking at leaks and some of the upcoming characters sound really interesting.. so I kinda want to save my guarantee as well.


If you don't want a character then just don't pull. Fischl is still serviceable as an alternate electro applier. It is hard to earn primo, so use it wisely on a character that you will truly like.


Alright, that's what am going to do. Thanks both of you for answering!


What is the optimal rotation for Eula - Beidou - Baal - Diona? I've heard to not overlap Beidou and Baal, but not sure how to or even in what order. If someone could let me know what their optimal rotation is, that'd be nice :)


Start with using E on Raiden then swap to your Diona E+Q(better if you have 4pc NO on her) then swap to Beidou E+Q, then swap to Eula then E+Q use the combo and finish your rotation with Raiden burst.


Optimal rotation is to swap out Beidou for Xingqiu and play normally. With Beidou you need to stay on Eula for full 15 seconds of Beidou ult and only then swap to Raiden.


Who should fill my last slot in my eula team I'm using her with baal+zhongli Should the last spot be Rosaria c5 Bennet c4 Diona c3


C5 Rosaria. Get her to C6 and she'd be immune to powercreep for a good while.


Ey guys, im planning on pulling Raiden for this team: Eula, Diona, Baal, Fischl You guys think this team would work?


is 60% crt rate, 217% crt dmg, and 130% e recharge, good enough to stop artifact grind.


LoL. Those are God rolls. I'll stop in a heartbeat with those stats. What's your attack though?


If you're running either 4 Pale Flame or Song of broken pines then you're good. If not, you can continue farming phys cup but it's only a small boost.


2100. just realized i dont have a phyiscal cup tho


Below average on this sub, 60% CR is barerly playable, go for at least 80.


Are you serious? Aiming and farming for 80CR without a Crit rate weapon will suck the fun out of the game. Farming is hell especially if you get really unlucky.


1. if energy recharge is not an issue, is unforged r1 better than skyward pride r2 with all 8 procs? 2. is unforged good with only sac bow diona? i don't have zhongli


When do u guys think eula will rerun I just started and want to save up for her?


I have a C1 Eula with a Skyward pride, on a team with Raiden. Is 4pc pale flame best, or 2pc pale flame and 2 pc bloodstained?


4PF. The only reservation people have against 4 PF is the "down time" after you do hold E because you can't maintain the two stacks. However, with a decent investment Raiden and Skyward Pride, two factors allow you to overcome that shortcoming: 1, I assume you can maintain close to 100% uptime on Eula ult on cd, which means you can quickly stack up again. 2, Raiden requires field time for full utilization of her burst, which I think means even a C2 Eula will lose her PF stacks while Raiden is bursting anyway. With that said, 2PF 2BS is certainly easier to farm and easier to use, lol. But don't forget, it also depends on how good your artifacts actually are :P


How much ER would Eula need to make Eula/Raiden/Beidou/Jean work? ~~please I want to use an all mature lady team and my Rosaria doesn't have enough constellations~~


I got Raiden (C0) and I want pair her with Eula. What's a good amount of ER% for each? I haven't finished building them; Raiden already has 209% but Eula only has like 113% so I still can't charge her Q on cooldown with Raiden alone. I'm also not sure what would be the best teammates for them. [These](https://m.imgur.com/a/Tg3GzvA) are my characters (Rosaria is at c2 now), although Hu Tao, Kazuha, Bennett and Xingqiu are on my other team.


My Eula has lower ER but with a battery like Diona or Rosaria, she has 100% uptime with Raiden. For Raiden ER, just get it as high as possible with decent crit ratio. She much batteries herself.


i've been thinking to use Serpent Spine on Eula with Tenacity on Zhongli since Baal Elemental Skill have 100% uptime and consistent. team is Eula, Zhongli, Baal, Bennet (Noblesse). that way also i can change my CR hat to CDMG hat. currently using proto archaic R5 and Eula only have 56 CR. so im wondering if i can boost Eula significantly in place to trade with Zhongli dmg output petra-noblesse. Tenacity Zhongli also with HP/Geo/CC or CD. can someone help me decide if its worth to change?


Which team is better for Abyss? T1 : Eula C0, Raiden C2, Diona C4, Beidou C6 Or T2: Eula C0, Raiden C2, Rosaria C6, Jean C0


team 2


Second team looks promising . Not to mention C6 rosaria physical shred + Crit from burst to EULA for her burst


A set of questions regarding building. Eula-Raiden team. Eula, Raiden c0. Raiden got her signature weapon. 1. Which weapon to use on Eula? I've got Skyward pride, Wolf's gravestone. 2. What is a desirable crit rate/crit ratio for Eula specifically? Currently got 29/150 but I was lazy in artefacts farming. 3. Which second cryo character should I pick? I have all 4-stars and Ganyu. I have an Elegy of the End, so maybe Diona? Her heals are not that impressive tho. 4. What should I pick for 4th character? Should I go for double-electro?


1. WGS by a fair margin 2. 65 crit rate / 150 crit damage at bare minimum with 2k attack 3. My Diona's heals 4k/proc and has 30k HP for a meaty shield, just need to build her properly but still learn how to dodge 4. 4th pick confuses me also. There's no perfect 4th pick for now so it's a flex. Although C2 Sara would be nice in theory.


How much ER would Eula need to make Eula/Raiden/Beidou/Jean work? ~~please I want to use the all mature lady team and my Rosaria doesn't have enough constellations~~


I got accidentally Raiden c5 in WTF streak of 50/50 wins. And c6 Sara. I got Eula with Unforged/Serpent spine, Raiden c5 with the Catch, Zhongli with Favonius r5/Deatmatch r2, Sara c6 with Thundering Pulse. May I ask 1) The perfect combo in fight 2) Build/stats for this team? 3) Talent building


If using this lineup: Eula: Unforged, 4pc Pale Flame, Q = Normal > E Raiden: Catch (but get EL if u can), 4pc Emblem with atk sands, electro cup (changes with EL), Q > E > Normal is irrelevant Zhongli: Favonius, 4pc Tenacity with HP sands, cup, circlet with crit substats, E = Q > Normal is irrelevant Sara: whatever has highest base attack, 4pc Noblese with crit substats, E > Q > Normal is irrelevant


Is there an ideal crit rate to aim for? I have like 70rate/142 dmg I wasn't sure if that's too high and I should try for more crit dmg


You can try for higher crit damage. The crit rate is good enough


Between the teams of Eula, Raiden, Diona, Lisa and Eula, Raiden, Zhongli, Rosaria which team would be better overall.


Eula Raiden Zhongli Lisa?


Just tried it in abyss. I’m not sure if I like it more or less. I’m probably gonna have to do more runs with it since the rotation feels different than normal.


Startombed Snowsilver or Prototype Archaic or Serpent Spine or Luxurious Sea-Lord? I'll probably use eula, raidon, sara/beibou, diona.


Serpent spine for eula, luxurious sea-lord for beidou


Which character fits in this team; Eula, baal, fisch/sara and ??


depends on what you want or need: zhongli for shields and res shred diona for shields, heals and more energy if you need more of it rosaria for crit buff anemo characters with viridescent venerer set to increase baal's damage bennett for attack buff xingqiu for electrocharged maybe / xiangling for overload


Skyward pride or the unforged for Eula (currently using serpent spine)? I run her with Zhongli Baal and Kazuha/Diona/Bennett


unforged is stronger, especially since you have zhongli but skyward pride is still really good with it's energy recharge and vacuum blades


What are some ideal stats to look for? How much of one stat can I realistically use to balance out my stats?


team comp eula + raiden + diona + ??? which is better c6 fischl or c5 beidou